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ie " RECEIVED o R',,, �/ in °\ TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTME T of - „ _Jy JAN 18 2023 .t �..rA ,,;,zi 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext 1 61 ���o�-,_' BUI L —-- - T By 0 i 1EM��`t 9 i� 16� SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION fit ms Date i(l b I 23 Application Accepted Permit No. 6 LbS-2,3 J( U L,b Applicant Instructions 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application form is required for each sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit number. 3) Applicant shall attach separate 8 Y2"x 11"sheets including the following diagrams: A) Design,dimensions and colors of the proposed sign B) Freestanding Signs:provide certified plan by a professional land surveyor that describes how the proposed sign meets the zoning requirements included in Zoning Bylaw 303.5.6 or 303.5.4.2 (as applicable). A stamped and sealed"as-built"will be required before the permit will be issued. C) Attached Signs: show length of portion of building frontage that is occupied by applicant. D) Temporary Signs: show location for sign 4) Sign permits are$40.00 each, payable at the time of application. Address of proposed sign LI64 1'o/U1E 2g Historic District QO Name of Business for proposed sign I�AW-- k O (\l UTS Name of Business owner 11 LV I Cl1Uit Mailing Address of Business owner Ho 9 kA R1 ti S T _ ;b 1.iE rtfnil (i . C L i Business Owner Phone:Business 1'2( 279 0 Z9 D Home Name of Building Owner 4jO �� Co � LC'LC' Phone .7i ( Z7q oZqo Sign Builder '/lel\JeOI l JT ¶I€::,,,j c . /►w N i to Sign Materials a .L ‘02.72 30fa'- Sign Builder Address 3S-* I m" 3T. kl(/icnhly C() rot Phone g 39 .3 z(Jc X Z i Singly Occupied Building V Business Center Internal Light External Light S . x-)r,y VS. 3,O\ SC JFreestandingSign Size: 14't E—ft ' k'GfiCk �LikeOmair. Attached Sian Size: Oki Lth Temporary Sian Size: Dates: Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application V sip:, i ` ''! All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sian Inspector I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sign construction and installation. I further agree that this sign will not be altered,added to or changed in any way unless a new permit has been issued. Sign Permits are not valid until the Building Commissioner issues Use and Occupancy Permits (where applicable). Freestanding sign permits are not valid until the "as-built" from a professional land surveyor has been received. Signature of Applicant: �7 d& Date 1 11©I 71 Property Owner Authorization: I hereby authorize the applicant to act on my behalf in all matters related to this sign application. (Signature) 5EE • L,E ia Date 2,3 Approved by: Date I 4)/ 3 With the following conditions: I have read and understood the conditions of this Sign Permit listed above: Directional Sign & Overlays Proposed SIDE 1. Proposed SIDE 2. Proposed SIDE 1. Proposed SIDE 2. ate.: . , : 1 24" — c r n v..__. ._ sr • f O " •_ _ r >T 3 Agri - • F 12" ENTER A - .. mil w I ENTER DRIVE' ~�- DRIVE sa° ENTER .• a ,�_ THRU • 16 THRU Overall Height K,..-.. —. to Match o N _ __ Existing (Qty-1) x -,', d • . �>. ses . — P Sign _:•, ~�s, al man: k+�Ltl�® Elevation:(Dry 1)#13339.5 Directional Replacement ` * 6° ` imilk ®Scale:l"=1' Sq.Ft.12"z24"=2sf. - ramv - r ., Photo Elevation:E3 Sin Y I 24 P1 Photo Elevation:El Sign P3 9 x� Scale:NTS Scale:NTS (Qty-2) Existing Existing Existing 1r EXt !I Proposed SIDE 1. SIDE 2. Description: Proposed Restraighten Exit Sign El (Qty-1)Aluminum fabricated replacement sign-direct bury(non-lit). -l ,. ` E2-E3(Qty-4)Dibond overlay signs(non-lit). ��' <'' " -Digitally printed reflective vinyl with lamination(flooded). Elevation:(Dry 2)Overlays i }$ ; Scale:1"=l' Sq.Fr.12"x24"=2 sf. :5 r t.-. 1 -Repaint existing directional signs. , •, t Restr g en existing Exit sign as needed. ai ht in r4 �''� EXIT --�- ` p. ',MP-.. .— Typeface/logo: F (Qty-1) NextGen Art on File DRIVE ) �' '- * Dunkin'Sans Display ,2 THRU . r .. t`►,. e. _ Colors: Exist&New: -Painted Dark Gray PMS 7540c(BM Raccoon Fur 2126-20) {- Exist&New Posts: -Painted Dark GrayPMS 7540c(BM Raccoon Fur 2126-20) t 24„ �,.' - ''. , .. Overlays: Dibond(Stock White) (Qty-1) .f`, � - y ; Graphics: Digitally Printed on White Reflective 3M 28010 DRIVE -Laminated U rv � '' IDS ' '""` �';( DD Orange PMS 165c(printled)clear Existing - THRU PZ Photo Elevation:E2 Sign DD Magenta PMS 219c(printed) Scale:NTS ',, -Dark Gray PMS 7540c(printed) - .., ®Elevation:(Qty 2)Overlays �, :-�';-.. `"tk Installation: Scale:1"=1' Sq.Ft.12"x24"=2 sf. Existing Existing By ViewPoint ..:- o LT Customer Approval Ace.Manager Approval Production Approval lob: SAccount ean Donovan Date: Revisions: Ravens: THIS PROPOSAL DRAWING CONTAINS aRIGINAL ELFMENIS 'llll��'VO'�Y Dunkin' SeanDonavon 12.19.22 1.25 01.26.23 .S 1.508.393.8200 CREATED BY VIEWPOINT SIGN AND AWNING.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Location: rile: Designer: uNADmORIznD DUPLICATION OR REPRODUCTION is PROENRITED. SIGN AND AWNING FAX 1.508.393.4244 464 Route 28 West Yamouth DD_WYarmaulhMA-464Rte28_Dir-ovalays_lb.ai Steven Marinette 0 THIS PROPOSAL DRAWING CONTAINS ORIGINAL ELEMENTS CREATED BY VIEWPOINT SIGN AND AWNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED DUPLICATION OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED.