HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ486.01 - FedEx - South Yarmouth MA - FR34 (1-19-23)NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility FIELD REPORT NO: 34 PAGE 1 OF 2 PROJECT NO: Z486.01 DATE: 1/19/23 LOCATION: 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA CLIENT: 225 White’s Path Units 2 and 3, LLC WEATHER: Cloudy, 35-40°F CONTRACTOR(S): DellbrookǀJKS; Future Fence Company 1. Henry Tinoco arrived on site at 0730 hours. Left site at 1430 hours. 2. Earthwork equipment: A) One T66 Bobcat Tracked Loader B) One JCB 507-42 Telehandler C) One Badger Hydrovac Truck 3. Earthwork observed: A) Excavation of shaft foundations for the proposed sound wall within the southerly portion of the site along the side of the parking lot took place today (see attached Annotated Site Plan, Figure No. 1). The ground surface along the proposed wall alignment in the noted area generally consisted of topsoil/loam fill at about Elevations 39± to 41± feet. A Badger Hydrovac truck was used to excavate ten proposed shafts which we reference as nos. DS55 through DS64 on the attached Figure No. 1 and drilled shaft log. FFC hydro-vacuum excavated to a depth of about 9.5± feet below the ground surface at the noted locations. Soils were loosened with pressurized water and removed with the vacuum. These excavations appeared to extend through about 6± to 8± inches of surficial topsoil/loam fill, up to approximately 4± feet of apparent existing fill, and into apparent natural sand. The existing fill appeared to generally consist of tan to brown, fine to coarse sand, some fine to coarse gravel, trace silt with cobbles and boulders ranging up to about 12± inches in size. The natural sand appeared to generally consist of tan to reddish brown, fine to medium sand, trace silt. These excavations appeared to terminate in similar natural sand. Groundwater was not observed in these excavations. FFC installed a long 2.5 foot diameter sonotube in the excavation for shaft no. DS58 due to the proximity of the existing water line to the proposed shaft foundation. The annular space around the sonotube was backfilled with 6± inch thick lifts of on-site sand appearing to generally consist of tan, fine to medium sand, trace silt. Each lift was tamped to a firm and stable condition with a hand tamper. FFC tamped loosened soil along the bottom of the excavations with a hand tamper. The exposed sand along the bottom of the excavations appeared firm and stable. ONSITE: TRAVEL: REPORT: TOTAL: 7.00 hours 1.50 hours 1.00 hour 9.50 hours Henry Tinoco FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Mark Zambernardi, P.E. REVIEWER Tel: 508-598-3510 NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility FIELD REPORT NO: 34 PAGE 2 OF 2 PROJECT NO: Z486.01 DATE: 1/19/23 4. Attachments: Drilled Shaft Log Photo Log Figure No. 1 – Annotated Site Plan 5. Distribution: Greg Bilezikian – 225 White’s Path Units 2 and 3, LLC Rick Fenuccio – ClearPath Advisors, LLC Kurt Raber – Catalyst Architecture & Interiors Kate Wollman – Catalyst Architecture & Interiors Mike Schmidt – DellbrookǀJKS David Fernandes - DellbrookǀJKS Marina Denisova - DellbrookǀJKS Scott Mitchell - DellbrookǀJKS Mark Grylls – Town of Yarmouth Building Commissioner Tim Sears – Town of Yarmouth Deputy Building Commissioner 34 Date:1/19/2023 File No.:Z486.01 Observer:Henry Martinez Tinoco Reviewed By:Mark Zambernardi, P.E 55 9.5± 56 9.5± 57 9.5± 58 9.5± 59 9.5± 60 9.5± 61 9.5± 62 9.5± 63 9.5± 64 9.5±Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand Natural Sand N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 40± 40± 40± 40± 41± 39± 40± 40± 40± 40± 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 1/19/23 NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Project: DRILLED SHAFT LOG GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION (FT) GROUNDWATER DEPTH (FT) Report No: FedEx Distribution Facility 225 White's Path South Yarmouth SHAFT LENGTH (FT) SHAFT DIAMETER (FT) DESCRIPTION OF SOIL AT BOTTOM OF SHAFT SHAFT NO. DATE OF DRILLING NOTES 1/19/23 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2.5± 2. 30± inch diameter sonotubes were installed in shaft foundation excavation. 3. Removal of roots from approximately 0± to 4± feet below ground surface took place. 4. The exposed soil along the bottom of the shaft foundation excavation was tamped to a firm and stable condition with a hand tamper. 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,3,4 1. Hydro-vacuum excavation techniques were used to excavate the shaft foundation. NOTES: NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Z486.01 Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility – 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA PHOTO LOG – FIELD REPORT NO. 34 Page 1 of 2 Photograph #1 Description of Photograph: Hydro-vacuum excavation of shaft no. DS56. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 1/19/23 Photograph #2 Description of Photograph: Hydro-vacuum excavation of shaft no. DS57. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 1/19/23 NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Z486.01 Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility – 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA PHOTO LOG – FIELD REPORT NO. 34 Page 2 of 2 Photograph #3 Description of Photograph: Cutting of roots for shaft no. DS57. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 1/19/23 Photograph #4 Description of Photograph: Tamping soil along bottom of the excavation for shaft no. DS59. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 1/19/23 106.3' 164.3' 77.3' 96.7' 29.0' 48.3' 77.3' 87.0' 110°0'0"' 155°0'0"' 165°0'0"'150°0'0"' ADDRESS: PLATE NO. SHEET TITLE PROJECT NAME: 1866 Woodslee Street Troy, Michigan 48083 office (248) 680-0400 fax (248) 680-9745 This drawing is copyrighted and is the soleproperty of the owner it is produced solely for use by the owner and its affiliates. Reproduction or use of this drawing and/orthe information contained in it is forbidden without the written permission of the owner. FedEx Yarmouth Sound Wall 225 Whites Path South Yarmouth, MA 02664 SITE PLAN PROJECT NO.:220705 DATE:9/19/22 DRAWN BY: ETT CHECKED BY:JMC No.:REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE: G2-1 OVERALL PLAN 0 40'60'20'10' GRAPHIC SCALE START OF 13-FT. SOUND WALL STA 0+00 END OF 16-FT. SOUND WALL STA 6+87.1 END OF 13-FT. SOUND WALL START OF 16-FT. SOUND WALL STA 1+06.6 SEE DETAIL A WALL CORNER STA 2+70.9 SEE DETAIL B WALL CORNER STA 3+48.8 SEE DETAIL A WALL CORNER STA 4+45.4 SEE DETAIL C WALL CORNER STA 4+74.4 SEE DETAIL D WALL CORNER STA 5+22.8 SEE DETAIL E WALL CORNER STA 6+00.3 SEE DETAIL F NOTES: 1. FIELD LOCATE ALL UTILITIES BEFORE EXCAVATING FOUNDATIONS 2. COORDINATE FOUNDATION LOCATIONS ADJACENT TO EXISTING WATER LINES AND HYDRANT ACCORDINGLY DETAIL C DETAIL D DETAIL E DETAIL F \\troy\geotechnical\2022 geotechnical\220705 fedex yarmouth sound wall\cad\220705.dwgDETAIL A DETAIL B SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2 11/4/22Architectural Review111/4/2022