HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Plan Review and Corespondence SITE PLAN REVIEW AUG 23 2021
August 31, 2021 ye7,,)
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Planning ..
Design Review (All comm. South of Rt.. 6) Town Clerk's Office (2)
Econ. Development w/o plans-for posting
FROM: Building Department
TIME 1:30 p.m.
MEETING LOCATION: 1146 Route 28 •- Room A
NAME OF PROJECT: Drainage Calculations
ADDRESS: 24 Easy Street
MAP/LOT: map 93 lots 23.2 ( u)
Chair: Mark Grylls
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Holding tank systems must be designed in accordance with Massachusetts Dept. of
Environmental Protection Regulation 314 CMR 18
4(i(4nner surface of tank or tank liner must be compatible with industrial waste water raj or ��'
- IVA- ....- _Total tank�/capacity is greater
/'than 5010%..1of the average daily flow
.,5e/ 0C— c:,-v-• C. �•_�c ci lam/t -,,'1 _IQ -M 1 CA"Pt1e tank cannot leak through its sides, bottom, seams o t p l',
t>Ffi tank is rated for H-20 loading (if underground)
t"S‘-m and surface water are prevented from entering the tank
' uid level measuring device must be set at 75% of the holding tank capacity and connected to
audio and visual (lights) alarms located in a staffed location.
LT-clic openings must be kept closed except when wastewater is being added or removed.
he designing engineer must complete the DEP compliance certification and provide a copy to the
Health Dept.
l�The designing engineer must submit a certification letter to the Health Dept.
nk must be labeled or a legible sign placed immediately adjacent to the tank with the words: Non-
Hazardous Industrial Wastewater
(. :ik must be constructed in accordance with engineering plans stamped and signed by a
Massachusetts-Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) with the appropriate specialty (including, but
not limited to chemical, civil or environmental engineering)
Lk must have secondary containment
/ econdary containment must b- constructed or lined with compatible material (for industrial
wastewater) - I"- 'SIL -/ -
Secondary containment structure must provide access (including access through mechanical or
electrical detection devices) to detect and remove any leakage from the holding tank
. riA ect the holding tank for leakage on a weekly basis
1 ove any detected leakage
%,f pair any leakage as soon as possible
pefi,c_. . pc// s� S49-%1 C.�'r /Gaal / t 'r
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Lawson, Carl
6 l�rnr �rn P�� �lil`5(6 n re 4z-PSS'
From: Lawson, Carl
Sent: Friday,January 14, 2022 12:32 PM
To: 'Daniel A. Ojala, PE PLS'
Cc: Eric Woodbury; Craig Ferrari
Subject: RE: 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port Plans
OK. Thank you Dan. I wanted to be sure I understood the calculations.
Take care,
Carl E. Lawson, Jr.
Hazardous Waste Inspector
Town of Yarmouth
Health Office
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Tel. 508-398-2231 Ext. 1240
From: Daniel A. Ojala, PE PLS [mailto:downcape@downcape.com]
Sent:Thursday,January 13, 2022 5:27 PM
To: Lawson, Carl <CLawson@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: Eric Woodbury<eric@downcape.com>; Craig Ferrari <craig@downcape.com>
Subject: RE: 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port Plans
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Hi, Carl:
Sorry for delayed response I hadn't seen this till just now.
I will fix up the plan per below,this is for plumbing code floor drain compliance only, I will edit to mention this is for
snow melt/accidental floor drain releases only, we put a number in just as a placeholder.
Daniel A. Ojala PE, PLS
down cape engineering, inc.
939 Main St. Yarmouthport, MA
1-508-362-4541 x106
1-508-362-9880 fax
This Electronic Message contains information
from the engineering firm of down cape engineering, inc.,
which may be privileged. The information is intended
to be for the use of the addressee only. If you are not
the addressee, note that any disclosure, copy, distribution
or use of the contents of this message is prohibited.
From: Lawson, Carl <CLawson@yarmouth.ma.us>
Sent: Monday,January 10, 2022 11:23 AM
To: Daniel A. Ojala, PE PLS<downcape@downcape.com>
Subject: 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port Plans
Hi Dan,
Sand Dollar Customs has applied for a permit to construct a building to house contractor bays at the
above address.
Regarding engineered plan titled DCE # 19-158, labeled Detail Sheet, Sheet 2 of 2, dated
August 20, 2021, Rev. date November 30, 2021, H-20 Holding Tank section of plan:
1) Please revise all references of the term "Tight Tank" to "Holding Tank" to avoid confusion with
septic tight tanks which are regulated by a separate CMR and have different design
2) Please indicate the internal 1500-gallon holding tank indicated on the plan to be waterproofed
as required by 314 CMR 18.
3) What use does the 500 gallon once per month flow represent?
4) Please explain the reason hand washing is listed as a use that will generate flow to the holding
Thank you and please let me know if you have questions.
Carl E. Lawson, Jr.
Hazardous Waste Inspector
Town of Yarmouth
Health Office
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Tel. 508-398-2231 Ext. 1240
clawsonna yarmouth.ma.us
Lawson, Carl
From: Lawson, Carl
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 12:43 PM
To: 'Randi Mellot'
Cc: Steve Bobola; DiBenedetto, Mark; Sears, Tim
Subject: RE: 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port
F,11 512€ ��,-�'�f P4 cr
Hi Randi,
Thank you for the emailed plan. When you bring a hard copy plan to Tim Sears please deliver a copy
to the Health Dept. also.
Since the floor is pitched from the back to the front is the plan to have trench drains located by the
overhead door opening in the front of the building? Please also provide our office with a copy of the
floor drain placement plan you provide to the plumbing inspector.
Carl E. Lawson, Jr.
Hazardous Waste Inspector
Town of Yarmouth
Health Office
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Tel. 508-398-2231 Ext. 1240
From: Sears,Tim
Sent: Friday,January 14, 2022 11:08 AM
To: 'Randi Mellot' <Randi@sanddollarcustoms.com>; Lawson, Carl <CLawson@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: Steve Bobola <Steve@sanddollarcustoms.com>; DiBenedetto, Mark<MDiBenedetto@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: RE: 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port
Is there a plan showing the floor drains and tight tank?The plumbing inspector would like to review.
Thank you
Timothy Sears CBO
Deputy Building Commissioner
Town of Yarmouth
508-398-2231 Ext. 1259
From: Randi Mellot [mailto:Randi@sanddollarcustoms.com]
Sent: Friday,January 14, 2022 10:16 AM
To: Lawson, Carl <CLawson@yarmouth.ma.us>; Sears,Tim<tsears@yarmouth.ma.us>
Cc: Steve Bobola <Steve@sanddollarcustoms.com>
Subject: FW: 24 Easy St.,Yarmouth Port
Attention! This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you
are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure.
Otherwise delete this email.
Hi Carl,
Attached is the updated foundation plan. I am having the large plan printed and will bring to the building department for
From:Steve Bobola <Steve@sanddollarcustoms.com>
Sent: Friday,January 14, 2022 8:59 AM
To: Sanddollar Customs<office@sanddollarcustoms.com>; Rob Warren<rob@sanddollarcustoms.com>; Randi Mellot
Subject: Fwd: 24 Easy St.,Yarmouth Port
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mark Mckenzie<markm@mckengineers.com>
Date:January 14, 2022 at 8:32:33 AM EST
To: Steve Bobola <Steve@sanddollarcustoms.com>
Subject: Re: 24 Easy St.,Yarmouth Port
Here is the stamped plan with the note added required by the health department. 1/8" per foot is
typically required which for this building would be about 6" from back to front. In order to keep the slab
thickness consistent, it is more efficient to grade the subbase
to the proper pitch and then pour the slab on top...this requires using a stiff mix so it does not self level.
On Wed,Jan 12, 2022 at 4:57 PM Steve Bobola <Steve@sanddollarcustoms.com>wrote:
I know I'm pushing it but hopefully you can get it in by end of day tomorrow so I can obtain permit on
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 12, 2022, at 2:16 PM, Mark Mckenzie<markm@mckengineers.com>wrote:
Hi Steve, I got your message and this email from the town. I will make a note on the
foundation plan to slope the slab to the front of the building for floor drain collection
of interior water/spilled whatever tomorrow or friday
Forwarded message
From: Lawson, Carl <CLawson@yarmouth.ma.us>
Date: Tue,Jan 11, 2022 at 1:13 PM
Subject: 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port
To: Mark McKenzie (markm@mckengineers.com) <markm@mckengineers.com>
Cc: Steve Bobola (steve@sanddollarcustoms.com)<steve@sanddollarcustoms.com>,
Sears,Tim <tsears@varmouth.ma.us>
Hi Mark,
The Health Dept. has reviewed a building permit from Sand Dollar
Customs for new building construction at 24 Easy St., Yarmouth Port.
We need to ensure the floor is properly pitched so that any flow of liquid
is to the floor drains.
Therefore please:
1) Revise the plan: Job No.: 21-282, Dwg: Foundation Plan, Date: 12-10-
2021 to include note of the floor pitch and impact on floor drains. Steve
Bobola of Sand Dollar Customs explained to me the pitch is to be 4
inches sloped toward the front over the 50-foot depth of the building.
2) Provide the Health Department with a copy of your post inspection
report that certifies the proper floor pitch was installed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and please contact me if you
have any questions.
Carl E. Lawson, Jr.
Hazardous Waste Inspector
Town of Yarmouth
Health Office
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Tel. 508-398-2231 Ext. 1240
Mark A. McKenzie, P.E.
Pres., McKenzie Engineering Consultants, Inc.
P.O. Box 1879
44 Underpass Rd. Unit 2
Brewster, MA 02631
(774) 353-2144
Mark A. McKenzie, P.E.
Pres., McKenzie Engineering Consultants, Inc.
P.O. Box 1879
44 Underpass Rd. Unit 2