HomeMy WebLinkAbout00-Overall File additions Buttercup delivered Feb 28 to March 1 2023Wet Tech Land Design, Inc. Site & Wetland Consultant - Peer Plan Review - Estimate Analysis P.O. BOX 1580 - SAGAMORE BEACH, MA 02562 wettechlanddesign@gmail.com 508-642-7701 www.WetlandPlans.com SITE & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - WETLAND CONSULTANTS (508-642-7701) E-mail: wettechlanddesign@gmail.com and Website: www.heritageoutdoordesign.com Response to ZBA Questions and Building Commissioner questions on: 2 Buttercup Ln- c/o Aleksandr Nemanov Narrative Index Order Plan Reference Index Groups attachments in order 1) Original Plan (1947) 1-Barnstable Registry of Deeds Plan Bk 79-Pg 101 (blow Up) Original plan approved in 1947 2) Assessors Plan(s) 2-Yarmouth Assessors Map (119-33) Excerpt from assessors maps shows no easement 3) Deed 3-Deed 05-12-21 (Bk 34104 Pg 157) Deed to 2 Buttercup Realty Trust an entity formed by Alekandr Nemanov 4) Zoning Map 4-Zoning Map thru 110221_2022.pdf Large and small zoning map for R-40 location 5) Assessors Card 5-Assessors Card (built in 1945) Shows date of construction (1945) 6) MacDougall Plan 6-MacDougal Survey (PLS stamped)-2 Buttercup.pdf Original surveyor lacked time for this project; shown only for consistency; 7) Rick Hood Plan 7-Rick Hood Plan-(PLS stamped) Current plan used for this ZBA permit Pg 1 Wet Tech Land Design, Inc. Site & Wetland Consultant - Peer Plan Review - Estimate Analysis P.O. BOX 1580 - SAGAMORE BEACH, MA 02562 wettechlanddesign@gmail.com 508-642-7701 www.WetlandPlans.com SITE & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - WETLAND CONSULTANTS (508-642-7701) E-mail: wettechlanddesign@gmail.com and Website: www.heritageoutdoordesign.com Narrative 2 Buttercup Ln- c/o Aleksandr Nemanov 8) First Floor Plan 8-First floor plan.pdf Proposed house foundation measurements; used to fit onto property with proper setbacks; 9) House elevations 9-House-Detail elevations Proposed house elevation measurements of eack floor and roof ridge: height above average ground level along front of building=32’-6” 10) Response to Building 10-Building Commissioner response 02-15-2023 Commissioner Mark Grylls Shows full compliance with Mr. Grylls queries Plus further response from Mark Grylls Director Of Inspectional Services / Building Commissioner Town Of Yarmouth (508) 398-2231 X 1260 “Table 203.5, footnote D 2 references exclusions from the Table of Dimensional Requirements regarding overhangs, soffits etc. See overhangs Table 203.4.2 note B indicates that height is measured from average natural grade at the street side of foundation. Your plan should reflect that dimension” Average ground elevation (at middle) of house is 15.9. Proposed house ridge elevation is 48.6; (48.6-15.9)= 32.7' in height (32’-8-1/4”),in the middle of the structure, 35’ is allowable . Thank you for your attention to this matter. Wayne Tavares L.A. PWS CS WET TECH LAND DESIGN, INC. 508-642-7701 Pg 2 N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A LC O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A LC O P Y C O P Y LocusLand Court1 Plan Bk 79-Pg 101 (blow Up) YARMOUTH ASSESSOR MAP 119-33 X Locus Land Court 2 Yarmouth Assessors Map (119-33) N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y 3 Deed 05-12-21 (Bk 34104 Pg 157) N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y N O T N O T A N A N O F F I C I A L O F F I C I A L C O P Y C O P Y PONDDRIVESTATE HIGHWAY MID CAPE HIGHWAY S T A T E H I GHWAY ROUTE6ASTATE HIGHWAYSETUCKE T ROADROUTE 6 U N I O N S T R EET R O U T E 6 HI GGI NSCROWELLRDF O R E S T ROAD NORTHMAINSTREETH IG H B A N K ROADGREAT WESTERN ROAD NOR T H DE NNISROADSTATE HIGHWAY SOUTH STREETSEAVIEWAVENUESOUTHSEAAVEBERRYAVESTANDISH WAYBUCKISLANDROAD W IN SLOWGRAYROADROUTE 28WILLOWSTREETEXIT 7 EXIT 8 WESTGREATWESTERNRD WESTYARMOUTHROADWESTYARMOUTHROADCENTER STREETOLD TOWN HOUSE ROAD R OUTE 6 A ROUTE28CAMP STREETBAYVIEWSTREETSTATION AVE N UE LONGBARNSTABLED E N N I S DENNISCAPE COD BAY LEWIS BAY NANTUCKET S O U N D Refer to Zoning Bylaw sections 201.5 and 201.6 to resolve any B1 or B2 Business Zone discrepancies. Format approved at Special Town Meeting, February 6, 2001, Article 16. Inset Map ShowingVillage Centers Overlay District Village Center 1 (VC 1) Village Center 2 (VC 2) Village Center 3 (VC 3) Village Center 4 (VC 4) 203.5 Table of Dimensional Requirements (A) Zoning or Overlay District Minimum Lot Size in Sq. Ft. (B,C,N,R,S) Minimum Frontage in feet (F,G,R) Minimum Yard in feet (D,E,R,U) Front Side Rear (I) Maximum Building Coverage (%)(R) Maximum Shape Factor (V) R-87 87210 200 30 50 75 25 22 R-40 40000 150 30 20 20 25 22 R-25 25000 150 30 15 20 25 22 RS-40 40000 150 30 20 20 25 22 B1 25000 150 30 (J, X) 25 20 25 (L) 22 B2 20000 125 (H) 30 (X) 25 20 25 (L) 22 B3 40000 100 30 (K, X) 10 (K) 30 (P) 22 RMDOD 40000 100 30 (W) 10 (W) 30 (W) (P) 22 MU 217800 (5 acres) 200 30 25 20 25 22 AED 40000 100 30 10 30 (P) 22 HMOD1 20000 125 (H) 30 (X) 25 20 25 (L) 22 HMOD2 20000 125(H) 30 (X) 25 20 25 (L) 22 MOD 20000 75 20 15 15 35 22 APD The Aquifer Protection Overlay District (APD) overlays the town's zoning districts; see the information above for dimensional requirements (P) ROAD The Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (ROAD) overlays other commercial zoning districts, as described in section 411.3 VCOD (ALL DISTRICTS) The Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD) overlays other districts and the dimensional requirements of Section 414 shall govern. KEY ZONING AED B1 B2 B3 MU R-25 R-40 RS-40 R-87 Aquifer ProtectionDistrict (APD) R.O.A.D Overlay(See Inset Map) Hotel/Motel OverlayDistrict 1 (HMOD1) Hotel/Motel OverlayDistrict 2 (HMOD2) Medical OverlayDistrict (MOD) Village CentersOverlay District(See Inset Map) Registered MarijuanaDispensary OverlayDistrict (RMDOD) :Cape CodBay BARNSTABLED E N N I S DENNISLewis Bay NANTUCKET S O U N D INSET MAP SHOWING THEREVITALIZATION OVERLAYARCHITECTURAL DISTRICT (R.O.A.D.) NOTES:1. All B1, B2 and B3 business districts locatedsouth of Route 6 are within the R.O.A.D.2. Refer to Zoning Bylaw sections201.5 and 201.6 to resolve anyB1 or B2 Business Zone discrepancies.3. Refer to Zoning Bylaw section411 for R.O.A.D. Bylaw provisions. KEY R.O.A.D. / Updated through Special Town Meeting, November 2, 2021 ZONING MAPOF THETOWN OF YARMOUTH 4 Zoning Map 5 Assessors Card (house built in 1945) 7-Rick Hood (PLS) Survey Plan (stamped).... 2 Buttercup replaces 6-MacDougall Survey -(original survey of 2 Buttercup Ln -not shown, so as not to confuse) 8-First Floor Plan FIN GRADE= 17.0FIRST FLOOR= 19.4SECOND FLOOR= 29.6TOP OF FOUNDATION= 18.3TOP RAFTER= 39.8ROOF LINE= 48.6HEIGHT OF BUILDING FROM FOUNDATION=30.3GROUND GRADE SLOPESSETBACK=10'SETBACK=10'SETBACK=10'HOUSE FACADE=19.5'MASONRY STEPS IN SETBACKMASONRY STEPS IN SETBACKENTRYRAIN ROOFENTRYRAIN ROOF15' SETBACK LINE18.818.217.6FG=17.0FF=19.4Entry roof 6" from SETBACK LINERoadside ground elevation=at East front house front corner is 17.2 Roadside ground elevation=at West house front corner is 14.6 Average ground elevation (at middle) of house is 15.9. Proposed house is (48.6-15.9)= 32.7' in height ,in the middle 9House-Detail elevations Gmail Wayne Tavares of Wet Tech Land Design <wettechlanddesign@gmail.com> FW: 2 Buttercup Ln ZBA Hearing and Directives 1 message Fallon, Dolores <dfallon@yarmouth.ma.us> To: Wayne Ta vares of Wet Tech Land Design <wettechlanddesign@gmail.com> Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 4:18 PM Wayne, please see below for the Building Commissioner's comments regarding the 02.09.23 ZBA hearing of Petition 4984 - 2 Buttercup Lane. From: Grylls, Mark <mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 4:05 PM To: Fallon, Dolores <dfallon@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: 2 Buttercup Ln ZBA Hearing and Directives Hi Dolores, After watching the hearing I conclude the following based on the ZBA comments listed below: The Board's concerns include: •No cohesive, comprehensive plan that shows: the present location of the existing structure with an overlay of the proposed location of the new structure with a distance back from the lot line. Completed •By the existing Site Plan in the file, how is access to this property obtained? There's no reference to easements, no running description, and I don't know how he gets onto this property. The property sits along the sideline of Buttercup Ln., but the road deviates from the centerline; no easement is required. •The elevation of the house, as defined and determined by our bylaw. Not by running a tape measure from the ground or on a CAD system. I want to know exactly what the elevation is going to be when finished. Each floor is shown in elevations of house; including the roof ridge elevation; the house is 30'-4" above the foundation height. •Zoning information on what's called the Site Plan says it's R-25, but the lot is R-40. If he's putting his stamp on the plan. that information needs to be correct, because that information is being certified by him. Corrected •We need a file that we can rely upon, and the specifics contained therein. Completed To remedy the concerns, the following must be done to clarify the plans to the ZBA. This is the second continuation of the request for relief. •The property owner is not versed in land use or plans. Frustrating to both the owner of the property and the board. Questions are asked about the plans as the plans are too busy. I would recommend that a Design Professional attend the next hearing. The owner will have registered, accredited representative at the meeting. •Property lines are not well defined on the plan. Define the property lines with bold lines. Corrected •Remove the landscaping and septic from the plan showing only the setback lines, the boundary lines including the right of way, the gravel drive and edge of the right of way. Landscaping removed; septic remains for now; to remove after; both new (and old) driveway shown. •The plan should also show the existing footprint and proposed and be clearly defined and identified for the board to read. Completed •The structure appears to be tall, however, impossible to determine as there are no dimensions. A certified elevation will be required at the time of the inspection for the Certificate of Occupancy. See elevation plan for floor by floor elevation plus roof elevation and height. •The plan indicates that the property is located in the R25 zone, however, the property is actually located in an R40 zone. Corrected • I would recommend that the RLS confirm all information on the plan prior to pressing the print button. Completed If there are any further questions, I will be happy to respond. Ta lk soon, Mark MARKGRYLLS DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICES/ BUILDING COMMISSIONER TOWN OF YARMOUTH (508)398-2231 X 1260 Feb 15, 2023 10 Building Commissioner reponse 02-15-2023