HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Sign off Transmittal - Addition / Septic Upgrade Y'+kc TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4ii,1Ae HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant:Building Site Location: /5 SOUrii 0/57- , 11)1 Proposed Improvement: /it 006 TilA J 4 -4-' /l it/ sS7 /4'I)b 16 k(9)' /41 lie'i -J Q -I Aim/ fiW OJT f?eMJ7 o i 4'2 , Mj q4 L— 2'iA G.ivi,✓, cy'k Applicant: J6let`tY 3: Gl/OT-Ci i Tel. No.:( 73-?-s,oz Address: 2.i( 4410, d2D 'S i JR-os/LY /M O2;S 3 Date Filed: **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: 604 t O/K151 IDS 4b&J,(/S" Owner Address: .2 wt.. azerr /Q.b J 6 3t/ - ozYg3 Owner Tel. No.: 6,7) ps'' 6e/93 RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. ___._..__._.___ Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: = (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, JAN 12 2023 and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building HEALTH DEPT. (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: y ab Ct. DATE: 1 '13!,23 PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: E tng Door 5chedule MK Count Unit 51W Descnptio grydth Itei9 ht 1 1 3' - OF 6' - b' 2-Lte 5tee1 Extenor 2 1 2'- V 6' - e' 9-Lte 5teel F nor 3 1 2'-0 6' - & 9-Lte 5teel Ei3enor 4 1 6'-O' 6'-b' 15 Lite V,,l 51,din Patio 5 1 12' - 0' 6' - 6' 15-Ltq 4-Pave1 51hulniq Paco 6 B 2'- 6' G. - 8 6 Pand Hollow Core Inteno 7 2 2' - 3' 6' - 8' 6-Panel Hollow Core Intenor 5 1 2' - 0- Hollow Core Intnno9r 96'-Panel 2 4' - OF 6' - 8' 6 Panel Hollow Coe Intenor Di -Fold 0 1 5' - C' 6' - d' IG Panel Hollow Coe ntenor Bi-Fold EaSGng Window 5chedule Mr, Count W�H h eni i ht 9 Descnption A 5 3' - O' 5' - 0' Double Hun Low-E Aluminum Clad A I I G. - S. P - O' Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4' - 5' 1' - 0' Picture Low-E Aluminum Clad C 6 2' - 6' 3--5- Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - OF 3-9 DOOM. Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad 01 1 4--5' 1' - 0' Picture LoR,-f Aluminum Clad D2 1 2--5- 1' - 9 Picture t f Aluminum Clad E 1 4' - 0 1/4' 4' - 0' Aw in Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4'-51/2- 4'-V Vinyl Double hinq Tnple Mullion F I 2--5- 1' - 0' Picture I E Aluminum Clad G b' - I I N& 4' - 10' bowed Casement Aluminum Clad H 4 1 0-0 4' - 9 I/2' Double Hung Low-E Huminum Clad xo n: I. M5RNG iinl 1 1. VPJNP 0u.UKIUWR51S50bNGRfPIPhO 2. EYISnNG w1NGOA�PRE ONDfRY.IN PILMINUM e1M'MNWNS JAN 12 2023 HEALTH DEPT. GENERAL NOTES N> oiiiii or I F,4D,an[xoISSUEDFOR co,mmmmm alarmu 3 Rsmrd FwQ i—Fm 13O iul O 1NOTIWUEDFOR COMTRUCTONI dDYtM3 5 ISSiIEO FOR CONURWIION MOON 6 Y38evn flmm UimMan 1LOl1DII THE BURDEN COMPANY PO BOx M Raynham Center, MA Phone(508) 9676 Fax (SOB) 6W-95M w ,burdendrahen.cam Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing Basement Plan R nuaam 22-004 418aM Di..m xr NUB cn.Nieeb NUB A-1 SdM iH"=1'-0" Easting Door 5chedule MK Count Unit 5+ Descnption Width Height 1 1 3' - O' G. - 5' 2-bte Steel Exterior 2 1 2'- 5' G' - 5' 9-1+te, Steel Extenor 3 1 0-0 G' - V 9-1,te Steel Ear nor 4 1 G. - O G' - 5' 15 Ute Vinyl 51idi+lg Paco 5 1 12-- 0' G. - G. 15-Ltd 4-Famel Sliding Patio G 5 2' - G' G' - 5' G Panel Hollow Core Interior 7 2 2--3- G' - 5' G-Panel Hollow Core Interior 5 1 2'- O' G' - 5' G-Panel Hollow Care Interior 9 1 2 1 4- - P 9 - 5' G Panel hollow Core to drior &-Fold 10 1 I 1 5'-0' 1 9-5- G Panel Hollow Core Into nor &-Fold Exoting Window Schedule MK Count Opemn Descnption Width Height A 5 3' - O' S' - O Double Hung Low-E Alommum Clad A I I G' - 5' V - 0' Picture Low-E Aluminum CW A2 1 P - 5' P - O' Picture Low-E Mumulum Clad C G 2- - G' 3' - 5' Double Hung Low-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2'- 0' 3', G' Double Hung Low-E Nummum Clad D I 1 4-- S 1' - 0' Picture Low-E Mummum Clad D2 1 2--5- 1-- P Picture Low-E Nummum Clad E 1 4'-0 1/4- 4' - 0' Awning Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 1/2' 4- I' ViryA Double Hun Triple Mullion FI 1 2'-5' I'-O' Picture Loa�E Nummum Clad G 1 5'- I 1 3)5' 4-- 10' 6owed Casement Nai Clad H 4 2' - G' 4'-9 I/2' JDdalble Hun Low-E Numinum Clad xoTEs <ORNl WINDOW tppJR SIRS BEIN6 R[P+PQD zeIar.c nxo. aiRn AnDesuuminuM cuD wxoows GENERAL NOTES He. Oi Ob I rw MUEDFOR C0lW 1JiXn0H V.2fl6R2OIIaII I ir—,! W Gidurrer Finumi OM 91M (NOT ISSUED FIX COWRI.GrOM I.qurOm6bFrmleui,pw+1 SR 5 188UEO FORCONBTRWTp1 wI.V2R022 8 A4ue1%raw, R00m CAwWan 12R]/202i THE BURDEN COMPANY PO B.26 Raynham Canner, MA Phone:(W8) 967b460 F. (508) 6W-9505 www.burdeni1raflers.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing First Floor Plan Nuedrumne, U-W4 D.w 41a12M D b, MJB cn.watn MJB A-2 saw 114" =1'-0' 5156 ig Door 5chedule MK Count Unit 5. Description Wclth 11u9 ht I I 3' - O' 6' - 8' 2-Lte Steel Exfena 2 1 2' - 8' 0-5- 9-Lte 5teel Exterior 3 1 2'- 6' 0-8- 9-bte Steel Exterior 4 1 6' - 0' 0-5- 15 Lte V'n'I 5I'J'Nq ratio 5 1 12' - O' 6' - 6' 15-Ltd 4-Panel 511din Paco 6 8 2'- 6' 6' - 8' 6 Panel Hollow Core Intenor 7 2 2'- 3- G. - 8' 6Parel Hollow Core Intenor 8 1 2--0- 6' - 8' 6-Panel Hollow Core Interior 9 2 4' - 0' 6' - 8' 6 Panel Hollow Core Interior 5-fold 10 1 5- 0' c - 8' IG Panel Hollow Core Interior 5-Fold Exmtmg M'111doW Schedule MK Count �� Description Width HeI M A 5 3-0- 5' - O' Double Hun 1ow-E AIUDIInum Clad AI 1 9-5- 1--0' Rcture low-E Aluminum Clad A2 1 4--5- I-- O' Picture low-E Aluminum Clad C C 2--0 3' - 5' Double Hun lowii Aluminum Clad D 2 2'-9 3-0 Double Hu.9 bow-E Aluminum Clad D I 1 4--5- V - O' Picture low-E Aluminum Clad D2 1 2' - 5- 1' - 0' PlcNre Lci Aluminum Clad E 1 4-0 1/4- 4'- 0' Awnu Low-E Aluminum Clad F 1 4' - 5 I/2' 4' - r Double Hung/ Tnple Muihon F I 2' - 5' I' -0, Picture low-E Aluminum Clad = 6 1 B' - 113/8' 4'- Kr Bowed Casement Aluminum CW H 4 2--0 4' - 9 I/2' 11EIS.IFIC Hun tow-E Aluminum Clad Nrnn: I. count Rsr. VEN1. Nl Ill.. OAR 51£S BEING R[FNQO z. ORED., N1.. PRE "NO., .."U.. wi S.Re GENERALNOTES Ne. ellworpillDeb 1 Fun PLR (NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4VMII 2 F-1 per Cudomm Emil 0. RISC=(NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) x4a M 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION ar. a R"LLSSe®nRwm Olmenian 1i/tl/MI THE BURDEN COMPANY PO Box 26 Raynham Center. MA Phone: (508) 967-WO FIND. (508)692-9505 w ,burdendrafiers.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Existing Second Floor Plan ngwaw... 22-0 Dw 4/8 M ul MJB c)wr+wp MJB A-3 Proposed Door 5chedule MK Count Unit 5Ne Descnpbon Width He, ht I 1 3-0- G' - B' 2-lute 5teel Extenor 2 1 2' - 8' G. - T 9-6te Steel E Snor 3 1 2' - G' G. - & 9-Ute 5teel Extenor 4 1 B - 0' G' - 8' 15 Ute Vinyl 511ding Patio 5 1 12' - O' G' - 9 15-UW 4-Parel 51iding Pato G 9 2'- G' G' - 8' G Panel Hollow Core Intenor 4 2'- 3' G' - 8' G-Pare1 Hollow Core Intenor 8 1 2'- 0' G - 8' G-Fa„e1 Hollow Core IMenor 9 2 4' - 0' Pand Hollow Core Intenor E%-Fold I O Panel Hollow Core Intenor 5-fold 13 I 6-0' G'-8' Prapo- d Window 5chedule MK Count In Descnptlon WldthUn2 Hel M A 3 3.-0. 7 - 1 O 3/4' large Plcture w/ 24' Awnmg A t -E Alumnum Clad B 4 2' - T G' - 2 3/4' Large Picture w/ 24- Axmmg Abare t E Aluminum Clad D 2 2--0- 2' - O' Awning low-E Aluminum Clad 0 4 3'-09/I G. 2--0 1/2' A..nq law-E Aluminum Clad H 4 2--1- <vanes> Double Hun t -E Aluminum Clad J 1 2'- G 1/4' 2'- 7 3/4' AeI I -E Aluminum Clad xoms: CIXIRACfoR snPLL V[GrcgLL w1xP'W 4 ooDR slzEs BfmG RfrlpC® DFAI Sn1 KRIFV ALL R O. SILTS WRX MNIUFPGIURFR PRICK TOORGf ONG JAN 12 2023 HEALTH DEPT. GENERAL NOTES NIL o D. 1 Full poll SNOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTIONI 4ROYE 2 R—uJ, C.—Emal D. 44180M ROT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTIOM V18.2oa 5 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTNMI SOMn 8 AdNR sSeaon Raam Rla,tlN, I.SO �er+� THE BURDEN COMPANY PO Box 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone (5M) 987E460 Fac (508) 6924505 wWw.burrlen draftenucom Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed Basement Plan RgenwnOe, 22-00/ ow 4/6 M organ xv W13 u.meM MJB A-7 sw. V4"=V Proposed Do or 5chedule MK Count Width Umt Size Height 9 Descnphon I I 3' - 0' G. - 8' 2-Ltd Steel Ertenor 2 1 2'-8' 6'-8' 9-Lte 5[ 1F Imor 3 1 2' - 6' G. - e' 9-Lte Steel E#enor 4 1 6'-0' 6'-8' 15 Lte VS,4511ding Patio 5 1 12' - O' 6' - 6' 15-Ltd 4-Panel 51dmg Patio 6 9 2' - 6' 6' - 8' 6 Panel Hollow Core Inb nor ] 4 2'-3- C. - 8' 6-Pariel hollow Core Intenor a 1 2' - O' 9-6- 6-Panel hollow Core Intenor 9 2 4' - Hdlow Core )nib, or 5-Fold I O 5' - O' 6' - 8' 6 Panel hdlau Core Interior 5-Fold 13 I 1 G-O' 6'-8' Proposed Window 5chedule MK Count Opening Descnphon WIdtUnt ei9 M A 3 3- O' ]' - 10 3/4' large Picture w/ 24'Aaan,n3 Above Low-E Aluminum Clad 5 4 2'-7- 6' - 2 3/4' Large Picture wl 24- Awning Above Lou-E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - O' 2' - O' Awning L -E Aluminum Clad 6 4 3'-09116' 2'-0112' Awning) EAluminum Clad H 4 2' - 6' <.nes> Double Hung Law-E Aluminum Clad J I 2' - 6 114' 2'- ] 3/4' Awning Law-E Aluminum Clad Nffi2 I. CG1llRPR04YWLVfwM1 512r5 BwR RO 3. NW vxoasNBNNIMRJVWSpAfJgO snR vww u a.o ss wMwucRR F.oR ToRa xG ' % 16' CCNW2IE FW11NG i0 CE UNDER25eal w RWN @T P� 12 SERIW 'R' MR pfrw151 GENERAL NOTES Na, a.RNRBu 1 FW pN 1NOr ISSUED FOR fA.UC110NI 48R0]I 2 R wl WCungrcr ERw0uad 41EFMi2(N0TISSLCDMR CONSTRUCTION) V3620II Saderuam ,MMBe6mm El... N10R%2 $ ISSUMFORCQYSTRUCTIXi Y12022 S AEYer33eu^Ro PmMWon 12/p24d Nam+ m m aem M+n¢�a+ THE BURDEN COMPANY PO 80%26 Raynham Center, MA PhonelW6)967b060 F.(508)692-9505 ..burdentlranem.com Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed First Floor Plan w wnbau 22-004 mIe 402022 bra„nv MJB ur.eM MJB A-8 Bole v4••=ra Rnposed Door 5chedule MK Count Unit SDe Descnpbon Width HeI 1 1 3'-0' 6'-8' 2-bte 5t dE EoDr 2 1 2-- 8' 6' - 8' 9-1-ate Steel Ev No, 3 I 2'-G' 6'-8' 9-bte 5teelE nor 4 1 6' - a 6' - 8' 15 bte Vinyl 51dmg Patio 5 1 12' - O' 6' - 6' 15-btd 4-Panel 511ding Patio 6 9 2-- G' 6' - 8' 6 Panel Hollow Core Intenor 7 4 2'- 3- 6' - 8' 6-Pane1 Hollow Core Intenor 8 1 2'- O' 9 - 8' 6-Panel Hollow Core Int mor 9 2 4' - O' O' - 8' 6 Panel Hollow Core Intenor &-Fold 10 1 5-- O' 6'- & IG Panel Hollow Core ntenor &Fdd 13 1 6'-O' V-8' Propvrd Window 5chedule MK Count Unit Orem. Deaenphon dthUn,t Width height A 3 3' - O' 7- 10 3/4' large Plctore w/ 24' Awning Above IOw-E Aluminum Clad B 4 2'- T 9 - 2 3/4' Urge Picture wd 24' Awning A e I -E Aluminum Clad D 2 2' - O' 2' - O' AwIN LOw-P Aluminum Clad G 4 3-09/19 2'-0 1/2' AwmN LowIfAluminum Clad R 4 2' - G' wuaneS> Double Hunq lowf Alummun Clad J 1 2' - O 1/4' 2'- 7 3/4' Awm LOw Aluminum Clad NOME5 Cpl1RAROR E. VISO, P ... I DOOR al. SSNG R[PIAC[D Z Now MNDOWE St OF MMVIN INRGRnY MNDOw5. WRInV )NOR GENERAL NOTES Na. Dexmalbn Ore 1 FUI D,aN 1NOr ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) L.ddla 3 Neosee pe CUHomn Emi ma" 411820a)NOT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION) LFLtDa < 0..'-1 M. Sam.. Elevatane SODOM 5 ISSUED FOR CONVRUCNON SNOSM 9 M1a145eap, RmmgnwWm 1]117RD}] sm<eMavry THE BURDEN COMPANY PO Sox 26 Raynham Center, MA Phone:(50R) 967b Fax (508)692-95M www.buMendrsflers.00m Wojcik Construction Co., Inc. 15 Southwest Drive S. Yarmouth, MA Proposed Second Floor Plan R,dnuimw, 224M14 ONE 4WO22 maao ty MJS ctudi MJS A-9 awa