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RECEIVED PAN 24 2023 F O Y4it4 B. LDtNG DEPARTMENT 1 1 c" TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPART l d --- — ta T,_ ,./* 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 cs),� 47 �vcr 1-1-ink o� own-on - 7 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATIO) Slg t. Date it Application Accepted Permit No. ,s-2.3— '13 Co / Applicant Instructions ✓ 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. A) One application form is required for each sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit number. )Applicant shall attach separate 8 1A"x 11"sheets including the following diagrams: ✓ A) D ign,dimensions and colors of the proposed sign reestanding Signs:provide certified plan by a professional land surveyor that describes how the proposed sign meets the zoning requirements included in Zoning Bylaw 303.5.6 or 303.5.4.2 (as applicable). A / stamped and sealed"as-built"will be required before the permit will be issued. C) Ached Signs: show length of portion of building frontage that is occupied by applicant. -1 porary Signs: show location for sign 1,4) Sign permits are$40.00 each,payable at the time of application. Address of proposed sign la '° (Z 7 ' Historic District 1� v Name of Business for proposed sign 0 C-c_ 5 1 /Y- k i Name of Business owner 0 C fi d \A"Z ` 1 L" v c I Mailing Address of Business owner 1 0 �0 11 Z 7 Nrho vtiq /V'//' 0266 7 Business Owner Phone:Business 7 a `)- 9')-- 7 y Z 6 Home - , oe)-( tRi) Name of Building Owner 1 Phone Sign Builder AM1dt r) CO 1 L c.� \,- ci(- Sign Materials 4)u M( 7 \(L_--- Sign Builder Address G. 11 Pc cl 1 :"''" --) Phone 7l,' .__ -- -t 2 9 p-/ Singly Occupied Building Business Center Internal Light External Light Freestanding Sign Size: Attached Sign Size: 2 1 Temporary Sign Size: IJ f Dates: Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sign Inspector I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sign construction and installation. 1 further agree that this sign will not be altered,added to or changed in anyway unless a new permit has been issued. Sign Permits are not valid until the Building Commissioner issues Use and Occupancy Permits (where applicable). Freestanding sign permits are not valid until the "as-built" from a professional land surveyor has been received. Signature of Applicant: Date i Property Owner Authorization: I hereby authorize the applicant to act on my behalf in all matters related to this sign application. (Signature) Date 1��'�- /7> Approved by: Date //64)/0 3 With the following conditions: I have read and understood the conditions of this Sign Permit listed above:_ Remove & Scrap Existing Raceway mounted wall sign (2' high x 31' wide = 62 Sq/Ft) 4"`' *, • C. S�t s•.+� IN y►f ot Project: 6 t i OSJL J. 1080 RT 28 4` Yarmouth MA 1/23/2023 _ . Date: . . . ' „„ Tony Lafo Drawn By: Ocean , 4c} ., Stole �OB LOT I t t „ Salesman: • y���et' , }, 0, .4,. .i i, y Customer Approval/Signature: is SCALE: NTS V f I 0 . .,,,..... ..... . - .,...L . .., _ .-..,„,,.. . . . ,. ' 10 irb° p• -,:'1,00' , ... . .,,.., ` x IAE-92359 ae`yaa`a Fabricate & Install (1) 24" x 13'0" Red Backer Panel with white channel letters. Total of 26 Sq/Ft SIGNAGE z„e rfAr wit i:: : Ocean • JIIN @ COPYRIGHT NIIIIIIn IIIIII Thls design and engineering is to State • L0lri N amain the exclusive property of A merican Sign Inc.Submitted for your personal use under the LII agreement that the use of this design in its entirety or any part will not be reproduced,copied,lent,or --- -------- --- - -- �- used for any purpose without 13'0" written consent from American Sign Inc. American Sign, Inc. 614 Ferry St., New Haven CT 06513 203-624-2991 tony@americansigninc.com ;; www.americansignlnc.com KEYP INT'A PARTNERS One Van De Graatf Drive,Suite 402 Burlington,MA 01803 Te1:781.2735555 Fax:)81.272,8408 KeyPointPartnets corn January 27, 2023 Ocean State Job Lot of South Yarmouth, Inc. 375 Commerce Park Road North Kingstown, RI 02 RE: Proposed Signage—OSJL, 1080 Route 24, S. Yarmouth, MA Dear Tenant: Reference is made to the attached proofs submitted by American Sign, Inc., by email showing the proposed exterior signage attached for Ocean State Job Lot at the above-referenced location. On behalf of Ownership, Boston Super Markets Associates LP, approval is hereby granted with the following conditions: • Please forward a certificate of insurance from American Sign, Inc. listing Boston Super Market Associates LP and KeyPoint Partners, LLC as additional insured. The certificate must be received prior to work commencing. • American Sign, Inc., shall install the signage per the specifications as outlined in the attached rendering. • Approval from the City/Town without variance must be obtained prior to the sign installation. Please forward a copy to my attention. All applicable rules and regulations regarding signage must be met. • A licensed electrician must review the existing wiring as well as the wiring for the installation of the sign. All electrical work must be to code, and signed off by the local wiring inspector. Please forward a copy of the electrician's report to my attention. • Your electrician must examine the sign circuit feeder(s) back to the distribution panel to ensure that it is not damaged in any way and is correctly installed to allow for the tripping of breaker(s) in the event of an overload. • Under no circumstances shall any part of the Tenant signage exceed the existing length or width of the dedicated Tenant sign area. All sign components shall be installed within the existing sign band area. • Work must be performed during off business hours, so as not to restrict roadway access (if applicable). • Contractor must comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and requirements to the installation of signage and contractor shall provide Landlord a lien waiver, in the form satisfactory to Landlord, upon completion. • In no event shall the installation of any sign require any modification to any existing permits and approvals obtained by Ownership in connection with the Shopping Center, involve changes to structural components of the building in which the premises is located or involve any floor, roof, electrical, plumbing, fire or life-safety systems unless approved by Ownership. Tenant shall be solely responsible for any structural, mechanical or systems damages caused by Tenant's contractor. • Tenant shall not permit any mechanic's lien to be filed against the Premises or the Center for any work performed, materials furnished, or obligation incurred as a result of the work described herein. If such a lien is filed, then Tenant shall, within thirty (30) days after Landlord has delivered notice of the filing to Tenant, either pay the amount of the lien or diligently contest such lien and deliver to Landlord a bond or other security reasonably satisfactory to Landlord. If Tenant fails to take either such action,then Landlord may pay the lien claim,without inquiry as to the validity thereof, and any amounts so paid, including expenses and interest, shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord within ten (10) days after Landlord has delivered to Tenant an invoice therefore. • Approval by Landlord of any of Tenant's drawings, plans and specifications shall not constitute a representation or warranty of Landlord as to the adequacy or sufficiency of such drawings, plans and specifications, or the improvements to which they relate, for any use, purpose, or condition, but such approval shall constitute only the consent of Landlord as required under the Lease. If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to call Julie Qualey at 781-418-6234 or email at iqualevCc�KevPoi ntPartners.corn. Sincerely, oeit.L._6batio1/4942.Aa_ Julie Qualey Property Manager Authorized Agent for Boston Super Market Associates LP Remove &Scrap Existing Raceway mounted wall sign (2' high x 31'wide = 62 Sq/Ft) ar :,...;'-iosinj:eiirtzaii-1-"Imi',Ncn ens. � t 1080 RT 28 Yarmouth MA " .�, �' -` 1/23/2023 Date' : Tony Lafo $; r Drawn By OC'ean fi ai Slot:J .- �:- - n _ ,. 17, ".� Salesman: r^--...,.. � �- - AID��,���� Customer ApprovaVSignature: SCALE: NTS wh : ............._—._— .. .m. ...(u.� 3z. 9 E-t 9e tl3 t % 9e 4 4:1:7, « r e DRAVJINGFabricate&I'nsall(rs1)24To"taxl1of3'026"RSedgIFBtacker Panel with white channel lette . an B L , ,,.f: „,, Ocean r that treM.l.100yrInse.ww,re,oau�. WwmomStoto ► ©pCArreiOJaPYgnaRedIGevH9ovTweIrMpp1Mro1II,,II nt �guuVawmnn xeouuiCoanu 13'0', nnonr:.n Sign i c. Amerameicricansigmnacom rY an Sign, Inc. 614 Fer St., New Haven CT 06513 203-624-2991 tony@americansigninc.com www.