HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ486.01 - FedEx - South Yarmouth MA - FR36 (2-16-23)NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility FIELD REPORT NO: 36 PAGE 1 OF 3 PROJECT NO: Z486.01 DATE: 2/16/23 LOCATION: 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA CLIENT: 225 White’s Path Units 2 and 3, LLC WEATHER: Clear, 35-40°F CONTRACTOR(S): DellbrookǀJKS; CC Construction; Lawrence-Lynch Corp. 1. Henry Tinoco arrived on site at 0700 hours. Left site at 1115 hours. 2. Earthwork equipment: A) One LeeBoy 8520B Asphalt Paver B) One Caterpillar CB24B Medium Vibratory Double-Drum Roller C) Two Ten Wheel Dump Trucks D) One Wacker Vibratory Plate Compactor 3. Earthwork observed: A) Paving operations were performed along the dock apron slab, northerly access ramp and southerly access ramp to the west of the building (see attached Site Sketch, Figure No. 1). The undersigned observed the placement and compaction of one 2.5± inch thick loose layer of premixed bituminous concrete (binder course asphalt) within the noted areas. The asphalt temperatures were assessed upon placement and ranged from about 263ºF to 291ºF. Compaction efforts consisted of eight to ten passes with the caterpillar CB24B medium vibratory double-drum roller at temperatures ranging from about 163ºF to 267ºF. The vibratory plate compactor was utilized around catch basin structures and in tight areas where the double-drum roller could not access. The undersigned performed pavement density test (PDT) nos. 1 through 6 on the compacted binder course asphalt (see Fig. No. 1 for the approximate test locations). The test results indicated that a satisfactory compaction percentage was achieved at each test location. The undersigned observed the placement of one 1.5± inch thick layer of premixed bituminous concrete for the top course layer along the dock apron slab and northerly access ramp area. The undersigned assessed asphalt temperatures upon placement and ranged from about 271ºF to 298ºF. Compaction efforts consisted of eight to nine passes with the caterpillar CB24B medium vibratory double-drum roller at temperatures ranging from about 137ºF to 248ºF. The vibratory plate compactor was utilized around catch basin structures and in tight areas where the double-drum roller was not accessible. The undersigned performed pavement density test nos. 7 through 9 on the compacted top course asphalt (see Fig. No. 1 for the approximate test locations). The test results indicated that an adequate degree of compaction was achieved at each test location. Refer to the attached Summary of Pavement Density Tests sheet on page 3 of this report for the pavement density test results. ONSITE: TRAVEL: REPORT: TOTAL: 4.25 hours 1.50 hours 1.00 hour 6.75 hours Henry Tinoco FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Mark Zambernardi, P.E. REVIEWER Tel: 508-598-3510 NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. DAILY FIELD REPORT PROJECT: Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility FIELD REPORT NO: 36 PAGE 2 OF 3 PROJECT NO: Z486.01 DATE: 2/16/23 4. Attachments: Photo Log Figure No. 1 – Site Sketch 5. Distribution: Greg Bilezikian – 225 White’s Path Units 2 and 3, LLC Rick Fenuccio – ClearPath Advisors, LLC Kurt Raber – Catalyst Architecture & Interiors Kate Wollman – Catalyst Architecture & Interiors Mike Schmidt – DellbrookǀJKS David Fernandes - DellbrookǀJKS Marina Denisova - DellbrookǀJKS Scott Mitchell - DellbrookǀJKS Mark Grylls – Town of Yarmouth Building Commissioner Tim Sears – Town of Yarmouth Deputy Building Commissioner NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT DENSITY TESTS PROJECT: Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility FIELD REPORT NO: 36 PAGE 3 OF 3 PROJECT NO: Z486.01 DATE: 2/16/23 PVMNT. DENSITY TEST NO. APPROX ELEV. MAXIMUM VOIDLESS DENSITY (PCF) TEMP AT TIME OF TEST (°F) IN PLACE DENSITY (PCF) PERCENT VOIDS (%) COMPACTION (%) REMARKS 1 Top of Binder 156.0 124 144.7 5.7 92.8 1,2,3 2 Top of Binder 156.0 122 145.5 4.6 93.3 1,2,3 3 Top of Binder 156.0 103 143.6 5.3 92.1 1,2,3 4 Top of Binder 156.0 145 145.7 5.1 93.4 1,2,3 5 Top of Binder 156.0 138 146.8 4.5 94.1 1,2,3 6 Top of Binder 156.0 143 144.1 6.1 92.4 1,2,3 7 Top of Surface Course 156.0 147 143.6 6.4 92.1 1,2,3 8 Top of Surface Course 156.0 140 146.0 5.5 93.6 1,2,3 9 Top of Surface Course 156.0 125 148.4 4.4 95.1 1,2,3 REMARKS: 1. Satisfactory compaction percentage achieved at test location. 2. Maximum voidless density obtained from Lawrence-Lynch Corp. 3. Density test performed with the Troxler Series 3440 Moisture/Density Gauge. Henry Tinoco FIELD REPRESENTATIVE NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Z486.01 Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility – 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA PHOTO LOG – FIELD REPORT NO. 36 Page 1 of 3 Photograph #1 Description of Photograph: Placement and compaction of pavement binder course in proposed parking lot to the west of building. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 2/16/23 Photograph #2 Description of Photograph: Placement of pavement binder course in proposed parking lot to the west of building. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 2/16/23 NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Z486.01 Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility – 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA PHOTO LOG – FIELD REPORT NO. 36 Page 2 of 3 Photograph #3 Description of Photograph: Placement of pavement binder course in proposed parking lot to the west of building. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 2/16/23 Photograph #4 Description of Photograph: Compaction of pavement binder course. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 2/16/23 NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Z486.01 Proposed FedEx Distribution Facility – 225 White’s Path, South Yarmouth, MA PHOTO LOG – FIELD REPORT NO. 36 Page 3 of 3 Photograph #5 Description of Photograph: Placement and compaction of pavement top course. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 2/16/23 Photograph #6 Description of Photograph: Compaction of pavement top course. (Item 3A) Photograph Taken By: Henry Martinez Tinoco, dated 2/16/23 1d'"' 1 n \ \ ...-.-,--- -�i''' V' '-' Co c.,SX- , .✓ I ✓ � eeoe«l'D li:'47FB QUAllll UMI \..., · rns 202sb1' I --,,noIHV 111-,ll t2(£XC86) /NV W•lll2(c»IH-4)\ IN\ Ot/T•.'2.61 \ i \ PBQPQZD CB-Z o Rlll•::J0.401 \ /NV-J5. Pl\ 'LG \ �s!t� \ '29 L.F. 12" \ 11 ltlPC s-1.,,_ (,,'' I 74 L.F. 12°1 •: L � S-I.OK , , l' ' " 1.5� L.F. 24" :. u ' ';· / ,,/ CTf<rf /1! ,r NJ' <· '2) -'\K '\1\ ,, '•) 1� s-r-; o;,, � • \ \ \\ ' _.......,sf< ' r / '-\ • \ -� -<' 7 PB9f'Q5EP P!P:f:f -0 \ ,. �-\ i• RlAf<: .J9.IO \ \ WV#!• .J5.20(C8-5� ./ o " INV /Ha J5.17(C&c-7 WV tHl.. JJ.52ii�� , . \\ ,.::,�=:,:e�l.'I wv our,, 1 JJ.-l2\ , .·., I�, � \ -:=,_ �;v \ L.F.d!ri.\ q_ i \ T• JJ.M 11!1 LF. HOPE. s­ PJ!QPQSfD --.311. IHV- 3.5.40 , :< t "' / ,, }/" ov )f, J,Y A' \/, D yp I -�NORTHEAST GE □TECHNICAL X, NOTES: 1. BASE MAP DEVELOPED FROM PLAN TITLED "SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN", DRAWING No. C-103, DATED 6/14/2022, BY CHA. 2. AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THIS SKETCH ARE APPROXIMATE. LEGEND: • APROXIMATE LOCATION OF FIELD DENSITY TEST. X X NORTHEAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. PROPOSED FEDEX FACILITY 225 WHITE'S PATH SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA SITE SKETCH Project No.: 2486.01 Field Report No.: 36 Date: 2/16/23 Drawn By: HMT Figure No.: 1 JACK POWERS, 10/03/2022, 1 6:24: 1 2 I FILE: C:\NORTHEAST\2022\Z486.01 SOUTH YARMOUTH\PLANS\048601 FSK 1 .DWG