HomeMy WebLinkAboutWell Water Testt Results Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Office of Water Resources TYPE OR PRINT ONLY Well Completion Report // 1. WELL LOCATION I GPS (Required) North •-f ° .. S- LI-- West - CL° _ - • 4:2 Address at Well Location: �) f^, k-�'1 Property Owner/Client: MET L)A I-.)O1\)e> zu I Lt)( -''P Subdivision Name: ?J) Mailing Address: 4 Re;66 6U"J&-- City/Town: 44AtrzKvot,c-rytCity/Town- Assessors Map Assessors Lot#: NOTE:E Assessors Map and Lot# mandatory if no street address available Board of Health permit obtained: Yes i Not Required [12' Permit Number Date Issued 2. WORK PERFORMED 3.WELL TYPE 4. DRILLING METHOD 6. CASING • Overburden Bedrock From (ft) To (ft) Type Thickness Diameter J (A-) D m s r I- ®- (3( aye i-in En o❑❑ 3a) Lio yh 5. WELL LOG OVERBURDEN Water Loss or Drop in Extra ❑❑❑ LITHOLOGY Bearing Addition Drill Fast or Zone of Fluid Stem Slow 7.SCREEN From (ft) To (ft) Code Color Comment Drill Rate i From (ft) To (ft) Type Slot Size Diameter lo ao/ to/ /3j Y /eP Y / N FtS9 i ° k- Y /g YIN F /?y aq 60 00[❑❑❑ . _01 � � V b rr - - - Y / N Y / N F / S i ❑❑❑ Y / N Y / N F / S 8.ANNULAR SEAL/FILTER PACK/ABANDONMENT MTL Y / N Y / N F / S From(ft) To (ft) Material Description Purpose Y / N Y / N F / S ❑❑ CI El Y / N Y / N F / S El El El Y / N Y / N F / S ❑❑ ❑❑ Y / N Y / N F / S El El ID El WELL LOG I BEDROCK Water Drop in Extra Extra Visible Loss or #of 9.SITE SKETCH LITHOLOGY BearingDrill Large Fast or Rust Addition Fractures g Slow From (ft) To (ft) Code Comment Zone Stem Chips Drill Rate Staining of Fluid per foot Y / N Y / N F / S Y / N Y / N Y / NY / NF / SY / NY / N Y / NY / NF / SY / NY / N Y / NY / N F / S Y / N Y / N DEC 29 O 2 Y / NY / NF / SY / NY / N Y / NY / NF / SY / NY / N Y / N Y / N F / S YIN Y / N Y / NY / NF / SY / NY / N Y / NY / NF / SY / NY / N Y / N Y / N F / S Y / N Y / N 10.WELL TEST DATA(ALL SECTIONS MANDATORY FOR PRODUCTION WELLS) 11. STATIC WATER LEVEL(ALL WELLS) 646 Yield Time Pumped Pumping Level Time to Recover Recovery Depth Below Date t (GPM) (hrs&min) (Ft. BGS) (hrs&min) (Ft. BGS) Date/Measured Ground Surface (ft) 410)r /� - -• 0. 1%/ _ _ _:DL /3 ' _ 1 / ice ' 12. PERMANENT PUMP(IF AVAILABLE) 13.ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION Pump Description ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Horsepower Developed Y / N Fracture Enhancement Y / N Pump Intake Depth (ft) Nominal Pump Capacity (gpm) Disinfected Y / N Surface Seal Type 14. COMMENTS I Total Well Depth Depth to Bedrock 15.WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT IThis well was drilled, altered, and/or abandoned under my supervision, according to applicable rules and regulations,and this report is co pi d correct to the best of my knowledge. Driller: �i- ''S�� Supervising D 'ller Signature: Registration#:1 �3I �rc 1 Firm: (rate Complete: 1- / "' Rig Permit#: a NOTE: Well Completion Reports must be filed by the registered well driller wit in 30 days of well completion. ENVIROTECHLABORATORIES,INC. MA CERT.NO.:M-MA 063 8 Jan Sebastian Drive Unit 12 Sandwich,MA 02563 (508)888-6460 1-800-339-6460 FAX(508)888-6446 Client Name: Jenkins&Son Well Drilling Location: Address: PO Box 5 41 Uncle Roberts S Orleans, MA Yarmouth,MA 02662 Lab Number: DW-225284 Collected By: P Jenkins Date Received: 12/20/22 Sample Type: New Well Well Specs: 30 X 13 Location Source Date Collected Time Collected Comments A 12/1.9/22 17:00 Analysis Requested Units Recommended Limits Analysis Result Method Date Analyzed Analyzed By pH pH units 6.5-8.5 5.86 SM 4500-H-B 12/20/2022 KF Specific Conductance= umhos/cm 500 85 EPA 120.1 12/20/2022 KF Nitrite-N mg/L 1.00 <0.006 EPA 300.0 12/22/2022 KF Nitrate-N mg/L 10.0 0.30 EPA 300.0 12/22/2022 KF Sodium mg/L 20.0 11 EPA 200.7 12/21/2022 KB Total Iron mg/L 0.3 <0.01 EPA 200.7 12/21/2022 KB Manganese mg/L 0.05 0.096 EPA 200.7 12/21/2022 KB Total Coliform(Presence/Absence) Present/Absent Absent Absent SM9223B 12/20/2022 IP©17:15 Comments: Drinking water may naturally have manganese and,when concentrations are greater than 0.050 mg/L,the water may be discolored and taste bad.Manganese is not a health hazard at levels 0.05-0.300 mg/L. Low pH indicates high corrosive characteristics. All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA approved methods with all requirements met, DEC 29 2322 unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results. We certify that the following results are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. - -- - Water meets EPA standards and is suitable for drinking for parameters tested. fr Date 12/22/2022 Ronald J.Saari Laboratory Director BRL=Below Reportable Limits *See Attached Page 1 of 1 rCertcation is not available for this analyte for potable water samples..