HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 Dec - eDEP WhiteWater WATER & WASTEWATER SOLUTIONS 11/01/2022 vLOVEsl] NOV 0 3 2022 Monthly Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Email Distribution Request HEALTH DEPT. Dear Valued Wastewater Customer On December 2, 2016, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) amended its regulations governing groundwater discharges under 314 CMR 5.00: Groundwater Discharge Permit Program. (GWDP) 314CMR5.16(20) — Reporting Requirement for Monitoring Reports states that: "Monitoring reports shall be reported on a Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR)at the intervals specified in the permit....beginning December 2, 2017, a permittee shall submit all DMRs electronically, using the electronic reporting system designated by MassDEP." As a user in this electronic system we can assign email addresses for distribution of this report. To conserve paper and reduce our carbon footprint, WhiteWater Inc would like to request that you provide a contact email address, so we may send an electronic copy of the submitted DMR moving forward. Please send you email address along with your system name as it appears on the Dir. to: ebelair@RHwhite.com . In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact me directly at 888-377-7678 or my email address as listed above. Regards, 2 Elizabeth Belair Operations Coordinator 253B Worcester Road, Charlton MA 01507 - Phone: 888-377-7678/ Fax 508-248-2895 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection eDEP Transaction Copy Here is the file you requested for your records. To retain a copy of this file you must save and/or print. Username: EBELAIR Transaction ID: 1436342 Document: Groundwater Discharge Monitoring Report Forms Size of File: 1602.38K Status of Transaction: Submitted Date and Time Created: 10/28/2022:3:47:33 PM Note: This file only includes forms that were part of your transaction as of the date and time indicated above. If you need a more current copy of your transaction, return to eDEP and select to "Download a Copy" from the Current Submittals page. i:U+/ 113 2022 H!EA.LTH DEPT. _..., ✓UI GUN VI I SGJVLII VG I I VLGVLIVl I- VI VUI 1,..111V QLGI L./IJVI IUIL.1G I I VI,.I CAI II I. ! CI III,IYU111✓GI I ,., i Groundwater Permit ' 2.Tax identification Number DAILY LOG SHEET 2022 SEP DAILY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use IMAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address YARMOUTH MA 102673 iini c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: WAMARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 12035574777 Imweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 19/30/2022 (WHITEWATER a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name JAIME STEWART c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency 1 Daily Log Sheet-2022 Sep Daily All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. - This is the last selection. 3. - Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 UUIGQU VI I\GJVUIVG I IVLGVLI VII VIVUIIV YYQLGI VIJVIIQI\�G 1 IVI,I QI11 1 f 011111l IVVIIIVGI , .. Groundwater Permit 1, DAILY LOG SHEET 2.Tax identification Number 2022 SEP DAILY 3. Sampling Month &Frequency C. Daily Readings/Analysis Information Date Effluent Reuse Irrigation Turbidity Influent pH Effluent Chlorine UV Flow GPD Flow GPD Flow GPD pH Residual Intensity (mg/I) (%) 1 10588 I 7.3 1 2 I10799 = 7.2 I= I= 3 10800 j I I I I I 4 10799 1 II = I 5 10800 1 I I II II I= L= I= 6 51119 I 1 7.1 I 7 9932 ! I L I 1 I I 7.2 I 8 10096 7.3 9 12919 I 1 7.2 I 10 12918_ 1 �� 11 12919 j 12 6525 _ i l 7.1 13 10128 I 7.1 1 14 11477 L I 7.2 15 10058 1 1 1 7.1 = 16 12699 7 I 17 12700 = ( ! I= 18 12699 I I I 19 11058 ] _— 7 I 20 10963 I I I 21 11453 I I�I 7.1 22 11539 I ___ I 7.1 23 9560 C1 24 9561 I P I i _ _______I j 25 9560 26 9278 1 7.1 1 27 10529 = 7.4 ___i 28 15183 i 17.3 29 15183 I i I = 7.3 II 30 15183 ! 1 1-1 --- I 7.3 P i 31 gdpols.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet•Page 1 of 1 ✓lli Gau VI i\GJVuiVO I I\/LGVlil/ii- SJiVUI IUYYOLGI LJiOVi IOU G I I Vyi ai it I. Glllilt Ivu1111JGi Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 SEP MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use (MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b. Street Address YARMOUTH rMA 1(52673 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.� c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: MARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 2035574777 (mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: IWHITEWATER a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name JAIME STEWART c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency Monitoring Well Data Report-2022 Sep Monthly • r — All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. C This is the last selection. 3. - Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 . ✓IJI round C0IA VI I\OJV4I le I I V\0PVer11V1 I m— VitI VUI RIVYC0LCI V1Jl.11Q1 VG I I.JW Q111 1. r GI III.144111V01 . Gwater MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 SEP MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC =too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#: 2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 PH 16.1 6 6.2 6.2 I 6.1 6.4 S.U. STATIC WATER LEVEL 118.65 11.73 10.14 10.15 10.17 12.03 FEE! SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE '215 133 225 218 264 102 UMHOS/C mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit•Page 1 of 1 ✓. GQU VI I\GOVU1 Lee I I VIGI'UVI V”../\AI I VVOtGI VOIi 10 yG I I VW QI I I I. I GI I I I,INIUII IL/GI Groundwater Permit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2.Tax identification Number •IL., MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2022 SEP MONTHLY 3.Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC =too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#: 2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#: 6 PH 6.3 6.2 6 '6.2 I 6.4 6.3 S.U. STATIC WATER LEVEL 112.02 12.03 10.91 10.72 13.22 11.24 I-Et I SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 198 234 176 298 302 1208 UMHOS/C mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 UUI OQU VI I%GJVUI\,O I IVLGI.11\/I 1- tJI Vul 1�.IYYQIG1 VIJS,1 ICH I I VyI QIII I. f CI I I lit 19UII IVGI 1LGroundwater Permit "'°i 2.Tax identification Number MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2022 QUARTERLY 3 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address 'YARMOUTH IMA 102673 Ali ' c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: JramMARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 12035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 9/29/2022 iRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name IPAUL PERROTTI c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency I Monitoring Well Data Report-2022 Quarterly 3 — All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. - This is the last selection. r 3. — Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet• Page 1 of 1 1 41 OOIJ VI I SCJalall a,G I I vaca,1Aal1 I - VI VIA I IYYOLGI IJIJad ICU VG I I%J I allI I. ( cl 11111 rlull1Uc1 Groundwater Permit '�4 LMONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 QUARTERLY 3 ' 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-1 MW-2 MW-3D MW-3M MW-3S MW-4D Units Well#: 1 Well#:2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 NITRATE-N I ND I ND I ND I 'ND I ND ND MG/L TOTAL NITROGEN(NO3+NO2+TK ND ND ND ND ND ND MG/L TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P 0.046 0.12 0.10 10.094 0.091 0.078 MG/L ORTHO PHOSPHATE (ND ND ND ND ND ND MG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 `4 LJu,cola lu 1\Con/u,l.. I I ulcl,Uul I - VI JUI IUYYatcI ✓ I o IJ .I ll u yc I I VW al I I I. I VI I l Ill I'l1111Jc1 - Groundwater Permit MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT 2.Tax identification Number 2022 QUARTERLY 3 3. Sampling Month&Frequency C. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" < • TNTC =too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled • DRY= Not enough water in well to sample. Parameter/Contaminant MW-4M MW-4S MW-5 MW-6 MW-8D MW-8S Units Well#: 1 Well#: 2 Well#: 3 Well#:4 Well#: 5 Well#:6 NITRATE-N ND ND ND ND ND ND MG/L TOTAL NITROGEN(NO3+NO2+TK ND 0.75 I ND ND ND ND MG/L TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P 0.014 1 0.030 0.044 0.086 ND 0.079 MG/L ORTHO PHOSPHATE ND ND ND ND ND ND MG/L mwdgwp-blank.doc•rev. 09/15/15 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1 'SS VUIGQU VI I\GJVUI VG I I VIGVIl,./I I- VI V1.AI IUYYCIIGI VIJVIICH I,G I I 11l910111 1. f Gllllll IVUIIIVGI Groundwater Permit11111111111111111111111111111111111 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2. Tax identification Number '2022 SEP MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency A. Facility Information Important:when filling out forms on 1. Facility name,address: the computer, use [MAYFLOWER PLACE only the tab key to a.Name move your cursor- do not use the 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD return key. b.Street Address [YARMOUTH rgi [MA 102673 c.City d.State e.Zip Code 2. Contact information: jmy 4' IMARK WEINBERGER a.Name of Facility Contact Person 12035574777 mweinberger@maplewoodsl.com b.Telephone Number c.e-mail address 3. Sampling information: 19/29/2022 IRI ANALYTICAL a.Date Sampled(mm/dd/yyyy) b.Laboratory Name PAUL PERROTTI c.Analysis Performed By(Name) B. Form Selection 1. Please select Form Type and Sampling Month&Frequency Discharge Monitoring Report-2022 Sep Monthly 1- All forms for submittal have been completed. 2. - This is the last selection. r 3. — Delete the selected form. gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Daily Log Sheet•Page 1 of 1 ✓IAI GQU VI I\GJVUI GG I IVtCI.tlV1 I- VI VUI IUVVQIGI ✓IJVI1Q1 I.'Gi I I VI,.I al II I. f Gllllit IYUIIIVGI a Groundwater Permit DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT 2. Tax identification Number 12022 SEP MONTHLY 3. Sampling Month&Frequency D. Contaminant Analysis Information • For"0", below detection limit, less than (<)value, or not detected, enter"ND" • TNTC=too numerous to count. (Fecal results only) • NS = Not Sampled 1. Parameter/Contaminant 2.Influent 3.Effluent 4.Effluent Method Units Detection limit BOD i ND ND 3.0 MG/L TSS 2.0 ND I 2.0 MG/L TOTAL SOLIDS 430 MG/L AMMONIA-N IND MG/L NITRATE-N 5.3 I' 0.050 MG/L TOTAL NITROGEN(NO3+NO2+TKN) 6.07 0.50 MG/L OIL&GREASE 11.6 I 0.50 MG/L infeffrp-blank.doc•rev.09/15/15 Groundwater Permit Discharge Monitoring Report• Page 1 of 1 L ✓41 caU VI I\GJVUI Iic I I.JLOVUVI I - VI vui iurvaI.ci LIIOUI lalyc I I Vyl 0111 f CI MIL Ivu111VG1 . Groundwater PermitIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2.Tax identification Number Facility Information Important:When 'MAYFLOWER PLACE filling out forms on a.Name the computer, use only the tab key to 1579 BUCK ISLAND ROAD move your cursor- b. Street Address do not use the YARMOUTH MA j02673 retum key. c.City d.State e.Zip Code `fili Certification "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the 17! information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate and complete. I am aware that the are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." 'ELIZABETH BELAIR 110/28/2022 Any person signing a.Signature b.Date(mm/dd/yyyy) a document under 314 CMR 5.14(1)or (2)shall make the Re 1 ortin• Packa•e Comments following PLANT MET ALL DISCHARGE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2022. certification If you are filing electronic-ally and want to attach additional comments, select the check box. r gdpdls 2015-09-15.doc• rev. 09/15/15 Groundwater Permit• Page 1 of 1