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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 LIcensing Food Establishment Inspection Report - Town of Yarmouth Yarmouth Board of Health p p 1146cRoute.28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Establishment: LU 465 t�OG-I-- Date: _"� �, /J.a Page 1 of '"'a• .� „L(Z Address: e/ a r �,�/ Time in: Time out: JI Telephone: Permit No.: Number of Violated Provisions Related to Foodborne Illness Risk Factors Owner: and Interventions(Items 1 through 29): Person-in-charge: Number of Repeat Violations Related ' to Foodborne Illness Risk Factors Inspector: ,V',_ : f, y,,y J-, y?..,A 't and Interventions(Items 1 through 29): Type of Operation(s): Type of Inspection: Other InformatioL ,L ood Service Establishment , 'Routine 17 Retail Food Store O Re-inspection 0 Residential:Cottage Foods O Pre-operational O Residential; Bed& O Illness investigation Breakfast 0 General complaint 0 Mobile/Pushcart O HACCP 0 Temporary Food Estab. C Other O Other FOODBORNE ILLNESS RISK FACTORS AND PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTIONS 5 POINTS IN=in compliance OUT=out of compliance N/O=not observed N/A=not applicable COS=corrected on-site during inspection R=repeat violation Compliance Status IN OUT N/A N/O COS R Compliance Status IN OUT N/A N/O COS R Supervision Protection from Contamination 1 Person-in-charge present, demonstrates r 15 Food separated and protected knowledge, and performs duties 16 Food-contact surfaces; cleaned & 2 Certified Food Protection Manager sanitized Employee Health v Proper disposition of returned, Management, food employee and 17 previously served, reconditioned & 3 conditional employee; knowledge, ,,' unsafe food responsibilities and reporting Time/Temperature Control for Safety. 4 Proper use of restriction and exclusion 18 Proper cooking time &temperatures 5 Procedures for responding to vomiting / 19 Proper reheating procedures for hot - and diarrhea)events holding Good Hygienic Practices ! 20 Proper cooling time and temperature 6 Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or / 21 Proper hot holding temperature tobacco use - 22 Proper cold holding temperature 7 No discharge from eyes, nose, and l 23 Proper date marking and disposition mouth - Preventing Contamination by Hands./ 24 Time as a Public Health Control - 8 Hands clean & properly washed Consumer Advisory No bare hand contact with ready-to-eat ,✓ 25 Consumer advisory provided for raw/ . 9 food undercooked food ' Adequate handwashing sinks properly / Highly Susceptible Populations 10 .. Pasteurized foods used; prohibited foods supplied and accessible 26 Approved Source not offered = Food/Color Additives and Toxic Substances 11 Food obtained from approved source 12 Food received at proper temperature t, Food additives: approved & properly 27 used r Food received in good condition, safe, & / 13 unadulterated ✓ 28 Toxic substances properly identified, . F , Required records available: shellstock stored & used 14 Conformance with Approved Procedures tags, parasite des�uctiop ^ j Compliance with variance I specialized 1 I- 29 process •/HACCP Plan / GOOD RETAIL PRACTICES AND MASSACHUSETTS-ONLY SECTIONS 2 POINTS IN=in compliance OUT=out of compliance N/O=not observed N/A=not applicable COS=corrected on-site during inspection R=repeat violation Compliance Status I IN lOUT]N/A IN/O ICOSI R Compliance Status 1OUTIN/AIN/OICOS R Safe Food and Water 48 Warewashing facilities: installed, Pasteurized eggs used where maintained, & used; test strips 30 required t 49 Non-food contact surfaces clean 31 Water& ice from approved source Physical Facilities Variance obtained for specialized Hot& cold water available; 32 processing methods 50 adequate pressure Food Temperature Control 51 Plumbing installed; proper backflow Proper cooling methods used; devices 33 adequate equipment for 52 Sewage&waste water properly temperature control disposed 34 Plant food properly cooked for hot 53 Toilet features: properly holding constructed, supplied, & cleaned 35 Approved thawing methods used 54 Garbage & refuse properly 36 Thermometers provided & accurate disposed; facilities maintained Food Identification 55 Physical facilities installed, Food properly labeled; original maintained, & clean 37 II ventilation & lighting; container 56 Prevention of Food Contamination designated areas used Insects, rodents, & animals not Additional Requirements listed in 105 CIIIyR 590.011 38 present M1 Anti-choking procedures in food L Contamination prevented during service establishment j 39 food preparation, storage and M2 Food allergy awareness i display Review of Retail Operations listed in 105 CMR 590.010 40 Personal cleanliness M3 Caterer 1 41 Wiping cloths: properly used & M4 Mobile Food Operation stored M5 Temporary Food Establishment 42 Washing fruits & vegetables M6 Public Market; Farmers Market Proper Use of Utensils Residential Kitchen; Bed-and- M743 In-use utensils properly stored Breakfast Operation 44 Utensils, equipment& linens: M8 Residential Kitchen: Cottage Food properly stored, dried, & handled Operation 45 Single-use/single-service articles: M9 School Kitchen; USDA Nutrition properly stored & used Program 46 Gloves used properly M10 Leased Commercial Kitchen Utensils,Equipment and Vending M11 Innovative Operation Food & non-food contact surfaces Local Requirements 47 cleanable, properly designed, L1 Local law or regulation constructed & used L2 Other Official Order for Correction: Based on an inspection today, the items marked"OUT"indicated violations of 105 CMR 590.000 and applicable sections of the 2013 FDA Food Code. This report, when signed below by a Board of Health member or its agent constitutes an order of the Board of Health. Failure to correct violations cited in this report may result in suspension or revocation of the food establishment permit and cessation of food establishment operations. If you are subject to a notice of suspension, revocation, or non- renewal pursuant to 105 CMR 590.000 you may request a hearing before the board of health in accordance with 105 CMR 590.015(B). Date of Reinspection: Discussion with Person-in-Charge: 61)57 -)---______) Signature of Person-In-Charge: �J Date: Signature of tnsp t /� -I - a M DPH report form-10/ V'� I 1 Food Establishment Inspection Report - Town of Yarmouth Establishment: �,E, s*-7 lam+ Mpg/ ? /4./7 Date: pj/2/�3 Page - of Temperature Observations Item I Location Temp(°F) Item I Location Temp(°F) Item I Location Temp(°F) Observations and/or Corrective Actions Violations cited in this report must be corrected within the time frames stated below or in Section 8-405.11 of the Food Code Item Section of Code Description of Violation Date to Correct By Number to SAS Soy: : .3, ,L7 ,—r— VeP S L I S 1+ /-/ Ce SI 5.: /190 ,--1--_ e-1'0 CXE--/" Z� i'etl••Pct -T"t`=:r‘,sr)S G C. cA —<- l"// c' F- oz., -"-/ ---- e.i_..i sli S'%, -S 4 - fog S . 7- cam,cam' C'/-Pc_-_-,:„ G"--2.7. 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