HomeMy WebLinkAboutO & M Agreement B s� BARNSTABLE COUNTY AUG j 4 CU15
3195 MAIN STREET/ PO BOX 427 Phone: (508) 375-6613
ssACxUStiS, BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02630 FAX (508) 362-2603
TDD (508) 362-5885
August 12th, 2015
Ben Hollingsworth
13 Waltham Circle
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
RE: Operation and Maintenance Contract for the Innovative/Alternative Septic System Installed at 13 Waltham
Circle in the town of Yarmouth.
Dear Ben Hollingsworth,
Our records indicate that the operation and maintenance contract with Unknown for your innovative/alternative wastewater
treatment system may have expired or was cancelled as of August 12th, 2015. To date we have not received evidence that
you have entered into a new operation and maintenance contract.
I am writing to remind you that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MA DEP) and the Town of
Yarmouth require you to keep an operation and maintenance (O&M) contract in effect at all times for your system. Information
about these requirements may be found at https://septic.barnstablecountyhealth.org.
My department oversees I/A septic system management and compliance efforts for the Board of Health in your town. We are
authorized by your Board of Health to contact you to inform you of the above requirement and to request your compliance.
Accordingly, please forward a copy of a signed contract via mail, fax or e-mail within fifteen (15) days of receipt of this letter.
For your convenience, I have enclosed a list of wastewater operators we are aware of that do business in Barnstable County.
The firms listed operate multiple types of I/A technologies and are not associated with any particular technology or vendor.
Please be advised that if you do not respond within fifteen (15) days of your receipt of this letter by forwarding a copy of a
signed contract, you may be referred you to the Yarmouth Board of Health for further enforcement action.
I can be reached at 508-375-6901; my Fax number is (508)362-2603. I can also be reached via email at
Iwright@barnstablecounty.org. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Lindsey Wright
CC: Yarmouth Board of Health
Enclosures (1): Certified Wastewater Treatment System Operators List