HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-E001 22 Margaret Joseph Road Approved°"�-� TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 RECEIVIBV ING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE JAN 0 3 2on APPLICATION FOR rAN�wv� r t-, CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 22 Margaret Joseph Road MaplLot # 124-83 owner s�: Betsy Grant and Family Phone i.203-556-0230 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 22 MARGARET JOSEPH RDYARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 Year built: 1985 Email: BETSYGRANT63@GMAIL.COM Preferred notification method: Phone X Email Agent/Contractor: CAPIZZI HOME IMPROVEMENT INC Phone#: 508-648-0269 Mailing Address: 1645 NEWTOWN ROAD COTUIT, MA 02635 Email: PERMIT@CAPIZZIHOME.COM Preferred notification method: 21 Phone PI Email Description of Proposed Work (Additional pages may be attached if necessary): Replaement of siding on all shingled areas of house (not front which is clapboard) with White Cedar Shingles Replacement of 4 Double Hung windows (two on left side and 2 on Back side with Anderson 200 Series double hung tilt wash ) to match existing in same color (white clad) and sizing. Replacement of front entry door with Thermatru Smoothstar 2 lite , 4 panal door to be painted to match existing Same style door as the existing. Signed (Owner or agent): _7 j; �''' Date: 01 /02/2023 Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required From the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: Amount Vito � CashlCK #: t-! 1 3) Rcvd by: Date Signed: t -1 ,)3 VApproved Approved with changes IAPP-1rawn-D Reason for denial: jErtl1 0 9 YAHiv;,tu , , Signed: -Al`— Sri? APPLICATION #: V52017 Sherman, Lisa From: Robert Wilkins <yportbob@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 12:25 PM To: Sherman, Lisa Subject: Re: 23-E001 22 Margaret Joseph Road Attention?: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hi Lisa, Seems fine to me. Let's put that one to bed and issue the exemption. Best, Bob IAN o 9 2023 Y MIOU-FH On Jan 9, 2023, at 12:23 PM, Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> wrote. - Hi Bob, Same door style and same color as existing door. Hope that helps; please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Lisa From: Sherman, Lisa <LSherman(@varmouth.ma.us> Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 8:47 AM To: Robert Wilkins <vportbob@gmail.com> Cc: Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: RE: 23-E001 22 Margaret Joseph Road I think it's a great idea to delegate some of the work. Tough for one person to do it all. Richard was retired so easier for him, but no reason you can't divide up the duties. The appearance of the windows will match current, same size and grille pattern. And same door style and color as current. Keep me posted on what's going on! Thanks Bob, Lisa JAN 0 9 2023 From: Robert Wilkins <yportbob@gmail.com> YARMOUTH Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 2:40 PM OLD KINGS HIGHWAY. To: Sherman, Lisa <LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: Re: 23-EO0122 Margaret Joseph Road Attention[: This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Hi Llsa, have questions about the windows: Are the windows being replaced also "tilt wash?" If not, will the appearance of the new windows nevertheless match that of the ones being replaced? Grills? Number and sizes of the panes on the top and bottom sashes the same? Siding and door (assuming the new door to exactly match the one being replaced - panes the same size and in the same pattern and position, i.e.) Incidentally, at the suggestion of our attorney, Jim Wilson, I might be delegating some or all of these exemption requests to Richard Ventrone. I am hoping to meet with him, Jim Wilson, and Richard Gegenwarth at the latter's house this Thursday afternoon. I can promise that there will be some changes to the way Richard G. did things. Stay tuned. My Best, Bob On Jan 3, 2023, at 2:21 PM, Sherman, Lisa <LSherman armouth.ma.us> wrote: Residents would like to replace siding, windows, and doors at 22 Margaret Joseph Road. Capizzi says is like for like for all three projects. Please let me know if you can approve this, or if you need me to get any additional information. Thanks Bob, Lisa g3--6-W 1 °FYjR TOWN OF YARMOUTH 0 1 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as con ivenienl after• .such public hearing; hul in any event within forty-five (451 days after the filing of application, or within such.f rt•ther time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print):Capizzi Home Improvement Inc Applicant/Agent signature: Date: 01/03/2023 Ffi Ral I _%j F__ 0_� SAN 0 3 2023 rwy _—, APPROVED ,Aid 0 9 2023 YARMOUTH ni n VINI ,'G HIGHWAY Application ii: 312020 �� . ,rx 1•=� I 1 I I . . TIM . 4 N-1 �► � XNNOO :. Ilk laF ! ! .... low Ilk, ~ art - Lie 't..,�+�1 -"-kj �,4 �L arMIt . i EC EIV .]AN o 3 2023 YAKIViUU i r,... A># � Ay p g 2023 I a � i•pyc� P '9-3- EM) VJ Privacy & Textured Glass FCM61_ FCM861_ 2'8"x 6'8" 2'8'x 8'0" 2'10"x6'8" 2'10"x8'0" 3'0"x 6'8" ? 3'0"x 8'6" FC61_ FC861_ E 2'8`x 8'0" 2'6"x 6'8" $ 2'10`x 8'0" 2'8"x 6'8" $ 3'0"x 8'0" 2'10' x 6'8" $ 3'0"x 6'8" t I FC61 FC861 S296 S896 eE vE 2'6"x 6'8" t 2'B"x 8'0" 2'6"x 6'8" 2'6"x 810" 2'6"x 6'8" t 2'10' x 8'0" 2'8"x 6'8" $ 2'8"8'0" 2'10"x 6'8" # 3'0% B'D" 2'10"x 6'8" t 2'10% 8.0" 3'0"x 6'8" t 3'0"x 6'8" t 3'0"x 8'0" S296_ S896_ E 2'6"x8'0" 2'8"x 8'0" 2'8"x6'8"t 2'10"x8'0" i 2'10"x 6'B" t 3'0"x 8'0" 3'0"x 6'8't Noise Reduction Doors Therma-Tru= Noise Reduction doors deliver aesthetics with a commercial level of performance for residential projects. ideal for multi -use and urban in -fill projects located near sources of noise pollution, our Noise Reduction doors provide a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 36. Our Noise Reduction lites also offer added security from forced entry with laminated glass surrounded by a standard Lip-lite frame. Note: Also available in decorative full-lite glass option In aluminum Lip-lite frame. S140STC ■•E 2'6"x 6'8" 2'8"x 6'8" 2'10'x 6'8" 3'0"x 6'8" t Clear Glass FCM61 FCM861 s 2'8"x 6'8" 2'8"x BV' 2' 10"x 13T. 2' 10"x 8'0" 3'0"x 6'8" 3'0"x 8'0" S9140STC S141STC • E • + E 216" x 8'0" 2'6"x 6'8' 2'8"x 8'0" 2'8"x 6'8' 3.0„x8,0" 2'l0„x68" 3'0"x 6'8' $ 566635TC 0 A + E 2'6" x 6'6" 2'8"x 6'8" 2' 10' x 6'8" To x 6'8" t ECTI IED JAN 0 3 2023 Y11 ii`dilili � h QED; )AN 0 9 2023 YARMOUTH h /din — 1•/Al/ Note: See page 293 for important product details that may help with your purchase decision. Top: Smooth -Star, Clear Glass, Door —S296, Finish —Cypress 188 Right Page: Smooth -Star Door — S1100, Sidelites — 52000SL, Finish — Granite Andersen. MERIF-D JAI 0 3 2023 YAhvviUU i r, PPR VE® JA, YARN TH LID KING'S IGHWAY Tables of Sizes ............. ....... 223-224 Specifications ..................... 224-225 Grille Patterns ............................225 Window Details .......................... 226 Joining Details ............................226 Combination Designs.................255 Product Performance ................. 269 Warranty.............................290-291 REi. rwm DOUBLE -HUNG WINDOWS 400 SERIES WOODWRIGHT" WINDOWS WoodwrightO windows help replicate the look of R traditional architecture_ Their thick, sloped sills and historically accurate grille patterns express old-world character. To help match existing interiors, they're available in a variety of wood species and with a range of hafdware and grille options, including custom grilles. And the ail -new, easy tilt-releas lock system makes cleaning easy, For more information, see page 59. CUSTOM S"E& Woodwrightowindows giveyou the option to use a variety of j gracefot arches that canadd an uncommon elegance. Unequal Arch Arch SpOngllne 400 SERIES TILT -WASH WINDOWS Year after year, the Andersen® 400 Series tilt -wash window is ou, best-selling double - hung window — and for good reason. A new, taller sill stop increases performance to PG40 while still maintaining egress on our most popular sizes. It's extremely energy efficient and offers a wide array of decorative and performance options_ For more information, see page 87. CUSTOM S1225 4 WATCH r Th,s product is available witR Stormwatch° for more detars. 200 SERIES TILT -WASH WINDOWS 200 Series tilt -wash double -hung windows come in our most popular sires and with our most requested options. They feature low -maintenance exteriors and real wood interiors. For more information, see page 221 i JAN 0 3 2023 400 SERIES WOODWRIGHT INSERT WINDOWS Woodwright® insert windows give all the advantages of Woodwright full -frame �[ windows, with faster and easier installation, { less mess and fewer disruptions. In most _ cases, you can even keep the original trim and preserve the character of your customers' I_ homes. And the ail -new, easy till -release lock system makes cleaning easy. Installation materials included. For more information, see page 79. CUSTOY SQeS APPROVED � JAN 0 9 2023 YAHMOu rh OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 400 SERIES TILT -WASH INSERT WINDOWS l All the features of our best-selling double - hung window are now available in an insert window that's faster and easier to install. Installation materials included. For more information, see page 101. c 1/STOM SUES NARROLINE" WINDOW CONVERSION KIT For homes with Andersen' Narroiine® windows that were made after 1967, our quick conversion kit lets you turn them into tilt -wash double -hung windows with High -Performance Low-E40 glass. For more information, see page 99. 18 k TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG WINDOWS r FEATURES © u ACCESSORIES Sold Separately Frame O Exterior outer frame members are treated with water-repellent preservative and covered with a rigid vinyl cover, minimizing maintenance and providing an attractive appearance, 0 0 Interior surfaces are unfinished pine. Low -maintenance prefinished White interiors are available. 19 Full -perimeter installation flange makes installation easy and fast with little or no adjustment It's fixed, seamless and integrated with the exterior tramp.. 0 Flexible weatherstripping around all four sides is factory -installed and provides a tight seal between the sash and frame. Glass © Choose Low•E, Low-E HeatLoi Low-E SmartSun" low-E SmarlSun HeatLock or dual -pane glass, Tempered glass and other glass options are available. Contact your Andersen supplier. A removable translucent film helps shield the glass hom damage dunng delivery and construction and simplifies finishing at the jobsite. 0 A rigid vinyl glazing bead, combined with high-grade silicone glazing bed, keeps the glass bonded firmly to the sash and helps minimize water and air infiltration. EXTERI R OSandione 0 n Sash A convenient tilt -wash design makes it easy to clean the window from the inside. An in -sash balancer minimizes the view of the jamb liner, maximizing the amount of wood in the frame. window can be secured Through the side jambs to stud walls Without hitting balancer. HARDWARE FINISHES Antique Black Bright Gold Dust Brass Brass IN IOR OilRuhhrrl Satin Stone White Pine White Llrenze Nickel Naturally occoring variatons in grain, color and teAturd of wood make each window onei An wood intenorsa,e unfinished unless peehnished white is specibed, Oil rubbed brorve s a 'I vmg" finish ilia: vnll rl,ange with time and use. DOUBLE -HUNG HARDWARE OPTIONS LOCK &KEEPER CLASSIC SERIEs`LIFT" Frame Extension Jambs Standard jamb depth is 3 rla" {83). Extension jambs are available in unlnished pine or prefinished White. Some sizes may be veneered. Factory -applied and non -applied extension jambs are available in'V (1.5) increments between 4 YW' 014) and 7 Is' (181). Extension jambs can be factory -applied to either three sides (stool and apron) or four sides (picture frame casing). Drywall Return The 200 Series double -hung window is available with a narrow 3" (16) jamb depth with a flat interior surface for easy drywall retum. Available in pine or prehnished White. Two -Tone Option 200 Series lilt -wash double -hung windows are available with a two-tone color configuration, featuring a prefinished White interior and a Sandtoneexterior. Some exterior components are visible Irom the WOOL Corresponding picture and transom units, as well as grilles, are available to match, Window Opening Control Device I j A new recessed window opening control device is available factory -applied. It limits the sash travel to 4" (102) when the window is first opened. Available in Stone and White. Security Sensors Open/Closed Sensors Wireless apen/closed sensors are available in four colors. See page 30 for details. ECRITE) JArN 0 3 1'3 Insect Screens Insect Screen Frames Choose full insect screen or half insect screen. Half insect screen (shown abovei allows ventilation without affecting the view from the upper sash. Frames are available in colors to match product exteriors. TruScene•Insect Screen Exclusive AndeiTruScene^ insect screens provide over 50 % more clarity than our conventional insect screens for a beautiful unobstructed view. They allow more fresh air and sunlight in, while doing a better job of keeping out small insects. Conventional Insect Screen Conventional insect screens have a long- lasting' fiberglass screen mesh with a charcoal finish. Exterior Trim This product is available with Andersens Exterior Trim. See pages 215-220 for details. CAUT40N • Painting and sta n ne may cause damage to rigid vinyl. • Do not paint 200 Series windows WAN white ciderirrs, • Andersen dues not warrant 1he adnosian or performance of hnmaormer—applied paint ever vinyl or nlher factory -coaled wrfacm • 200 Seiles windows in Saadtane color may be. painted anrcolor lignterthan Sandtone cola, using qualilyall-base or latex paint. • For vinyl painting instructions and preparation. contact your Andersen suio i^r. • Do not paint vwatheis4ipping. • Creasote-basei stains should not come in contact With Andersen products. • Ahrasive cleaners Of solutions containing corrosive solvents should not be used on Andersen preduds. - ® %�o�f ! For more information about glass, Antique Brass I Black I Bight Brass Stone (White ppilles and Truscone° insect screen Gold Dust I OJ Rubbed Bronze J AN a 9 20 �� see pages 10-16. SatiriMckel I Stone I White For more information about Bold name denotes finish shown- YARMOU l i-j ;combination designs, product OLD KIND'S HIGHWAY _`parforrnance, installation ' Visit arldersermtndovrs.crmHrarranty lcrdetaits. accessories and warranty see pages " Hardware sold separat*. 255-29) or visit Dimensions in parentheses are in militmeters. Printing limitations prevent exact duplication ar colors and finishes. See your Andersen supplier for actual color and finish samples. afldersenwindows.com 44 222 Andersen. Table of Tilt -Wash Transom and Double -Hung Window Sizes Table of Tilt -Wash Half Circle Window Sizes Scale Ma" (3) m P-0" (305) -- 1:96 Scale Ma" (3) a 1'-0" (305) -- 1:96 1'-7 s12' 1'-11 1/2 T-3 0' T-71/2' 2'-11 '/iWindow " T-31/2' F-71/2" 1'-11 117" WinduwDimension (495) (597) (699) (800) (902) (1003) 0imension {495) (597) Mkdmuin 11-8" 7,11- 2'4- 2'-8- N-0' 3'-4' MIMMO 1'-8" 2'-0" R-01 opwft (508) (610) (7111 (813) (914) (1016) Rough Opening (508) (6101 Unobstructed Glass 131n' 17112' 21 16.' 25 112' 29112' 33 112" Unobstructed Glass 13112. 171/2" (lo.er sash only) (343} (445) (5461 (648) (749) (851) (343) (445) See Half Circle chat ❑ .� �� "❑ m v 244CT18 244CT20 7424 2g4CT28 744CT30 244CT34 qv M eo 4CT :C rn o o !� < 0 M = ® 244CT18 244CT20 244FX1810 244FX2010 244FX2410 244FX2810 244FX3010 244FX3410 I 2'-3 112' 2'•71h" 244FX1816 244FX2016 244FX2416 244FX2816 244FX3016 244FX3416 (699) (800) 244� 20 244FX2020 244FX2420 � � � (711) (813) 44FX2820 244FX3020 244FX3420 211/2" 25112' (546) (648) N m B El Fm ® ❑ ❑ c v r n o c n 1 n 244ON1830 244DH2O30 244DR2430 2440N2830 2401113030 244DHWO v a o ry P ~ a o 6 ���� y = ❑ ❑ ❑ = 244CT24 244CT28 rom �t`v Q- 244DH1836 244DH2036 244DH2436 244DH2836 244DH3036 2440N3436 T-111k" T-3lh- ■ ❑ 1003) ❑ ❑ ❑ {902) (T-4- e a (9141 (1016) 244DR184D 2440N2040 244DH2440 244CH9840 244011,13D40 2440H3440 291h" 33112' (749) (951) �' � n � m ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ . Opp v � r� � //� '^ ui � r� � cv 244CT30 244CT34 244DHIR46 244PH2O46 244DH2446 244DH2846 244DH3046 244DR3446 2440H1849 244DH2O49 2440N2449 244DH2849 244DHM90 24OH34494 Grille patterns shown on page 225. RECEIVED H H H OFIE] 244DHI850 244ON2050 2440H2450 244DH2950 2440H30500 244DN34504 J A N O 3 O 23 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ j � m in m ry I r11-ilY1V U 1 ri 0 0 :1 1:1 A OLD KING'5 HIGHWAY 2440N1856 244DR2056 244DH2456 244DR28564244DH30560 244DH34564 _ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑' ❑ APPROVED M0 11 0 1:1 El ' JAN 0 9 2023 244pH1860 244DH2O69 244DR2460 244QH286042440H30604 244DN34604 YNrtiIVlUi,i fir • "Window Dimension' always refers to out"o frame to fame dimension. • 'Mil , Rough Opanlsg' dlsenslmrs nab nood to a Irwseasd le aimr for are of huldiog wraps, flashing, ail Y+rwYrg, 6nokats, hatenon K slier It nm6 Sao Fagn 2U.2 i9 Far son dotals. • Diimnsims in parentheses are in millimeters. OMeet or exceed dear epeningarea o1 5,7 sq, h- or 0.53 ma, clear openiagridlh of 20' (508) and clear opening height or 24' (610),See table on page 225, 223 i•vwc Hood 6 ,41 Wildfire d 8 bA s Amenities v E Transit v et INa �aC�aC T ~d� Rd d nPs sq ateti d`adui 7Rd a �d �d Fj 'pa FOLD ECEIVED AN 0 3 2023 YARMOUI h KINGS HIGHWAY Street a View ftLttps://maps. oogle.com/maps?11=41.703971,-70.219536&z=18&t=mghl=en-US& I=us&mapcIjent=apiv3. � � �F data ©2023 JAN 0 9 2023 fHriivi�ju i t Owner View Connect with an agent