HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 2622TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD CF APPEALS DECISION jV 8 PR 18 All :59 FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: APR t 8 1989 10W I kLA Ui;t HEARING DATE: March 30 , 1989 PETITIONER: Parsha Boyington 536 8>Q.a \OuD PETITION NO: 2622 Members of the Board of Appeals present and voting: Donald Henderson, David B. Oman, Leslie Campbell, Fritz Lindquist , David Reid. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in The Yarmouth Sun on 3/15/89 and 3/22/89, the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. The following appeared in favor of the petition: Parsha Boyington; The Sign Design Review Board. REASON FOR DECISION Ms Boyinton purchased the business 3 years ago. She recently changed the name of the shop from Miss Joannes to: 'Parsha' Hair Salon of Yarmouth" . cus is the plaza on Old town L ._se road and Forrest Road and the shop is located with,n .this business. .center. Presently the sign is 10 ' long, the shop measures 28 ' in length and; per Section 303 . 4 . 6. 2 Business Center Signs P,°R18 all :59 no sign shall be longer than one third of the T^ -1' running footage of the portion of the building occupieW WH L rth a KCt+ t.t by this business . " this section of the by-law allows the petitioner a sign of 9 ' 4" in length. This Board individually viewed the site and finds this is a unique situation and that a 6" sign variance is minimal. We unanimously recommend this sign variance of 6" due to the fact that the size, location, and design are in harmony with the architectural features of the existing building and compatible with the surrounding signs . Therefore, we authorize a sign variance to Parsha Boyington. No permit issued until 20 days from date of filing decision with the Town Clerk. Property and/or structure located at 536 Old Town House Rd. , So. Yarm. , Ma. Assessor's Map# 76, Parcel# N 168. Fritz Lindquist Clerk TIN OF YARMOUTH 1OtRD OF _." PEALS OWNERS: Name: jc -.C'. i ,7.) D : A(AJ,c(' - rnarc(!t' (Rear.tj l rJSt Appeals # lool` o Address: 11a , JJ Hearing Date:Y1c_idrk.) Mom, c)ai y S 6//7Paid: d/ I-r-el-- J C--ji <' (0iC -(`,C) Tel f one:S!-, -& - w PETITIONER: Name: r Addres:1 1 C;-&---C -i.e'; . h - C,(' ) C r leyv 00 f--k -)110z,_.., , uilding Inspector This application is for the property and/or structure located at .±3VC CIO ;((;,(4 ciJC,C,S,C c. L-(0. ,„ C'c-tI Assessor' s Mapll 76, Parcel # A/ I(,; G' I, we, hereby request the action checked below: 1. Appeal from decision of the Building Inspector to grant permit and petition your Board for a public hearing on this action. 2. Application for SPECIAL PERMIT under Section(s) of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized in the "Use Regulation Schedule " Section(s) Petition for VARIANCE from the terms of the Yarmouth ZoningB -law to allow:y1-1) e exi _ .. in ci C ctc. (j !Div (y " S(CgR -tc rery)ai2, q S iS e f- ct.-L--_c„c.I1 ct, p h 0 's U Q c cX, s c.c_h 0 t--1,e I- r- N_ I i(4) `I 1. nA r0_, r Pe ir S r f''t' - - In order to grant petition, a vdriance of Section(s) of the By-lawisnecessary. A list of abutters within 300 feet of the perimeter of the property, as shown on the most recent Assessor's Maps is attached. Copies of the Ries and Regulations of, the Board and a general information: sheet are available from the Boards' s Secretary. c_ co C z 0 44..c re-qi,IM?9 -/ SIGN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATION PETITIONER: Parsha Boyington d/b/a Parsha's The Hair Salon of Yarmouth HEARING DATE: February 21, 1989 PETITIONER'S REQUEST: to allow the 10' attached sign to ramain as is. RRCCCIMENDATION: Ms Boyington purchased the business 3 years ago. She recently changed the name of the shop from Miss Joannes to: Parsha's Hair Salon of Yarmouth" Locus is the plaza on Old Town House Road and Forrest Road and the shop islocatedwithinthisbusinesscenter. Presently the sign is 10' long, the shop measures 28' in length and; per Section 303.4.6.2 Business Center Signs no sign shall be longer than one third of the running footage of the portion of the building occupied by this business. this section of the by-law allows the petitioner a sign of 9' 4" in length. This Board individually viewed the site and finds this is a unique situation as' -Y the signs in this plaza are pre-existing non-conformingandthata6" sign variance is minimal. We unanimously recommend this sign variance of 6" due to the fact that the size, location, and design are in harmony with the architecturial features of the existing building and compatible with the surrounding signs. Fern Lemay C - Ronald Schmidt Lyn3ip Mcllveen