HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-23-000643 (/ Commonwealth of p ofr`ialUaeOn'y v k Massachusetts \l Permit No. BLDE-23000643 0 •':OARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy and Fee Checked lRev.I/07) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date:8/8/2022 City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 24 STEVEN DR Owner or Tenant BARRY KROMER Telephone No. Owner's Address Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes 0 No 0 (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters New Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Installation of solar PV system(14 Panels 5.88 KW)(100 Amp load center) Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA - No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ In- No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grad. Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiatine Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alertine Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local 0 Municipal ❑ Other: Connection No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Eauivalent No.of Water KW No.of No.of Ballasts Data Wiring: Heaters _Sims No.of Devices or Eauivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Eauivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to start: Inspection to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE:Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent.The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE:INSURANCE 0 BOND 0 OTHER ❑ (Specify:) '6o-7g.r gal I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. 0 FIRM NAME: Michael A Chionchio Licensee: Michael A Chionchio Signature' LIC.NO.: 20290 (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.: Address:730 SCOTT RD,OAKHAM MA 010689543 Alt.Tel.No.: "Per M.G.L.c.147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the License does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law.But my signature below.I hereby waive this requirement.I am the(check one) ❑owner ❑owner's agent. Owner/Agent Signature Telephone No. PERMIT FEE:$150.00 q4(0))/(G raze/ AS S'ai 16'6VA, ltbti& tin- w40 1111131:21151P11: =„ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Official Use Only 1 AUG 81/4 1,-0Department of Fire Services Permit No. �Z3—CJ�`t 2012 !I Occupancy and Fee Checked �. ,.:' BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev.9/05] (leave blank) ILDING DEPN `' PLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK a All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) • Date: 8/6/2022 City or Town of: Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street& umber) 24 Stevene Drive Owner or Tenantb'�-)Z.�2y IkQ_ ThJ siR Telephone No. 860 377 0986 Owner's Address 24 Steven'Drive Yarmouth MA 02673 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes ® No (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Residential single family Utility Authorization No. 9402450 Existing Service 100 Amps 120 /240 Volts Overhead® Undgrd Li No.of Meters 1 New Service Amps / Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Roof mounted solar installation (14) modules 5.88kw with a (N) 100A load center Completion of the followin table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. 1NTootal No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil: Transformers KVAVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ In- 0 No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grnd. Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number J9ns KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local❑ Municipal ❑ Connection Other No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water KW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP TelecommunicationsofDeieor qu iv No.of Devices Equivalent OTHER: Solar Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: 9,248•00 (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: 8/16/22 Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including`completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such cove a is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE BOND 0 OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties of erjury, hat the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: C.NO.:1$(0 1-14 5- Licensee: Michael C ionchio Signatur 6 Q LIC.NO.:10 c7dgDPl (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.:908-894-9679 Address: 50 Rockwell Rd Newington CT 06111 Alt.Tel.No.: *Security System Contractor License required for this work;if applicable,enter the license number here: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance covera rmally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)0 owner ilEFowner's agent. Owner/Agent Signature Telephone No. PERMIT FEE:$ 150.00 DocuSign Envelope ID:FA4AD326-38FC-4718-9629-102321 D97341 t Kromer Solar Proposal May 10, 2022 figs ,, , ': , . PREPARED FOR , ,way a .4 Barry Kromer 24 Steven Drive Yarmouth, MA 02673 PREPARED BY Jay Thomas 4111 SunPower Direct (SPD) f ' 1 jay.thomas@sunpowercorp.com (737) 900-8249 Contractor License Number: 186445 0 /-15 LI 231 - ,, e. - SUN ' ..L, DocuSign Envelope ID:FA4AD326-38FC-471 B-9629-102321 D97341 SunPower Equinox° System for the Kromer Residence SYSTEM SIZE Ar The only all-in-one, complete home solar system. From solar cell to f 5.88 14 software,the SunPower Equinox®system generates more power, is more kWp (DC) Panels reliable, and looks better than conventional home solar power systems. COMPONENTS ,r SOLAR PANELS M Series 420 Series Watts 11111 MOUNTING SYSTEM InvisiMount® r _ - MONITORING SYSTEM I,,,_ O •• TM mySunPower ELECTRICITY USAGE(EST.) 7,375 kWh/year OFFSET(EST.) 604711 6, t4 5/10/2022 111 % YEAR 1 PRODUCTION (EST.) Signature Date 8,167 kWh I approve this solar power design and hardware. I understand panel placement may vary based on electrical and structural design factors. S U N P O W E SUNPOWER SOLAR PROPOSAL•SunPower Direct(SPD) • Prepared for Barry Kromer • May 10,2022 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:FA4AD326-38FC-4718-9629-102321 D97341 Estimated Monthly Savings WITHOUT SUNPOWER WITH SUNPOWER1 AVERAGE ELECTRIC BILL Total 25-Year SAVINGS° '411110I Net Savings: $188/month VS $0 /month = 8$ month $79,784' ` AVG ELECTRIC BILL EST ELECTRIC BILL Investment Details Total Cost Comparison (25 Years) Sktein Pric 23,1 No Solar Solar = Total Contract Price $23,120 4%Annual Electric 4%Annual Electric 0%Annual Electric State& Local Incentives $2,26%t Bill Growth Bill Growth Bill Growth .,477797-79, 26-0% Federal Tax Credit $6,011. State Tax Credits $1,OOQ $50,000 Net Investment $13,900 $0! 111111 Proposal Acknowledgement Net Savings' • Solar Net Payments I Electricity Bill2 b ‘remit,Y' 5/10/2022 Signature Date This proposal expires 15 days from date generated unless otherwise stipulated by Sun Power. See Important Information on page 6. S U N P O W E SUNPOWER SOLAR PROPOSAL•SunPower Direct(SPD) • Prepared for Barry Kromer • May 10,2022 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:FA4AD326-38FC-4718-9629-102321 D97341 Electricity By replacing expensive ENERGY WITHOUT SUNPOWER WITH SUNPOWER SAVE ON AVERAGE utility electricity with OFFSET(EST.) $0.295 /kWh VS $0.068 /kWh SunPower solar electricity, 111% $0.227 /kWh(est.)' you can save money. AVERAGE UTILITY COST SOLAR ELECTRICITY COST(EST.)6 CURRENT ELECTRIC CONSUMPTION VS. ESTIMATED SOLAR ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION PEAK AC OUTPUT: 5.24 kWp Total Est. Energy Consumption': 7,375 kWh Est. Usage from Solar: 8,167 kWh Est. Usage from the Grid: (791) kWh 900 kWh 600 kWh 300 kWh 0 kWh JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC •Solar Production• Energy Usage See Important Information on page 6. S U N P O W E RW SUNPOWER SOLAR PROPOSAL•SunPower Direct(SPD) • Prepared for Barry Kromer • May 10,2022 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:FA4AD326-38FC-4718-9629-102321 D97341 Why SunPower? "The installation process was really good. They completed everything within two months. I like the way it looks. I like the way it performs and the fact that the microinverters are on the solar panels so I don't have -:�- to have a big box on the side of my house. The advice I would give anybody who's thinking about going solar is to do your due diligence. Do a little research, then go with SunPower because you're going to r I /At' find out they're the best on the market." - John H, New Jersey "I personally wanted something that was going to complement the house. It blends in beautifully, it looks great. What really sold us was the affordability as well as the quality. Our monthly payments for solar panels are less than what we would be paying our utility every month." - Ricky and Brenda W, Texas Refer a friend or family member and receive $100 when they participate in an online or in-home solar consultation. To learn more, visit ShareSunPower.com. S U N P O W E R® SUNPOWER SOLAR PROPOSAL•SunPower Direct(SPD) • Prepared for Barry Kromer • May 10,2022 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:FA4AD326-38FC-471 B-9629-102321 D97341 Important Information About Assumptions Made in this Proposal 1. Post-Solar Rate Schedule is Eversource Energy(Formerly NSTAR Electric Company),2020 Proposed Residential Service-2020 Proposed Rate 3385879.The utility rates reflected in the estimated utility costs and savings in this Proposal are based on current rates but may be higher if a publicly announced proposed rate increase is expected to be in effect when your system is activated. 2. Electric bill is estimated assuming a range of annual utility rate escalations from 0%to 4%.Actual escalation may differ or vary annually.The EIA estimates a nationwide annual escalation of 2%for the relevant time period(AEO,2016). 3. Savings is estimated as the difference between the cost of a SunPower system and the value of solar,which includes projected utility bill savings. Savings are estimated and do not incorporate the effects of any possible taxes. Savings are shown for discussion purposes only and are not guaranteed. 4. Savings are based on your utility rate on the date of this proposal,during year one of your system's activation. 5. Tax credits and rebates vary and are subject to change.SunPower does not warrant,guarantee, or otherwise advise its partners or customers about specific tax outcomes. Consult your tax advisor regarding the solar tax credit and how it applies to your specific circumstances. Please visit www.dsireusa.org for detailed solar policy information. 6. Estimated solar electricity cost is based on projected system costs and estimated system production,assuming typical weather at your location. Your production, and therefore cost per kWh, may vary depending on actual weather experienced in any given year. Estimate includes projected sales tax where applicable. 7. Electricity Savings are estimated based on your utility rate on the date of this proposal,and represent savings on charges for electricity usage only.Actual monthly bills can include fixed charges that are unrelated to actual electricity usage,and may be subject to minimum monthly bill restrictions.SunPower does not warrant or guarantee savings. 8. Actual consumption over time may vary based on electricity needs, impacting overall savings. • S U N P o1IN E Rr SUNPOWER SOLAR PROPOSAL•SunPower Direct(SPD) • Prepared for Barry Kromer • May 10,2022 6 • CODE INFORMATION SOLAR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE APPLICABLE CODES,LAWS AND REGULATIONS 3N MA STATE BUILDING CODE,9TH ED,BASE VOLUME � ` ` o MA STATE BUILDING CODE,9TH ED,RESIDENTIAL VOLUME EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF MASSACHUSETTS MECHANICAL CODE 2015 OF MASSACHUSETTS Z BARRY KR O M E R/BAR RY L KR O M E R E0E0 MASSACHUSETTS FIRE CODE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 2015 OF MASSACHUSETTS ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 2018 OF MASSACHUSETTS N 5 .88 kW GRID TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SATELLITE IMAGE (860) 377-0986 PROJECT LOCATION 24 STEVEN DR W YARMOUTH MA 02673 n AHJ: YARMOUTH TOWN UTILITY: EVERSOURCE ENERGY (FORMERLY NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY) t� JOB NOTES SHEET INDEX LUw W I- L.9 tu SCOPE OF WORK PV SOLAR ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 0 LX a -(N)5.880 kW PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM PVA-0 COVER SHEET Y aa -(14)420W(Model SPR-M-420-H-AC)PV MODULES PVA-1 ARRAY LAYOUT -1 t NO -POINT OF INTERCONNECTION AT AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH WITH LINE SIDE TAP PVA-2 ELEVATION VIEW > °> o < o E f T- x = V' C WQ Fe W w 10 O a > O I- ry C 8U > ce 0 a Y 3 .. PV SOLAR STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ce 3 g PVS-1 MOUNTING DETAILS d' 'C ON a m REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE DR PV SOLAR ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS PVE-1 ELECTRICAL SINGLE-UNE DIAGRAM& SPECIFICATIONS DRAWN Fr PVE-2 ELECTRICAL CALCULATION uE'ieetTil PVE-3 ELECTRICAL DATA&SPECIFICATIONS misTutat NEWPORT ELECTRIC Cr PVE-4 EQUINOX GROUNDING DETAILS wmx, RPa211R73 PVE-5 BRANCH DIAGRAM DATE DRAWN o w 2022 SCA. ,rts SHEET PVA-0 • -- LEGEND - p ]UNCTION BOX .----------- -- — �AYMON \ 3 � 3Vo — X ESKANDANIAN'-( 0 �S STRUCTURAL _ �— IF \ Na 51888 �/ CONDUIT 9FcrsT 1,.. . Z ,,,..,/ON _v '� 0 UTILITY SERVICE POINT N Q UTILITY METER I STAMPED FOR 1 EXISTING ROOF AND \ \ ATTCHMENT ONLY PROPERTY LINE I »« I NEW LOAD CENTER 1 1 a AC DISCONNECT \ \ MA SMART UTILITY re' REVENUE METER 56'-6,x 1 gri 1111 ' TOTAL ROOF AREA:1670 SQ.FT. TOTAL A0.RAY AREA:296 SQ.FT. \%\ TOTAL PERCENTAGE OF ROOF COVE0.ED BV SOLAR:18% f ill IY w TCI} t sw o m a f > 7 !!II! ! !, (E)GARAGE U V N r{ .1.-1.:-': tom:- +I IS READILY ACCESSIBLE PV NOTE: he z he z N I- 1 4 - s { .z ® DI1 SCONNECT MEANS 1 > O c '- FtT 1.FIELD ADJUSTMENTS OF FEWER THAN 6" > Q f ,1‘..:..:„. O E— DRIVEWAY MAY BE ALLOWED BASED ON SITE ce Or z f n O CONDITIONS AND MEASUREMENTS. m = Lu w • 2.ACD MUST BE 24/7 ACCESSIBLE AND d �' ¢ LOCKABLE. w 2 Gi O O i X H °,. .c > a o 6 1 6 3 z 1 ROOF 1 CL � MODULE 14 Q m _______\ QTY. v 04 co CO VI AZIMUTH 172" REVISIONS PITCH 12:12 REV DESCRIPTION DATE M, 1 ..... —� - - CONTRACT MODULE 14 SPR-M420-H-AC(240) _ &QUANTITY DRAWN RV MICROI IQ7 ��RIVE �� 000FTNVERTER14 MP SHI6-ACM-US(240) rxa wwEs pnaewrrnrxj[craxcaTYPE 6 QUANTTIYINST \______ __ _ __ TE v� ROOF TYPE COMP SHINGLE DATE 03-30.2022 5 I ROOF ATTACHMENT 28 aa.xxe» QUANTR SHEET STORY STORYHOME TYPE 2-STORY ARMY AREA 296 SQ.FT. PVA-1 Aro ...,, , _ 14,1 8 .1i. .!,,,i,..„4„... , ,.t.f.:,..., , it% r',.7.-;-' -;,,,,,,..",?k, q • _., ; � � S 1 444 y i 4 i 4 ili , 11 1 1 4304 443; Rcr$ 3 , y; k-H 1 V S �. i S 'ae 14 4 I • f it d Yr 1 „A,s to f ; ' r BARRY KROMER/BARRY L KROMER — 1 i 4 5.88 kW GRID-TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM S U N P O W E R' \ it 3-< C00.V0 RATIO N, SYSTEMS 24 STEVEN DR 2 0' Iola HARBOUR WAY SOUTH D 7 — W YARMOUTH MA 02673 1 T O 0.ICry MON D,CA 90800 N e 2 (s[o)seo-assn " W g SOLAR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE $ ELEVATION VIEW 0 0 wA A 0 ' o nO xT n p5 3 a ic 0x cerin m , , , , (n O� T Dr mn V, N 3 r � ZT1 D 3 2 o N 1 O ` a rn o 2 4n -1 Nft N r m3 r2EP m VI 00 m0 In 1 a m m m i pAp N O\ ({n pi VI 2 T '� O a i • __1k @ 3 3 o FF--':+$--i:i o a .G1 f z mom O z 3 ,, .F__.+.__i,i m 0 obi-- ++1--i. N W r 0--;+}--iM ^' "i--iif--V oIn P" N DD3 r .r. i., m 2 E '^ , ZmD 73 3z c . .� ,D�. Dz c fiff--14*--i.l 0 F< 5 .r•—o- z vin = J.e-=L+5. 44 0 g 3 C y Fff f+4 -i' p me 1.I; rn Dm Il 1z mo - " � -.2` 700 0 j , m 2 D2huff -�+�F iii •ln COT ,— II IC a. -O �F •+ -a* r r 1 �.o I11 ..Z i h3 ir+!F--9�1 r TO n Hi a+:i--41 = 55! 03 'ri -- Z - ¢am 3 h:F-- +` ii 2 3 ig ^t2i G 2" I I zb" I I 1]" 71"I N x C 7 3 DA ,-,m IH S+K _ . z3 o g I o� As cn 3 c 4 o .4 1 BARRY KROMER/BARRY L KROMER i m 5.88 kW GRID-TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM >— INip D�� m ��, SUNPOWEr i $m tN°FaY o.y • ,,-0 it rn� < 24 STEVEN DR i& � { CilizK _ c Z D % CORPORATION, SYSTEMS 1'1 4� W YARMOUTH MA 02673 B Z0m .. 1:4 ADO r 1414 HARBOUR WAY SOUTH g -i O ''' "'I'll / RICHMOND,CA 94004 a Y '" ZTQ �0 \ rD / (SI0)Sao-OSSO " " 5 SOLAR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE Z `\��� Si13 STRUCTURAL INFORMATION {O g 8 AND MOUNTING DETAILS mem •••• 13.. i>>>>>»�u Ey egevy IMM. a <` "o - m c N A "S ;q'7R C. 8 2 g IP i; 11 i _ E gS S a = 0 I ,= N F z x 2 N N N o 0 0 Q f O O O D N ° Q o > D C om s 4 2 i � 11 = I =e> aa000 z oo ec i VDUgpzay F '.'. u ell 'J w w° _° p po g ogg A n a m S 2 m o c, I >R m =oml > 3 °mF _ J Nmz= o q 1 mPaoop MON .L^'OO�FPF^ oPz=P��zP of 'o iocm„o° °G cUWE' mpin?c=a m0 Nyco 00 E �ooiox pos F.�Nm$Pmmmgm -= moE! a= ompmg9,�a mom;= = onmm = = I ma< � = gol^ 1 1 vm.N" o12 o^ mamn H �5 Ei 31'T r ma0 c . ma ,,,;;1A ;o o o 411P z m y "pN m — o " - Pa° g' 0^P m=_ 1 ,)!4gI 9 g =_� °m Eo ','P =NN ° Nq oi °m4c 41 FImt ot' LT:, o T p "P FU o F miaP" m3 g xIn m g - � = N5og° ; 3 BARRY KROMER/BARRY L KROMER --- q N 9 5.88 kW GRID-TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM S U N P OW E R' -I = 2 P y ;� CORPORATION, SYSTEMS N 24 STEVEN DR m V. WYARMOUTH MA 02673 141e HARBOUR WAY SOUTH RICHMOND,CA 90804 j w S i a,. a ,n (510)560-0550 " w $ SOLAR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE ELECTRICAL SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM F 8 &SPECIFICATIONS P nc ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS W O BRANCH 1 BRANCH 2 SUBPANEL TO GRID-TIE WIRING #10 ROOF JCT BOX TO SUBPANEL WIRING #10 #10 VOLTAGE 240 V NUMBER OF MODULES 7 7 N ^ SUM OF BRANCHES:IouT TOTAL= 22.4 A VOLTAGE 240 V 240 V MINIMUM WIRE AMPACITY:I,.,Ax=TOUT x 1.25 28.00 A RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT:IQur= 11.2 A 11.2 A CONDUCTOR DE-RATING MINIMUM WIRE AMPACITY:1,,,,,,=lour x 1.25 14.00 A 14.00 A MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 32`C CONDUCTOR DE-RATING TEMPERATURE USED FOR AMPACITY DE-RATING 32°C MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 32°C 32°C TEMPERATURE DE-RATING COEFFICIENT 0.96 TEMPERATURE ADDER 22°C 22°C FILL DE-RATING COEFFICIENT 1.00 TEMPERATURE USED FOR AMPACITY DE-RATING 54'C 54'C IVAREMN=Iour/TEMP_COEFF/FILL_COEFF 23.33 A TEMPERATURE DE-RATING COEFFICIENT 0.76 0.76 /ARE SIZE AMPACITY 40 A FILL DE-RATING COEFFICIENT 0.8 0.8 CONDUCTOR SIZE #10 IvnRE,AR,=IOur/TEMP_COEFF/FILL COEFF 18.42 A 18.42 A CONDUCTOR SIZE ADJUSTED FOR VOLTAGE DROP #10 WIRE SIZE AMPACITY 40 A 40 A ONE WAY CIRCUIT LENGTH 5 FT. CONDUCTOR SIZE #10 #10 VOLTAGE DROP 0.12% CONDUCTOR SIZE ADJUSTED FOR VOLTAGE DROP #10 #10 OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 30A,21, ONE WAY CIRCUIT LENGTH 25 FT. 25 FT. MINIMUM OCPD=IQUT x 1.25 28.00 A CALCULATED VOLTAGE DROP 0.29% 0.29% OVERCURRENT PROTECTION 20A,2P 20A,2P MINIMUM OCPD=I,,x 1.25 14.00 A 14.00 A f LU 1- W cn w ce U. Y LI Z J e I- O • S, k. g Le o a Q O LU = 0- Q an d w HV - 3 Q J LU O O V K• O ? w 3 rr w cc x o Q = 10 m W ui REVISIONS UV, DESCAIATI. DATE DA DRAWN LW inn a�: .. ,l INSTALLER NEWAGT ELKTRrcu TAMER G-3211473 DATE DRAwN 0,30-2022 SGLE NTS — PVE-2 ce ELECTRICAL DATA&SPECIFICATIONS W 3 ; PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED O PHOTOVOLTAIC POINT OF WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN Z INTERCONNECTION WARNING.DUAL POWER SOURCE. SIGNAGE LOCATIONS: RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH FOR N SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC • MAIN SERVICE PANEL SOLAR PV SYSTEM SYSTEM MAC!M.VM„ono AC AFA'UTconalN. MEM nul, M/UIMUM1+.JVFPAIING nc volFAF.r. �m�,T' SIGNAGE LOCATIONS- PV SOLAR BREAKER DO NOT RELOCATE THIS •LABEL SHALL BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE SIGNAGE LOCATIONS: OVFRCURRE NT DIVIDE THAN 1M(SET)FROM THE SWITCH • MAIN SERVICE PANEL • INDOOR/OUTDOOR SUBPANEL SIGNAGE LOCATIONS: • MAIN SERVICE PANEL • NEW INDOOR/OUTDOOR LOAD CENTER • INDOOR/OUTDOOR SUBPANEL SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN AC DISCONNECT SWITCH TO THE"OFF" W PAN LS POSITION CE SHUT �a1 ®.A ANDREDUCE S UCH SHOCK �P. HAZARD IN THE ARRAY VO nrv� can°E =ME "nn E SIGNAGE LOCATIONS: W u~ w v1 O SIGNAGE LOCATIONS: AS INDooR/out0000.AC DISCONNECT • SHALL BE LOCATED ON OR NO MORE THAN 1 M(3 El) V. FROM THE SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS TO WHICH J THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED. } O> K o V OC p 0 G oGCe aw Q O w 1 n co x > = as SIGNAGE NOTES = O n O 1. MATERIAL USED FOR THE SIGNAGE SHALL BE REFLECTIVE, 0 ~ ^I WEATHER RESISTANT AND SUITABLE FOR THE O �' Z U ENVIRONMENT. Y 3 2. ALL SIGNAGE SHALL HAVE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS WITH cece• y a �A MINIMUM Y."LETTER HEIGHT,WHITE ON RED BACKGROUND. < m IV w m � 3. MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT MARKING SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT IN A LOCATION REVISIONS CLEARLY VISIBLE FROM THE LOCATION WHERE THE LEVER REV DES@NW10N DATE IS OPERATED. 4. MARKING IS REQUIRED ON ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DC CONDUIT,RACEWAYS,ENCLOSURES,CABLE ASSEMBLIES, AND JUNCTION BOXES TO ALERT THE FIRE SERVICE TO AVOID CUTTING THEM.MARKINGS SHALL BE PLACED EVERY DRAWN BY • 10',AT TURNS AND ABOVE AND/OR BELOW PENETRATIONS, 41—E'aE.s1. AND AT ALL DC COMBINER AND JUNCTION BOXES. INSTALLER 5. DO NOT USE SCREWS FOR SIGNAGE ATTACHMENT.USE PRIMER NReLmAic R11-328.73 ONLY APPROVED ADHESIVE. DATE DRAWN 03-30-202E NTS SHEET PVE-3 I i 1 9.n JI 1i IA } ! C l4 i ® ©© I` �` W E 1111 Ill I ii i 1 + ® ill , N rt 2 r. ,, i = a I I I IA a X S 0 8 1 1 3 c " IDflD I I E ( Gt Eii _ il G. © 1 1 1110[101- iD 9 0 1 i -,,-0 v) -0 n o DO vi Cp p n = '2 00 Ori C m <0> < r 0 > z m Dj°��z� m O n r^ m m -1 zCOy-1O -1 (� (m 0 p nD m rnnO0;D m C �C) x rmTn xo � —DI 7v -� m _ O I Di K v" IIJMH 0 . . g g $ ; 4 F e BARRY KROMER/BARRY L KROMER - i1 5.88 kW GRID-TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM S U N P OW E R' 10 is f" CORPORATION, SYSTEMS $,. 24 STEVEN OR m "Y W YARMOUTH MA 02673 1414 HARBOUR WAY SOUTH N 5 a I al: RICHMOND,CA 04004 v Y 0' (510)540-0550 " Q y SOLAR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE $ 1 ill ,11 ''....,-.,-,.---. ..,_:-;-,1,1_,, 4Y 'i 1 i t '�- i Oq 0 , y ' I ). ;iia , ss 1_ , T.'1. -,-- 121'-:--4--'-',r:4,.-1.1'''---s - i'-1. l. ; .o - 4 1t i1 1 -1 CrVipa 4 O�UI?W N_I` W M 3 Z n r -I Z a a GI m m - th BARRY KROMER/BARRY L KROMER T $i 5.88 kW GRID-TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM S U N P O W E R v =� m CORPORATION, SYSTEMS 3 24 STEVEN DR 1010 HARBOUR WAY SOUTH m �� W YARMOUTH MA 02673 1 M 2 RICHMOND,CA 90800 0 3 A (510)540-0550 " " SOLAR INDIVIDUAL PERMIT PACKAGE 8 BRANCH DIAGRAM © LPIS SUN POWER® M-Series:M440 I M435 I M430 I M425 I M420 SunPower® Residential AC Module AC Electrical Data Inverter Model:Type H(Enphase IQ7HS) @240 VAC @208 VAC Max.Continuous Output Power(VA) 384 369 420-440W Residential AC Module Nom.(L-L)Voltage/Range'M 240/211-264 208/183-229 _ Max.Continuous Output Current(Arms) 1.60 1.77 �_ fes'— SunPower'Maxeon'Technology Max.Units per 20 A(L-L)Branch Circuit' 10 9 CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.0% 96.5% Built specifically for use with the SunPower Equinox®system,the only fully Nom Frequency 60 Hz integrated solar solution designed,engineered,and warranted by one company. Extended Frequency Range 47-68 Hz AC Short Circuit Fault Current Over 3 Cycles 482 A rots r Highest Power AC Density Available. overvoltage Class AC Port III AC Port Backfeed Current 18 mA The patented,solid-copper foundation Maxeon Gen 6 cell is over Power Factor setting 1 0 5%larger than prior generations,delivering the highest efficiency Power Factor(adjustable) 0.85(inductie)/0.85(capachoe) AC solar panel available.' DC Power Data %%tor-lnnc,.i satin,,It 1,1115 1114 Cre-priance • ® SPR-M440- SPR-M435- SPR-Moan. SPF-M42'- SPR-M420- Warranties '25-year limited power warranty H-Ac N-AE r-Ac r-Ac r-AC. •25-year limited product warranty Nom.Power`(Pnom)W 440 435 430 425 420 •VL 1741/IEEE-1547 - •UL 1741 AC Module(Type 2 fire rated) Power Tolerance .5/-0% •VL 61730 Module Efficiency 22.8% 22.5% 22.3% 22 0% 21.7% •VL 62109-1/IEC 62109-2 .—�"- •FCC Part 15 Oats B Temp.Coef(Power) -0.29%/°C •ICES-0003 Class B ,' c 5°() Shade Tolerance Integrated module-level max power point tracking •CAN/CSA{22.2 NO 107.1-01 •CA Rule 21(UL 1741 SAp - ll ..-6 HE larger Certifications (includes Voit,Var and Reactive Power Priority) and 'UL Listed PV Rapid Shutdown Equipment, Tested Operating Conditions Compliance I. Operating Temp. -40°Ftp+185°F(-40°C to.85°C) Enables installation in accordance with: •NEC 690.6(AC module) Part of the SunPower • Max.Ambient Temp. 122°F(50°C) •NEC 690.12 Rapid Shutdown Onside and outside the Equinox'Solar System Max Test Load` Wind-125 psf,6000 Pa,611 kg/m,back NEC69015 AC Connectors,690.33(AHEHt) Snow 187 psf,9000 Pa,917 kg/m'front • Wind:75 psf,3600 Pa,367 kg/m'back When used with AC module Q Cables and accessories •Compatible with (TAHighestLifetime Energy and Savings Max.Design Load Snow 125 psf,6000 Pa,611 kg/m'front (UL 6703 and UL 2238y: • mySunPowert9 monitoring Designed to deliver 60%more energyover 25years in Impact Resistance 1 inch(25 mm)diameter hail at 52 mph(23 m/s) _,. •Rated for load break disconnect g PID Test 1000 V IEC 62804 •Seamless aesthetics real-world conditions like partial shade and high temperatures.? Mechanical Data I'dt kayulq-enliqurition • Solar Cells 66 Maxeon Gen 6 Modules per pallet 25 - ..• ---- ---- Front Glass High-transmission tempered glass with anti-reflective coating Panka ging box dimensions 75.4 42. I Environmental Rating Outdoor rated (71%415%421. 1915x x t 072 x 1220 mm) Up to Frame Class 1 black anodized(highest HAMA rating) Pallet gross weight 1300.7 lb(590 kg) NI-Series 60 Weight 481b(21.81,g) Pallets per container 32 Mor, Net weight per container 41.62315(18,880 -"-� _ .. Litnrne Recommended Max. 1 3 in.(33 mm) tnorg: Module Spacing Conventional Panel - L 1 gasedon datasheetrevew ofwebstes of top 20 manufacturers per Wood Mackenzie US P/Leaderboar•f r)3202t. flan mml FRAME PROFILE 2 Maxeon 435 W,22 5%eRxnnt compared to a Conventional Panel on same-sized arrays(260 W,lb.efficient —.- copies 5 of ororan�n copies I S m0,7-9%more energy per watt(based en PVSysr pan files for avg US d�mate7.0.53M/r sower l a Factory-integrated Microinverter _ac degradation rate uordan et al.-Robust PV Degradat on Methodology and Application t'VSC 20181 trees-ng Roles 3 Voltage range can be extended beyond nomtlal it eq ed by the utility 4 Limits may va .Refer to local to h umber eners per branch ,E •Highest-power integrated ty. °°' E 5 Factory set to IEEE 1647a-2014 default settings CAR le 21 default settings profile set Luring commasro ng ,, i61 E AC module in solar Best Reliability,Best Warranty6 Standard Test Conditions(1000 Won'irradiance AM 15250.All DC voltage fully contained within the nodal. R- ,, mum. Y 7ULListed as MRSE and conforms with NEC 2014 and NEC 201)690 12, .C22.1-2015 Rule 64218 Rapid snort side:p.sir um. •Engineered.and calibrated Shut.wn of W Systems.for AC and DC conductors'when bstaled according Batt reYs Inti ctio g With more than 42.6 million and 15 GW modules deployed around 8 Please read the safety and installation instructions for more information regarding load ratings and ns bySunPower for SunPower mounting configurations — the world,SunPower technology is proven to last.That's why we AC modules a eons mlcom for more reference information Please read the safety and nstallatlon instructions for details. stand behind our module and microinverter with the industry's om a Pany Specfcations includ d in ths datasheet are subject to change without notice. best 25-year Combined Power and Product Warranty. ®2o225nnP p« ulrgnts reserved 5 NPowERt SUNPnis logo,EQUINOXand MnSUNPOWER are trademarks or registered trademarks of SonPmer Corporation in the ws MAxdON is O 539973 RevB regutered trademark of Maxeon Solar Technologies.Ltd.For more Information visit www mareon corMegal. MBB ...1.ew.rwi,...........7,2 January 2022 Datasheet 1-800-SUNPOWER sunpower.com PEGASUS A BETTER DAY ON THE JOB COMP MOUNTS �� SOLAR 1.Drill pilot hole in 2.Optional:Apply a COMPMOUNTS center of rafter. "Uohape of sealant to underside of flashing and postition under 2nd shingle -- - -- - - course,cone over pilot hole. Simple 3-piece design 1 for rapid installation e ( V' ''' , 3.Place L-Foot over 4.Drive lag to required cone and install lag depth.Attach rail per ,,: '. with washer through rail manufacturer's lig ,Foot. instructions. Encapsulating design raises the water seal 0.9"above roof deck III 9.0" g One-piece flashingwith elevated cone—No 5 O 3.5" 9 ® 3.5" l 1 1 I6" P 1.7 1=1 press-fits 2.3"• 2.3" L 2.4" 0.9" 9 0 or deck-level EPDM washe s to failr O Specifications Comp Mount Install Kits il SKU 1 PSCR-CBBO PSCR-UBBO SPCR-CBBH PSCR-CMMO PSCR-UMMO -.F° Finish 1 Black L-Foot and Black Flashing Mill L-Foot and Mill Flashing L-Foot Type Closed Slot Open Slot Closed Slot Closed Slot Open Slot L-Foot,Flashing, L-Foot,Flashing, L-Foot,Flashing, L-Foot,Flashing, L-Foot,Flashing, 5/16"x 4-1/2"SS Lag 5/16"x 4-1/2"SS Lag 5'16"x 4-1/2'SS Lag 5/16's 4-1/2"5S Lag 5116"x 4-1/2 55 Lag WATERTIGHT FOR LIFE Kit Contents wkhmetattzed with metalized with metalized with metalized with metalized EPDM washer EPDM washer EPDM washer and EPDM washer EPDM washer Pegasus Solar's Comp Mounts are a cost effective,high-quality option for rail installations on composition shingle roofs. M10 Hex Bok Designed to last decades,the one-piece flashing with elevated cone means there is simply nothing to fail. Roof Type Composition Shingle Certifications rtificatio-ns __........__.. IBC,ASCE/SEI AC286 02year Warranty Superior Waterproofing Install Application Railed Systems ..... --- ----..—.--- Compatible Rail Most Flashing Material Painted Galvalume Pius Galvalume Plus L-Foot Material Aluminum Code Compliant Ate All-In-One Kit Packaging Kit Quantity 24 72 Pegasus Solar Inc - 100 AV-si Uoo Av- R-inn.> l 9:1110] . i T102 0 1 9/ . www.pegasussolarcom Pegasus Solar Inc • I -A.'I II ,1.-, .It n, �.!>�1EOd - 1 I)J l J/ - www.pegasussolar.com SunPower InvisiMountTM 1 Residential Mounting System SunPower SunPowerl Invis'MountTlM 1 Residential Mounting System Simple and Fast Installation -. Module'/Mid Clamp and Rau Mooule'/End Clamp and Rad • Integrated module-to-rail grounding '' 7 iq vy . • Pre-assembled mid and end clamps `,..''('k s„ ' x v'° -,3 '.1' • Levitating mid clamp for easy placement , ' -, �°,' afiL • Mid clamp width facilitates consistent,even ^� , °.� Ground Lug Assembly module spacing _..._.,,,,• Row-to-Row spacer • UL 2703 Listed integrated grounding "'—'—— End clamp Ille. . Flexible Design • Addresses nearly all sloped residential roofs • Design in landscape and portrait with up to 8' Mid Clamp rail span Row-to-Row wounding Cliph. Rail and Rail solace • Pre-drilled rails and rail splice .±,,,,,,,,, ""7• Rails enable easy obstacle management k " .mt In, Cc rt a_i i I,'I I vi.��1c[rt Jf •',tl C ,.dations Mid clamp Black oxide stainless steel 300 series 63 g 2.2 oz -u0°C to 90^C(-40°r to 194°-) End clamp Black anso zed aluminum 6000 serer 110 g(3.88 sal 3000 Pa uplift Customer-Preferred Aesthetics Max.'_oad CURED) .60000 Pa downforce Rad Black snoozed aluminum 6000 ser es 830 g/m(9 oz/f:) • #1 module and#1 mounting aesthetics Elegant Simplicity Rail splice Aluminum alloy 6000 series 830 g/.m(9 oz/F.) • Best-in-class system aesthetics. Rad bolt 6110-1.5 x 25 mm;custom T-head SS304 18 g(063 oz) _ SunPowertInvisiMountTM'isaSunPower-desl SunPower-designed Rail rut M10-,.S;DIN 692355304 ommal F.a/f Ntat�^u�nt 1/a >ul �ned b� ,n Zocl • Premium,low-profile design g Grouno lug •Cop t Shingle Rafter Aeacnment 55304.A2-70 bolt;ti^-plated copper lug 106.5 g(3.75 oz) •Co e Shin Roo`Decking Attachment • Black anodized components rail-based mounting system.The InvisiMount system assembly Application Curved and Flat Tile Roof Attachment Row-to-row •Universal interface for other roof attacn • 55 301 with 55 304 M6 bolts 75 g(2.6 oz) iments Hidden mid clamps and capped,Rash addresses residential sloped roofs and combines faster grounding dip end clamps Row-to-row Black ROM-grade plastic 5 g(0.18 oz) installation time,design flexibility,and superior aesthetics. soarer Part of Superior System The InvisiMount product was specifically envisioned and �S Mt ,I-.cr,htot I NLu .f•.l i r h vIo',: )/,1, r1r, �,., I•c= • Built for use with SunPower DC and AC modules uplift 664ibf •25-year product warranty engineered topair with SunPower modules.The resultingMid clamp Warranties • Best-in-class system reliability and aesthetics g shear sao mf .5-year rirlsh warranty • Optional rooftop transition flashing,rail- system-level approach amplifies the aesthetic and End clamp uplift 8991br 03 a cad Shear 220101 Certifications mounted J-box,and wire management rail clips installation benefits—for homeowners and for installers. •Class A Ere Rated Moment:upwaro 5481bf-R • Combine with SunPower modules and Rall SunPower EnergyLinle monitoring app Moment downward 5801bf-4 Moment:upward 5481bf-ft Rad splice — Moment downward 5801bf-rt Upl ft 10001bf L-foot Refer to roof attachment hardware manufacturers documentation. / sunpower.com Shear 3901bf °.. .:: ® 'M . h l. , l �• 0! h p blY1 •' r` old hIIFIhMM d 1 tlv tl Nc bd g .g r .a a , Ifal e.. II1 n. I .[tai ^3 � th xlmet to ne_ig a,Ken. cre h�t c.c.ac te.z tw etoar a Zeslsic ce ac. fesR 11 Rr,t,d g loa.ls incl are Nrta he zed for Ik tk:tr,sl earn l4_[)ralc l ta,s,dih3 a(.et en IF gr Inf1 h. p ll.l.1. . If h. -<I PI ..u _ ('• TeY I:fP I t J7. cI & �2 r r Suneower Corporator.clue gh R rved SUN OWER.the SUNv WCR logo i• 1- ',r.and isolien N a lr demark o reooe dtrademarkzof SunPowerrorporalon_ SU50""R", All otner trademarks are the property of the oereeren,ce owners.SRecircalions included,n this tlatastieet are subject to change without notice. Do tan, beet S U N P W E R Datasheet S U N P W E R SunPower'r Pro Fleet PVS SunPower"'AC Modules Management for Installers � • � em 1,....„,..„..... glwrowt. _. , mySunPowerm for -+ ` Homeownes SunPower'' Monitoring Residential SunPower PV Supervisor *_____---- ilii , .,„. ,-.•,. Ili Improve Support, SunPower° Monitoring— Reduce Costs Plug-and-Play Installation Site Requirements Communication Number •Supports string inverters,external meters, An intuitive monitoring website This complete solution for residential monitoring and control includes the ofinedule '85(SunPower AC modules) f7,,- and other auxiliary devices enables you to: SunPower®PV Supervisor(PVS)which improves the installation process,overall meNtor , PVS •One channel of revenue-quality •See a visual map of system reliability,and customer experience: �• .. production metering •High-speed internes access via accessible •Two channels of consumption metering sites ,bltemet acte34u'. P •Compact footprint for improved aesthetics , router or switch Remotely• manage hundredsEtltll'net •1 LAN(or optional WAN)port g •Robust cloud connectivity and comprehensive local connectivity Power 00 240 VAC(L-N),So or 60 Hz Of sites •208 VAC(L-L in phase 3),60 Hz PL .,Fr.v, •Supports SunPower AC modules •Flexible configuration of devices during installation 'yrl*► 'r '' 802.11b/ n 24 GHz and 5 GHz •Remotely diagnose and troubleshoot system issues •Consumption metering ee)iuiar'i •LTE Cat-M1/3G UMTS Y Mechanical •Drill down for the status of •Revenue-quality production metering Might • 5.51b(2.5 kg) !e Ys •IEEE 802.15.4 MAC,2.4 GHz 15M band individual devices Web-based commissioning pe 60 days DIMlhsi0f , •11 8 x 8.0 x 4.2 in(30.5 x 20.5 x 10.8 cm) �y •Remote diagnostics of PVS and inverters Ehc$oaure(3dng,!. •UL 50E Type 3R J •Automatic firmware upgrades Add Value , •Durable UL Type 3R enclosure helps reduce maintenance costs Web and Mobile Device Support or Customers •EasyintegrationwithSunPowereBOS Operating Conditions 4`ustemersk!''i''' •mysunpower.com T irature: , -22°F to+140°F(-30°C to••60°C) Partnerbit. ' •monitor.sunpower.com With mySunPower'0monitoring Robust Cloud ConnectivityHurn b icy{max.) •95%,non-condensing Sr wneKs Firefox,Safari,and Chrome customers can „ '`e•> Mbblle !e 1,° •iPhone•,Pad.,and Android'" •Track their energy production Multiple options to maintain optimal connectivity: Warrantyand Certifications 1Createaccountonlineatm un wer.com by day,month,year and in •Hardwired Ethernet xv p0 different weather conditions beaNersy •10-year Limited Warranty '.'° 2 On a mobile device,download the •WiFi iKtoM.e app':,•,''' SunPower Monitoring app from Apple App •See their energyuse and •UL cUL CE,UL 61010-1 and-2,FCC Part 15 e' • Store or Google Play.Store •Cellular backup CergNtatilons (Class B) 3 Sign in using account email and password estimated bill savings •Maximize their savings with automatic system alerts and tips S U N P O W E R® •Customize storage settings MY and easily monitor and track available battery power O 2010 SunPower,raae atwn.All Rights Reserved SUNPOWER,the SUWNPUER logo and •Receive electives tem reports MYSUNPOWERare trademarksorregisleredtrademarks ofSunPowerCorporHbnInthe Y$ p S U N P O W E R® 11.5.respettNe owners and other countries as wail.All oche,logos and trademarks are the properties of[heir sunpower.com 530536 Rev 0 SunPowerR' EquinoxTM Accessories SunPowerR, EquinoxTM Accessories Equinox Junction Boxes Equinox Junction Boxes '', '`` ;7£ "##"�° COMPONENT DIMENSIONS 176.6 mm ' r (6.95 in.) 62.0 mm I-----k (2.44 in.) o^« let r -----e -_.r ! o I InvisiMount"" Rail-Mounted Composition Shingle Roof - j SUN?OWER. 176.6mm Junction Box(RMJ)v2 Transition Junction Box o I (6.95in.) CAPTIVE SCREW. • 70%larger than original InvisiMount J-box. • Enables transitioning conductors directly SS.SLOTTED ME"° • Integrated grounding to InvisiMount rail, through the roof. N i e► 54.0 mm replacing grounding lug assembly. • Integrated flashing for peace of mind. c v ® ° (2.13 in.) • Snap-on attachment for fast and secure u c Ami WITH _- P • Compatible with composition shingle roofs. c •a installation. x secnoNA-A 150.0 mm m _c ! (5.91 in.) SPECIFICATIONS o27.9 1, Model RMJ V2 Comp Shingle Transition J-Box s (1�a/n°' 4 co �!l a� 150.0 mm Kit Part Number 530167 530168 i i (5.91 in.) Max.Voltage Rating 600 V(AC or DC) lopii Ambient Temp.Range -35°C to 75°C (-31°F to 167°F) ��_ __I INTERIOR Enclosure Material Flame-retardant,UV-resistant,high-impact resistant resin — - — — — 304.8I Attachment/Flashing Material 304 stainless steel Steel w/zinc-aluminum coating mm (12.00 in.) Cavity Dimensions 150 x 150 x 62 mm(5.91"x 5.91"x 2.13") Enclosure Volume 1150 cc(70 in3) m c Attachment/Flashing Finish Black oxide Black powder coat o 4 ROOF RllG 0 Compatibility InvisiMount rail Comp shingle roofs c I Assembled Weight 0.78 kg(1.7 Ib) 1.27 kg(2.8 Ib) LA L (La nn? O ® 304.8 mm • Watertight,UL Type 4 LL 3 ` (12.00 in.) • UL 94 SVA • Watertight,UL Type 4 >, o 9 Certifications&Ratings • UL 1741 • UL 94 5VA a w • UL 2703(with InvisiMount) • UL 1741 ami i el V O • 3/4"cord grip • 3/4"cord grip j o Z Additional Hardware Included 0' • Lay-in lug • #12 screws with EPDM washer a D I 0 O h 539382 RevA SUNP WER r{ SUNP WER Product Data Sheet D222NRB Product data sheet DU221 RB Safety Switch , 60A, Fusible, Cartridge(Class H, K Characteristics Safety switch,general duty,non fusible,30A, or R), 2-Pole 2 poles, 3 hp, 240 VAC, NEMA 3R, bolt-on provision0 iii o- Product availability:Stock-Normally stocked in distribution facility by SeMeaa..edecvta iillii 1 In i List Price $326.00 USD P: Availability Stock Item:This item is normally stocked in our distribution facility. Price*:177.00 USD ir, Technical Characteristics 1.a- Terminal Type Lugs _ _ Type of Duty General Duty --`... Maximum Voltage Rating 240VAC 1Mre Size a19 to#2 AwG(AI)-ala to#2 AwG(cu) 3 Depth 4.83 Inches I Height 14.88 Inches I Width 6.63 Inches P Action Single Throw P 9 Ampere Rating 60A Main $ Approvals UL Listed File:E2875 Product Single Throw Safety Switch s Enclosure Rating NEMA 3R Current Rating 30 A = Enclosure Type Rainproof and Sleet/Ice proof(Indoor/Outdoor) Certifications UL listed file E2875 Enclosure Material Galvannealed Steel Enclosure Rating NEMA 3Rs Factory Installed Neutral Yes Disconnect Type Non-fusible disconnect switch 3 Fuse Type Cartridge(Class H.K or R) Factory Installed Neutral None I Disconnect Type Fusible Mounting Type Surface Short Circuit Current Rating 100kA(max.depending on fuse type) Number of Poles 2 a Mounting Type Surface Electrical Connection Lugs $ Number of Poles 2-Pole Duty Rating General dutyI .. Voltage Rating 240 V AC s Shipping and Ordering Category 00106-Safety Switch,General Duty,30-200 Amp,NEMA3R Wire Size AWG 14...AWG 6 copper g AWG 12...AWG 6 aluminium S Discount Schedule DE1A ,. .3 GTIN 00785901460640 a Package Quantity 1 Complementarys Short-circuit withstand 200 kA Weight 8.35 lbs. Maximum Home Power Rating 3 hp 240 V AC 60 Hz 1 phase NEC 430.52 Availability Code Stock Item:This item is normally stocked in our distribution facility. Tightening torque 30 lbf.i0(3.39 N.m)0.00...0.02 in'(2.08...13.3 mm')AWG 14...AWG 6) I Retumability V Height 9.63 in(244.60 mm) Country of Origin US Width 7.75 in(196.85 mm) Maximum Depth 3.75 in(95.25 mm) 5 As standards.specifications,and designs change from time to time,please ask for confirmation of the information given in this document. E I e k Generated.06/30/2010 15.53.57 E 'Price ie%rot Price'and maybe eublec1 to a bads dacount-check with your bred distributor or retailer for actual price 1 Schneider Mn,xe,2021 Sr 2010 SchneiderIII ectric.All rights reserved. 'v-ii '�; 1OElectric KUP-L-Tap• i co Insulation Piercing Connectors ROHS OS-k`ern` Dual Rated zaaese• , Femmes Benefits TYPE Booddypiesq des dded from tough,resilient glass-filed nylon n • high degree of breakage resistance and long dependable use Cace IPIPCTin plated copper contactteeth •Easty Saves penetrates most types of ireulation Insulation piercing •No need to strip the conductor which saves installaton time Perforated end tabs •Break out easily by hand JP''F.•f Pre-fled with sicone lubricant •Prevents and moisture from entering the contact area �e,z P. Versatile •Can be used as a splice or tap connector r r� Increased safety •Contains no external energized pans.Can be installed'hot'on energized ..:II conductors providing tap inductor is not under load. Horizontal line •Provides a visual guide for proper installation of conductors "' Temperature rating 90, W L 0 cCill 0I" . 011 le Fg.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 Catalog Route Wks Range Cement Rating Dimensions _Torque Bolt Heed 113 Nwsber timber Mein Tp Vali CU Al. L W H Ft.the. Size v. N.mq,+vsis.r+'m '5 e --A.-,R"i t '', '�, pl , ,,' 4 , `M �'"1 ., r x.. +s�.•x„,;..-1,,,,- .. n, �': � .r, � � ie�� IPC-4/86 2 410.4 6-11 600 75 60 1-21/54 1 1-118 13 1/2 IPC-250-413 250kcsnil-1 146 600 260 205 1-78 2-11/32 3-11/32 30 5/8 . ,,r ,r„aka '','1,-.,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,--rix iii�� + 1?- ^ s-y xi dr �i�Y � 'u ���afcP kfi IPC-350-350 350kcmiN/0 350kcmil-40 300(450Grounded I'System) 350 280 2-43/64 2-23/32 3-111 25 518 IPC-500-250 SOOkcm8250kanl 2501cmil-4 605 290 230 2.27/64 2-29/32 3411 55 58-11/16 IPC-750600 7504;cm1600kcmil 500kcmil-356kcmil 600 130 350 3-3/16 3-58 5 75 7/8-78 All wire sizes,unless noted otherwise,am American Wire Gauge(AWG) Tested to UL 486818,UL File E6207 (ISsco) 4730 Madison Road,Cincinnati,Ohio 45227-1426 Phone 513 533-6200 Fax 513 871-4084 Web site www.iisco.com Canada 1050 Lakeshore Road East,Mississauga,Ontario,Canada L5E1E4 Phone 905 274-2341 Fax 905 274-8763 224