HomeMy WebLinkAboutArchitectural PlansPO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA 02768 Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com PLAN REVISIONS New Residence For:12/24/2022 10:24:45 AM15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. Sheet List Sheet Number Sheet Name Current Revision Current Revision Date A-0 Title Page 6 12/22/2022 A-1 Existing Basement Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-2 Existing First Floor Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-3 Existing Second Floor Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-4 Existing Elevations 6 12/22/2022 A-5 Existing Elevations 5 9/1/2022 A-6 Demolition Plans 6 12/22/2022 A-7 Proposed Basement Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-8 Proposed First Floor Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-9 Proposed Second Floor Plan 6 12/22/2022 A-10 Proposed Elevations 5 9/1/2022 A-11 Proposed Elevations 6 12/22/2022 A-12 Cross Sections & Details 6 12/22/2022 A-13 Construction Details 5 9/1/2022 A-14 Master Bedroom Elevations 6 12/22/2022 S-1 Foundation Plan 5 9/1/2022 S-2 Framing Plans 6 12/22/2022 No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 3 Adjustments to Front Bumpout 5/20/2022 4 Slider revision, Master Bedroom Elevations 8/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 DN UP 3' - 8 1/2"6' - 10 1/2" 6 8 9 8' - 4 7/8"4' - 0"2' - 7 5/8" EXISTING CRAWL SPACE C C 6' - 0"10' - 1"6' - 0" 2' - 6"7' - 0"2' - 6"20' - 0"22' - 1"2' - 0"30' - 0"32' - 0"12' - 4"26' - 3"15' - 6" 54' - 1"8' - 0"PLAY ROOM BATH UTILITY 6 C C 3 3 1/2"10' - 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 10' - 11"3 1/2" 3 1/2"1' - 4 1/2" 3 1/2" 19' - 10"3 1/2" 54' - 1"5' - 0 1/2"11' - 11 1/2"12' - 0 1/2"10' - 11 1/2"40' - 0"4' - 4 1/2"11' - 7 1/2"3 1/2"8' - 11"3' - 6"3 1/2"2' - 9 3/4"7' - 10 3/4"3 1/2"10' - 0"6' - 0"4 16' - 0"2 10 C 3-SEASON ROOM LAUNDRY CLO. F 8' - 10 1/2"6' - 7 1/2" Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:46 AMA-1 Existing Basement Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING BASEMENT Existing Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size DescriptionWidthHeight 1 1 3' - 0"6' - 8"2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - 6"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0"6' - 8"15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 12' - 0"6' - 6"15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio 6 8 2' - 6"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 2 2' - 3"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold Existing Window Schedule MK Count Rough Opening DescriptionWidthHeight A 5 3' - 0"5' - 0"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad A1 1 6' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad C 6 2' - 6"3' - 5"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0"3' - 6"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D1 1 4' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad D2 1 2' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad E 1 4' - 0 1/4"4' - 0"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 1/2"4' - 1"Vinyl Double Hung/ Triple Mullion F1 1 2' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad G 1 8' - 11 3/8"4' - 10"Bowed Casement Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6"4' - 9 1/2"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW & DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2.EXISTING WINDOWS ARE ANDERSON ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 REF.DWDN UP 2' - 6"3' - 6"3' - 6"2' - 6"8' - 2 7/8"9' - 5 5/8"2' - 3 1/2" 12' - 0"20' - 0" 6' - 1"6' - 3"7' - 8"18' - 7"15' - 6"8' - 0"30' - 0"2' - 0"4' - 0"4' - 0"8' - 0"BASEMENT LEVEL BELOW 12' - 4"41' - 9" 54' - 1"9' - 10 1/2"26' - 0"7' - 11"8' - 1"19' - 7"4' - 0"5' - 9 5/8"20' - 2 3/8"5 1/2"11' - 6 1/2" 3 1/2" 2' - 2 1/4"17' - 6 1/4"3 1/2" 1 5 G D1D D A A A1A A A EXISTING COMPOSITE DECK DINING ROOM KITCHEN LIVING ROOM 16' - 9"13' - 3"24' - 0"Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:47 AMA-2 Existing First Floor Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING FIRST FLOOR Existing Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size DescriptionWidthHeight 1 1 3' - 0"6' - 8"2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - 6"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0"6' - 8"15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 12' - 0"6' - 6"15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio 6 8 2' - 6"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 2 2' - 3"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold Existing Window Schedule MK Count Rough Opening DescriptionWidthHeight A 5 3' - 0"5' - 0"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad A1 1 6' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad C 6 2' - 6"3' - 5"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0"3' - 6"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D1 1 4' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad D2 1 2' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad E 1 4' - 0 1/4"4' - 0"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 1/2"4' - 1"Vinyl Double Hung/ Triple Mullion F1 1 2' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad G 1 8' - 11 3/8"4' - 10"Bowed Casement Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6"4' - 9 1/2"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW & DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2.EXISTING WINDOWS ARE ANDERSON ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 3 Adjustments to Front Bumpout 5/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 DN H H 6 9 7 6 6 6 6 6 OPEN TO FIRST FLOOR BELOW BEDROOM #1 BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 CLOSETCLOSETCLOSETOPEN TO FIRST FLOOR BELOW 3 1/2"11' - 0"3 1/2"3' - 3"3 1/2"4' - 2"3 1/2"6' - 1"3 1/2"3 1/2" 8' - 8 1/4" 3 1/2" 2' - 2 1/4" 3 1/2" 10' - 0 1/2"3 1/2"3 1/2"14' - 6 1/2"3 1/2"3 1/2" 8' - 6" 3 1/2" 12' - 8 1/2"3 1/2" 6' - 0"10' - 1"6' - 0" 22' - 1"7' - 0"11' - 11 1/2"C H H 4' - 5 1/2"17' - 7 1/2" 22' - 1" 2' - 4" 3 1/2" 3' - 0" 3 1/2" 2' - 0" 3 1/2" 13' - 3 1/2" Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:47 AMA-3 Existing Second Floor Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING SECOND FLOOR Existing Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size DescriptionWidthHeight 1 1 3' - 0"6' - 8"2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - 6"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0"6' - 8"15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 12' - 0"6' - 6"15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio 6 8 2' - 6"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 2 2' - 3"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold Existing Window Schedule MK Count Rough Opening DescriptionWidthHeight A 5 3' - 0"5' - 0"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad A1 1 6' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad C 6 2' - 6"3' - 5"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0"3' - 6"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D1 1 4' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad D2 1 2' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad E 1 4' - 0 1/4"4' - 0"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 1/2"4' - 1"Vinyl Double Hung/ Triple Mullion F1 1 2' - 5"1' - 0"Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad G 1 8' - 11 3/8"4' - 10"Bowed Casement Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6"4' - 9 1/2"Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW & DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2.EXISTING WINDOWS ARE ANDERSON ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" D D D1 D2 G C C HH FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" A A E Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:48 AMA-4 Existing Elevations 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2 EXISTING LEFT ELEVATION PLAN No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" C C 5 A A A1 A2 F F1 FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10"FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" H H CC 2 Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:49 AMA-5 Existing Elevations 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EXISTING REAR ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2 EXISTING RIGHT ELEVATION PLAN No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 REF.DWEXISTING DECK TO BE REMOVED DEMO & RE-FRAME EXISTING FRONT WALL TO NEW LAYOUT REMOVE & REPLACE ALUMINUM GUTTERS DEMO EXISTING BATHROOM TO STUDS & RE-FRAME ACCORDING TO NEW PLANS DEMO EXISTING 3-SEASON ROOF RE-FRAME AS REQUIRED FOR NEW WINDOWS REMOVE FRAMING FOR NEW OPENING Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 3/16" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:50 AMA-6 Demolition Plans 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 3/16" = 1'-0"1 DEMOLITION FIRST FLOOR 3/16" = 1'-0"2 DEMOLITION SECOND FLOOR No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 DN UP B A-12 A A-12 1 A-13 3' - 8 1/2"6' - 10 1/2" 8' - 4 7/8"4' - 0"2' - 7 5/8" EXISTING CRAWL SPACE 6' - 0"10' - 1"6' - 0" 2' - 6"7' - 0"2' - 6"20' - 0"22' - 1"2' - 0"30' - 0"32' - 0"12' - 4"26' - 3"15' - 6" 54' - 1"8' - 0"3 1/2"10' - 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 10' - 11"3 1/2" 3 1/2"1' - 4 1/2" 3 1/2" 19' - 10"3 1/2" 54' - 1"5' - 0 1/2"11' - 11 1/2"12' - 0 1/2"10' - 11 1/2"40' - 0"4' - 4 1/2"11' - 7 1/2"3 1/2"8' - 11"3' - 6"3 1/2"2' - 9 3/4"7' - 10 3/4"3 1/2"10' - 0"6' - 0"16' - 0"7' - 9"7' - 9" 3-SEASON ROOM PLAY ROOM BATH LAUNDRY CLO. H H Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:50 AMA-7 Proposed Basement Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED BASEMENT Proposed Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size DescriptionWidthHeight 1 1 3' - 0"6' - 8"2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - 6"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0"6' - 8"15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 12' - 0"6' - 6"15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio 6 9 2' - 6"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 4 2' - 3"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 13 1 6' - 0"6' - 8" Proposed Window Schedule MK Count Unit Opening DescriptionWidthHeight A 3 3' - 0"7' - 10 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad B 4 2' - 7"6' - 2 3/4"Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0"2' - 0"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad G 4 3' - 0 9/16"2' - 0 1/2"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6"<varies>Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad J 1 2' - 6 1/4"2' - 7 3/4"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW & DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2.NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE MARVIN INTEGRITY WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL R.O. SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ORDERING No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 REF.DWDN UP DN B 11' - 10 1/2"18' - 0"8' - 8 1/2"15' - 6" 54' - 1" 9' - 0"9' - 0" 2' - 6"7' - 0"2' - 6"4' - 6"11' - 0"4' - 6" CATHEDRAL CEILINGS (TYPICAL) 5 8' - 3"7' - 9"1 19' - 8" 5' - 6"5' - 6"2' - 0"2' - 6"3' - 0"12' - 0"20' - 0"22' - 1" B 20' - 2 3/8"5' - 9 5/8"4' - 0"8' - 0"5 1/2"11' - 6 1/2" 3 1/2" 2' - 2 1/4"17' - 6 1/4" 3 1/2" 54' - 1"41' - 11 1/2"BASEMENT LEVEL BELOW 3' - 6"3' - 6"2' - 0"30' - 0"8' - 0"40' - 0"LIVING ROOM KITCHEN DINING ROOM 16' - 0"16' - 0"FAMILY ROOM B12' - 0"NEW COMPOSITE DECK B A-12 A A-12 1 A-13 A B 16' - 9"13' - 3"24' - 0"12" CONCRETE FOOTINGS W/ SPREAD FOOTINGS (TYPICAL EACH CORNER) IN EXISTING SLIDER OPENING CREATE CASED OPENING NEW 12" X 16" CONCRETE FOOTING TO BE PLACED UNDER EXISTING REAR BUMPOUT (SEE SHEET A-12 SECTION "A" FOR DETAILS) Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:51 AMA-8 Proposed First Floor Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR Proposed Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size DescriptionWidthHeight 1 1 3' - 0"6' - 8"2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - 6"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0"6' - 8"15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 12' - 0"6' - 6"15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio 6 9 2' - 6"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 4 2' - 3"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 13 1 6' - 0"6' - 8" Proposed Window Schedule MK Count Unit Opening DescriptionWidthHeight A 3 3' - 0"7' - 10 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad B 4 2' - 7"6' - 2 3/4"Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0"2' - 0"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad G 4 3' - 0 9/16"2' - 0 1/2"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6"<varies>Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad J 1 2' - 6 1/4"2' - 7 3/4"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW & DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2.NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE MARVIN INTEGRITY WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL R.O. SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ORDERING No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 4 Slider revision, Master Bedroom Elevations 8/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 DN DN 4' - 0"5 1/2"3 1/2"3' - 4"3' - 0"3 1/2"14' - 6 1/2"3 1/2"13 7 6 BEDROOM #1 BEDROOM #2 BATH LINENBATH CLOSET MASTER BEDROOM 8' - 6" 3 1/2" 3' - 1" 3 1/2" 5' - 6 1/2" 3 1/2" 3' - 6" 3 1/2" 11' - 5 1/2" 7 3' - 2" 3 1/2" 3' - 1 1/2" 3 1/2" 1' - 0 1/2" 3 1/2" 7 J 7' - 9"7' - 9" 36" HIGH WALL W/ GLASS PANEL ABOVE D 6 D H3' - 0"9' - 1 1/4"H 3' - 0"11' - 5 1/4"4' - 1"19' - 6 1/2"38' - 0 3/4"15' - 6" 3 1/2"8' - 8 1/4" 3 1/2" 2' - 2 1/4" 3 1/2" 10' - 0 1/2"3 1/2"3 1/2"11' - 0"3 1/2"3' - 3"3 1/2"1' - 3 1/2"3' - 5"3 1/2"5' - 6 1/2"3 1/2"OPEN TO FIRST FLOOR BELOW B A-12 A A-12 1 A-13 9 NOT SHOWN NOT SHOWN 3 3 A-14 1 4 3 2 1' - 11 1/2" NOT SHOWN Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:52 AMA-9 Proposed Second Floor Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR Proposed Door Schedule MK Count Unit Size DescriptionWidthHeight 1 1 3' - 0"6' - 8"2-Lite Steel Exterior 2 1 2' - 8"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 3 1 2' - 6"6' - 8"9-Lite Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0"6' - 8"15 Lite Vinyl Sliding Patio 5 1 12' - 0"6' - 6"15-Lite/ 4-Panel Sliding Patio 6 9 2' - 6"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 4 2' - 3"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 8 1 2' - 0"6' - 8"6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 10 1 5' - 0"6' - 8"6 Panel Hollow Core Interior Bi-Fold 13 1 6' - 0"6' - 8" Proposed Window Schedule MK Count Unit Opening DescriptionWidthHeight A 3 3' - 0"7' - 10 3/4" Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad B 4 2' - 7"6' - 2 3/4"Large Picture w/ 24" Awning Above Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - 0"2' - 0"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad G 4 3' - 0 9/16"2' - 0 1/2"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6"<varies>Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad J 1 2' - 6 1/4"2' - 7 3/4"Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WINDOW & DOOR SIZES BEING REPLACED 2.NEW WINDOWS SHALL BE MARVIN INTEGRITY WINDOWS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL R.O. SIZES WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ORDERING No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 4 Slider revision, Master Bedroom Elevations 8/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" SEAMLESS METAL ROOF (COLOR BY OWNER) NEW WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES (TO MATCH EXISTING) MARVIN ULTIMATE LOW-E ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS 1 ALL SECOND FLOOR WINDOWS TO BE REPLACED WITH SAME SIZE AS EXISTING ALL BASEMENT WINDOWS TO BE REPLACED WITH SAME SIZE AS EXISTING55NEW FRONT DOOR AWNING (SEAMLESS METAL ROOF) FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" 5 12 10NEW COMPOSITE DECK NW/ PVC RAILINGS MARVIN ULTIMATE LOW-E ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS NEW CORNER BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW FASCIA BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS NEW ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS NEW 1 X 8 AZECK FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING 6" X 6" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS WRAPPED IN WHITE AZECK SLEEVE PVC RAILINGS COMPOSITE DECKING ON RUBBER MEMBRANE (PITCH MEMBRANE TOWARD OUTER EDGE) EXISTING 3-SEASON ROOM TO REMAIN Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:53 AMA-10 Proposed Elevations 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2 PROPOSED LEFT ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"3 MASTER BEDROOM ELEVATION No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2"3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" 10 127 12 BUILD UP EXISTING ROOF TO ALLOW FOR WATER TO FLOW OFF ROOF NEW RAKE BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW COMPOSITE DECK W/ PVC RAILINGS NEW WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING NEW CORNER BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW 6" X 6" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS WRAPPED IN WHITE AZECK SLEEVES NEW ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) J 13 5 H H G G G G 1' - 8 1/4"0" FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" FOUNDATION -0'-10"FINISH GRADE -1'-6" BASEMENT TOP PLATE 3'-7" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" D D H 6" X 6" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS WRAPPED IN WHITE AZECK SLEEVES FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" FOUNDATION -0'-10" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2"10NEW ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) NEW ALUMINUM GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS NEW 1 X 8 AZECK TRIM BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING MARVIN INTEGRITY ALUMINUM CLAD WINDOWS NEW WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTING NEW AZECK CORNER BOARDS TO MATCH EXISTING NEW COMPOSITE DECKING W/ PVC RAILINGS B B B Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/4" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:54 AMA-11 Proposed Elevations 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"1 PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2 PROPOSED RIGHT ELEVATION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"3 3-SEASON ROOM ELEVATION No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 FIRST FLOOR 0'-0" FINISH GRADE -1'-6" FIRST FLOOR TOP PLATE 7'-6 1/2" ADDITION FOOTING -4'-0" CONCRETE FOUNDATION NEW 8" CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ 2-#4 REINFORCING BARS (TOP TIE) & DAMPPROOFING EXTERIOR (MIN. 48" BELOW FINISH GRADE) FIRST FLOOR DECK NEW 2 X 10 FLOOR JOISTS @16" O.C. W/ R-30 BATT INSULATION 3/4" ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR & FINISH FLOORING (TYPE BY OWNER) FIRST FLOOR WALLS NEW 2 X 6 STUD WALL @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD R-21 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL & WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES (TO MATCH EXISTING) ROOF RAFTERS NEW 2 X 10 RAFTERS @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (CEILINGS) R-38 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD INSULATION 15# FELT PAPER ICE & WATER (ALL EVES, VALLEYS, & PLANE CHANGES) & ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) LVL RIDGE BEAM 3-2 X 12 CENTER BEAM 3-1/2" DIA. LALLY COLUMN S-1 2 S-1 3 A-13 2 A-12 5 A-12 6 SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" 3-SEASON FLOOR -1'-6 1/2" EXISTING FOUNDATION EXISTING CMU FOUNDATION FIRST FLOOR WALLS EXISTING 2 X 6 STUD WALL TO REMAIN UNMODIFIED SECOND FLOOR DECK NEW 2 X 8 FLOOR JOISTS @12" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (CEILINGS) 3/4" ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR & FINISH FLOORING (TYPE BY OWNER) SECOND FLOOR WALLS NEW 2 X 6 STUD WALLS @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (INTERIOR) R-21 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL & WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES (TO MATCH EXISTING) ROOF RAFTERS 2 X 10 RAFTERS @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM WALL BOARD (CEILINGS) R-38 CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 15# FELT PAPER ICE & WATER (ALL EVES, VALLEYS, & PLANE CHANGES) & ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING) EXISTING FLOOR SLAB A-12 4 A-12 3 A-12 2 A-12 1 NEW FOOTING NEW 12" HIGH X 16" WIDE FOOTING DIG & POUR IN 48" SECTIONS INCLUDE HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL KEYWAY CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT LVL RIDGE BEAM (SEE FRAMING PLANS FOR SIZE) 2 X 10 RAFTERS @16" O.C. W/ 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 15# FELT PAPER & ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR BY OWNER) 2X DOUBLE TOP PLATE 2X STUD WALL (SEE SECTION FOR DETAILS) 1 X 12 AZECK SOFFIT W/ VENTILATION AS REQUIRED 1 X 8 AZECK TRIM BOARD TO MATCH EXISTING 2 X 10 RAFTERS @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 15# FELT PAPER ICE & WATER (ALL EVES & VALLEYS) & ARCHITECTURAL ROOF SHINGLES (COLOR BY OWNER) HURRICANE CLIPS @ ALL CONNECTIONS R-38 CLOSED CELL INSULATION HEADER TO MATCH JOISTS (SEE CROSS-SECTION FOR SIZE) FLOOR JOISTS (SEE CROSS-SECTION FOR SIZE & SPACING) FINISH FLOOR ON 3/4" ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR 2 X 6 BOTTOM PLATE 2 X 6 STUD WALL @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL & VINYL SIDING (COLOR BY OWNER) 2 X 6 STUD WALL @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL & VINYL SIDING (COLOR BY OWNER) TOP OF WALL BOTTOM OF WALL DOUBLE 2 X 6 TOP PLATE 3-2 X 12 HEADER 2-2 X 6 DOORWAY OPENING +/- 6'-10"TOP OF WALL BOTTOM OF WALL DOUBLE 2 X 6 TOP PLATE 3-2 X 12 HEADER 2-2 X 6 WINDOW OPENING 2 X 6 WINDOW SILL 2 X 6 STUDS @16" O.C.SILL VARIES+/- 6'-10"3-1/2" DIA. LALLY COLUMNS ON 30" WIDE X 10" DEEP FOOTINGS 3-2 X 12 CENTER BEAM FLOOR SYSTEM (SEE CROSS SECTION) Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. As indicated 12/24/2022 10:24:55 AMA-12 Cross Sections & Details 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/4" = 1'-0"B FAMILY ROOM ADDITION SECTION 1/4" = 1'-0"A MASTER BEDROOM ADDITION SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0"1 RIDGE DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0"2 SOFFIT DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0"3 RIM JOIST DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0"4 DOOR HEADER DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0"5 WINDOW HEADER DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0"6 CENTER BEAM DETAIL No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 1 X PVC TRIM BOARD 2- 5/8" DIA. GALV. BOLTS 2 X PRESSURE TREATED RIM BOARD PRESSURE TREATED WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS COMPOSITE DECKING PRESSURE TREATED FLOOR JOISTS 4 X 4 PRESSURE TREATED WOOD POSTS FOR PVC RAILING 2"2"1"BY MANUFACTURER3' - 2" OR AS REQ.EDGE OF DECK 2 BOLTS REQUIRED AT EACH END OF DECK GALV. JOIST HANGERS COMPOSITE DECKING 5/8" DIA. GALV. LAG SCREWS @16" O.C. STAGGERED JOIST SPACING 1' - 4"1' - 4"2"2"1' - 4" (TYPICAL)1' - 6 3/4" MAX 6"2"2"2 X 12 PRESSURE TREATED WOOD STAIR STRINGERS @12" O.C. PRESSURE TREATED FLOOR JOISTS COMPOSITE DECKING COMPOSITE DECK TREADS 1X PVC RISERS 2 X 4 PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATE W/ 1/2" DIA. GALV. EXPANSION ANCHORS @16" O.C. 1"9"7" MIN.8 1/4" MAX2' - 0"1' - 0"PROVIDE GRIPABLE HANDRAIL EA. SIDE2' - 10" MAX3' - 0" MAX.5/4 X 6 DECKING PRESSURE TREATED FLOOR JOISTS (SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR SIZE & SPACING) CONTINUOUS PRESSURE TREATED RIM BOARD 5/8" DIA. GALVINIZED BOLTS SIMPSON H2.5A TIES AT EACH JOIST 6 X 6 PRESSURE TREATED WOOD POST NOTCHED 3" MAX TO RECIEVE MIN. 2- 2 X 10 2- 2 X 12 PRESSURE TREATED BEAM 5 1/2"2"2"2 1/2" 3" MAX CANTIELEVER 1' - 6"1 3/4" 6"6"FLOOR SYSTEM (SEE BUILDING DETAILS) 2 X 6 KD SILL ON 2 X 6 PT SILL 5/8" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS @32" O.C. ON 3" X 3" X 1/4" PLATE WASHERS (TYP) EXTERIOR SIDING AS SPECIFIED 1/2" PLYWOOD SHEATHING W/ "TYVECK" HOUSE WRAP OR EQUAL METAL FLASHING 1 X 6 COMPOSITE DECKING BOLTS AND/OR SCREWS (SEE DETAILS 4 & 5) BOLTS AND/OR SCREWS PRESSURE TREATED WOOD JOISTS (SEE DECK PLAN FOR SIZE & SPACING) SIMPSON STRONG-TIE METAL JOISTS HANGERS OR EQUAL CONTINUOUS PRESSURE TREATED LEDGER BOARD (SEE DECK PLAN FOR SIZE & SPACING) FIRST FLOOR 5/8" EXPANSION BOLT SIMPSON ABU66 GALV. POST BASE 6 X 6 PRESSURE TREATED WOOD POSTS 4' - 0"W/ SPREAD FOOTING 12" DIA. PRE-CAST FOOTING EXISTING FOUNDATION TO REMAIN UNMODIFIED LVL TO MATCH EXISTING JOISTS (RUN TO CENTER BEAM)+/-10'-0"DOUBLE 2 X 6 BOTTOM PLATE LOWER PICTURE WINDOWS SHALL BE TEMPERED 2 X 6 STUD WALL @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD (INTERIOR) R-21 CLOSED CELL INSULATION 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL & WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES (TO MATCH EXISTING) 2 X 10 RAFTERS @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD (CEILINGS) R-38 CLOSED CELL INSULATION 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING 15# FELT PAPER ICE & WATER (ALL EVES, VALLEYS & PLANE CHANGES) & SEAMLESS METAL ROOF (COLOR BY OWNER)7' - 10 1/4"12" CONCRETE FOOTINGS W/ SPREAD FOOTING 48" BELOW GRADE (MIN) 5/8" NUTS & 3" X 3" SQUARE WASHERS ON ALL ANCHOR BOLTS2 X 6 KD SILL ON 2 X 6 PT SILL 2X HEADER TO MATCH JOISTS (SEE CROSS-SECTION FOR SIZE) 2X FLOOR JOISTS (SEE CROSS-SECTION FOR SIZE & SPACING) FINISH FLOOR ON 3/4" ADVANTECH SUBFLOOR 2 X 6 BOTTOM PLATE 2 X 6 STUD WALL @16" O.C. W/ 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING "TYVECK" HOUSEWRAP OR EQUAL & VINYL SIDING (COLOR BY OWNER) Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. As indicated 12/24/2022 10:24:55 AMA-13 Construction Details 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1 1/2" = 1'-0"3 DECK EDGE @ RAILING POSTS 1 1/2" = 1'-0"4 LEDGER BOARD CONNECTION 3/4" = 1'-0"5 DECK STAIR DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-0"6 DECK POST & BEAM 1 1/2" = 1'-0"8 DECK LEDGER BOARD 1 1/2" = 1'-0"7 POST BASE ANCHOR 1.Deck shall be constructed according to the requirements of the 8th Edition of the Massachusetts State Residential Code. 2.Deck Framing:Exterior Grade #1 Southern Yellow Pine, pressure treated lumber.Provide and install galvanized bolts and joist hangers to connect floor joists to the main structure as indicated on drawings. 3.All screws, bolts, and nails shall be hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel. 4.All hardware (joist hangers, post anchors, etc.) shall be galvanized or shall be stainless steel. 5.Flashing shall be corrosion resistant metal of minimum 0.019 Inch thickness. 6.Decks shall not be used or occupied until final inspection and approval is obtained. 7.Railing system is to be installed per manufacture's installation instructions. 8.Cut ends of posts shall be field treated with an approved preservative such as copper naphthenate. 9.All footings shall be pre-cast concrete with a soil bearing capacity of minimum 3,000 psi compressive strength. 10.36" high minimum guards are required at all areas where the deck floor is greater than 30" above grade at any point. 11.Guard post spacing shall not exceed 6'-0". 12.Required guards and handrails at stairs shall range from 34" to 36" vertically above the stair nosings. 13.Handrail ends, at the top and bottom, shall terminate into a post or be returned to a wall. 14.Unless noted, the deck/ porch floor shall be within 8" max of the top of the door threshold. 15.Live Load Deflection: Joists & Beams =L/360 Guards =L/240 16.Design Loads: Floor Live Load =40 psf Dead Load =10 psf 17.Guards shall be designed for a 200# concentrated load placed along the top rail in any direction at any point. 18.Decking:Provide and install Azeck composite deck boards or approved equal.Color to be selected by owner.Install decking system per manufacturer's instructions and per code.Install decking with tiger claw TC-P hidden deck fasteners with 316 stainless steel screw fasteners. 19.Railings:Provide and install Azeck premier rail system or approved equal complete with 4 x 4 posts with caps and base, top and bottom railings, and balusters (color white).Install railing system per manufacturer's instructions and per code.All railings shall be constructed so as to prevent the passage of a 4" sphere through all railings.Railings shall be a minimum of 36" high from deck surface.Stair heights of treads, lengths of risers and overall width of stairs shall comply with applicable building codes. 20.Exterior stair treads shall be construction of Azeck deck boards or approved equal.Risers shall be constructed of 3/4" Azeck trim board or approved equal.Structural stair stringers shall be constructed of pressure treated 2 x 12 @12" o.c.Provide and install detailing as shown on construction documents. DECK NOTES 1/4" = 1'-0"1 FRONT BUMPOUT WALL SECTION 3/4" = 1'-0"2 SILL DETAIL No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 3 Adjustments to Front Bumpout 5/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 OPENING TO MAIN HALLWAY SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" SHADED AREA REPRESENTS SLOPED CEILINGS STAIRWAY FROM EXISTING 2ND FLOOR TO MASTER BEDROOM SECOND FLOOR 4'-6 1/4" SECOND FLOOR TOP PLATE 12'-0 3/4" 3-SEASON TOP PLATE 5'-5 1/2" SHADED AREA REPRESENTS SLOPED CEILINGS Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 1/2" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:56 AMA-14 Master Bedroom Elevations 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 08/20/22 MJB MJB 1/2" = 1'-0"1 Elevation 1 - a 1/2" = 1'-0"2 Elevation 1 - b 1/2" = 1'-0"3 Elevation 1 - c 1/2" = 1'-0"4 Elevation 1 - d No.Description Date 4 Slider revision, Master Bedroom Elevations 8/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022 CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE SIZE & LOCATION OF ACCESS HOLE INTO NEW ADDITION 16' - 0"18' - 0" +/- 5 1/2"8' - 0"PIN NEW FOUNDATION TO EXISTING W/ #4 REINFORCING @12" O.C. PIN NEW FOUNDATION INTO EXISTING W/ #4 REINFORCING BARS @12' O.C. 18' - 0"7' - 0"9' - 0"3-2 X 12 CENTER BEAM ON 3-1/2" DIA. LALLY COLUMNS ON 30" X 30" CONCRETE FOOTING BEAM POCKET (EACH END) 2-#4 REINFORCING BARS CENTERED IN FOOTING 2 X 4 KEYWAY 4" CONCRETE SLAB 8" LAYER COMPACTED GRAVEL ON UNDISTURBED EARTH 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @48" O.C. (MAX) & 12" FROM EACH CORNER SEE HEADER DETAIL 8"8"8" 2' - 0"10"30" X 30" CONCRETE FOOTING UNDER ALL LALLY COLUMNS 4" CONCRETE SLAB 3-1/2" DIA. LALLY COLUMN 2' - 6"4"10"Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. As indicated 12/24/2022 10:24:56 AMS-1 Foundation Plan 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 1/2" = 1'-0"1 FOUNDATION 3/4" = 1'-0"2 FOUNDATION DETAIL 3/4" = 1'-0"3 FOOTING DETAIL No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 DN DN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO REMAIN UNMODIFIED REPLACE CROSS BRACING @ MID-SPAN MATCH NEW JOIST SIZE W/ EXISTING 2-PLY LVL JOIST TO MATCH EXISTING SIZE (TYPICAL OUTER PERIMETER) EXISTING CENTER BEAMW/ SIMPSON LUS210 HANGERSATTACH JOISTS TO HOUSE3-2 X 12 CENTER BEAM 18' - 0" 2 X 10 RIM JOISTS (TYPICAL EACH END) 2 X 8 PRESSURE TREATED JOISTS @16" O.C.1' - 6"10' - 6"1' - 6"6' - 8 5/8"6' - 8 5/8"6' - 8 5/8"6' - 8 5/8"1' - 6" 29' - 10 1/2" 2 X 8 PRESSURE TREATED DECK HEADER HANG JOISTS W/ SIMPSON LUS210 HANGERS & LAG TO HOUSE @12" O.C. (STAGGERED) 2-2 X 12 PRESSURE TREATED BEAM ON 6" X 6" PRESSURE TREATED COLUMNS ON 12" DIA. CONCRETE FOOTINGS 48" DEEP 2 X 8 PRESSURE TREATED RIM JOIST HANG JOISTS W/ SIMPSON LUS210 HANGERS PROVIDE CROSS BRACING @ MID-SPAN 2 X 10 FLOOR JOISTS @16" O.C. EXISTING STRUCTURE TO REMAIN UNMODIFIED 4' - 0"12' - 0"PROVIDE CROSS BRACING @ MID-SPAN 2 X 10 FLOOR JOISTS @16" O.C. 9-1/4" LVL FLUSH FRAME BEAM #1 (4-PLY) HANG JOISTS W/ SIMPSON LUS210 HANGERS 2 X 10 RIM JOIST 2 X 10 HEADER LAG TO HOUSE @12" O.C. (STAGGERED) & HANG JOISTS W/ SIMPSON LUS210 HANGERS 11-7/8" LVL HEADER (3-PLY) 11-7/8" LVL HEADER (3-PLY)2 X 10 RAFTERS@16" O.C.11-7/8" LVL RIDGE BEAM (1-PLY)2 X 10 RAFTERS @16" O.C.11-7/8" LVL RIDGE BEAM (2-PLY) BUILD UP ROOF TO ALLOW WATER FLOW 2 X 8 RAFTERS @16" O.C. 3-PLY 7-1/4" LVL RAFTERS (TYPICAL EACH SIDE) 2-PLY LVL BEAM 10 7 510 7 BUILD UP ROOF AS REQUIRED FOR WATER FLOW Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone: (508) 967-6460 Fax: (508) 692-9505 www.burdendrafters.com GENERAL NOTES These plans are for the construction of one building only and are not to be copied in any form without the expressed written consent of Burden Professional Drafters. The design of these plans have been reviewed by Burden Professional Drafters. It is the responsibility of the contractor(s) & owner(s) to review the drawings for errors or omissions prior the start of the project. These plans are to be used in conjunction with other construction documents (i.e. professional engineered site & structural plans, construction specifications, etc). The contractor(s) & owner(s) shall not scale these drawings, visual dimensions supersede any scaled dimensions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of Burden Professional Drafters for review prior to the commencement of the project. The general contractor shall not scale drawings for measurements, but shall verify on site that all levels & measurements for complete assembly and installation of their work are correct. Minor details of the work not specifically shown on the drawings shall be assumed by the contractor on site in conjunction with the building code and local code & laws in mind. THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER NAMED HERON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANS AND DETAILS ONLY AS SHOWN IN THIS PLAN SET & IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE COST OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHOWN HERON. 3/16" = 1'-0"12/24/2022 10:24:57 AMS-2 Framing Plans 22-004 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 4/6/2022 MJB MJB 3/16" = 1'-0"1 FIRST FLOOR FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0"2 SECOND FLOOR FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0"3 ROOF FRAMING 3/16" = 1'-0"4 ROOF PLAN No.Description Date 1 Full Draft (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/6/2022 2 Revised per Customer Email Dated 4/18/2022 (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4/26/2022 3 Adjustments to Front Bumpout 5/20/2022 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 9/1/2022 6 Adjust 3-Season Room Dimension 12/22/2022