HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 Well Completion Reports Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection Well Completion Reports Well Driller Please specify work performed: Address at well location: .New Well Street Number: Street Name: 243 OLD MAIN ST Please specify well type: Building Lot#: Assessor's Map#: Irrigation , 60 Assessor's Lot#: ZIP Code: Number Of Wells: 234 02664 City/Town: Well Location YARMOUTH In public right-of-way: GPS Yes f No North: West: 41.66344 70.18960 Subdivision/Property/Description: Mailing Address: liZo click here if same as well location address" Property Owner: Street Number: Street Name: KEVIN MCNAMARA 243 OLD MAIN ST City/Town: State: Engineering Firm: YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS ZIP Code: 02664 Board of health permit obtained: C Yes f:Not Required Permit Number: Date Issued: RECEIVED MAR c1 8 2023 HEALTH DEPT. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection [1:11 Bureau of Resource Protection—Well Driller Program Well Completion Reports(General) Well Driller - General Well Form DRILLING METHOD Overburden Bedrock Auger --Cho ose oose Bedrock WELL LOG OVERBURDEN UTHOLOGY Drop in drill Extra fast or slow Loss or addition From(ft) i To(ft) Code Color Comment stem drill rate of fluid iV 20 Medium Sand :II Brown NO Brown +1 i Y"Fast("Slow Loss Addition 120 [ 130 [Fine To Coarse S.....711 Brown 1, C Fast C Slow — LYES NO __.__ Loss Addition WELL LOG BEDROCK UTHOLOGY Drop in Extra fast or Loss or Visible Rust Extra I From(ft) To(ft) Code Comment addidon of Large drill stem slow drill rate fluid Staining Chips ( 1 [ Choose Code YES NJ Fast Slow Loss Addition Yes Yes ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION Developed I r ( Yes r No i Disinfected "Yes C No Total Well Depth 30 Depth to Bedrock Surface Seal Type None Fracture Enhancement i GYes f"NO CASING r Is Casing above ground? IFrom To Type Thickness Diameter Driveshoe 0 .... 1 [26 -- j !Polyvinyl Chloride ...:J� [Schedule 40 i) 14 I r Yes SCREEN r No Screen From To Type I Slot Size Diameter 126 30 Stainless Steel Well Point 0.012 4 ] WATER-BEARING ZONES r DRY From To Yield(gpm) 15 i30 f 12 PERMANENT PUMP(IF AVAILABLE) PumpDescription 2 Wire Constant Speed 1 p Horsepower Submersible 1/2 Pump Intake Depth(ft) 25 Nominal Pump Capacity(gpm) 25 ANNULAR SEAL/FILTER PACK From To Material 1 Weight Material 2 Weight Water Batches Method Of (gal) (count) Placement Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection—Well Driller Program Well Completion Reports(General) 44. Choose Material !, I Choose Material —Choose One— • WELL TEST DATA Date Method Yield m Time Pumped Pumping Level(ft Time To Recover Recovery(ft (gpm) (HH:MM) BGS) (HH:MM) BGS) [01/03/2023 I Constant Rate Pump 12 01:30 16 00:01 15 WATER LEVEL Date Measured Static Depth BGS(ft) Flowing Rate(gpm) ?01/03/2023 115 I 112......... COMMENTS WELL DRILLERS STATEMENT This well was drilled or altered under my direct supervision,according to the applicable rules and regulations,and this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. WILLIAM Supervising Driller DESMOND, Monitoring[M] DrillerURQUHART Registration# 877 Signature PATRICK, DESMOND WELL Firm DRILLING INC. Rig Permit# 0551 Date Job Complete 01/27/2023 I NOTE:Well Completion Reports must be filed by the registered well driller within 30 days of well completion. ReCED MAR 062(23 HEALTH DEPT. _ 1 ENVIROTECH LABORATORIES,INC. MA CERT. NO.;M-MA 063 8 Jan Sebastian Drive Unit 12 Sandwich,MA 02563 (508)888-6460 1-800-339-6460 FAX(508)888-6446 Client Name: Desmond Well Drilling Location: Address: PO Box 2783 243 Old Main St Orleans, MA Yarmouth,MA 02653 Lab Number: DW-230044 Collected By: Desmond Well Drilling Date Received: 01/04/23 Sample Type: Irrigation Well Specs: Static 15 Depth 30 Location Source Date Collected Time Collected Comments . M _.A, 01/03123 11:30 Well Analysis Requested Units Recommended Limits Analysis Result Method Date Analyzed Analyzed By Total Coliform CFU/100mL 0 Absent SM922213 01/04/2023 AH/KF @ 17:45 pH pH units 6.5-8.5 5.97 SM 4500-H-B 01/04/2023 KF Specific Conductance= umhos/cm 500 327 EPA 120.1 01/04/2023 KF Nitrite-N mg/L 1.00 <0.006 EPA 300.0 01/04/2023 KF Nitrate-N mg/L 10.0 2.6 EPA 300.0 01/04/2023 KF Sodium mg/L 20.0 58 EPA 200.7 01/05/2023 KB Total Iron mg/L 0.3 0.03 EPA 200 7 01/05/2023 KB Manganese mg/L 0.05 0.011 EPA 200.7 01/05/2023 KB Comments: Sodium level is not a health hazard,but If on a low Sodium diet,consult a physician before drinking Low pH indicates high corrosive characteristics. All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA approved methods with all requirements met, unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results. We certify that the following results are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Water meets EPA standards and is suitable for drinking for parameters tested. RECEIVED MAR 0 6 2023 HEALTH DEPT. -Cr1"1/141111. Date 1/6/2023 Ronald J.Saari Laboratory Director BRL=Below Reportable Limits "See Attached Page 1 of 1 ❑Certification is not available for this analyte for potable water samples..