HomeMy WebLinkAboutblde-21-006095 specs BARUN CORP
April 18,2021
Project Address: RUQIANG MO Residence
Design Criteria:
-Applicable Codes=2015 IBC W/780CMR,2015 IRC W/780CMR,2015 IEBC,ASCE 7-10,and 2015 NDS
-Risk Category=II
-Wind Speed=140 mph,Exposure Category B,Partially/Fully Enclosed Method
-Ground Snow Load=30 psf
-Roof 1:2x8 @ 16"OC,Roof DL=9 psf,Roof LL/SL=25 psf(Non-PV),Roof LL/SL=16.7 psf(PV)
To Whom It May Concern,
A jobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was provided.All structural evaluation is based on the
site inspection observations and the design criteria listed above.
Existing roof structural framing has been reviewed for additional loading due to installation of PV Solar System on the roof.The
structural review applies to the sections of roof that is directly supporting the solar PV system.
Based on this evaluation,I certify that the alteration to the existing structure by installation of the PV system meets the requirements of
the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above.
Additionally,the PV module assembly including attachment hardware has been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications and to meet and/or exceed the requirements set forth by the referenced codes.
Humphrey Kariuki,P.E. P a .14N
HUMPHREY Digitally signed by .RIUKIK. Tck
K KARIUKI Date: 4.18
1333:11 -04'00' U‘:FsG�p►SCTAL1r9as
Baron Corp(Design an0 EaginC o:;510 202 4506 ch,6k@baron torp-Com baron carp.com
Roof 1
PV System Dead Load(PV-DL)
PV module weight 2.5 psf
Hardware assembly weight 0.5 psf
PV-DL 3 psf
Roof Dead Load(R-DL) Material Panel Area
Existing Roofing Material Comp Roof 1 layers 2.5 psf
Underlayment 0.5 psf
Solid-Sheathing 2.5 psf
Rafter Size and Spacing 2 x 8 @ 16 in.O.C. 2.34 psf
Vaulted ceiling No 0 psf
Miscellaneous 1.5 psf
Total Roof Dead Load R-DL 9 psf
Reduced Roof Live Load(Lr) Expression Value
Roof Live Load Lo 20.0 psf
Member Tributary Area At <200 sf
Roof 1 Roof Pitch 7/12 or 30"
Trubutary Area Reduction R1 1
Slope Roof Reduction R2 0.85
Reduced Roof Live Load Lr=La(R1)(R2) 17.0 psf
Snow Load Value
Ground Snow Load Pg 30
Effective Roof Slope 30'
Snow Importance Factor IS 1.0
Snow Exposure Factor Ce 1.0
Snow Thermal Factor Ct 1.1
Minimum Flat Roof Snow Load Pf-min 20
Flat Roof Snow Load Pf 25
Slope Roof Snow Load on Roof (All other surfaces)
Roof Slope Factor Cs-roof 1.00
Ps-roof 25.00
Sloped Roof Snow Load on PV (Unobstructed slippery surfaces)
Roof Slope Factor Cs-p„ 0.67
Ps-pv 16.70
Baron Corp j Design and Engineering 610.202.4506 I chrisk@barun-corp.com www.barun-corp.com
1 WoodWorks®
Apr. 18, 2021 00:08 Roof 1
Design Check Calculation Sheet
WoodWorks Sizer 2019 (Update 1)
Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit
tern Start End Start End
DL Dead Full Area No 9.00 (16.0") psf
DL-PV Dead Partial Area No 9.00 11.00 3.00 (16.0") psf
SL-PV Snow Partial Area No 9.00 11.00 16.70 (16.0") psf
SL1 Snow Partial Area No 0.00 9.00 25.00 (16.0") psf
SL2 Snow Partial Area No 11.00 13.60 25.00 (16.0") psf
Maximum Reactions (lbs), Bearing Capacities (lbs) and Bearing Lengths (in) :
1' 13.579'
Dead 104 94
Snow 238 194
Total 342 287
F'theta 516 516
Joist 677 387
Support 398 398
Des ratio
Joist 0.51 0.74
Support 0.86 0.72
Load comb #2 #2
Length 0.50* 0.50*
Min req'd 0.50* 0.50*
Cb 1.75 1.00
Cb min 1.75 1.00
Cb support 1.25 1.25
Fcp sup 425 425
*Minimum bearing length setting used: 1/2"for end supports and 1/2"for interior supports
Roof 1
Lumber n-ply, S-P-F, No.1/No.2, 2x8, 1-ply (1-1/2"x7-1/4")
Supports: All- Lumber n-ply Beam, S-P-F No.1/No.2
Roof joist spaced at 16.0"c/c; Total length: 16.1'; Clear span: 1.134', 14.515'; Volume = 1.2 cu.ft.; Pitch: 7/12
Lateral support: top = continuous, bottom = at supports; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted (refer to online help);
This section PASSES the design code check.
Roof 1 WoodWorks®Sizer 2019(Update 1) Page 2
Analysis vs. Allowable Stress and Deflection using NDS 2018 :
Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Unit Analysis/Design
Shear fv = 32 Fv' = 155 psi fv/Fv' = 0.21
Bending(+) fb = 821 Fb' = 1389 psi fb/Fb' = 0.59
Bending(-) fb = 22 Fb' = 664 psi fb/Fb' = 0.03
Live Defl'n 0.35 = L/502 1.46 = L/120 in 0.24
Total Defl'n 0.60 = L/293 1.75 = L/100 in 0.34
Additional Data:
FACTORS: F/E(psi) CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC#
Fv' 135 1.15 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2
Fb'+ 875 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.200 - 1.15 1.00 1.00 - 2
Fb'- 875 1.15 1.00 1.00 0.478 1.200 - 1.15 1.00 1.00 - 2
Fcp' 425 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - -
E' 1.4 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2
Emin' 0.51 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 2
Shear : LC #2 = D+S
Bending(+) : LC #2 = D+S
Bending(-) : LC #2 = D+S
Deflection: LC #2 = D+S (live)
LC #2 = D+S (total)
Bearing : Support 1 - LC #2 = D+S
Support 2 - LC #2 = D+S
D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated E=earthquake
All LC's are listed in the Analysis output
Load combinations: ASD Basic from ASCE 7-16 2.4 / IBC 2018 1605.3.2
V max = 255, V design = 233 lbs; M(+) = 899 lbs-ft; M(-) = 24 lbs-ft
EI = 66.69e06 lb-in^2
"Live" deflection is due to all non-dead loads (live, wind, snow...)
Total deflection = 1.5 dead + "live"
Bearing: Allowable bearing at an angle F'theta calculated for each support
as per NDS 3.10.3
Lateral stability(-) : Lu = 14.56' Le = 22.81' RB = 29.7; Lu based on full span
Design Notes:
1. WoodWorks analysis and design are in accordance with the ICC International Building Code (IBC 2018), the National
Design Specification (NDS 2018), and NDS Design Supplement.
2. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application.
3. Continuous or Cantilevered Beams: NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the
middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the full length of cantilevers and other spans.
4. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1.
5. SLOPED BEAMS: level bearing is required for all sloped beams.
6. FIRE RATING: Joists, wall studs, and multi-ply members are not rated for fire endurance.
7. The critical deflection value has been determined using maximum back-span deflection. Cantilever deflections do not
govern design.