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u1I 11 ` ` ' Y,, oc• q,g BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 4 APPUCATION TO CONSTRUCT,REPAIR,RENOVATE CHANGE THE USE,OCCUPANCY OF, OR DEMOLISH ANY BUILDING OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMILY OWEI t tN- i. Town cif'trmouth Building Department RECEIVED %.4"~ " ' 1146 Route 28 • Yannottth, MA 02664-1492 Tel: 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 JUL 14 2022 Z.,,, Use 4niY PlarmnBoard Information Assessors Department lnforrnatian: J, • BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permit No. Date Plan Type -- _ ---- Permit Fee $ D Lk O Endorsement Date ?-7 /t Recording Date New. • Deposit Recd. $/074Q ) Date9/f/ Plan No 1.4 Property Dimension& Net Due $ CSNj/7 i(.I-� Other l.otAro(st) Frontage(in Lot Coverage a.4 e, Q V This Section for Office Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued: Signature: 5 - Ce of Occupancy Official Data is is not required Section 1 - Site information 1.1 Prrop rty�Ad�drssss 1.2 Zoning Information: 1 5.0 5� :—i bIF ,1-1/t Zoning District Proposed Use 1.3 Building gSetbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided 1.4 Water Supply(M.Q.L.e.40.?54) 1.5 Flood Zone Information: Commends Public Private; * Zone: BFE: Section 2-Property OwnershiplAuthorized Agent ' 1 OwnerRecord: . t�° o.vc--xs —re • Zo Nam. s ik-4ficoc' , Nf Norrie(print) Mailing Address: p8-zz43 5ig-398 Zz' 3 ntWilli ao.saltee1>e. a -i Signattire Telephone Telephone C.a«c � 1(4°1Email Addre�s. 1 2.2 Authorized Agent ){ Nano(print) Mailing Address: 1 0 Signature Telephone Fax final Address; j Section 3 -Construction'Services i 3.1 Ucsnsid Constnaetion upirrisor: Not Applicable i] eMQ1 6 77411 k F/6 pp, .�ec, /t K-►„ ,,c,„) S( c.� i • 9 11 License Number ° Add _:> - $^31,0,?-Otoz 1 tpkaeopeafpfle.bAgeo piration Date Telephone Email AddrAsit b /om$I24r,Z1/ 3.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor. Company Ham* Not Apprrt�bte ❑ , ,~ ' pA, ie :�.,I; vi rr : — r sr"- ' . w ''' ,v i .r Rtegisbation Number Address /©!�OZ� 508--- 9,8^2Z 3 +D • ile Telephone R Zeit:,/2oZ`f • Sec rtrrt 4-`Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit(MAL c.152 S 25C(6), / Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes . ... No Section 5-Professional Design and Construction Services-for Buildings and Structures Subject to Construction Control Pursuant to 780 CMR 116(contaaining more than 35,000 c.f. of endorsed space) -section � H`5..1`Registered Architect: .•:r,+v� f- ) Not Applicable alV( n "171.1 lits Metra )b ^may/ (�/� 7 W� 06/0..,., 7)iis& !r !"l/T e,Z33z w Re ,J maez_� Address . ^z 3-T-- t S(Z F. iration lata t Signature Telephone Section 5.2 Flegistered Professional Engineers) Name Area of Relay Address Registration torr Ger Signature Telephone Date Area of ResponsiWty Address Registraeon Number Signature Telephone Expiration Oats Nares Area of Rey Registration Ntnnber Address Telephone Expiration Data Names Area at Responsibidy Registration Number Address . \ Telephone Expiration Date • Section 5.3 General Contractor A,, i.lb �r.9c� t .4ti► NotApptieabte c3 Company mark. ' 0.(41P.-4 S-riiii0 Person Responsible for Consttu tlort. 5, 5 , O c9 1"(A." - ,�._ 20S-7(0n-- `�Z.SCp —�►® ;era signature • i • ' - ~ , Section 6- Description of Proposed Work(check all applicable) New Construction = ❑ (far multiple family only) No.lot Bedrooms (for multiple famiy only) No.of Bathrooms .. Existing Bldg.a Repair(s) ❑ Alterations 0, Addition C:1 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Type Demolition Other Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work: 4 '' Mt9�L" oR i e)14,5 cam" 0,-4 S-f'j f ' SECTION 7 OP OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION • i, , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the forgoing application are true and acurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Print Name • Signature of Owner/Agent Date Section 11 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Esarnated Cost(Dollars)to be by parrrrlit applicant litirlIdirg yg, nC9C, z 301 ©vu Piu g/Gas l a a IhtecfaurcaI(HVAC) 5.Fite Pratetn &Taal (1+2+3+4+5) 8t ©d D 7.Total Square Ft.ttarewr was i aV W ?MCI Check Below } ,Piing (If ale) ❑ old Kings Highway&Historical Commission approval • (if applicable) The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents ip= 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Sat*:I` Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual):1 F cN t9t`elN 4-f 6 Cp Pt( k-ely Address: ZO /neo t •1(,4-t� 5! t City/State/Zip: 5'14i -, R4-- OZ4,44 Phone#: 6b8—3/8— az' Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): I l am a employer with employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. ❑New construction 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in $. Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.) 3.0 I am a homeowner doing all work myself. [No workers'comp.insurance required.]t 9. ❑Demolition 10 ❑Building addition 4.0 I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.❑ Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 5.0 I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet 13.Q Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.$ 6.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.7 Other - 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] • *Any applicant that checks box#I must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. IContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'camp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. // Insurance Company Name: ��l e-�r' �4-r(C c,,¢,J Policy it or Self-ins.Lic.#: We— 8(9('O 3± Expiration Date: 31C ZoZ..3 Job Site Address: S 6a d L cr City/State/Zip: `I,coo-Ko /cCfE- Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. 1 do hereby certify under the pains s d penalties o perj that the information provided above is true and correct. 2 z Si! attire: At! .�. L A �f1 _ Date: 1 D z Phone#: Fee 398- • Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2. Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Phone#: Contact Person: §TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-223!1 ext.-1261 Fax 508-398-0836 • Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 40, §54 and 780 CMR- Section 105.3.1. #4. I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 517 57,4- 014 i4-024`101/4377---- Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location: Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Ch. 111, §150A. i er iY/Zo 2-2 ignature of Application Date Permit No. Sears, Tim From: Sears,Tim Sent: Monday,July 25, 2O221]31 PM To: 'nnwi||iams@thedavenportzonnpanieszom' Cc: Slack, Christine; Huck, Kevin; Bearse, Matt Subject: 519 Station Ave Mike, I have reviewed your application for renovations and there are some items needed. Health Department sign off 2. Fire Department sign off Please submit these items for review Timothy Sears CBO Deputy Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-888-2291 Ext. 1259 nnaiho:tsears@yannouth.mna.us 1 Initial Construction Control Document F ft To be submitted with the building permit application by a I Jei Registered Design Professional " 1i 1 for work per the ninth edition of the '''''4 ami. Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Date: 7/11/2022 Property Address: 519 Station Ave, South Yarmouth MA Project: Check(x) one or both as applicable: x New construction Existing Construction To complete a level 2 alteration to the existing wood framed business building. Existing building is Project description: protected by a sprinkler system, leased to one tenant. No change of use group involved in the work to renovate office spaces to accommodate the Department of Developmental Services I MA Registration Number:952329 Expiration date:8/31/22 ,am a registered design professional,and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations and specifications concerning': Architectural x Structural Mechanical Fire Protection Electrical Other: for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, (780 CMR), and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I (or my •` designee) shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular , and periodic basis to: 1. Review, for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item 3.)together with pertinent comments,in a form acceptable to the building official. R' Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a'Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a"wet" or �e to n G.<a ``b electronic signature and seal: 952329 M k03x.it Duzbury m MA n,�__ Phone number:508 237 9812 Email: ben@linealinc.com c Building Official Use Only Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: Note 1.Indicate with an'x'project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared or directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description. Version 01_01_2018 CODE ANALYSIS 05/09/2022 Project: Renovation of an Existing Business Building 519 Station Avenue Yarmouth, MA Building Code: 780 CMR The Massachusetts State Building Code—Ninth Edition Structural Code: 780 CMR The Massachusetts State Building Code—Ninth Edition Fire Code: 527 CMR 1.00: Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code Plumbing Code: 248 CMR Massachusetts State Plumbing Code Mechanical Code: International Mechanical Code—2015 Edition Electric Code: NFPA 70-2020 with 527 CMR Chapter 12 Massachusetts Electrical Code Amendments Energy Code: 780 CMR The Massachusetts State Building Code—Ninth Edition, Chapter 13, 2018 International Energy Conservation Code with Massachusetts amendments or ASHRAE 90.1-2016 with Massachusetts amendments. MUNICIPALITY HAS ADOPTED THE STRETCH CODE https://www.mas s.gov/doc/7 80-cmr-ninth-edition-chapter-13-energy-e fficiency-amendments- as-of-272020/download AA104 Existing Buildings.For alterations,renovations,additions or repairs of existing buildings in these adopting municipalities the energy efficiency requirements of 780 CMR 13.00 or Chapter 11 of 780 CMR 51.00: Massachusetts Residential Code shall be used as applicable based on the use and occupancy of the building. Accessibility: 521 CMR Architectural Access Board Rules and Regulations Excerpted code text is presented in Times 10 point font Excerpted MA amendment code text is presented in blue Times 10 point font Comments and explanations are presented in Arial 12 point font 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 1 of 11 The project is the renovation of an existing wood framed business building. The building is protected by a sprinkler system. The entire building is one tenant space. There is no change of use group involved in the work. CHAPTER 3 USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION SECTION 301 GENERAL 301.1 Scope.The provisions of this chapter shall control the classification of all buildings and structures as to use and occupancy. SECTION 304 BUSINESS GROUP B 304.1 Business Group B.Business Group B occupancy includes,among others,the use of a building or structure,or a portion thereof,for office,professional or service-type transactions, including storage of records and accounts.Business occupancies shall include,but not be limited to,the following: Office Buildings The building is an existing office building. TABLE 601 FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS(HOURS) TYPE 1 TYPE II TYPE III TYPE rigl,41H BUILDING ELEMENT IV A B A B A B HT A # ` I'rimary structural framer(see Section 202) 3' 2a 1 0 1 0 HT 1 1 I:earing walls Exterior e,r 3 2 1 0 2 2 2 1 WIR nterior 3a 2a 1 0 1 0 1/HT 1 r# onbearing walls and partitions Exterior See Table 602 I onbearing walls and partitions See Interior a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Section 0 602.4.6 I loor construction and associated secondary members 2 2 1 0 1 0 HT 1 (see Section 202) 'oof construction and associated secondary members (see Section 202) 1 '�2 b 1 b'° 1 b'° 0 c 1 b'° 0 HT 1 b,° 1 For SI: 1 foot=304.8 mm. The existing building is all wood framed construction and is construction type VB. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 2 of 11 TABLE 504.3a ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT IN FEET ABOVE GRADE PLANE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE 1 TYPE II TYPE III TYPE `° T,, r CLASSIFICATION SEE IV f: FOOTNOTES A B AB A B HT A t NSb UL 160 65 55 65 55 65 50 40 A,B,E,F,M, S,U �� � S UL 180 85 75 85 75 85 70 ' t The existing building is less than 40 feet in height. TABLE 504.4 a,b ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF STORIES ABOVE GRADE PLANE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE 1 TYPE II TYPE III TYPE ' CLASSIFICATION SEE IV FOOTNOTES A B A B A B HT Aasi„ NS UL 11 5 3 5 3 5 3 2 S UL 12 6 4 6 4 6 4 The existing building is 2 stories. TABLE 506.2a'b ALLOWABLE AREA FACTOR(A,=NS,SI,S13R,or SM,as applicable)IN SQUARE FEET SEE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION FOOTNOTES TYPE 1 TYPE II TYPE III TYPE IVF A B A B A B HT A t` NS UL UL 37,500 23,000 28,500 19,000 36,000 18,000 9,000 B SI UL UL 150,000 92,000 114,000 76,000 144,000 72,000 36,000 SM UL UL 112,500 69,000 85,500 57,000 108,000 54,00000:: The existing building is 4,521 SF per story. The building is in conformance to all height and area requirements. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 3 of 11 BEGIN CHAPTER 34 REVIEW CHAPTER 34 EXISTING BUILDINGS SECTION 101 GENERAL [A] 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Existing Building Code of Massachusetts, hereinafter referred to as 780 CMR 34.00. [AJ 101.2 Scope.The provisions of the International Existing Building Code-2015 shall apply to the repair,alteration,change of occupancy,addition to and relocation of existing buildings. NOTES: 1. If requirements in 780 CMR 34.00 conflict with similar requirements in 780 CMR 1.00, then 780 CMR 1.00 controls. 2. When 780 CMR 34.00 references requirements in other 1-Codes, see 780 CMR 1.00 for guidance on how to use those I-Codes. 3. Requirements in 780 CMR 34.00 for plumbing, fuel gas, electrical, elevators, fire, or accessibility shall be replaced by the requirements of the Massachusetts specialty codes,as indicated in 780 CMR 1.00. [Al 101.3 Intent. The intent of this code is to provide flexibility to permit the use of alternative approaches to achieve compliance with minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare insofar as they are affected by the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition and relocation of existing buildings. Building Investigation and Evaluation. For any proposed work regulated by 780 CMR 34.00 and subject to section 107 of 780 CMR, as a condition of the issuance of a permit the building owner shall cause the existing building (or portion thereof) to be investigated and evaluated in accordance with the provisions of 780 CMR 34.00. The investigation and evaluation shall be in sufficient detail to ascertain the effects of the proposed work on at least these systems: structural, means of egress, fire protection, energy conservation, lighting, hazardous materials, accessibility, and ventilation for the space under consideration and, where necessary, the entire building or structure and its foundation if impacted by the proposed work. The results of the investigation and evaluation, along with any proposed compliance alternatives,shall be submitted to the building official in written report form. This report will serve as the required investigation and evaluation. CHAPTER 5 CLASSIFICATION OF WORK SECTION 501 GENERAL 501.1 Scope.The provisions of this chapter shall be used in conjunction with Chapters 6 through 13 and shall apply to the alteration, repair, addition and change of occupancy of existing structures,including historic and moved structures,as referenced in Section 301.1.2. The work performed on an existing building shall be classified in accordance with this chapter. SECTION 505 ALTERATION—LEVEL 3 505.1 Scope.Level 3 alterations apply where the work area exceeds 50 percent of the building area. 505.2 Application.Level 3 alterations shall comply with the provisions of Chapters 7 and 8 for Level 1 and 2 alterations, respectively,as well as the provisions of Chapter 9. This project will be a level 3 alteration. SECTION 903 BUILDING ELEMENTS AND MATERIALS 903.1 Existing shafts and vertical openings.Existing stairways that are part of the means of egress shall be enclosed in accordance with Section 803.2.1 from the highest work area floor to,and including,the level of exit discharge and all floors below. 780 CMR 1019.3 Occupancies other than Groups I-2 and I-3.In other than Group 1-2 and I-3 occupancies,floor openings containing exit access stairways or ramps that do not comply with one of the conditions listed in this section shall be enclosed with a shaft enclosure constructed in accordance with Section 713. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 4 of 11 1.Exit access stairways and ramps that serve or atmospherically communicate between only two stories.Such interconnected stories shall not be open to other stories. All stairs are connecting only 2 stories and are allowed to be open to both stories. SECTION 904 FIRE PROTECTION 904.1 Automatic sprinkler systems.An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in a work area where required by Section 804.2 or this section. There is an existing sprinkler system installed throughout the entire building. 904.2 Fire alarm and detection systems.Fire alarm and detection shall be provided in accordance with Section 907 of the International Building Code as required for new construction. 904.2.1 Manual fire alarm systems.Where required by the International Building Code, a manual fire alarm system shall be provided throughout the work area. Alarm notification appliances shall be provided on such floors and shall be automatically activated as required by the International Building Code. Exceptions: 1. Alarm-initiating and notification appliances shall not be required to be installed in tenant spaces outside of the work area. 2, Visual alarm notification appliances are not required,except where an existing alarm system is upgraded or replaced or where a new fire alarm system is installed. There is an existing fire alarm installed. SECTION 905 MEANS OF EGRESS 905.1 General.The means of egress shall comply with the requirements of Section 805 except as specifically required in Sections 905.2 and 905.3. 805.3 Number of exits.The number of exits shall be in accordance with Sections 805.3.1 through 805.3.3. 805.3.1 Minimum number.Every story utilized for human occupancy on which there is a work area that includes exits or corridors shared by more than one tenant within the work area shall be provided with the minimum number of exits based on the occupancy and the occupant load in accordance with the International Building Code. In addition, the exits shall comply with Sections 805.3.1.1 and 805.3.1.2. 805.3.1.1 Single-exit buildings.Only one exit is required from buildings and spaces of the following occupancies: 1. In Group A,B,E,F,M,U and S occupancies,a single exit is permitted in the story at the level of exit discharge when the occupant load of the story does not exceed 50 and the exit access travel distance does not exceed 75 feet(22 860 mm). TABLE 1006.3.1 MINIMUM NUMBER OF EXITS OR ACCESS TO EXITS PER STORY OCCUPANT LOAD MINIMUM NUMBER OF PER STORY EXITS OR ACCESS TO EXITS FROM STORY 1-500 2 501-1,000 3 More than 1,000 4 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 5 of 11 CLEAR EGRESS WIDTHS AND OCCUPANT CAPACITIES FOR DOORS& STAIRWAYS CLEAR DOOR SIZE inches WIDTH NO SPRINKLERS SPRINKLERS STAIRWAYS OTHER EGRESS STAIRWAYS OTHER EGRESS COMPONENTS COMPONENTS INCHES REQUIRED PER PERSON feet-inches inches 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.15 * MAXIMUM OCCUPANT CAPACITY FOR EGRESS DOORS 3'-0" Single 36 32.88 110 164 164 3'-0" Pair 72 67.00 223 335 335e� .9 Floor Area Sq.Ft./Occpy Occupancy Load First Floor: Business area 4,521 100 46 Clinic Meeting Room 438 15 30 Large Conference Room 706 15 47 TOTAL FIRST FLOOR OCCUPANCY 123 The first floor space has 5 independent 3'-0"exit doors directly to the exterior. Each 3'-0" door allows an occupant egress capacity of 219 occupants for a total egress capacity of 1,095 occupants Floor Area Sq.Ft./Occpy Occupancy Load Second Floor: Business area 4,521 100 46 TOTAL SECOND FLOOR OCCUPANCY 46 The second floor space has 2 open stairs that are 3'-6"and 3'-8"wide. These 2 stairs provide egress access to first floor exits for 420 occupants. A 3'-0"door into a 3'-6"stair allows an occupant egress capacity of 210 occupants TABLE 1017.2 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCEa WITHOUT WITH OCCUPANCY SPRINKLER SPRINKLER SYSTEM(feet) SYSTEM(feet) A,E,F-1,M,R,S-1 200 250b B 200 : All travel distances are less than 300 feet. 805.7 Means-of-egress lighting.Means-of-egress lighting shall be in accordance with this section, as applicable. 805.7.1 Artificial lighting required.Means of egress in all work areas shall be provided with artificial lighting in accordance with the requirements of the International Building Code. 805.7.2 Supplemental requirements for means-of-egress lighting.Where the work area on any floor exceeds 50 percent of that floor area,means of egress throughout the floor shall comply with Section 805.7.1. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 6 of 11 Provide means of egress lighting per this code section and 780 CMR 1008.2.1 and Emergency power per 1008.3. 805.8 Exit signs.Exit signs shall be in accordance with this section,as applicable. 805.8.1 Work areas.Means of egress in all work areas shall be provided with exit signs in accordance with the requirements of the International Building Code. Provide exits signs per this code section and 780 CMR 1013. SECTION 906 ACCESSIBILITY 101.4.7 Architectural Access.Any reference in 780 CMR to accessibility shall be considered reference to 521 CMR:Architectural Access Board. 521 CMR is enforced by the building official. SECTION 806 ACCESSIBILITY 101.4.7 Architectural Access.Any reference in 780 CMR to accessibility shall be considered reference to 521 CMR:Architectural Access Board. 521 CMR is enforced by the building official. 33 EXISTING BUILDINGS All additions to,reconstruction, remodeling,and alterations or repairs of existing public buildings or facilities,which require a building permit or which are so defined by a state or local inspector, shall be governed by all applicable subsections in 521 CMR 3.00: JURISDICTION. For specific applicability of 521 CMR to existing multiple dwellings undergoing renovations, see 521 CMR 9.2.1. 3.3.1 If the work being performed amounts to less than 30% of the full and fair cash value of the building and a. if the work costs less than $100,000,then only the work being performed is required to comply with 521 CMR or b. if the work costs $100,000 or more, then the work being performed is required to comply with 521 CMR. In addition, an accessible public entrance and an accessible toilet room, telephone,drinking fountain(if toilets,telephones and drinking fountains are provided) shall also be provided in compliance with 521 CMR. Exception: General maintenance and on-going upkeep of existing, underground transit facilities will not trigger the requirement for an accessible entrance and toilet unless the cost of the work exceeds$500,000 or unless work is being performed on the entrance or toilet. Exception: Whether performed alone or in combination with each other,the following types of alterations are not subject to 521 CMR 33.1, unless the cost of the work exceeds $500,000 or unless work is being performed on the entrance or toilet. (When performing exempted work, a memo stating the exempted work and its costs must be filed with the permit application or a separate building permit must be obtained.) a. Curb Cuts: The construction of curb cuts shall comply with 521 CMR 21.00: CURB CUTS. b. Alteration work which is limited solely to electrical mechanical, or plumbing systems; to abatement of hazardous materials; or retrofit of automatic sprinklers and does not involve the alteration of any elements or spaces required to be accessible under 521 CMR. Where electrical outlets and controls are altered,they must comply with 521 CMR. c. Roof repair or replacement, window repair or replacement, repointing and masonry repair work. d. Work relating to septic system repairs, (including Title V, 310 CMR 15.00, improvements)site utilities and landscaping. 3.3.2 If the work performed, including the exempted work, amounts to 30% or more of the full and fair cash value (see 521 CMR 5.00) of the building the entire building is required to comply with 521 CMR. a. Where the cost of constructing an addition to a building amounts to 30% or more of the full and fair cash value of the existing building, both the addition and the existing building must be 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 7 of 11 fully accessible. 3.3.3 Alterations by a tenant do not trigger the requirements of 521 CMR 3.3.1b and 33.2 for other tenants.However,alterations,reconstruction,remodeling,repairs,construction,and changes in use falling within 521 CMR 3.3.1b and 33.2,will trigger compliance with 521 CMR in areas of public use,for the owner of the building. The cost of the work is $220,000. The assessed value of the building is $1,287,500 220,000/1,287,500 = 17 %. The work cost is less than the 30% trigger so a minimum of 1 handicap entrance and 1 handicap toilet and all the new work is required to be in conformance to 521 CMR for new construction. SECTION 907 STRUCTURAL IBS] 907.1 General.Where buildings are undergoing Level 3 alterations including structural alterations, the provisions of this section shall apply. The entire section must be evaluated by a structural engineer. SECTION 908 ENERGY CONSERVATION 908.1 Minimum requirements.Level 3 alterations to existing buildings or structures are permitted without requiring the entire building or structure to comply with the energy requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code or International Residential Code. The alterations shall conform to the energy requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code or International Residential Code as they relate to new construction only. SECTION 809 MECHANICAL 809.1 Reconfigured or converted spaces.All reconfigured spaces intended for occupancy and all spaces converted to habitable or occupiable space in any work area shall be provided with natural or mechanical ventilation in accordance with the International Mechanical Code. Exception:Existing mechanical ventilation systems shall comply with the requirements of Section 809.2. 809.2 Altered existing systems.In mechanically ventilated spaces,existing mechanical ventilation systems that are altered, reconfigured,or extended shall provide not less than 5 cubic feet per minute(cfm)(0.0024 m3/s)per person of outdoor air and not less than 15 cfm(0.0071 m3/s)of ventilation air per person;or not less than the amount of ventilation air determined by the Indoor Air Quality Procedure of ASHRAE 62. 809.3 Local exhaust.All newly introduced devices,equipment,or operations that produce airborne particulate matter, odors,fumes,vapor,combustion products,gaseous contaminants,pathogenic and allergenic organisms,and microbial contaminants in such quantities as to affect adversely or impair health or cause discomfort to occupants shall be provided with local exhaust. All mechanical work must conform to this code section. SECTION 810 PLUMBING 810.1 Minimum fixtures.Where the occupant load of the story is increased by more than 20 percent,plumbing fixtures for the story shall be provided in quantities specified in the International Plumbing Code based on the increased occupant load. There is not a 20% increase in occupant load on the first floor due to new large conference rooms an upgrade of minimum plumbing fixtures is required to be calculated. SECTION 811 ENERGY CONSERVATION 811.1 Minimum requirements.Level 2 alterations to existing buildings or structures are permitted without requiring the entire building or structure to comply with the energy requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code or International Residential Code. The alterations shall conform to the energy requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code or International Residential Code as they relate to new construction only. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 8 of 11 TABLE C402.1.3 OPAQUE THERMAL ENVELOPE INSULATION COMPONENT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS,R-VALUE METHOD' CLIMATE ZONE i€_ : Rei*€ _ �_•� Group R Roofs Insulation entirely above roof deck " R-30ei Metal buildings' R-19+ R-19+ R-I1 LS R-11 LS Attic and other R-38 R-49 Walls,above grade Mass' R-11.4ci R-13.3ci Metal building R-13+ R-13+ R-13ci R-13ci Metal framed R-l3+ R-13+ R-7.5ci R-7.5ci R-13+ Wood framed and t R-7.5ci other -, . or R-20 +R-3.8ci Walls,below grade Below-grade wall° R-7.5ci Floors Mass` R-10ci R-12.5ci Joist/framing R-30 R-30 Slab-on-grade floors Unheated slabs R-10 for R-10 for 24"below 24"below R-15 for R-15 for Heated slabs" 36"below 36"below +R-5 +R-5 full slab full slab Opaque doors Nonswinging R-4.75 I R-4.75 For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm,1 pound per square foot=4.88 kg/m',1 pound per cubic foot=16 kg/m'. ci=Continuous insulation,NR=No Requirement, LS=Liner System. a. Assembly descriptions can be found in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Appendix A. b. Where using R-value compliance method,a thermal spacer block shall be provided, otherwise use the U-factor compliance method in Table C402.1.4. c. R-5.7ci is allowed to be substituted with concrete block walls complying with ASTM C90,ungrouted or partially grouted at 32 inches or less on center vertically and 48 inches or less on center horizontally,with ungrouted cores filled with materials having a maximum thermal conductivity of 0.44 Btu-in/h-f2°F. d. Where heated slabs are below grade,below-grade walls shall comply with the exterior insulation requirements for heated slabs. e. "Mass floors"shall be in accordance with Section C402.2.3. f. Steel floor joist systems shall be insulated to R-38. g. "Mass walls"shall be in accordance with Section C402.2.2. h. The first value is for perimeter insulation and the second value is for slab insulation. Perimeter insulation is not required to extend below the bottom of the slab. i. Not applicable to garage doors.See Table C402.1.4. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 9 of 11 TABLE C402.4 BUILDING ENVELOPE FENESTRATION MAXIMUM U-FACTOR AND SHGC QUIREMENTS CLIMATE ZONE 1 2 3 4 EXCEPT 5 AND 6 7 8 MARINF MARINE 4 Vertical fenestration U-factor Fixed fenestration 0.50 0.50 0.46 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.29 0.29 Operable fenestration 0.65 0.65 0.60 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.37 0.37 Entrance doors 1.10 0.83 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 SHGC Orientations SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N SEW N 3EW N SEW N SEW N PF<0.2 0.25 0.33 0.25 0.33 0.25 0.33 0.36 0.48 0.38 0.51 0.40 0.53 0.45 NR 0.45 N 0.2 s PF<0.5 0.30 0.37 0.30 0.37 0.30 0.37 0.43 0.53 0.46 0.56 0.48 0.58 NR NR NR NR PFa0.5 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.58 0.58 0.61 0.61 0.64 0.64 NR NR NR NR Sk lights U-factor 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 SHGC 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.40 NR NR NR=No Requirement,PF=Projection Factor. a. "N"indicates vertical fenestration oriented within 45 degrees of true north. "SEW"indicates orientations other than"N."For buildings in the southern hemisphere,reverse south and north.Buildings located at less than 23.5 degrees latitude shall use SEW for all orientations. Work on exterior walls or exterior storefront or exterior windows or exterior doors. 248 CMR 10.10: Plumbing Fixtures 18. Minimum Facilities for Building Occupancy Other Than Residential. a. Application of Standards and Establishing Occupancy. i. Applicability of Changes:the requirements set forth in 248 CMR 10.10(18):Table 1:Minimum Facilities for Building Occupancy shall apply only to plumbing system installation,alteration or extension projects in which the process of designing the plumbing work to be performed begins on or after June 3, 1994. ii. When determining the number of plumbing fixtures after the population has been established by the authority having jurisdiction,should a fraction occur,round up to next fixture. i. Employee Toilet Facilities for(Non-industrial)Establishments. i. In each establishment where people are employed,there shall be separate toilet facilities for male and female employees.The toilet facilities shall be located in the tenant establishment and shall be plainly designated for male or females. Table 1:Minimum Facilities For Building Occupancy.(*Optional by owner) Toilets Pertinent Building Clarification Use Urinals Lavatories Drinking Bath/ Other Regulations. Group Females Males Males Each Sex Fountain Show. Fixtures 248 CMR 10.10(19) 1 Service Employee(Non-Industrial)* 1 per 20 1 per 25 33% 1 per 40 1 per 15* Sink per (i),(m),(n),(p) Floor (*Optional by owner) OCCUPANT LOAD IS 169. 169/2 = 84 MALES AND 85 FEMALES. 85/20 = 5 female water closets 84/25 = 4 male water closets. 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 10 of 11 519 Station Avenue,Yarmouth,MA Page 11 of 11 7/14/22, 10:23 AM Details Licensee Details Demographic Information Full Name: Christian F Davenport Owner Name: License Address Information City: Brewster State: MA Zipcode: 02631 Country: United States License Information License No: CS-113356 License Type: Construction Supervisor Profession: Building Licenses Date of Last Renewal: 4/22/2022 Issue Date: 4/30/2019 Expiration Date: 5/8/2024 License Status: Active Today's Date: 7/14/2022 Secondary License Type: Doing Business As: Status Change Reason: License Issuance Prerequisite Information No Prerequisite Information No Available Documents https://madpl.mylicense.com/Verification/Details.aspx?result=d60f8410-84f0-460c-9ec8-0312d95821 a5 1/1 519 STATION AVE Location 519 STATION AVE Mblu 97/9/// Acct# 13138 Owner DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS Assessment $1,039,100 PID 13138 Building Count 1 Current Value Assessment Valuation Year Improvements Land Total 2022 $683,000 $356,100 $1,039,100 Owner of Record Owner DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS Sale Price $0 Care Of Certificate Address 20 NORTH MAIN ST Book&Page D791786/0 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-3150 Sale Date 02/04/2000 Instrument 1F Qualified U Ownership History Ownership History Owner Sale Price Certificate Book&Page Instrument Sale Date I DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS e � $0 D791786/0 1F 02/04/2000 DAVENPORT DEWITT P $0 455824/0 04/15/1988 I DAVENPORT PALMER $0 /0 I I Building Information Building 1 : Section 1 Year Built: 2006 Living Area: 9,280 Replacement Cost: $791,153 Building Percent Good: 76 Replacement Cost Less Depreciation: $601,300 Building Attributes 6/14/22,8:04 AM Town of Yarmouth-Online Portal 41 Home Q Search ♦ New 0 Return to Town of Yarmouth Logged in as:Michael Williams Collections(0) Reports(1)°+ Account Management Loc Welcome to the Town of Yarmouth's online permitting website! 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Home 8ulldinc Board Of Health Committees • Create an Application Search Applications Record BLD-22-005460: Add to collection Commercial Express Permit Record Status: Issued Expiration Date: 10/05/2022 Record Info ' Payments Custom Component Work Location 519 STATION AVE SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 0 x,( nIISv F41 cry- https://aca-prod.accela.com/YARMOUTH/Default.aspx 1/2 6/14/22,8:04 AM Town of Yarmouth-Online Portal Record Details Applicant: Licensed Professional: Michael Williams Christian Davenport DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS Davenport Building Company 20 North Main Street 20 North Main Street South Yarmouth,MA,02664 South Yarmouth,MA,02664 United States Home Phone:508-367-0621 Home Phone:508-367-0621 Construction Supervisor CS-113356 mwilliams(athedavenportcompanies.com Project Description: Owner: Christian Davenport DAVENPORT DEWITT P TRS Exploratory demolition to determine scope of work.SEPERATE 20 NORTH MAIN ST PERMIT REQUIRED FOR REBUILD.AN INSPECTION IS NEEDED SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 AFTER DEMOLITION WORK IS COMPLETE. More Details Copy.Record https://aca-prod.accela.com/YARMOUTH/Defaultaspx 2/2 Field Description Building Photo ,,f7'..:, Style: Office Model Comm/IndBldg N Grade Average+10 Stories: 2 Occupancy 1.00 Exterior Wall 1 Clapboard Exterior Wall 2 Roof Structure Gable/Hip Roof Cover Asph/F Gls/Cmp Interior Wall 1 Drywall/Sheet (https://images.vgsi.com/photos2/YarmouthMAPhotos/A00\01\85\64.jpg) Interior Wall 2 Interior Floor 1 Carpet Building Layout Interior Floor 2 UBM (800 sp Heating Fuel Gas Heating Type Forced Air-Duc 110 AC Type Central F Struct Class 7 Bldg Use OFFICE BLD M94 10 ens 44 20 Total Rooms Total Bedrms 100 FliP7 Total Baths (ParcelSketch.ashx?pid=13138&bid=13683) 1st Floor Use: Heat/AC HEAT/AC PKGS Building Sub-Areas(sq ft) Legend Frame Type WOOD FRAME Code Description Gross Living Area i Area Baths/Plumbing AVERAGE BAS First Floor 4,640 4,640 Ceiling/Wall SUS-CEIL&WL 1 FUS ory, nis4,640 4,640 AVERAGE FOP PUpper orch,StOpen,FiFinishedhed Rooms/Prins 140 0 Wall Height 8.00 UBM Basement,Unfinished 600 0{ %Comn Wall 10,020 I 9,280 Extra Features Extra Features Legend Code Description Size Value Bldg# ELEV ELEVATOR 3.00 STOP $45,600 1 SPR2 WET/CONCEALED 9280.00 S.F. $7,800 1 Land Land Use Land Line Valuation Use Code 3400 Size(Acres) 0.87 Description OFFICE BLD M94 Frontage 0 Zone Depth 0 Neighborhood L Assessed Value $356,100 Alt Land Appr No Category Outbuildings OutbuildingsLegend Code Description Sub Code Sub Description Size Value Bldg# PAV1 PAVING-ASPHALT 20000.00 S.F. $27,000 1 1 i SGN2 DOUBLE SIDED 36.00 S.F.&HGT $1,300 11 Valuation History Assessment Valuation Year Improvements Land Total 2022 $683,000 $356,100 $1,039,100 2021 $683,000 1 $356,100 $1,039,100 2020 $635,800 $289,500 $925,300 (c)2022 Vision Government Solutions, Inc.All rights reserved. ..a W - 0000-+_a g W (A (") rr VCO CSO CO-+W • co�wwl• ' 13 m rD o > (per DDD No v n ' no ND O CO-4 'IA 3 x 5 co m d <<< 0 Z C y o VNACO V(O W -' D z n zzZ —i O m m o a z m 00 O �vv x z (5 n C v 000 D S O Or r O NOODCOOCOO�(00r!1 Z Kw W Q 0 -i-i- tl A K y, �l i V1 W Z 'a v v 1 O [ -~ �5 T 0 wo-+AA V CCo . 23 T� �CCmC mC • C Z mC w� m Cl' • O O r...>O N N --I r G G '� G _. 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I 6 ti L H O a m m Oz i0 111111 w w !VIII ow a a m 0 4wU re N3, RO wo . 0 is 0 s ii ill a CC s, �. w I Y ' a� e Ii 1 _il H O illm w • $ • O a I ACC)RpY DAVEREA-01 OKAY ibliem.r."--- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) 2/16/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. i If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER ON7ACT i C ValleyForge Captive Advisors N OE: u PHONE 630Freedom Business Center Drive (A/C,No,Ext):(610)458-3659 I ac,No):(484)965..9627 Suite 203 E-MAIL King Of Prussia,PA 19406 ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Zurich American Insurance Company 16535 l INSURED Davenport Building Co INSURER B: do Davenport Realty Trust INSURER C 20 North Main Street INSURER 0: i South Yarmouth,MA 02664 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADOL SUER LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INS() WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY !MM/DD/YYYYI !MM/DO/YYYYI LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 i CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR GLO8196255 3/1/2022 3/1/2023 DAMAGE To RENTED PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ 1,000,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 1,000 PERSONAL A ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMITR�APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 ; X I POLICY I IIS I LOC OTHER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 s A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY $ (Ea a8 iden SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BAP8196256 3/1/2022 3!1/2023 OWNED —SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ AUTOSEEONLY AUTNNOSyy� BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AIRTOS ONLY _,_AeTO ONLD PROPERTY nt)DAMAGE $ — _ UMBRELLA LIAR _ OCCUR $ j EXCESS LIAB EACH OCCURRENCE $ CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $_ DED I RETENTION$ I A WORKERS COMPENSATION X l PER I 10TH- $ E AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y!N J STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE WC8196035 3/1/2022 3/1/2023 FFICER/MEMB��EXCLUDED? I I N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 ((Mandatory in NH) 000 If yes,describe under000 EL.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1, , DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 1 I. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space is required) 1 i 1 i r CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION i SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Building Department THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD I j E. j MGL AND FIRE TOWN OF YARMt.F . TH REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF'AS BUILT'COMPLIANCE. DATE:8-2'27 YARMOUTH FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR Commercial Construction Building Transmittal I „E C E I D Project Name: 519 Station Ave Address: 519 Station Ave AUG 0 3 2022 Contact Name: Michael Williams Phone: 508-367-0621 BUILDING DEPARTMENT By. Y NO NA Subject E Regulation S X Access for Fire Apparatus 527 CMR 1; X Building Numbers X MGL Chapter 148;sec 59 *Flammable gas/liquid storage 527 CMR 1; X Fire Lanes 527 CMR 1;22.3 X *Service Stations 527 CMR 1 ;16.2.3,,30.3.2 X *Hazardous Materials Storage 527 CMR 1;60.1 X *Kitchen Exhaust Systems* 780 CMR,527 1;50.1 X Extinguishers 527 CMR 1; 13.6,Chapter 148;sec 28 X Fire Alarm Systems/CO detection* 780 CMR,Chapter 148;, 527 CMR 1; 13.7 X *LPG Storage Chapter 148; sec 9,10,28&527 CMR 1;69.1 X Use and Occupancy(FH BuildingClass)) 780 CMR;302.1 X Sprinkler Systems* 780 CMR&Chapter 148 sec 26 A-I X Storage inside/outside Buildings g 527 CMR 1; 10.19.4, 19.1.2,34.1.1 X *Upholstery 527 CMR 1; X *Trash Containers 527 CMR 1; 19.1.1, 1.12 X Any Hazard to the Public Chapter 148;sec 28 X *Curtains,Draperies,Blinds *YFD permit required-depending on occupancy and submittal 527 CMR 1; 12.6.2 Description of planned project/other requirements: Level 2 alterations,no change to use, Fire Department final acceptance may be needed for changes to fire alarm system. Compliance with the following: 527 CMR 1 Chapter 16 "Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations.” 780 CMR Chapter 33,NFPA 241. Per 527 CMR 1 16.1.2 "A fire protection plan shall be established and submitted" This plan shall include the following: 16.3.1 Fire safety program, 16.3.2 Owners designated fire prevention program manager, A suitable location at the site shall be designated as a command post and provided with plans, emergency information, keys , communications and equipment as needed. Hot Work Permit, where required 527 CMR Yarmouth Fire Department supports the application, subject to applicable submissions, permits and inspections. Plan Reviewed By: Lieutenant Matthew Bearse Date: August 3,2022 Copy for Applicant D Copy to Building Department I I Copy to Fire Prevention I I Entered in Firehouse El Final Inspection I I 2'G YARMOUTH FIRE PREVENTION Commercial Construction Building Transmittal Project Name: 519 Station Ave Address: 519 Station Ave Contact Name: Michael Williams Phone: 508-367-0621 Y NO NA Subject Regulation E S X Access for Fire Apparatus 527 CMR 1; X Building Numbers MGL Chapter 148;sec 59 X *Flammable gas/liquid storage 527 CMR 1; X Fire Lanes 527 CMR 1;22.3 X *Service Stations 527 CMR 1 ;16.2.3,,30.3.2 X *Hazardous Materials Storage 527 CMR 1;60.1 X *Kitchen Exhaust Systems* 780 CMR, 527 1;50.1 X Extinguishers 527 CMR 1; 13.6,Chapter 148;sec 28 X Fire Alarm Systems/CO detection* 780 CMR,Chapter 148;,527 CMR 1; 13.7 X *LPG Storage Chapter 148;sec 9,10,28&527 CMR 1;69.1 X Use and Occupancy(FH Building Class) 780 CMR;302.1 X Sprinkler Systems* 780 CMR&Chapter 148 sec 26 A-I X Storage inside/outside Buildings 527 CMR 1; 10.19.4,,19.1.2,34.1.1 X *Upholstery 527 CMR 1; X *Trash Containers 527 CMR 1; 19.1.1, 1.12 X Any Hazard to the Public Chapter 148; sec 28 X *Curtains,Draperies,Blinds 527 CMR 1; 12.6.2 * YFD permit required-depending on occupancy and submittal Description of planned project/other requirements: Level 2 alterations, no change to use, Fire Department final acceptance may be needed for changes to fire alarm system. Compliance with the following: 527 CMR 1 Chapter 16 "Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations." 780 CMR Chapter 33, NFPA 241. Per 527 CMR 1 16.1.2 "A fire protection plan shall be established and submitted" This plan shall include the following: 16.3.1 Fire safety program, 16.3.2 Owners designated fire prevention program manager, A suitable location at the site shall be designated as a command post and provided with plans, emergency information, keys , communications and equipment as needed. Hot Work Permit, where required 527 CMR Yarmouth Fire Department supports the application, subject to applicable submissions, permits and inspections. Plan Reviewed By: Lieutenant Matthew Bearse Date: August 3, 2022 Copy for Applicant = Copy to Building Department I I Copy to Fire Prevention I I Entered in Firehouse n Final Inspection I I t TOWN OF YARMOUTH " , , ° HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To he completed by Applicant:' Building Site Location: / Q "CIO(d n Ave Pr osed I pr ve ent: 1 �u^)C> (,v t( 4') � t cin 4 �.�y�li ,�a,,,� --7 Applicant: keen pe 4 Au t 1)t45 Co ^'gyp Tel. No.:568" 3 7 r a-( f.j Address: n0 Ai. �( ,� a r - ®, \ a rim()v Date/+�t� / ��i Filed: �� /31. **Ifyou would like e-mail notification ofsign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: likvoe‘pi--1 Ga ti Y —1-k-id 51 Owner Address: D 0 AZ /IA t.1 Owner Tel. No.: 3 6e . It'd ? RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements ..„,., For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: j(-3/11 . DATE: 5/3 /c)` I- PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: 0 •� . ) § lir 0 \ ) \ ] \ � 9 � o ; § — —. � � 01 . 7 § ■ ■■ ■ ■■■ 1■■■ \ \ - \ 2 § \i - 2 \/ ) - n. - _ - ) . . _ E ' ' CO ( 44 0 M -- § ) _ 4 ' \ ° - # -a-a. ' § \) V +\ * - - r , ;\ _ se, me, . - �\ ° --g 11 E © /7■�� ° ■o § §[ - - , ® § , 2 ` , far ' \j \( " » ! -- , ;!` \ `ell - � « F ` • D , [o / ® �� § ' o - � � � • !, . I )\! § - ) §\§ (} f3 al-- \! - !-w + .. \mQ ;@ g ` ■ _ |\! . $ I /q� (\ ^� -02 I - �2 . - -10 icn , , °� _, _ ^ I�| / CD /1 y ! / IND /} 9 | \ o / [ | d T S\ ( ELECTRICALEXISTING __ Call . r DEPARTMENT OF . : // - , 06/30/2022 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 4| /� m or r m STATIONSOUTH YARMOUTH,MA > - ^ § 0 0 a I 21 1)::1 m n 0 nD (7,3 m7 1 1111'11111111I I ILm 11110 Z _T �m f" . � O ~ "ap 0 $ `�I 4 A m _ - + v oao 01 1.0 m - m l 17l g'r,m r v " NM a --1 § ® 0 .2 11 0 + ; y " I Ir z.•°,0 1 iiiiii n (9 Kr. ... HLiiLii '4 s III11III: " o� UjIl11IIIItDo b_ gm CU I :1I 4m r rim b . 1 I 2g 03 t pA 16 _°0 21 m 0 Z a, 1E11111111111ift. 1 0���® iIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i p =o_ = = i 0 r 1101 1 111 0 I Nig 1 r o i i o �C.:7 F77 V -U fo N P ____:i ELECTRICAL PLAN , REVISIONS DEPARTMENT OF °�4oN9 DATE 6 �h06/30/2022 H. R�51� DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES "F1) Zm Of 01PANd IN 519 STATION AVE.SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA a, =` �i 1� to a1�' Ap / E r C) 0 • • • Co 1 1 . n co f > m m p '##11111111111 T __.L� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ai 0 1 - q v ° II ° T o 1 Q o 1 1 1 B h • 1 x 1 1 • I 1 • a • d o u, B B m [ z m N .11 1 I N . I 1 1 1 I 11 1 xi n m •• •• I = I m I I 1 1 • B B • 1 m oe o n • I• II m (131 I m 1 • B I • B a o_ i B yW21 I .,R 0 . 41 • _. — am • i, r. r- 2 11 Sj" II z •-ov Z 1 1 I 1 _ a • Kln.H 3 • 4!'W KITCH • EN y T E. �i ..4,-.11 f • yap �� 1 • B 4p a�"< ;y 4 V/ • • ��/` •o •• .• • • 'a e,O'' s • e • • s a I e „,, ':(-M' ir -,. I • I a •1 0 4 C•y o �� '•. 1 1 • 1 I B I • e 9 1 • • o • • •0 • • • o 1 1 1 1 , 1 g I 1 B 9 > 1 gm • aq 1 1 • 1 1n 1 N . gym • 1n I • 1 101 In I 1 • 1 • I . 1 I I 1 Ii=� . • (N.) 1 . 1 1 • nom • e I • • I 1 1 B 1 B B • 1 m I e • 64• --1-ri 1111 B Bli5 1 1 l • 1 • 1 1 1 ' ' I a _ _ .I.•••. �,231g $E;x E $ T. Cil C ' C I�. o ni ,,r'2, U N 1 EXISTING CEILING PLAN REVISIONS WHIT RMS. ..I DEPARTMENT OF 1, III r m Z • 7 mh06/30/2022 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 4:1',� �” %"1 -_�1•1 rsg 1 I� 10 0 ° 519 STATION AVE,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA e • e CIO y . o -EL') 1 1I z 11 111 111111 r71 )i3 m r rcill _ 11 O 1 °' ° —� , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�'I RD 1 -11 I I r Q L . ...._ IR 6 X Bds • 1 _ifi ml • I A §e 1 ° 1 h6 ° 1 5 imilli -o ° f 1 • °o � 1(..7)TII: ° : 1 B 1ti l o m �n A 1 ° 1 1 9 1 • 11 • 1 m 1 1 1 fh® 1 m . ° T � � m W g m • 1 i 9 1 3 • 1 1 B11 ° Hi'o F 1 _ 1 i rn 1 ° $§�1 1 ° 1 § { • • 1 I 1 1 Bo B Ia �',B z ° 1 1 1 1 oi, § I D krc . Z m5 1 .m `11' y w 1 g6,- assn ® °°..� • ...... Nim I^'6°i 1 • —'o a I� 1 • 1._. 3 •Q ° • ° • • • o... - • e a • 4 F�-p° _ ... • -"till 0 1 •; a e _ 11111111 °� 1 I LI 10 �_ '__ ' ° , , 1 I II I x 4 , e 1 1 g ! ..I . e 1 ° n I_ 1 1 ° l I 0 I 1 • B • • • e • 1 q N: _.I • X45 • $.A 1 ,0 0 • ° dim aa0 I. ° 1 1 1 B • NI2. - 11 1 1 I H H 1 I B ° B B B B ° • I • • • • • I • 1 1 >a1 I. Ip 1 • 1 ° 1 • *0 , @m ki0 1 1 rU H 1 I e-ga. m 1 . 1 qm •1 o H a PR 11 1 I I B S 1 1 1 1 � §m g%. ° ° In I I ° 1 j° L 1 �IIIIIIIIIIIII I_ Q� IillllHHIIIHII r----------, 1 i HI c I7 r-•%3,__. 1 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN REVISIONS DATE REVISION _ PAGE DEPARTMENT OF "a �.m ° s Iz8 06/30/2022 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES �.dm 10 R • 519 STATION AVE,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA °A 0 n a 0 0 _ , — J F. I o Ei oo um. IIIIIIIAIIII I; QA I '— oX ',§ ®12 Z iFeT G I Ce 13 "m z 1 m I _ Iiim y r 40 W. z m ° ® 0gm gra � I D, g E111:!11111:1'1 pl. P a g_ ra C, a� 171- L!,� G ' IsgP ay L .3 1 PI i:mgg f • ®bs (g0 gi it � w 11111111 off, 111111 10 ° ;:.,)313C0 110 4 I I 5 Oi re 500o = = e 1 -- € Via' 7yA �q 8 Am co m C 4 k `--I o �� N , d! \\______ � N 1 qU,21 P z a IL. 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