HomeMy WebLinkAbout98 Highbank Road Deed Search performed by Robert KelleyThis property at 98 Highbank Road had been part of a giant parcel of property in the Baker family for many generations, stemming from Nathaniel2 Baker who was granted most of this land in the 3,d Division of Common land in Yarmouth in 1713. NATHANIEL3 BAILER (NathanieJ2 Francis' Bakery b. at Yarmouth 29 January 1672;1 married at Yarmouth 8 November 1705 his cousin ELIZABETH3 BACAR;z daughter of Daniel. This is the Nathaniel Baker mentioned in the 1713 Division of Common lands at Yarmouth describing the Indian Reservation layout by the Yarmouth Proprietors ...Reserving ye way wholly open that leads from abisha marchants to Nathaniel Bakers. It is believed this Nathaniel lived along the County Road near where the Georgetown Cemetery is today, northerly of Joseph Eldridges field along Bass River. Most of the property in the vicinity of the present-day Bass River Golf Course was passed down from Nathaniel' Baker to his son Nathaniel, then to his son Nathaniel, then to his son Abrahams Baker, then to his sons. = :4 Laban6 Baker and Eben6 Baker were the main recipients of the land from the pond to the Town Road (Highbank Laban Baker Road). (1787 - 1878) There is a creek that runs from a pond to Bass River, that pond was known as Laban's Pond, named after laban' Baker. His house was located on a knoll on the west side of the pond. The present-day name of the pond is Turtle Pond. YVR: 126. 2 YVR: 136. Eben Baker owned much of the land on both sides of the Highbank Road, in common with his brothers. EBEN6 BAKER, farmer, b. 26 February 1785; d. 24 Nov. 1848; ml 2 Feb. 1805, Susannah Baker of Falmouth, Susanna died Dec. 1835; mZ Rebecca Killey, she married 2"d on 6 Sept. 1853, John Thomas. Eben Baker had 3 sons, Zeno, Ebenezer and one named Wilson V. Baker, b. 13 Sept. 1819; d. 7 Oct. 1886; m1 1844, Rebecca Baker; dau. of Laban Baker and Wilson's first cousin; mZ Rebecca C. Baker. I mention this because it helps identify the particular Rebecca mentioned in the deeds below. The house was owned by Wilson's uncle Laban Baker, and his brother Zeno Baker in common, half each. Then upon Laban's death Zeno acquires all the property. Even though Zeno Baker owned the property, the house was occupied by Wilson V. Baker, who mortgaged it out to his uncle and brother. It is believed that this is the same house lived in by Wilson's father Eben Baker, who married in 1805. If this is true, it is probable that the house was built upon the marriage of Eben to Susannah Baker in that year. In 1887, Zeno Baker's widow Lydia W. Baker in consideration of $1 pd. by Rebecca C. Baker, 2"d wife of Wilson V. Baker, conveys the homestead at 98 Highbank Road back to Wilson's widow, Rebecca. Deeds, 1854 to 1891. 27 September 1854: Mortgage: Wilson V. Baker of Yarmouth in consideration of $500 paid by Laban Baker of Yarmouth (uncle) conveys... all my real estate lying in Yarmouth and Dennis... also, one half of a dwelling house and barn cleared land in common with Zeno Baker (brother) and formerly the property of Eben Baker (father). 3 3 BCRD, Bk. 58:118 On the 1858 map the name W.V. Baker appears on the property. 22 June 1887: The last Will & Testament of Zeno Baker, late of Yarmouth authorized and empowered Lydia W. Baker, his widow... named to convey certain real estate... conveys to Rebecca C. Baker, (second wife of Wilson V. Baker) "a certain piece of cleared land situated in the Southerly part of South Yarmouth together with the Dwelling House and all other buildings 4 Yarmouth 1858 Map showing location and name of W.V. Baker at 98 Highbank Road. standing thereon, said land being bounded on the north by land of Charles Howard; on the south by land of Loren Baker, on the Fast by the heirs of Laban Baker, on the west by the town road... being the premises formerly occupied by Wilson V. Baker, deceased, as a homestead." 5 4 July 1877: Laban Baker of Yarmouth in consideration of $200 paid by Zeno Baker of Yarmouth, conveys... all the Real Estate situated in Yarmouth & Dennis that was conveyed to me by deed dated 27 Dec. 1854 by Wilson V. Baker, consisting of woodland, meadow and cleared land... also, a one-half part of a dwelling house, barn and cleared land which is owned in common with the above -named Zeno Baker, and formerly owned by the late Eben Baker. 6 July 1887: Lydia W. Baker, widow of Zeno Baker late of Yarmouth, and others in consideration of $1 pd. by Rebecca C. Baker of Yarmouth, widow of Wilson, convey a certain piece of land located in South Yarmouth "bounded on the west by the old Town Road... formerly occupied by Wilson V. Baker, deceased, as a homestead." This is a transfer of homestead of Wilson V. Baker to his 2" d wife Rebecca C. Baker, property owned by Wilson's brother Zeno and others. It appears that Wilson lived in this house a longtime, but when he lived there he did not own it, it was owned by other family members.' 27 October 1891: Rebecca C. Baker, of Yarmouth, widow of Wilson V. Baker of Yarmouth in consideration of $150 pd. by Elmer F. Whittemore of Yarmouth. "Formerly occupied by the late Wilson V. Baker", son of Eben Baker.8 5 BCRD, Bk. 175:332 6 BCRD, Bk. 129:291 1 BCRD, Bk. 163:442 8 BCRD, Bk. 198:164