HomeMy WebLinkAbout65 witchwoodI o eftTrl€d r>ltulzz- tsI. ILDING SITE LOCA'IIO\ PIiOPOSt:D \\'ORK r\ t'P l- l('A i\i T TO\\'N OF \'{R.\lOrrTH c- w"A p* L'I WATER DEPARTMENT t).) [l uck lslanii Ro.rd \\'e:i \.lrnlL)tilll l1\ ()16: j rrrrr.- ilifi/ --l-. !'ll . t.t\: I ,l )lJ , : : I - - ,I9lj BT]ILDING PERI\IIT APPLICAI'ION }-OR\\,,\]'ER DEP,{RTNIENT SIGN OI.'T ]-ItANS}IITTAL FOR}I E^tl. AtiKt ADt)RESS l^ I l:1.1'llO\E \\'iucr I )cpln nrc'trt : I :ttl.tinco in! [)epannldnl; ( Lrrrsg11 ;11i,111 f'0rttnrissiol1 I Iciilllr I )cpanllter)r a)tt-L dl u(ch vurf ;(p545- ta lF2-, - brtnt,lo*.ph ku*llt^ c"r"l, b*, RI:Sll)l:\Tl:\1, A\D OR ( O\1\ttltt( t,\I. BL ILDI\(.; l)elcr'r]tillc] (irrnpliirnl'c rrl'\\'trter.\tailahilitl irrr(l (n c\istinc localion | )clernrincs ('ornltliance tirr pari;itrl.: :rrrd l)l;rilalc l)clcrnrirrc: ( onrpliancc to \\'etlarrcls .\cr. i.c. llitrrts) htrrcler anr trle, olrru(lrrrrls. \lrrilnls. pollds. ri\cr.s. ()ceal. lrrrgs. bovs. ruarshlancl. LTt....I)ctcrltinc: ( trrrrpliartce to Stalr.' arrtl lirrr n l{cgLrlatiotrs. i c. rc(lul'cnr.:nls lirl Scptaee l)isprrsul ltrtl orlrcl l,rrhli,: I Icaltl: Actir itc:,lrilc I)cgrallrncnl l)ctcrrrrincs ('orrr;tliance to SIate altd 'lirrr n llutluircnrelts i.orSrrlctv. lltrpcrtv Ilrotectio:rs. i.c. Snrokc l)clcctors. Sprinkler Pcrsona I Syste rs,slc \PPI,I .\\I'SI \TL:II,}- ot.l.t( t] t-'s[_:otntr.\ I s ()\ p!.tt\ t .\ppRo\',\t_ oR t)t._\t,\l I).\1 t: & a)t, l- \\'ATER Dr vtSIo]l- (SrGN.,\TLRE)//'zt D,\'T }- R T,\'I [,\\'I,D B Zar /7 _- 0 lE: ocmaER rT. rorr /'/ lo.5' II JDl fg-i--- LOT J4 a >Z S'!OPHER lrlr.itot Hertth.AP 23.13 LOCUS MAP OEEP HOLE OATA DEC 15 2022 PROPOSEO DISTRIBUTION 8OXffi PROPOSTD SOJL AESORPTION SYSIEMaldilr'r4!'6l4'U C., C ';,lt I NOTES I Al picc^'t caMpolExls io Bfll-to MTtD arrcoMpoNErtlE {nH rraT rxnop TEo vExtclr.AR rMrfxIO IE H.2O RIIED.2- glv noltl o^r.n 6 rFos us05 ourD Mrp.!. MUltclPAt r EF ts AVrJL a.E... At! coxsrilcnot rc coxEoRrr l'lH .,10 ora ra.oolxD aL otHEt rFAlcrau toc - sr^E lll0 riDER,coo€s lro REcrn?nio6.5 6nUli/COl{mrtrca rc REvEw & '?EEiY [[E-6/AnOrS Ato oEraLS ^,,lO rEpofi ,^,yr otac tFAr€:o oEscnEi ,Rol To co\slPLrcroN 0i rssl,J€ ^t!iESPONSIE'U]Y,6. NSrAU-Ei/aaNIRTCIOR 15 RESpONStEtt FOf tA,lrt^lNi,SA'E W!;D( TiEA ltN'Nfi6 AJ, L4UNES TND NOT].Y,IDrc srrE PibR ro consrR!€rorr.7 rfiY C&VTCES TO Oa ot\unol6 tros ixrs pl,All tt63E TPPROVID x wi"rn.c av J.c, ElJs 0c9c* c). a I Ft,llsH COVEi O/Ei COlrpOatE{G l5 raOT tu ac{E! JPE{ rro crR rr.oo0.9, AU. AArlOOl€D S€PUC SlSTlt CO/pOnglIS TO BEPurir@ Diy d0 FtLLa! *rH ct!,At sao oR R[lrcMAl10 REPUaO Srl Cl' Ai 5^1lor0. al @tPor€ tll rD 8a ,rRovro@ wfllr l mfnilJtrcc€ts Pof,ls w N (t'oE ,llsN cRrot11 lll sEPnc t^raG otslRaulotr &rEs llto prprtlc ro8E ftStlu-E lY ftinclir.t2. to rqo$r tEl.15 trst wfll{N l0o of ,ioposto l3 o-tot lo 3E ptl.Eo 0x coMpaarED srllu 8,rtE. I -rr";*t"a Dec*"ro We 2Aot2ooo ao o PtitoirtD !IY; J^sOr{ C. lIuS, R5., S.!. m}lEssEo Eyr lr., vo| HoiE, y^&aorjtx Bon1!SI 0'lEr OCTOBEi 3. 2011 LEACN -l SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRAOE PLAIi J,C. ELLIS DESIGN SUBJECT' 55 W|ICHWOOo RoAD SOUTIi YAFMOUTH, MA M. OONOTHY EUTTERSC/o PAUL E. CHARRoN 234 VERNON SIREEI NORWOOo. MA 02082 S.A.S. DETAIL 21 lrx,l <aA 0 I LI NATE SON S, R.S, J EPH REGO, P.L.S 3REY6iE. rfl 026J'(lo3)Jls-2223 En.lr infiddigroEn@.n.t SECTION OETAIL - COMPONENTS NO' IO SCTLEEXISTING sEPTrc TANK ft* =l9r) re9tet,jgrenE5lt:jrlei:ll!5l5it1kri5rilri5ri15 DESIGN CALCULATIONS ndf,^?E]. BEDROOT/ DINTUNG - .@ A/P/O RaOU'Il.to(lto c/P/o Pat BEoiooy r . B@f,ools)lro 0^n3&t cniiDEi ^4orEoTEEIIJIIAt4 c/P/o , 1 - !30 C/P/O RaOUREDlsa ersn*c ,mo crrlo sEP_nc tt( sor rEs.rm6N ffirv-:!ic R ra r <2 MN/[{ - cuss r soLtonou: (aoxl!) - noo S.r. :aooxo.7o . .a-. e/P/o aNoAoEn rst (l) 10' r 15 r O.t oEEP LErcH nE-Dls sHowx [{ oErxL. I I fII .l- TOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To hc completed b), Applicant Building Site Location (E wt+d*-*/-P '::::.:.1: 4>I 3 Proposed Improvement:?.,11\"oK ?av n Applicant: Address: Owner Name: a*ltyou would like e-mail notilcoliotl ofsign oJl, pleasc provide e-mail oddress /t- r [-{,,nU.-..\ ?tcLL?e,4lLr , \q^1.4, y,,, ill r e ", -t, A.n^ Tel. No Date Filed:<-, Owner Address:LS U, 'Jc{" ureLPk-Owner Tel. No.:-t7 4. RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMI\{ERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include:(1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) - Note: Floor plans not requiredfor decks, sheds, windo*s, rooJing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY:DATE:l^-ra COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: PLEASE NOTtr <,.1 Y .)I LA -t I .--'l- LJ1 I STREET a , Idtch!,{ood Road Lot S-4 5?r /bo ctl* -., ,t I VILLAGE South ?tog -'@6., METER NO,.?? a 3a? /o4a I P,L*1 oo!a 'R.l_. 4 $".tf*DLrv? 7-?-7L l4lJ( lr)-+ I tao/6- ?frI seavtce no. U. DolotIV 12046-94 r,J, f" ?,^,-^l