HomeMy WebLinkAboutFedEx Ground-Controlled Construction Report_2 11.10.2022 November 10, 2022 Mark Grylls, Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Controlled Construction - Report No. 2 FedEx Ground Distribution Center 225 Whites Path Units B & C, Yarmouth, MA Dear Mr. Grylls, Construction activities at the subject project during the months of August & September, the following general work has occurred: 1. Unit B · Linear floor drains were installed, and new concrete slab infills were placed · Existing diagonal bracing systems were altered and lower X-braces we removed. Structural steel reinforcing was installed including columns, new tie beams, and new moment connections. · Demo in office areas also continued to make way for new work · Misc plumbing, mechanical and electrical rough work were installed 2. Unit C · Floor drain was installed near ramp entry · Existing diagonal bracing systems were altered and lower X-braces we removed. Structural steel reinforcing was installed including columns, new tie beams, and new moment connections. · Demo in office areas also continued to make way for new work · Misc plumbing, mechanical and electrical rough work were installed 3. Site Work · Clearing was completed and new excavations created for new drainage basin and space for new parking areas · New storm water infrastructure was installed Briggs Engineering and Testing has been retained to conduct concrete, welding and structural and reinforcing steel testing. Additionally, Northeast Geotechnical Solutions have been retained for soil and compaction testing. Their reports issued to date have been sent to you and Mr. Sears via email. Catalyst (CAI) has reviewed their test reports and have not found any areas of concern. If you have any questions about the testing reports, please contact my office. We have been attending weekly job meetings and conducting site visits frequently to monitor work in progress and adherence to the construction documents. All work completed to date has been done in a good and workmanship-like manner and in general accordance with the construction documents and applicable code. We have attached field reports from our consultants including: · Structural Field Report #1 Dated 10/11/2022 · Structural Field Report #1 Dated 10/21/2022 The following text and images describe some of the highlights of the work recently completed work: Pic -2.1 The cleared area was excavated for new drainage swale. Pic-2.2 Crews install channel sections to reinforce columns prior to removal of the lower X-Braces Pic 2.3 Place concrete fill in plumbing trenches. Rebar dowels were installed at regular intervals at all edges. The backfill below the slab was compacted and tested. Pic 2.4 Drain and Vent piping was extended outside the existing foundation Pic 2.5 The new drainage basin was rough graded with loam freshly screened form on-site material Pic 2.6 New Roof Access Stair was partially erected If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Kurt E. Raber Principal-In-Charge CC: Tim Sears (Town of Yarmouth Deputy Building Commissioner) Greg Bilezikian (Owner) David Fernandes (Dellbrook|JKS) Marina Denisova (Dellbrook|JKS) Scott Mitchell (Dellbrook|JKS) Mike Schmidt (Dellbrook|JKS) Rick Fenuccio (OPM, ClearPath Advisors) Kate Wollman (Catalyst Architecture & Interiors) CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. 336 Baker Avenue 978-461-6100 Concord, MA 01742 www.cse-ma.com October 21, 2022 Kurt Raber Catalyst Architecture/Interiors 203 Willow Street, Suite A Yarmouthport, MA 02675 Kurt@catalystarchitects.com RE: Structural Field Report #1 225 Whites Path South Yarmouth, MA CSE 05841 Date of field visit: October 11, 2022 Present during field visit: Kevin Poore, CSE Kurt Raber, Catalyst Kate Wollman, Catalyst Mike Schmidt, DJKS The following was noted during the field visit: 1. Structural steel work was observed in progress in Unit B. a. MC10 steel channel column reinforcement was in place and temporarily welded to columns. Contractor to fully weld channels in accordance with the design documents and approved shop drawings. b. Lower brace frame angles were in the process of being removed at both the 5/7 and 9/11 column bays across the full width of Unit B. Contractor was reminded that the approved sequencing plan permits only one of those column bays to have existing braces removed at a time to maintain the integrity of the lateral system until the new moment frames are in place. Contractor stated they would replace the brace angle bolts that had been removed in bay 5/7 until the work was complete in bay 9/11. 2. Steel work in Unit C had not begun at the time of observation. 3. Dock levelers in Unit C between column lines X and AA were observed to be removed with the existing slab on grade cut back to accommodate the planned infills. Other than as noted above, the structural work was observed to be progressing in general conformance with the requirements of the structural design documents. The above items were reviewed with the general contractor prior to my departure from the site. Sincerely, Kevin E. Poore CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. KEPoore@cse-ma.com (617) 791-6333 CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. October 21, 2022 Field Report Page 2 of 2 cc: Kate Wollman, Catalyst Architecture/Interiors, Kate@catalystarchitects.com Brian Walsh, Consulting Structural Engineer, BAWalsh@cse-ma.com CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. 336 Baker Avenue 978-461-6100 Concord, MA 01742 www.cse-ma.com November 9, 2022 Kurt Raber Catalyst Architecture/Interiors 203 Willow Street, Suite A Yarmouthport, MA 02675 Kurt@catalystarchitects.com RE: Structural Field Report #2 Fedex Warehouse and Distribution Center Alterations 225 Whites Path South Yarmouth, MA CSE 05841 Date of field visit: October 21, 2022 Present during field visit: Brian Walsh, CSE Mike Schmidt, DJKS The following was noted during the field visit: 1. Structural steel work is ongoing within Unit B, the following was observed: a. MC10 steel channel column reinforcement is in place throughout and fully welded in approximately half of the locations while the other half are temporarily tack welded in place pending final welding. i. All completed MC10 channels are welded with 18-inch termination welds and 2-inch stitch welds spaced at 12-inches on center as per detail 1/S0.3. b. W12 moment beams shown in details A&B/S0.3 are observed in place. c. All existing bracing has been removed where scheduled per plan. d. W12 moment beam on grid line A/13 to A/15 is not in place as of this observation. e. Brace repairs along grid line 15/T to 15/U are not in place as of this observation. 2. Structural steel work in Unit C is observed as follows: a. MC10 steel channel column reinforcement is not in place as of this observation. This work is pending. b. W12 moment beams shown in details A&B/S0.3 are observed in place. c. All existing bracing has been removed where scheduled per plan. d. W18 moment beams per details C&D/S0.3 are not in place and pending installation at this time. e. W12 moment beam on grid line U’/13 to U’/15 is not in place as of this observation. 3. Utility work is in progress in advance of the dock ramp wall construction at doors 11 & 12 in Unit B. Ramp wall work has not started at Unit C. 4. Mechanical roof framing, office block framing and roof access stair construction has not started as of this observation. The structural work continues to progress in general accordance with the design documents. The above items were reviewed with the general contractor prior to my departure from the site. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. November 9, 2022 Field Report Page 2 of 2 Sincerely, Brian A. Walsh, P.E., SECB CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, INC. BAWalsh@cse-ma.com (978) 866-8354 cc: Kate Wollman, Catalyst Architecture/Interiors, Kate@catalystarchitects.com Kevin Poore, Consulting Structural Engineer, KEPoore@cse-ma.com