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FW: 2 Buttercup Ln ZBA Hearing and Directives
1 message
Fallon, Dolores <dfallon@yarmouth.ma.us>
To: Wayne Ta vares of Wet Tech Land Design <wettechlanddesign@gmail.com>
Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 4:18 PM
Wayne, please see below for the Building Commissioner's comments regarding the 02.09.23 ZBA hearing of Petition 4984 - 2 Buttercup Lane.
From: Grylls, Mark <mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 4:05 PM
To: Fallon, Dolores <dfallon@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: 2 Buttercup Ln ZBA Hearing and Directives
Hi Dolores,
After watching the hearing I conclude the following based on the ZBA comments listed below:
The Board's concerns include:
•No cohesive, comprehensive plan that shows: the present location of the existing structure with an overlay of the proposed location of the
new structure with a distance back from the lot line. Completed
•By the existing Site Plan in the file, how is access to this property obtained? There's no reference to easements, no running description,
and I don't know how he gets onto this property. The property sits along the sideline of Buttercup Ln., but the road deviates from the
centerline; no easement is required.
•The elevation of the house, as defined and determined by our bylaw. Not by running a tape measure from the ground or on a CAD
system. I want to know exactly what the elevation is going to be when finished. Each floor is shown in elevations of house; including the
roof ridge elevation; the house is 30'-4" above the foundation height.
•Zoning information on what's called the Site Plan says it's R-25, but the lot is R-40. If he's putting his stamp on the plan. that information
needs to be correct, because that information is being certified by him. Corrected
•We need a file that we can rely upon, and the specifics contained therein. Completed
To remedy the concerns, the following must be done to clarify the plans to the ZBA. This is the second continuation of the request for relief.
•The property owner is not versed in land use or plans. Frustrating to both the owner of the property and the board. Questions are asked
about the plans as the plans are too busy. I would recommend that a Design Professional attend the next hearing. The owner will have
registered, accredited representative at the meeting.
•Property lines are not well defined on the plan. Define the property lines with bold lines. Corrected
•Remove the landscaping and septic from the plan showing only the setback lines, the boundary lines including the right of way, the gravel
drive and edge of the right of way. Landscaping removed; septic remains for now; to remove after; both new (and old) driveway shown.
•The plan should also show the existing footprint and proposed and be clearly defined and identified for the board to read. Completed
•The structure appears to be tall, however, impossible to determine as there are no dimensions. A certified elevation will be required at the
time of the inspection for the Certificate of Occupancy. See elevation plan for floor by floor elevation plus roof elevation and height.
•The plan indicates that the property is located in the R25 zone, however, the property is actually located in an R40 zone. Corrected
• I would recommend that the RLS confirm all information on the plan prior to pressing the print button. Completed
If there are any further questions, I will be happy to respond.
Ta lk soon,
(508)398-2231 X 1260
Feb 15, 2023
Building Commissioner reponse 02-15-2023