HomeMy WebLinkAbout4969 24 Easy St Site Plan Review Formal X Informai_Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date: August 31, 2021 New Map: 93 New Lot: 23.2 Applicant: Sand Dollar Properties LLC Location: 24 Easy Street, Yarmouth Port Zone: B3/APD Persons Present: Mark Grylls Carl Lawson Dan Ojala Kathy Williams Nick Aquiar Laurie Ruszala Steve Bobola Jason Moriarty Rob Warren Kevin Huck Project Summary Proposed two metal buildings with septic, parking, and drainage improvements. Adjusting shared driveway drainage. Comments Building: Project is located in zoning district B-3 and the APD overlay district. Structures and buffers appear compliant. OKH approval will be required as the application states. Disturbance area is not calculated and therefore it is unclear if the applicant must file with Yarmouth Conservation Commission an application for a Stormwater Management Permit Application per the newly enacted Stormwater Management Regs. 1 acre or more will require an application to Con Com. Application indicates that there will be less than household quantities of chemicals. It is understood that there are no potential tenants/occupants identified at this time. All occupants will be required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Dept. prior to occupancy. The application for all occupancies shall be reviewed by Health and YFD. All construction to comply with all applicable sections of TOY Zoning Bylaws, 780 CMR and appendant codes. Planning: 1. Subdivision Plan 2427B: a. Lot 2 of this subdivision (24 Easy Street) is still subject to the Covenant and would need to be released by the Planning Board prior to applying for any Building permits. Some type of bond would be required for the remaining work items as Lot 2 is currently serving as the security for the release of Lots 1 and 3. b. The Drainage Easement sketch will need to be revised and recorded at the Registry of Deeds to reflect the change in the drainage structure locations on Lot 2 used for the common driveway. c. Condition 10 of the Definitive Subdivision requires provisions for fire apparatus to turn around at the end of the shared driveway on Lot 2, show turning templates to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. 2. Parking and Turning Movements: It is unclear what type and size of equipment will be going into the building on the right and whether there will be adequate turning movements to do so without impacting the proposed parking. Is the proposed parking for people using the buildings or is it additional outdoor equipment storage? 3. Buffers& Screening: Per Section 301.4.4 and 301.9, existing trees in the buffer areas of 4" caliper or greater shall be retained. It is unclear if any such trees exist, but no trees are shown to remain in the buffer areas. Identify the types of 3" caliper trees proposed and include a variety of native species. Show location and screening for any transformer, if needed. Location of the 4' gravel walkway is within the 10' buffer area. 4. Lighting: Provide photometric plan to ensure compliance with Section 301.4.10. Will there be any lighting on the rear of the building along the walkway? Conservation: There is no wetland protection regulation jurisdiction for this project. ng ra Stormwater Bylaw Regulations Chapter 5No person may undertake a and d disturbance that wiledist�b l equaloto or activity, greater thaln oneeacre oaring, fgland nd or excavation or redevelopment that results in a will disturb less than one acre of land but is part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb equal to or greater than one acre of land without a Stormwater Management Permit issued by the Commission. https://www.yarmouth.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/719/Stormwater-Regulations?bidld= Please provide the total land disturbance for the project to confirm whether these regulations apply. Design Review: Not present, located north of Route 6. Engineering: Please see below for a listing of pertinent comments. General: • Coordinate with Engineering Division should the assignment of distinct building numbers be required. Site Lighting: • Consider additional site lighting along the proposed gravel walkways. • All lighting to be directed on-site. • Provide photometric plan which verifies that light trespass at the property boundaries does not exceed the applicable threshold quantified within Section 301.4.10. • Show proposed underground electrical service conduit for 7,000 ft.2 building on site plan. Stormwater/Drainage: • Recommend the evaluation of soils encountered during the installation of all leaching structures as strata of fine sandy loam and fine sand containing silt pockets are known to exist on the site. • Recommend placing filter fabric around the sidewalls of the leaching and pea stones of the roof drains in addition to what is already proposed. • Verify that LP#1, LP#2, and Roof Drain #1 have rim elevations that are situated at finished grade. • Ensure that galvanized roof panels have a protective coating to prevent metals from contaminating stormwater runoff. • Intended operations and/or land use may necessitate the implementation of oil/water separator(s) as part of the proposed stormwater management system. • Provide a construction-period erosion, sedimentation, and pollution prevention plan delineating the extents and locations of prescribed control measures on the site. • Provide a long-term operation and maintenance plan for the stormwater management system. • Provide a long-term pollution prevention plan for the site. Fire: Fire Department requires access to front of all units. Tenants required to obtain certificate of occupancy from fire department. Yarmouth Fire Department supports the application, with submission of permits, and inspections. KH Health: All prospective tenants must consult with the Health Dept. for approval of their proposed use and to obtain any required licenses or permits before renting units. Any use or storage of toxic or hazardous materials requires prior Health Dept. approval. Toxic or hazardous materials storage in excess of 10 gallons requires a Board of Health license. Toxic or hazardous materials storage in excess of 20 gallons requires a Board of Health license and zoning relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Such relief is not guaranteed. All toxic and hazardous materials storage requires 150% volume secondary containment in addition to other requirements. All outdoor storage of materials including, but not limited to those used in landscaping, require Health Dept. review and approval. Vehicle washing operations are not allowed onsite either inside or outside of any building. Regarding engineered plan titled DCE # 19-158, labeled 2 of 2 and dated August 3, 2021, all references to the term "Tight Tank" should be revised to "Holding Tank" to avoid confusion with septic tight tanks which are regulated by a separate CMR and have different design requirements. The internal 1500-gallon holding tank indicated on the plan should be waterproofed and noted as such on the plan as required by 314 CMR 18. Water: The Town will provide only one water meter for each building. The owner may install sub metering, after the Town- supplied meter, for their own use if they so choose. Read & Received by Applicant(s)