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3673_Handren_9 Oak Hill Ln_S Yarmouth_AirLeakage
Air Leakage Property Greg Handren 9 Oak Hill Lane South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Weather:Barnstable AP, MA Oak Hill 3673_Handren_9 Oak Hill Ln_S Yarmouth_HERS_Final.MEB Organization Target Inspections 888-280-2108 Steven Grevelis Builder Handren Brothers Builders Whole House Infiltration ASHRAE 62.2 - Ventilation Requirements The ASHRAE 62.2 flow rates shown above are the CONTINUOUS mechanical fresh air ventilation which will meet the 'whole-building' requirement under that version of the standard. The 62.2-2013 rate incorporates any appropriate 'infiltration credit'. Intermittent mechanical ventilation may be used if the flow rate is adjusted accordingly. For example, the runtime can be reduced to 12 hours per day using a doubled flow rate, as long as the system provides ventilation at least once every 3 hours. For more detail, refer to the appropriate standard. REM/Rate - Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v16.0.6 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy costs or savings. © 1985-2021 NORESCO, Boulder, Colorado. HERS Confirmed 2022-10-21 Rating No:4958795.99 Rater ID:4958795 Duct Leakage Ventilation Blower Door Test Heating Cooling Natural ACH 0.12 0.10 ACH @ 50 Pascals 1.82 1.82 CFM @ 25 Pascals 470 470 CFM @ 50 Pascals 737 737 Eff. Leakage Area (sq.in) 40.5 40.5 Specific Leakage Area 0.00011 0.00011 ELA/100 sf shell (sq.in) 0.59 0.59 CFM50/sf shell 0.11 0.11 Leakage to Outside Units Main 2nd Flr CFM @ 25 Pascals 47 43 CFM25 / CFMfan 0.0538 0.0538 CFM25 / CFA 0.0311 0.0397 CFM per Std 152 N/A N/A CFM per Std 152 / CFA N/A N/A CFM @ 50 Pascals 73 67 Eff. Leakage Area (sq.in) 4.02 3.70 Thermal Efficiency N/A N/A Total Duct Leakage Units CFM25/CFA CFM25/CFA Total Duct Leakage 0.0311 0.0397 Mechanical Balanced ASHRAE ASHRAE Adj. Sensible Recovery Eff. (%) 85.0 62.2-2010 62.2-2013 Adj. Total Recovery Eff. (%) 52.0 Rate (cfm)156 63 83 Hours/Day 12.8 24.0 24.0 Fan Watts 99.0 Cooling Ventilation Natural Ventilation