HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupplemental information 2.16.23 BETA GROUP, INC. 89 Shrewsbury Street, Suite 300, Worcester, MA 01604 P: 508.756.1600 | W: www.BETA-Inc.com February 16, 2023 Ms. Brittany DiRienzo, Conservation Administrator Town of Yarmouth Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Re: Yarmouth Riverwalk Park, Route 28 Notice of Intent Technical Stormwater Peer Review DEP File Nos. SE 083-2372, SE 083-2373 Dear Ms. DiRienzo: Attached for your review and approval is updated material reflecting revisions to the Stormwater Management Design for the proposed development of the Yarmouth River Walk Park. The materials include plan sheet updates and minor Stormwater Report updates made in response to the comments received from Conservation Commission’s technical peer review engineers, TRC Companies, dated February 15, 2023. In response to the comments furnished, BETA offers the following responses. 1. The Drainage Area plans are very difficult to compare to the HydroCAD report because they are not labeled consistently. All the sub-catchments in the HydroCAD report should be shown and labeled on the drainage area plan and the labels should match. Typically, the node ID is labeled on the plans. Response: The Existing and Proposed Watershed Area Plans have been revised to show the sub- catchment areas and identify the node numbers to be more consistent with the HydroCAD model. Refer to Sheets WS.1A, WS.1B, WS.2A and WS.2B. a. POA 1 “infiltration system 1” is labeled 62,100 sf on the plans and listed as 46,860 sf in HydroCAD (assuming POA 1 infiltration system 1 is node 1S: infiltration 1.) Response: The Watershed Area Plans have been updated to reflect the subcatchment areas 1S – Access Roadway Infiltration System (46,860 SF) and 2S – Area Drain in the First Island (15,240 SF) and are now consistent with the HyrdoCAD model. Refer to Sheet WS.2A – Rev 2. b. IVW 2 is labeled 174,310 on the plans and listed as 160,788 in HydroCAD (node 30S). Response: Watershed Area IVW 2 has been updated to 160,788 SF, which is now consistent with the HydroCAD model. Refer to Sheet WS.2B – Rev 2. Ms. Brittany DiRienzo, Conservation Administrator February 16, 2023 Page 2 of 2 2. The outlet invert for Infiltration Basin 1 is entered as 4.65 in HydroCAD but shown as 4.75 on the plans. Not likely to impact the results but should be corrected. Response: The outlet invert for Infiltration Basin 1 is consistent between the plans and HydroCAD. However, the outlet invert elevation for Infiltration Basin 3 has been corrected in both the plan and detail to be consistent with the HydroCAD model. Refer to Sheets C.6.5 – Rev 2 and C.7.9 – Rev 2. 3. The detail for Infiltration System 2 is labeled “14 per row”. Should this be 6 per row according to the HydroCAD calcs, plan view, and your response letter? Response: The detail for Infiltration System 2 has been corrected to show “6 per row” consistent with the plans and the HydroCAD model. See Sheet C.7.8 – Rev 2. To respond to these comments, a revised copy of the Stormwater Management Report has been included with the following parts being revised, noted as Rev. 2: - Sheet C.6.5 – Grading & Drainage – Enlargement Plan 3 - Sheet C.7.8 – Drainage Detail – 1 - Sheet C.7.9 – Drainage Detail – 2 - Sheet WS.1A – Watershed Plan – Existing - Sheet WS.1B – Watershed Plan – Existing - Sheet WS.2A – Watershed Plan – Proposed - Sheet WS.2B – Watershed Plan – Proposed - Appendix F – Watershed Data If you have any further questions or comments regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at our office. Very truly yours, BETA Group, Inc. Gary D. James, P.E. Senior Project Manager CC: K Williams, P.E. Town of Yarmouth J Gold TRC Companies A Galle BETA Group Inc. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE 2RIM 7.00INV. EL. 4.65 12" OUT36" SPILLWAY INLETCREST ELEV - 6.20PROP INFILTRATION BASIN 3PROP. CURB INLETBC 6.70TC DRAIN 6RIM 7.20INV 5.50TC 7.50TC 7.60TC 7.63INV OUT 5.25TC 7.90FFE7.504" PERF.4" PERF.66765 6 7 56 7 65757 7 77 612" FLARED END WITH RIP RAPINV. ELEV - 4.002 CHECK DAM IN SERIES,CREST ELEV. 6.004" PERF.4" PERF. 7 7 776" HDPEPROP. EDGE INFILTRATIONTRENCH (TYP.)UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review Only20020SCALE IN FEET: 1"=20'40GJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23C.6.5GRADING & DRAINAGE- ENLARGEMENT PLAN- 3MATCHLINE - MATCH TO SHEET C.6.4 PEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 SCALE:AREA DRAIN1" = 1'-0"12"x12" NDS AREA DRAIN,SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION ANDRIM ELEVATIONSDRAIN PIPE,SEE PLAN FOR PIPESIZE AND INVERTELEVATIONS6"6"MIN.LOAM & SEEDCOMPACTEDCRUSHEDSTONE BASECLASS I OR II MATERIALPER ASTM D2321, LATEST EDITION,COMPACTED IN MAX. 8" LOOSE LIFTSTO 95% MIN. OF MAX. SPD* H , H = 12" FOR UP TO AND INCLUDING 36" N-12 = 24" FOR 42"-48" N-12FILTER FABRIC(AASHTO M-288)** SEE TABLE 112UNDISTURBEDEARTHH (RIGID PVMT.)*1BEDDING (CLASS I OR II MATERIAL)= 4" MIN. FOR 12"-24" N-12, 42"-48" HC= 6" MIN. FOR 30"-48" N-12HDPE PIPE2H (FLEX. PVMT.)*TABLE 1NOMINAL DIAMETER,IN (MM)FT (M)X (MIN.),0.69 (0.21)12 (300)0.68 (0.21)15 (375)0.74 (0.23)18 (450)0.84 (0.26)24 (600)1.5 (0.46)30 (750)1.5 (0.46)36 (900)1.5 (0.46)42 (1050)1.5 (0.46)48 (1200)TYPICAL SUB-SURFACE TRENCH DETAILHOT MIX ASPHALTSECTION A-APLANSECTION B-BSTONE AT PIPE ENDSDRAINAGEDETAILS - 1INFILTRATION SYSTEM NO. 2 - RESTROOM FACILITYUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review OnlyAS SHOWNGJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23INFILTRATION BASIN NO. 3TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINC.7.8PEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 INFILTRATION SYSTEM NO. 1 - ACCESS DRIVEWAY TREATMENT SYSTEMINSPECTION MANHOLEOUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE AT INFILTRATION BASIN (1 & 3)PLANFRONT ELEVATIONSECTIONCHECK DAM CROSS SECTIONDRAINAGEDETAILS - 2UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review OnlyAS SHOWNGJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23C.7.9PEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 EXISTING WATERSHED LIMITS EXISTING WATERSHED FLOW PATHPaved Entrance Drive98LAND USE TYPECNHATCHDrive in Grass49Gravel Roadways96Exposed Gravel (Abutter)96Dirt Road to Upweller72Wooded30Brush, Fair35Brush, Good30Wetlands77Upweller Area Inside Fence98Grass Shoulder Along Access Drive49Lawn39Roadway Pavement (Courtland)98EXISTING WATERSHED PLAN LEGEND/KEYWS.1AWATERSHED PLAN -EXISTING - 1POA 4: 6S -DEPRESSION ATTHE END OFCOURTLAND WAYAREA = 24,293 SFPOA 1: 1S -DRIVE-IN AREA ATUPWELLER SITEAREA = 377,282 SFPOA 1: 2S -AREA OUTSIDE THEFORMER DRIVE-INDISCHARGE POINTAREA = 125,340 SFPOA 2: 4S -ISOLATED WETLANDS (IVW 1)AREA = 37,105 SFUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review Only80SCALE IN FEET: 1"=40'40040GJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23PARKERS RIVERMA - R O U T E 2 8 COURTLAND WAYWOODED(TYP.)DRIVE-INGRASS (TYP.)DRIVE-INGRASS (TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)WETLAND(TYP.)WETLAND(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)PEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 EXISTING WATERSHED LIMITS EXISTING WATERSHED FLOW PATHPaved Entrance Drive98LAND USE TYPECNHATCHDrive in Grass49Gravel Roadways96Exposed Gravel (Abutter)96Dirt Road to Upweller72Wooded30Brush, Fair35Brush, Good30Wetlands77Upweller Area Inside Fence98Grass Shoulder Along Access Drive49Lawn39Roadway Pavement (Courtland)98EXISTING WATERSHED PLAN LEGEND/KEYWS.1BWATERSHED PLAN -EXISTING - 2UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review Only80SCALE IN FEET: 1"=40'40040GJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23PARKERS RIVERPARKERS RIVERPOA 1: 3S -WOODLAND AREAOUTSIDE THE FORMERDRIVE-IN DEVELOPMENTAREA = 166,861 SFPOA 3: 5S -ISOLATED WETLANDS (IVW 2) AREA = 174,310 SFWETLAND(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)DRIVE-INLAWN (TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)LEGEND EXISTING WATERSHED LIMIT EXISTING WATERSHED FLOW PATHBRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)PEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 N876810 7699 696776766757667766766768 6 8 46788105877877 66 7775 96543654765658689 1110911 10 9 8 1011 9671066861098711565445 88 8 88787777 888789877776889811674 Paved98PROPOSEDSidewalkReinforced TurfBasinRoof AreaLandscaped / LawnStabilized Aggregate Path986892989839Brush, Good30Wetlands77Upweller Area Inside Fence98Grass Shoulder Along Access Drive49Exposed Gravel (Abutter)96Roadway Pavement (Courtland)30LAND USE TYPECNHATCHEXISTINGPROPOSED WATERSHED PLAN LEGEND/KEY PROPOSED WATERSHED LIMITS PROPOSED WATERSHED FLOW PATHWooded30WS.2AWATERSHED PLAN -PROPOSEDUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review Only80SCALE IN FEET: 1"=40'40040GJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23POA 1: 17S -INFIELD DEPRESSION 1AREA = 113,450 SFPOA 1: 5S - WEST SIDE OFACCESS DRIVEWAYTHROUGH CULVERTAREA = 30,300 SFPOA 1: 1S - ACCESSROADWAY INFILTRATIONSYSTEMAREA = 46,860 SFPOA 2: 20S - ISOLATEDWETLANDS 1 (IVW 1)AREA = 26,100 SFPOA 1: 7S -UNCONTROLLED TOPARKERS RIVER ALONGEAST SIDE OF PARKAREA = 130,164 SFPOA 1: 12S -BUILDING AREAAREA = 3,560 SFPOA 1: 13S - AD1AREA = 1,633 SFPOA 1: 15S -POROUS PAVEMENTAREA = 31,070 SFPOA 1: 14S - AREA DRAINSALONG PARKING AREAAREA = 10,420 SFPOA 4: 40S -DEPRESSION ATTHE END OFCOURTLAND WAYAREA = 21,713 SFPARKERS RIVERMA - R O U T E 2 8 COURTLAND WAYWOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)WETLAND(TYP.)WETLAND AREA 1 (IVW 1)WOODED(TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)EXPOSEDGRAVEL(ABUTTERS)BRUSH,GOOD (TYP.)POA 5: 50S - TOWARDSRTE 28 PAVEMENTAREA = 1,800 SFPARKERS RIVERARTISTS SHANTIES (TYP.)POA 1: 2S -AREA DRAIN IN THEFIRST ISLANDAREA = 15,240 SFPOA 1: 11S -ARTIST SHANTIESAREA = 1,080 SFPEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 126° 8 86 6765 6 7 56 7 5757 7 8 7 77 7 7 77Paved98PROPOSEDSidewalkReinforced TurfBasinRoof AreaLandscaped / LawnStabilized Aggregate Path986892989839Brush, Good30Wetlands77Upweller Area Inside Fence98Grass Shoulder Along Access Drive49Exposed Gravel (Abutter)96Roadway Pavement (Courtland)30LAND USE TYPECNHATCHEXISTINGPROPOSED WATERSHED PLAN LEGEND/KEY PROPOSED WATERSHED LIMITS PROPOSED WATERSHED FLOW PATHWooded30WS.2BWATERSHED PLAN -PROPOSEDUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR CHANGED BY REPRODUCTIONSHEET NO.SCALEDATEDESIGNED BY:10056CHECKED BY:BETA JOB NO.:ISSUE DATE:DRAWN BY:REVISIONSNO.TITLEPROJECTPREPARED BYWest Yarmouth, MAYARMOUTHRIVERWALKPARKAKPFor Review Only80SCALE IN FEET: 1"=40'40040GJGJREGISTERED PROFESSIONALSTORMWATER APPLICATIONPERMIT - PLAN SETREGISTERED PROFESSIONAL11/18/221PEER REVIEW RESPONSE 2/2/23POA 1: 18S -INFIELD DEPRESSION 2 -DIRECT AREAAREA = 132,180 SFPOA 1: 4S -CUL-DE-SAC AREAAREA = 13,791SFPARKERS RIVERWETLAND(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)WOODED(TYP.)POA 1: 6S WOODLANDAREA OUTSIDE THEFORMER DRIVE-INDEVELOPMENT TO THEBOARDWALKAREA = 164,861 SFPOA 3: 30S - ISOLATEDWETLANDS 2 (IVW 2)AREA = 160,788 SFWOODED(TYP.)PROP. KAYAK KIOSKSTAGE AREAPEER REVIEW RESPONSE #2 2/15/232 BETA GROUP, INC. 89 Shrewsbury Street, Suite 300, Worcester, MA 01604 P:508.756.1600 | W:www.BETA-Inc.com Watershed Data –Existing Conditions 669 Route 28 Yarmouth, Massachusetts September 2022 Rev2:February 2023 POA 1 Parkers River 1S-Drive-in area at Upweller Site This area flows from the access drive down past the Upweller Site and includes all the gravel and dirt pathways. Area = 377,282 sq. ft. = 8.661 acres Land Use Use Area CN Paved entrance drive 38,578 98 Drive in grass 244,074 49 Gravel roadways 6,874 96 Exposed gravel (abutter)11,442 96 Dirt road to Upweller 2,328 72 Wooded 46,293 30 Brush, fair 20,368 35 Wetlands 6,125 77 Upweller area inside fence 1,200 98 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-2.0% slope, woodland light underbrush Shallow Concentrated flow 50’-0.5% slope, wooded Shallow Concentrated flow 850’-0.5% slope across drive in field 2S-Area outside the former drive-in discharge point This area sheet flows directly into the River and includes a portion of the existing drive-in area. Drainage Area = 125,340 sq. ft. = 2.877 acres Land Use Use Area CN Drive in grass 107,144 49 Brush,good 18,196 30 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-1.3% slope, short grass Shallow Concentrated flow 420’-0.8% slope, nearly bare February 2023 Page 2 of 3 3S-Woodland Area outside the former drive-in development This area sheet flows directly into the Salt Marsh adjacent to the River. It is completely wooded currently but will be traversed by reinforced earth walking paths to access the proposed boardwalk Area = 166,861 sq. ft. =3.831 acres Land Use Use Area CN Brush, good 166,861 30 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-1.0% slope, woodlands Shallow Concentrated flow 85’-1.0% slope, woodland POA 2 4S-Isolated Wetlands (IVW 1) Drainage Area = 37,105 sq. ft. = 0.852 acres Land Use Use Area CN Grass shoulder along access driveway 4,660 49 Brush, Good 28,958 30 Wetlands 3,487 77 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-1.4% slope, wooded Shallow Concentrated flow 29’-1.4% slope, wooded POA 3 5S-Isolated Wetlands (IVW 2) Drainage Area = 174,130 sq. ft. = 3.997 acres Land Use Use Area CN Woodlands 146,318 30 Wetlands 19,556 77 Lawn 8,256 39 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-5.0% slope, dense grass Shallow Concentrated flow 34’-2.80% slope, wooded February 2023 Page 3 of 3 POA 4 6S-Depression at the end of Courtland Way Drainage Area = 24,293 sq. ft. = 0.558 acres Land Use Use Area CN Roadway pavement 360 98 Brush, good 23,202 30 Lawn area 731 39 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-5.8% slope, woods light underbrush Shallow Concentrated flow 35’-6.80% slope, wooded TOTAL WATERSHED AREA ANALYZED POA 1 377,282 125,340 166,861 669,483 POA 2 37,105 POA 3 174,130 POA 4 24,293 TOTAL 905,011 sq. ft. 20.776 acres BETA GROUP, INC. 89 Shrewsbury Street, Suite 300, Worcester, MA 01604 P:508.756.1600 | W:www.BETA-Inc.com Watershed Data –Proposed Conditions 669 Route 28 Yarmouth, Massachusetts September 2022 Rev2-February 2023 POA 1 Parkers River Total Watershed Area to Infiltration System 1 Area = 62,100 Sq. Ft.(1S + 2S) =1.426 acres 1S-Access Roadway Infiltration system Area =46,860 sq. ft. = 1.076 acres Land Use Use Area CN Paved 14,261 98 Sidewalk 3,817 98 Reinforced turf 3,105 68 Basin 2,033 98 Landscaped/lawn 17,312 39 Pump Station Paved 2,622 98 Roof area 2,250 98 Sidewalk 1,460 98 Tc Calculation Use 6 minutes as a minimum 2S-Area drain in the first island Area = 15,240 sq. ft. =0.350 acres Land Use Use Area CN Paved 7,230 98 Sidewalk 2,565 98 Reinforced turf 1,270 68 Landscaped/lawn 4,175 39 Tc Calculation Use 6 minutes as a minimum Pond 2P-Infiltration System 1 Water Quality Volume Total Impervious area =39,980 sq. ft. 1” Rainfall =3,332 cu. ft. February 2023 Page 2 of 11 Chamber System data System will be 8 rows of Stormtech SC 301 chambers 14 per row. Flow from forebay will enter Isolator Rows only through 2-12” diameter culverts at Inv. El. 5.50 that will be set flat with no slope. Inlets will be flared ends Overall dimensions = 102.88’ x 28.17’ x 2.33’ Storage volume provided = 3,439.7 cu. ft. (from Hydro-CAD) Infiltration rate =8.27 inches per hour Bottom area = 102.88 x 28.17 = 2,898 sq. ft. = 0.55 cfs Dynamic sizing calculation Sizing criteria =1” runoff in 2 hours A(KT) +storage volume =Rv Rv =3,123 cu. ft. minimum A=2,898 sq. ft. Storage Volume 2,664 cu. ft.@ El. 6.60 K T=1.38 ft Rv=2,898(1.38)+2,664 =3,999.2 +2,644=6,643.2 cu. ft.=1.99” ok Outlet configuration Outlet structure will be set east end of the forebay. Structure will be 4’ x 4’ precast concrete Top El. 7.2 Outlet will be 12” ADS culvert @ Inv. El. 4.75 Inlet –3’ wide spillway at crest El. 6.60 Gated emergency outlet 4” PVC @ Inv. El. 5.2+ Total Volume Stored at Elevation 6.60 = 2,664 + 4,323 = 6,987 cu. ft. Time to Dewater = 6,987 / [2898 x 8.27/12) = 6987/ 1,997 = 3.50 hours ok Pond 1P-Collection Swale Bottom El. 5.30 Sediment forebay Storage volume required = 0.1” =312.3 cu. ft. Storage Volume provided Elev.Area Average volume total 5.3 1,573 0 4,647 2,323.5 1,626.5 6.0 3,074 1626.5 8,139 4,069.5 4,069.5 7.0 5.065 5696.0 11,208 5,604 3,922.8 7.7 6,143 9618.8 February 2023 Page 3 of 11 Top of stone check dam will be set at Elevation 5.75 Forebay sizing =1045 cu. ft. = 0.32” ok Bathroom System Runoff from bathroom will be collected in stone trenches along the drip edge of the structure and along the outside edge of the surrounding walkways. There will also be several area drains placed around the perimeter of this area that will collect runoff and direct it into the infiltration system that will be located east of the bathroom.Piping from these area drains will be either flat or have slopes less than 0.5%. Grading around the grates will be set to allow some ponding above the grates to allow some elevation differential to develop and help flow to the leaching facility. 12S-Building area Area =3,560 sq. ft. = 0.082 acres Land Use Use Area CN Roof 1,210 98 Walkways 2,165 98 Landscaped/lawn 185 39 Tc Calculation Use 6 minutes as a minimum 13S-AD 1 Area =1,633 sq. ft. = 0.037 acres Land Use Use Area CN Walkways 462 98 Landscaped/lawn 1,171 39 Tc Calculation Use 6 minutes as a minimum 14S-Area Drains along parking area Area =10,420 sq. ft. = 0.239 acres Land Use Use Area CN Walkways 3,827 98 Landscaped/lawn 6,593 39 Tc Calculation February 2023 Page 4 of 11 Use 6 minutes as a minimum 3P-Chamber System data System will be 5 rows of Stormtech SC 301 chambers 6 per row. Flow from all inlet piping will enter Isolator Row only Overall dimensions = 18.17’ x 45.92’x 2.33’ Storage volume provided =959 cu. ft. (from Hydro-CAD) Infiltration rate =8.27 inches per hour = 0.08 cfs Water Quality Volume Total Impervious area =7,664 sq. ft. 1” Rainfall =639 cu. ft. Dynamic sizing calculation Sizing criteria = 1” runoff in 2 hours A(KT) + storage volume =Rv Rv =574 cu. ft. minimum A=834 sq. ft. K T=1.38 ft Rv=834(1.38)+959 =1,150.9 +959=2,109.9 cu. ft.=3.30” ok Outlets The only outlet from this system will be through exfiltration. Inside the program, we have assumed that overflow will be flow over the walkway from the area drain along the parking lot. This would be at Elevation 7.20. It is entered as a broad crested weir, width 20’ breadth 8’. Time to Dewater 100 Year flood level = El. 7.29 =940 cu. ft. =940/(834 x 8.27/12) =1.63 hours ok 15S-Porous Pavement Porous pavement will receive runoff from the pavement above only. The center aisle will be solid pavement but will flow across the porous section. The Reservoir will be sized for the entire area. Watershed Area = 31,070 sq. ft. Pavement area = 29,638 sq. ft. Collection trench= 1,432 sq. ft. Water Quality Volume 1” rainfall = 2,470 cu. ft. Reservoir Reservoir will be 6”t layer of 1-1/2” aggregate assume 35% voids February 2023 Page 5 of 11 Volume = 29,638 (6”) 0.35 = 5,186.5 cu. ft. = 2.10” ok. 4S-Cul-de-Sac Area This area is at the end of the roadway into the park. It includes the cul-de-sac pavement, the Kayak rental kiosk area, and the walkways around the cul-de-sac. Drainage Area = 13,791 sq. ft. = 0.317 acres Land Use Use Area CN Paved 5,958 98 Kiosk Area 175 98 Sidewalk 145 98 Stabilized Aggregate 620 92 Basin 1,903 98 Landscaped/lawn 4,990 39 Tc Calculation Use 6 minutes as a minimum Water quality Volume Total impervious =6,898 sq. ft. 1” volume =574.8 cu. ft. 4P-Infiltration basin 3 All impervious surfaces from this area will be collected and directed into the basin. most will come directly into the basin from a small trench from the edge of the pavement. Area drains will be provided in the Kiosk area to collect the runoff from the storage area.The check dams that form the forebay will be set at crest elevation 6.0, 5.0 850 2,150 1,075.0 1,075.0 6.0 1,300 1075.0 3,040 1,520 15.2 6.01 1,740 1090.0 4,075 2,37.5 2,037.5 7.0 2,335 3,127.5 4,977 2,488.5 829.5 7.33 2,642 3,957.0 Infiltration Rate = 8.27” / hour = 0.16 cfs Static storage provided =1,432 cu. ft. at Elev. 6.20 = 2.49” ok Sediment forebay sizing Volume required = 0.1” =58 cu. ft. Volume provided = February 2023 Page 6 of 11 1st bay 149 cu. ft. 2nd bay 134 cu. ft. 17S-Infield depression 1 Area = 113,450 sq. ft. = 2.604 acres Land Use Use Area CN Sidewalk 6,650 98 Reinforced turf 11,650 68 Woods 13,020 30 Infield grass 65,720 49 Landscaped/lawn 16,410 39 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-0.8% slope, woods light underbrush Shallow Concentrated flow 172’-1.10% slope, grass Water quality volume Total impervious area = 24,880 sq. ft. Volume = 1” = 2,073 cu. ft. Basin area Elev.Area Average volume total 6.15 200 0 59,600 29,800 20,860 6.85 59,400 20,860 Outlets Exfiltration will be the only outlet from this basin area. To assist with infiltration, a stone filed trench 24” w x 8” deep x 100’ long will be provided. Area drains will be provided at each end of the trench to allow surface runoff to enter the trench. Time to Dewater Based on Hydro-CAD printout, basin will be dry in 26 hours. February 2023 Page 7 of 11 18S-Infield depression 2 Direct area Area = 132,180 sq. ft. =3.034 acres Land Use Use Area CN Sidewalk 8,020 98 Stage area 1,950 98 Reinforced turf 10,710 68 Infield grass 104,435 49 Landscaped 6,345 39 Earth path 720 92 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-1.0% slope, grass dense Shallow Concentrated flow 50’-1.0% slope, grass Water quality volume Total impervious 16,896 sq. ft. Volume = 1408 cu. ft. 11P-Basin Data Trench 2 Basin area Elev.Area Average volume total 6.15 240 0 58,140 29,070 20,349 6.85 57,900 20,349 Total water quality volume =1,720 cu. ft. Outlets Exfiltration will be the only outlet from this basin area. To assist with infiltration, a stone filed trench 48” w x 8” deep x 60’ long will be provided. Area drains will be provided at each end of the trench to allow surface runoff to enter the trench. Dewater time Based on Hydro-CAD printout, basin will be dry at 25 hours February 2023 Page 8 of 11 7S-Uncontrolled to Parkers River along East side of park This area sheet flows directly into the Parkers River and includes the access driveway to the Upweller site, and the developed areas east of the parking. All the walkways in this area will be reinforced earth paths. The artist shanties will have a drip edge around them to collect the roof runoff and will be analyzed separately. Area = 130,164 sq. ft. =2.988 acres Land Use Use Area CN Stabilized aggregate walkway 4,837 92 Access driveway to upweller 2,497 96 Gravel Path 929 96 Wetlands 6,125 77 Upweller area inside fence 1,200 98 landscaped 31,301 39 Brush, good 71,833 30 Exposed gravel (abutter)11,442 96 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-0.5% slope, woodland Shallow Concentrated flow 180’-1.0%slope, woodland 11S-Artist Shanties Buildings are each 10’ x 12’–9 buildings Total area = 1,080 sq. ft. Each building will have drip edge that is 18” deep x 18” wide x 12’ long Volume =27.0 cu. ft. (35% voids) =9.5 cu ft. per trench Total volume = 18(9.5) =171 cu. ft. Water Quality Volume=90 cu. ft. Infiltration rate = 8.27” / hour Total = 0.09 cfs February 2023 Page 9 of 11 6S-Woodland Area outside the former Drive-in development to the Boardwalk This area sheet flows directly into the salt marsh adjacent to the river. It is completely wooded currently but will be traversed by reinforced earth walking paths to access the proposed boardwalk Area = 164,861 sq. ft. = 3.784 acres Land Use Use Area CN Stabilized Aggregate walkway 3,180 92 Grass shoulder 7,980 39 Brush, good 153,701 30 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-1.0% slope, woodlands Shallow Concentrated flow 85’-1.0% slope, woodland 5S-West side of access driveway through culvert This area is along the west side of the access driveway which will be trapped by raising the driveway and parking area. It will be connected by a 12” culvert 180’ long, across the circle prior to the parking. There are no impervious surfaces proposed in this area. Nor will there be any impervious surfaces tributary to this area from the development. A portion of this area is within the former drive-in area which will be landscaped. Area =30,300 sq. ft. = 0.696 acres Land Use Use Area CN Grass shoulder & landscaped 18,741 39 Brush, good 11,559 30 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-2.0% slope, woodlands Shallow Concentrated flow 80’-0.6% slope, woodland February 2023 Page 10 of 11 Outlet will be 8” culvert 180’ long @ slope = 0.50% POA 2 -20S Isolated Wetlands 1 (IVW 1) Drainage Area = 26,100 sq. ft. = 0.599 acres Land Use Use Area CN Landscaped 6,990 39 Brush, good 15,623 30 Wetlands 3,487 77 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-1.28% slope, wooded Shallow Concentrated flow 29’-1.28% slope, wooded POA 3 –30S-Isolated Wetlands 2 (IVW 2) Drainage Area = 160,788 sq. ft. = 3.691 acres Land Use Use Area CN Stabilized aggregate walkway 1,560 92 Landscaped shoulder 3,450 39 Wooded 127,966 30 Wetlands 19,556 77 Lawn 8,256 39 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-5.0% slope, dense grass Shallow Concentrated flow 34’-2.80% slope, wooded February 2023 Page 11 of 11 POA 4 –40S-Depression at the end of Courtland Way Drainage Area = 21,713 sq. ft. = 0.498 acres Land Use Use Area CN Roadway pavement 360 98 Reinforced turf 1640 68 Landscaped 3225 39 Brush 15,757 30 Lawn area 731 39 Tc Calculation Sheet Flow 50’-5.8% slope, woods light underbrush Shallow Concentrated flow 35’-6.80% slope, wooded POA 5 –50S-Towards Rte 28 pavement Drainage Area = 1,800 sq. ft. = 0.04 acres Land Use Use Area CN Lawn area 1,800 39 Tc Calculation Use 6 minutes as a minimum TOTAL WATERSHED AREA ANALYZED POA 1 Infiltration System 1 62,100 Infiltration System 2 15,613 Cul de sac 13,791 Porous pavement 31,070 Infield Area 1 113,450 Infield Area 2 132,180 Artist shanties 1,080 Uncontrolled east side 130,164 West side of access road 30,300 Woodland area to boardwalk 164,861 694,609 POA 2 26,100 POA 3 160,788 POA 4 21,713 POA 5 1,800 TOTAL 905,010 sq. ft. ok 1.0’ 20.776 acres