HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-22-000643 COO ONE&TWO FAMILY ONLY-BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department • f 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 / .' 508-398-2231 ext.1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR R � _ %' E D Building Permit Application To Construct,Repair,Renovate Or Demolish a One-or Tho-Family Dwelling MAY 16 2022 This[[Section For Official Use Only _ Building Permit Number: _ �(�(69'"3 Date Applied: BUILDING DEPARTMENT rl"► �Rl's �Y fr1 .60 I n cud(Print•.:.. - , sigtlidnre Data 3 y /.� SECTION I:SITE INFORMATION Ll�/7 . 1 1 Property Address L `/ 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers ( S'-C •IN.a1(9 [..v Z 1.11 Is this an accepted street?yes no rip Number Parcci N mar E C E I V E D 1.3 Zoning Information: 14 Property Dimensions: Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage ft) MAY 24 2022 1S Building Setbacks(ft) — �u_-' .DlNOOLPAP7MENT Front Yard Side Yards r rk „._ 1!�1� Required Provided Requires: Provided Required Pmvick��==-- L"- {(Xj f L6 Water Supply:(M.G.L c.40.i 54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Deposal System: Public El..--'-Private CI Zoae: — Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system 0 . Check ifZesO SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' . 21, Owner'of Record: " Ly-t 4 cr (IPq r,,.t o.-!1 '/t ue S [,C.C .Pd y/,o. 5, 1 f' t- Q a tQ O t Name City, tate,ZIP PO 6 of t 3 1-ESQ fo os.c 0.11-A q 4.(am/.3 a ll .) cA�` No.and Street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all)hat apply) New Construction❑ Existing Building UK.--Owner-Occupied El Repairs(s) 0-*".'Alteration(s) Q Addition 0 Demolition Il ,Accessory Bldg.O Number of Units '.. Other O Specify: _ Brief Description of Proposed Work2: • 0_,c w‘..tr..` b u n+vu( T wA c n co.-� re c - 2 (a A...., t n" ehciic� Lie/7) I-/lam SECTION 4:ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS. Item Estimated Costs: Officialese Only SLabor and Materials)_ I.Building $ Qt con I. Building Permit Fee:S-1S0 Indicate how fee is determined: Electrical S bi,Standard City/Town ApplicationFee 2 �t �) EI Total Project Cost'(Item 6)x mu plier x 3.Plumbing $ Fi ctm 2. Other Fees: S 3 c cm . 4.Mechanical (HVAC) S 2,,trot) List 5.Mechanical (Fire S .. . • - Suppression) T oral All Fees:S e.% Check No. Check Amount Cash Amotmt 6.Total Project Cost $ '7 "sCrO. 0 Paid in Full d1 Outstanding Balance Due: I)I SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction SupervisorLicense(CSL) CS—0 5'5 ( `O fly f i t l 1 l 4.w PC S W•• License Number [ Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder I.` /` X 14"S-�-e� /��e— List CSL Type(see below) i No.and Streets L 'Iype�-/ Description mil_► t.ot,./�'e-j -,,� out .0.2.6 Z r U rUnrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.fL) City own.State.,ZIP R Restricted Idc2 Family Dwelling M Masonry RC Roofing Covering WS Window and Siding 1ti 61 4 zl 4%2wA-y U� C sF InSolid t oionne Bunting Appliances Erw� I Insulat Telephone Email address "- r D Demolition 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(MC) HIC Company Name or C Registrant Name HIC Registration Number Expiration Daze 1 T L�-Li A5 -u L,nl • rigt l.t:. a No.and Street �. �'/ Oa ti f d Cc�.'t e.45 i_ �titQ,� Q o' 4 . M it �4G_f K t6 Finail City own,Stater ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(11'LG3..c.152.§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance f the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes No 0 SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN • OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDT NG PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize PA o"Z. r (1An-,•a.e CC .ez , to act on my behalf it all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. a 5'�l� /-2.- - Printr s j4 m rue Signet ue) Dime •• SECTION 7b:OWNER'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained/I in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. hit al 4�.-. P L'44 r.,,,As L( 'S- /)6 / -a_ Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: 1. An Owner who obtains a Whiling permit to do hisnher own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered In the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fiord under M.G.L c.I42A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.govloca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www,mass.cov/dps 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) /=• s--U (including garage,finished basanent/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.it) Ie, 2-o Habitable room count 6 Number of fireplaces O Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms 1 Number of half/baths el Type of heating system ( [t-g Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system a Enclosed Open J 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" • "� The Commonwealth„ of Massachusetts . —DOI^a Department oflndurtria1Accldents `l 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114 2017 •''. .,,,, nr www. ass,gov/dla Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/I'lumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print I eejbly Name(Business/Organization/Individual): P4 Se - MJ4.w,0.s 5 C.L' I.t-C Address: r 3--- 4 X I^--5-4 .,-., 4.-<-, City/State/Zip: \ AnwloA., tY14 Phone#: StD b' ( l ct4 I tf?6 Are you an yer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): I. am a employer with 11 employees(full and/or part-rime).* 7. 0 New construction 10 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working forme is any capacity.]No workers'coop.insurance required.] $• r�--,,�� ding 3.0 I am a homeowner doing all work myself(No workers'comp.insurance required.]t 9 ID 0 4.0 I am a homeowner end will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on try property. I will 1 ❑Building addition homeowner ensure that all contractors either have',miters'compensation Insurance a are sole 11, eetrical proprietors with no employees. repairs or additions 5.0 I a a general contractor trail have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet 12.[ Plumbing repairs or additions m These sub-contractors have employe and have workers'comp.insurance.' 13.❑Roof repairs es 6.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercisedtheir right of exemption per MGL c 14.0 Other 152,Q 1(4).and we have no employees.(No workers'comp.insurance required] iAny applicant that checks box i t must also fiU out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and than hire outside contractors must submit a new a6davit indicating such tantractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have : employees- If the . P have employees,they must provide their waters'con policy number. 1 am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees: Below is the policy and job site btformation _ Insurance Company Name: � Ue( 2 S Policy Par Self-ins.Lic.#: G 4-(up,f,- I k'.6 160-G ^ ?a- Expiration Date: (1'S'/.2ch-2- Sob Site Address: /.2 c M City/state/zip: yAkwn0,4-- "nor Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). b.Lc t 0 Failure to secure coverage as required under MOL c.152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to 31,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day ngninst the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby tot th:i1 d penalties of Ali ry that the information provided above is true and correct signature: 6 o• • �' Date: c-l r S 2" 0 a � Phone#: $ 07-L-6 - 04.Z-C Ofitdal use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: §TOWN OFYARMOUrH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-220 ext.-1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch.40, §54 and 780 CMR-Section 1053.1.#4. I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at / OCS-e_eroto_ti OesT A' ' '"^"c'x-'4 Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location: \ q n.vu cao LA-'L-1 3 Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Ch. Ill, §150A. F 4 A3-6 of Application Date Permit No. • • TRAVELERS J� WOR KERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY TYPE AR INFORMATION PAGE WC 00 00 01 ( A) POUCY NUMBER: (GRUBLI.K86160-0-22) RENEWAL OF (6HUB-1E8616o-0-21) INSURER: THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY OF AMERICA A STOCK COMPANY 1, NCCI CO CODE:13439 INSURED: PRODUCER: PROJECT MANAGERS CC LIC MURRAY & MACDONALD INS 15 LEXINGTON LANE 550 MACARTHUR BLVD YARMOUTRPORT MA'02675 BUZZARDS BAY MA 02532 Insured is A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Other work places and identification numbers are shown in the schedule(s)attached. 2. The policy period is from 02-25-22 to 02-25-23 12:01 A.M.at the insureds mailing address. 3. A. WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE: Part One of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the state(s)listed here: � MA • B. EMPLOYERS UABIUTY INSURANCE: Part Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. The limits of our liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident: $ 500000 Each Accident Bodily Injury by Disease: $ 500000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury by Disease: $ 500000 Each Employee C. OTHER STATES INSURANCE: Part Three of the policy applies to the states,if any,listed here: COVERAGE REPLACED BY ENDORSEMENT WC 20 03 06B D. This policy includes these endorsements and schedules: SEE LISTING OF ENDORSEMENTS - EXTENSION OF INFO PAGE um 4. The premium for this policy will be determined by our Manuals of Rules,Classifications,Rates and Rating •= Plans. All required information issubject to verification and change by audit to be made ANNUALLY. DATE OF ISSUE: 02-09-22 We ST ASSIGN: MA OFFICE: RMD POOL 161 PRODUCER: MURRAY & MACDONALD INS 75NBN 012335 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washington Street-Suite 710 • "-, Boston, Ma usetts 02118 . Home lmprovemel, ,;^. ,rector Registration • •'* +- Type: LLC 11.n --- Registration: .202413 • • PROJECT MANAGERS CC.LLC. ' """ate d Expiration: 06/27/2923 15 LEXINGTON LANE ^ '�' i'_ YARMOUTHPORT.MA 02675 -- `•i • �, 1 $ �Up Update Address and Return Card. • SCA 1 OiU 4 .o&i7 • • gvnino/Auinottijo,4. ►ao�lk✓1s Orno.of Cwuunw Attain s suswww RNuletlon HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR r Registration valid for Individual use only LLC I before Ma expiration date. If found return to: ,. t,'!ti,.., Expiration Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation ,:.r am 0612712023 i 1000 Washington Street ,..13u PROJECT k `�St Boston,MA 02118 i. ram . , cgi. !` WILLIAM T.• r. •-,113 5�i /J (1—//' 15 RMOtdGTO e-; • 7:75 a('` 4ldw2gnatum • , • . , Commonwealth of Massaohusatts • • Division of Professional Licensure. Board of Building R ulations and Standards, iiiii • Cons isr •• CS-095981 . Aires:10/25/2022 • 'WILLIAM F *.1a tEXM7 •" 4 o _.,4,, , YAROT •� •, • . 0 \ • Commissioner R. ?&nJi&. , I