HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnforcement Order RVSD.pdfMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 9 — Enforcement Order Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 - Town of Yarmouth Wetland By -Law, Chapter 143 A. Violation Information Important: When filling out This Enforcement Order is issued by: forms on the Yarmouth computer, use only the tab Conservation Commission (Issuing Authority) key to move To: your cursor - do not use the Harvey and Doreen Wright return key. _ Name of Violator 370 Weir Rd �0 Address 1. r� Location of Violation: Property Owner (if different) 370 Weir Rd Street Address Yarmouthport - - — Citylrown 126 Assessors Map/Plat Number 10/18/2022 Date 02675 Zip Code 6 Parcel/Lot Number DEP File Number: 2. Extent and Type of Activity (if more space is required, please attach a separate sheet): Alteration of wetland resource areas -Bordering Vegetated Wetland, and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage through unpermitted removal of vegetation and creation of a beach B. Findings The Issuing Authority has determined that the activity described above is in a resource area and/or buffer zone and is in violation of the Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. c. 131, § 40) and its Regulations (310 CMR 10.00) and Yarmouth Wetland protection Bylaw Ch. 143, because: ® the activity has been/is being conducted in an area subject to protection under c. 131, § 40 and Ch.143 or the buffer zone without approval from the issuing authority (i.e., a valid Order of Conditions or Negative Determination). Page 1 of 4 wpaform9a doc • rev 5/18/2020 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DEP File Number Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 9 — Enforcement Order _ Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 - Town of Yarmouth Wetland By -Law, Chapter 143 B. Findings (cont.) ❑ the activity has been/is being conducted in an area subject to protection under c. 131, § 40 or the buffer zone in violation of an issuing authority approval (i.e., valid Order of Conditions or Negative Determination of Applicability) issued to: Name Dated File Number Condition number(s) ❑ The Order of Conditions expired on (date): Date ❑ The activity violates provisions of the Certificate of Compliance. ❑ The activity is outside the areas subject to protection under MGL c. 131 s.40 and the buffer zone, but has altered an area subject to MGL c. 131 s.40. ❑ Other (specify): C. Order The issuing authority hereby orders the following (check all that apply): ❑ The property owner, his agents, permittees, and all others shall immediately cease and desist from any activity affecting the Buffer Zone and/or resource areas. ® Resource area alterations resulting from said activity shall be corrected and the/reur e areas 3 Z returned to their original condition. ® A restoration plan shall be filed with the issuing authority on or before Date for the following: Restoration of the disrurbed area using plants from the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension plant list 'Trees and Shrubs for Coastal Environments' with reccomended plant size and spacing. Plantings shall be copmleted by May 31, 2023 and monitoring reports will be provided for 2 years on May 31 2024 and May 31, 2025 documenting the success of the restoration. The restoration shall be completed in accordance with the conditions and timetable established by the issuinq authority. wpaform9a doc • rev 918202C Page 2 of 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DEP File Number: `�— Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 9 — Enforcement Order Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Town of Yarmouth Wetland By -Law, Chapter 143 C. Order (cont.) ❑ Complete the attached Notice of Intent (NOI). The NOI shall be filed with the Issuing Authority on or before: Date for the following: No further work shall be performed until a public hearing has been held and an Order of Conditions has been issued to regulate said work. ® The property owner shall take the following action (e.g., erosion/sedimentation controls) to prevent further violations of the Act: 1. Submit a restoration plan created by a Wetland Professional for the area up to the 50' buffer using plants from the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension plant list'Trees and Shrubs for Coastal Environments' with reccomended plant size and spacing. A 4 ft access path is allowed. Submit for approval by the CA. Plantings shall be copmleted by June 1, 2023 and monitoring reports will be provided for 2 years on June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025 documenting the success of the restoration. Failure to comply with this Order may constitute grounds for additional legal action. Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40 provides: "Whoever violates any provision of this section (a) shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both, such fine and imprisonment; or (b) shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for each violation". Each day or portion thereof of continuing violation shall constitute a separate offense. D. Appeals/Signatures An Enforcement Order issued by a Conservation Commission cannot be appealed to the Department of Environmental Protection, but may be filed in Superior Court. Questions regarding this Enforcement Order should be directed to: Brittany DiRienzo Name 508 398 2231 ext 1288 Phone Number M-F 8.30 to 4pm Hours/Days Available Issued by: Vnrmni ith Conservation Commission Conservation Commission signatures required on following page. Page 3 of 4 wpaform9a.doc • rev.5/18/2020 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DEP File Number: Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 9 - Enforcement Order Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 - Town of Yarmouth Wetland By -Law, Chapter 143 D. Appeals/Signatures (cont.) In a situation regarding immediate action, an Enforcement Order may be signed by a single member or agent of the Commission and ratified by majority of the members at the next scheduled meeting of the Commission. Signatures: kg /�/"M ature ,� -- Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature -70a(� ollSo oog-, Zoz� Signature of delivery person or certified mail number D t P 1 e f)z o _ Printed Nam Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name wpaform9a doc • rev 5n 812020 Page 4 of 4