HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-E017 19 Wildflower Lane ApprovedRECEIVL FER 2 12023 fAHIvlOki'i ri OLD DING'S HIGHWAY YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK TOWN OF YARMOUTH `23MAR2pm3: 59 REC 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 NG'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: Owners All applications Mailing address- Ayent(Contractor.11 Mailing Address. 1 Email: v �.!'���I ��� ' • r Jrr Signed (Owner or agent): MaplLot # 1 Lw�al - - - --- Phone * {� accompanied by letter from owner approving submillal of a plication. Year built: 907> Preferred notification method: Phone Email Phone #:" ! 7 J, 7�) Preferred notification method: " Phone Date: ➢ Ownerlcontractorlagent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: ?I i1 ;t3 Amount do. f0 Cash/CK #: l Cq -%3 Rcvd by: L.. Sr Date Signed: 3 Z �3 pproved Reason for denial: Signed: Approved with changes Denied APPLICATION #: or:5 M eO) 7 VS.2411 TOWN OF YARMOUTH p H 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 N Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of AppropriatenessiDemo IitioniExemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time far Making Determinations "As .soon as convenient after ,such public hearing; but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the fling of application, or wllhln such f rrther time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print):\ Applicant/Agent signature: Date:4bl 4. gff� l RECEIVED I FEB 21 iYARMOU I r, APPROVED OLD KINGS HIGHwAY `BAR `2023 YARiIMOU'T H 312020 Application #: 93-- EFo).7.....� L A N S I N G BUILDING PRODUCTS 186 Breeds Hill Road ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" Hyannis,MA 02601-1860 QUOTE ORDER PH: (508)775-7788 FAX: (781)419-5414 Customer # Order # Bill W D Price Inc Ship To: 161 Main St To: Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 SPECIAL ORDERS: Non Refundable down payment required on ALL C.O.D, accounts, any remaining balance due before release of material. No returns accepted for special order items. _ WD Price Inc 161 Main St Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Instructions Terms AR Net 15th PO Taken By Ship Via Ship Date Hansens 19 Wildflower dfs Uncnfrmd Del Line ,� Product and Description Quantity Ordered Oty BO Quantity Shipped Qty U/M unit Price Amount (Net) I 8215644 23 23 PCS 136.74 3145.02 TREX TRANSCEND S4S I X5.5X20 GRAVEL PATH 2 215362 2 2 BOX 100.40 200.80 TREX CORTEX FASTENER SYS 100LF GRAVEL PATH 2 Lines Total Oty Shipped Total 2$ Total 3345.82 Delivery Chg 65.00 Taxes 209.11 Invoice Total 361933 C IVED PrLt?02? i YAR100U1 I. ] KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED MAR 0 2 20? YARMOUTH OLD KING S HIGHWAY RFTURN POLICY: Material must be returned within 30 days with proof of purchase, is subject to minimum restock charge of 15% and ALL return pick-ups subject to a pick-up charge. No returns accepted for special order or discontinued material. For complete terms and conditions go to: %vww.lansingbp.com/terms/. For terms and conditions go to: www.lansingbp.comlterms htmt Customer Copy Page' KINGS WAY CONDOMIMUMS TRUST 64 Kings Circuit ECRVED Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 FEB 2 1 20?3 I fNhllwvu i OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Window/Slider Replacement Guidelines If you need to replace any windows, submit an Architectural Modification Request and obtain Board approval. When replacing windows, follow the specifications and procedure below for casement, awning and fixed windows. Unless specifically approved by the Board of Trustees, no substitutions for manufacturer, model or exterior color are allowed. Note that interior trim color, screen type and hardware style are unit owners' choice. MANUFACTURER Andersen Window and Door Corporation, Bayport, MN https://www.andersenwindows.com/windows-and-doors/series/400-series/#low-e PRODUCTS Model: 400 Series Exterior color: White. No other colors are acceptable. Frame and Sash: Vinyl -clad wood. APPROVED MAR 0 2 2023 YARMOUTH Glazing: Insulated, Low-E, Argon -filled. Install tempered glass where required by building code, check with your contractor. Impact glazing is available but may be required for replacement or repair projects in the Town of Yarmouth — this should be verified by your installer. A unit owner may wish to investigate impact -resistant glass with their insurance company or choose it for enhanced protection. Interior Finish: Unit owner's choice. Hardware: Standard finish is white; other finishes and styles available. a3--ev0 Screens: full screen required on all operable units. rihiati �. [OLD K!!VG'S HCC 'NAY Other options and upgrades are available. See manufacturer's website. Trim: Boral TruExterior trim; W thickness and textured reveal to match existing and painted using Sherwin-Williams Woodscapes Navajo White finish. Weather Barrier and Flashing Products: Only Tyvek products and related flashings manufactured by DuPont Corporation are acceptable. No substitutions, no exceptions. PROCEDURE Remove existing window interior and exterior trim. If existing window is taped to Tt*PPROVED cuttape carefully andcleanly atthewindow rough openingframe. Leavesufficient existing weather resistant barrier for proper flashing. 'r'AI? 0 2 20 ' Clean, rough frame opening of old insulations, adhesives, and sealants. Install Flex -Wrap into the windowsill opening not less than 4 W over sill and 18" up jamb studs. Make sure that the Flex -Wrap does not gap at the corners between the floor sheathing and the wall stud. Apply sealant to bed the prefabricated windowsill pan. Tape end dams to inside of frame opening with Flex Wrap. Wrap remaining rough opening with Dupont flashing tape, sides first and then top. Do not install any fasteners through bottom of sill pan. Apply DuPont/Anderson weatherization sealant under perimeter flange of window Set window into center of frame opening, shimming equally on both sides. Fasten only through side of casing. Do not bow casings. Confirm "squareness" of window casing and window fit/latching. YARMOUTH Tape window flanges to Tyvek on side and head with straight flash or Tyvek flashing tape (do not use Tyvek weather barrier tape). Install Straight Flash or Tyvek flashing tape starting at the sides, first overlapping the sill Flex Wrap not less than 4". Install the head Straight Flash or Tyvek flashing tape, extending it at least 6" beyond the outside of the window. See Tyvek manufacturer installation guidelines for more information. Install "Door and Window" foam around window from interior. Fill the gap between the casing and the framed opening half to two-thirds full to permit expansion of the product without overfilling. 0731- eo) 7 Cut new exterior Boral trim. Install new exterior trim using stainless steel hand nail flush to trim— do not overdrive or recess fasteners below the surface of the trim. Install two fasteners for every 16" of length of the casing. Where needed, space fasteners more closely, never further apart. With exterior wall underlayment in place, install White Cedar wood siding with stainless steel fasteners with coursing and cuts to match existing. Paint trim Sherwin-Williams Navajo Finish. CLEANING Remove protective films and non -permanent labels immediately after installation. Remove excess sealant, soiling, dirt and other substances. Clean frame and glass surfaces. Avoid damaging coatings and finishes. Touch-up, repair or replace components broken, scratched or damaged during installation. Remove and lawfully dispose of construction debris from project site. SLIDER REPLACEMENT Sliders are to be replaced in kind. Various makes and models are allowed pending Architectural Modification Committee approval. Slider replacement installation should follow the procedure details above, as well as the manufacturer's installation instructions. RECO ED =gig2 1 ?023 s f1r11Y1,�JU i l . likul-B LlllSL AP PRVIED MAR 0 2 2023 YaRMou-m a3-�a)'3 M7qANDERSEN- 400 SERIES FRENCHWOOD® HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS WINDOWS • DOOMS Table of Frenchwood' Hinged Inswing Patio Door Sizes Scale 1/9' (3) - V-0' (305) -1:96 Door Dimension 2'-0 th' 4'-0' 4'-O' (620) (1219) (1219) mb*mRn 2'-1' 4'-1' 4'-1' Rett�loperdrts (634) (1242) (1242) Unobstruted G= 13 1/�' 131/4' 1314' (single panel wM (336) (336) (336) r Y 3 heights r , r FWH2168S FW114168AP1R FWH4168PALR S 114151 FWH2180SFW80APLR FWH4180PALN (paSo doarAe{¢�ts on Oheaertpegr) 1 f1 VED tU I �'r 3 'Ahiv ijt. O- ! ZHWAY Door Dhension 2'-61/1a' 2'-61/' 2'-61V 4.111/4' 4'-11 1/4' 4'-11 1/4' 4'4114' 4' 4114' (765) (755) (765) (1504) (1504) (1504) (1504) (1504) At rdillu t 2'-7' 2'-7' 2'-7' 5'-0' 5'-0' 5'-0' 5'-0' 5'-0" ti011�1 QPe1ft (787) (787) (787) (1524) (1524) (1524) (1524) (1524) UnohsOUGedGlass 18IV 187i§' 187AV 187/8' 187/8' 18W 18TV 187Ig' (single penal any) (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) (479) r 3 heights FWN2780SS FWN2780AR FWN2780AL FWN5D8D55 FlM11508DASR FWH50808AL FMIH50B080APLR FWH5080PALR 2'-8 4' 2'-81A' 2'-81/e' S'-314' S'-31/4' 5'-31/4' 5'-314' OaorDirnereion (816) (816) (816) (1607) (1607) (1607) (1607) RUrtnuan 2'-9' 2' 9' 2'-9' W-4• 5'-4• 5'-4" 5'-4" RaDperirt8 (838} (838) (838) ugh (1626) (1628) (1626) (1628) Unobstructed Gies& 20 7/g' 20 7h' 20 IV 20 7/6' 20 7/o' 20 7/a' 20 TV (single panty only) (530) (530} (530) (530) (530) (530) (530) 3 heights ttAPLR FWH29680SS FWH29880M RM29BOAL FWH54548M FWH5480ASR FWK54611SAL FWH548801APLR Door Dilrnensiorl 3'-0 W 3'-01/e' 3'-01/a' 5'-111/0 S'-11114' (918) (918) (918) (1810) (1810) A b*=n 3'-1' 3'-1' 3'-1' W-0' V-0' (940) (940) (940) (1829) (1829) Unobstructed Glass 24 74' 2474, 24 74' 24 71V 24 7/e' (single panel any) (632) (632) (632) (632) (632) 5'-31/4' (1607) 5'-4' (16261 20 7/e' (530) r FWH54611PALR FWH54SOPMA 5'-111/4' 51-111/4' (1810) (1810) 6'-0' 6'-0' (1929) (1829) 24 7/a' 24 7W Id Custom -size doors are available in Vis' (3) increments. Stationary (S) doors can be used as an individual unit or as a sidelight. In addition to venting door panels shown in table, other standard configurations are available for two - and three -panel doors. PPRO Ci ED MAR D 2 202e3 5'411/4' (1810) 6'-0' (1829) 247/e' (632) (632) (632) 3 heights 161 FWH318S 00SSFWH3180M FWH3180AL FWN6 SSSS FWH608MRR FW11166805AL FWKS0800APLR FWH6080PALR YARMOUTH •'Doe Dimension' ehm7s mlers to outsFde frame-wiramo dimension. •'MWnmm Romp Opoalef dimensions mW send to bolae+eaae 'to allow for ime of bulNlq wraps, Ruining, ael penning, brad mb fadenne or ol"r nnm. • Dimensions in parentheses are In milllmete s. g3r J M21-22 400 series Produd Guide Page 1 of 3 94 WHERE TO BUY ORDER SAMPLES Your Cart 1 Items Trex TranscendO Composite Decking Sample in Gravel Path SKU:GPT92000 1 + Order a sample FIND A RETAILER Subtotal (excluding shipping and Tax) TREX.COM/SHOP $5.00 PPROVED MAR 0 2 2023 OLD k A�MDUTH RVF- i tiEiiVtOL`; � , i O��1G�S HfGHWAv 11 rf FIND A BUILDER Secure Checkout a-3, Cv $5.00 t n > r < O ± y n i =a oaf Tl • C. > n = 2 ?ay • °eC ° as OiGC O 0 �_ p EnrE Pax> >Ilni ° a 13 rii> ACO1 a>Oi Ora➢ a RCFr MROO I I �• wwp■a . �ooa� � I it�C =■n2 - w cc cl 0 E i p 1 I� ➢ 43 a E I ■E�■nz<z N� wyiGtmwaE Di a i M 2 I aaAyPpa �• awe�Ox w f r a FSC ; q r2±>yCCO w ar i00oa � _Z <zi 2° I rii D Z i +-•---- I R............. an •--- a._ -- i^ ` f: a ° cl , Oe a 1. 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