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Septic As-Built Card
Tor.tri of Yarrnc'it`• �. \ Sub-urtace Sewage Disposal System As-Built Information Street Address: �•7 wE6�Ar`.. � _ - _ Map: .3 Parcel:�-f_ Owner Name: 0.3 i _ _Permit#: 'Gib Date Installed: - 1-4-AZ New: Repair: ✓ Installer Name: '3- C• +• _Installer Phone: 6C 111- 131 Installation of(list all components, both newly installed and existing to remain in use): I42cc9 .6,It-L-`i A t<_ - _IS'3oOC- X.l -f i't2['1uGt-E--/ r-- 0--> -4.1L.-GI4i44 j „ Leach Capacity (gpd): 34 _ Ground Water Deoth (inches):-1- ! Hr alth inspection by: -- _ —As-built Di?gra;n _ _! (Print Clearly in Black/Blue Ink and Use Straight Edge) r: QQ L_ I ____ =� .o [ ,....,... r-4-1- ic.,.F.. ..o.j&--- GYIsV,`!sUl7 FEB 15 gO 3 HEALTH DEPT. A ` `B S1 C U = ti F I G -? 2 AuCk," +4 'fix II j — - - -- 5 6 ! ! !