HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 PeterSlovak ROAD 2022-2 Comments 0117231
Williams, Kathleen
Sent:Tuesday, January 17, 2023 9:14 PM
To:Williams, Kathleen
Subject:ROAD application
RE: ROAD application 2022‐2
Dear Yarmouth Planning Board:
I am the president of the Yarmouth Professional Condominium Association and I would like to provide the following
comments and concerns regarding ROAD application 2022‐2. Our association includes eight commercial condominium
units located at 1292 Route 28 – we are a direct abutter to the east.
We noted the applicant’s proposed site plan shows their easterly lot line and buffer area extends onto our property and
into our driveway. Their site plan identifies our lot line with a plan reference; however, since they are extending their
development onto our lot we would like confirmation their lot line is correct. I do not see any stakes in the ground so I
cannot tell if recent engineering was completed. This issue should be addressed prior to any approval since their buffer
and setback calculations assume the recorded plan for our property is not correct.
At the present time there is screening between the two properties consisting of at least five 10’‐12’ tall arborvitae
shrubs. They appear to be on our property, but if they are not we would like for the screening to remain and/or be
replaced with like size and style screening.
The project proposes a new Dunkin Donuts. If they have plans to close one of their other Dunkin locations on Route 28 a
lot more traffic than planned could be redirected to this new location. Do you know if they have plans to close their
other Route 28 locations? Either way this project will generate significantly more traffic and we are concerned their
customers will cut through our parking lot and use our parking lot for overflow. I have seen this occur during peak times
at the Forest Road/Route 28 Dunkin location as customers will park in the church parking lot and walk across the street
to Dunkin. We would like for the applicant to consider fencing along the boundary line to discourage people from
parking in our lot. This will also discourage foot‐traffic in‐between the two properties as well as foot traffic coming from
the abutting residential neighborhoods to the north.
Regarding the proposed economic benefit. The application states the property will be valued at approximately
$4,000,000 and this is their basis for estimating the project will generate a real estate tax increase of $27,425. The only
way this math works is if the proposed development is assessed at $4,000,000 upon completion. Just looking over some
commercial assessments in town, the West Yarmouth Dunkin with drive‐thru is assessed at $906,000 and the West
Yarmouth Cumberland Farms convenience store with gas pumps is assessed at $866,000. The Seaside Alarm office
building across includes four apartments out back and an assessment of $1,051,300. I only cite these as examples for
the Planning Board to better understand some clarification is needed. Maybe you can ask the town assessor if he feels
their $4,000,000 estimate is reasonable?
Thank you,
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Peter Slovak
Yarmouth Professional Condominium Association
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