HomeMy WebLinkAboutReview Checklist Location: AM LOT y/6, Date of Subdivision Approval 1. -1 - S>7
Street /,-F `y am# Zone of Contribution: In x' Out
Village (� .5 ( ,� Commercial ;al _-
�� Resic�nt_�_
Owner f G(/ Installer_ /v
Builder �, -e Engineer 22,044y ` S7` .�l_/4� , -,}
9' 77/0 G 12
1. REr'uir nt=--cec N/A Ye= Nc
_ _ of co.. e_ cec_,ved. I I
2. Dace of SC:js exam ar^.. -'fir....j _ C ,
.:. �= _`-` C` ;; - __ ., _ �c:._ Z tc�:.., not older t.�a.^. 2 years. I I V
a:u:s i 1y cc_-r.._:c CErv:Cus mazer'a!. above water tr^^le ! ( I
4. :cunda::on 2 fee, accve n:cr cent in f_cnt_nc read. -I I5 .
Wa:er acre leo• :t•r 1CL_ from Ware- c T_-.e.
6. _ Cedar:men:.nt. I I ,
Eer:cn:are: irc:_ t n" s- x
7. c:.:ic:nc s=',:e_^cce_ no: ex:_cant_= of house. I I X,
E. S--o- an. m:n::-::.:, 10-: from house and cx I )
9. �_ `_` � ede I I C
i 0. Leach_..c a .;1:.._-L of 22 taco from house ant 10 fee: from CEC::. I I >
Lacn_.^.c a m:n' u . of 103 _� r from we L c-ncs.
111 . Le._h_no a ; :-:mum c_ 1 • teec trc uei1= � � I
12. rc���-c:-:'. ,T.EEC= ai'_ etnac _ec--c: cecu:remen:s I
j 11. U.. .: ac' .`_._`T- .1-^•C or max:..um n:Cn C..•-.o�r.^.`.wacer I ../�I ,�
4. L .cn:r.c 4-_eet.acc•:e-ec- • =c '.�at_r cao:e' or t__ -
1= __, - - be __... or tE=:. ..__. � I k I
.em nc: :n or - --:_ Jcr 10 too: cemc:•ai. I I >
1c. pc- cc.. _-- -c e
17 . Sv�:e.rn - ee Cs s_cre :e^u__.men- - I �
1c . Svs-=m :Weer_ crea:cum �-u - 1
__ � c _:event - ca:c:._at- ^zs =
c-" si..es are :rnoe:
2C. Be',;ace flow uncec 20.CCuccc for carom x
21 . Nc caroace di ^ = .
L . Sv=:-=- 1 ac,—,--u .rai '! V-_ c tor It Inz=ncen. use. V
2- . to .Weer to cert_fv:
a. Clay removal.
b. 25 toot removal..
, i I
c. Ticnt ir._:___at:on.
d. Cc..nerc:a: system.
24. Eno — a. _' and icna� e.
25. r:7., Lcac:nc •wn=_n :vst_m _s u:-ect to venicu1ar traffic. I —
x I —
. z _ act::,.=t:c;; _*;c === s:c:.ed by Licensed installer.
T. .._:_on fcc:_nc 2. feet a_*eve an-Tusted water tanie_ I \.
2E. Lct surd:vice^ „_:or to Ju ', 31, 1956 - Nitrate Loac:ne. I I I
2P. __---_•ricer or_:r to Acr_1 7, 19E9 - Phcsnnorcus Zone 300' Iv J I
Plan reviewed bv: AL/ gN' /`0c..�
1-ou,� Witc a,_ce.,� f1.1� �t<-u = lo�-o C�1! - 5. 0
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