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COC request
Shorefront Consulting Professional Services on Land or At Sea 290 Center St., Dennis Port, MA 02639 www.shorefrontconsulting.com508-280-8046 shorefiontconsulting@gmail.com Yarmouth Conservation Commission March 23,2023 Attn: Brittany DiRienzo 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 By hand delivery Re: Proposed Reconstruction and Relocation of Existing Pier, Ramp, and Float; proposed deck reconshuction; rain gardens, vegetation/view management and existing fire pit in Dinah's Pond Sheryl Locke 36 Mayflower Terrace South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Map 110, Parcel 3 On behalf of my client, Sheryl Locke, please accept this request for a Certificate of Compliance for the above referenced project. A site inspection was performed by Shorefront Consulting on July 21, 202l.The proposed work has been completed, with the exception of the rain gardens, which were not installed. Photographs of the completed work and an As-built plan are included with this filing. The project was monitored and inspected by Shorefront Consulting during the 2021 construction process. The dock and deck were constructed substantially in accordance with the plans, except that the dock elevation turned out to be higher than needed, which resulted in a steeper than anticipated ramp to the float. The dock was subsequently lowered by 1.3 feet. The subsequent field change was coordinated with the previous agent, and a copy of an email authorizing the revised plan is inoluded with this request. The as-built plan certifies that the dock was lowered correctly. There is still over 5 feet of clearanoe over the marsh. Therefore, the project has been completed in accordance with the Order of Conditions, and all Special Conditions contained in SE-83-2221 issued on 5129120. Attached please find Yarmouth form WPA-8A Request for Certifieate of Compliance, photos of the completed project, the revised plan, the as-built plan, and a check for $75 made payable to the Town of Yarmouth. As noted in the certificate of oompliance form, this letter is also signed by Mr. Ojala, a licensed professional engineer in Massachusetts. Please include this request in your next public hearing on April 612023. The original Certificate of Compliance should be mailed to Shorefront Consulting for recording. If there are any questions or concerns regarding this request, please contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely, hy Mark Burgess Shorefront Consulting B.S. Ocean Engineering Enclosures: As Stated Dan Ojala, P.E., Down Cape Engineerin :-Date Vlflznu7 orefront r Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 8A - Request for Certificate of Comptiance Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, S40 DEP File Number: sEB3-2221 Provided by DEP Town of Yarmouth Wetland Bv-law, Chapter 143 A. Project lnformation 1. This request is being made by: Sheryl Locke Important: VUhen filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. Name 4238 Alabama Avenue South Mailing Address Saint Paul Park MN 55416 Zip CodeCityffown 612-437-9767 2 Phone Number This request is in reference to work regulated by a final Order of Conditions issued to: Sheryl Locke Applicant 5t29t2020 sE83-2221 Upon completion of the work authorized in an Order of Conditions, the property owner must request a Certificate of Compliance from the issuing authority stating that the work or portion of the work has been satisfactorily completed. Dated The project site is located ?t: 36 Mayflowr Terrance 3 DEP File Number Yarmouth Street Address Map 110 City/Town Parcel 34 Assessors Map/Plat Number Parce!/Lot Number 4. The final Order of Conditions was recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: Property Owner (if different) Barnstable 3297 1 County Book Page Certificate (if registered land) 5. This request is for certification that (check one): E tne work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions has been satisfactorily completed. [t tne following portions of the work regulated by the above-referenced Order of Conditions have been satisfactorily completed (use additional paper if necessary). The dock, deck, fire pit & the vegetation work are complete. The rain gardens were not installed. E tfre above-referenced Order of Conditions has lapsed and is therefore no longer valid, and the work regulated by it was never started. wpaformSa doc.. rev 5129114 Page 1 of 2 _/ Massachusetts Department of Environftental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 8A - Request for Certificate of Compliance Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, S40 Town of Yarmouth Wetland By-law, Chapter 143 A. Project lnformation (cont.) 6. Did the Order of Conditions for this project, or the portion of the project subject to this request, contain an approval of any plans stamped by a registered professional engineer, architect, landscape architect, or land surveyor? I Yes lf yes, attach a written statement by such a professionalcertifying substantial compliance with the plans and describing what deviation, if any, exists from the plans approved in the Order. Eruo B. Submiftal Requirements Requests for Certificates of Compliance should be directed to the issuing authority that issued the final Order of Conditions (OOC). lf the project received an OOC from the Conservation Commission, submit this request to that Commission. lf the project was issued a Superseding Order of Conditions or was the subject of an Adjudicatory Hearing Final Decision, submit this request to the appropriate DEP Regional Office (see fo r-vou r-city-or-town. htm l). DEP File Number: sE83-2221 Provided by DEP wpaformSa doc.. rev 5129114 Page 2 of 2 NN FlN fr.a E]& JFUt-{ Fr Oc(-) I.+ ca F{oo ;-.t 63 F{i !r{ t-{ g cB .a\ F4r-{P5otrL.{l-{ OB a\ 0)Odt-'lL{(l)F t-i C) BoEh CB a \o ca a\() .\4OoJ F{>rtiodtr{V) (.) a () d 6d() d dJ o0 a Xtrl dq) c0 63 oI) a X IJ] c{ I t-{N I fr. tr C)j4 CB+r a C)l-r {-)o. rr{a j1ooE a0 L{.ri+)a. tllXH Re: 36 Mayflower Terrace - silt sock is in, grass has been planted Subject: Re: 36 Mayflower Terrace - silt sock is in, grass has been planted From: Mark Burgess <shorefrontconsulting@gmail.com> Date: 61 15/2021, 8: I 3 PM To: "Grant, Kelly" <KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us> HiKelly: I just went by there tonight. All is good for now; we just wait and see how the grass comes in. He just seeded the entire thing. I'll get a plan to you as time permits. Thanks for your help. Mark Burgess Shorefront Consulting B.S. Ocean Engineering "If You Want A Dock, We Have To Talk" "Engineers get to work when they say it can't be done....." 290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639 Phone: 508-280-8046 Web : www. shorefrontconsulting. com Facebook: Shorefront Consulting I build my business on referrals. If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know. On 611512021 12:04 PM, Mark Burgess wrote: Thanks, Kelly. I will have to swing over there to see what progress has been made, and I'll report back. I'll also revise the plan after I talk with Dan Ojala, and we'll get that to you as well. Mark Burgess Shorefront Consulting B.S. Ocean Engineering "If You Want A Dock, 'We Have To Talk" "Engineers get to work when they say it can't be done....." 290 Center Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639 Phone: 508-280-8046 Web : www. shorefrontconsulting. cg![ Facebook: Shorefront Consulting 1,of4 3 / L3 /2023, B:23 PM Re: 36 Mayflower Terrace - silt sock is in, grass has been planted I build my business on referrals. If you know anyone who can benefit from my services, please let me know. On 611512021 8:54 AM, Grant, Kelly wrote: Hi Mark I have a couple of meetings this morning but wanted to get back to you on 36 Mayflower Terrace. You can provide an updated plan that corrects the ground elevations and include a cover letter that details the plan to reduce the dock height accordingly. As long as it shows the same clearance over the marsh we will be OK. With the vegetation cutting, has there been action to stabilize the top of bank area? I assume much of the cut vegetation will grow back in pretty quickly but the ground disturbance needs to be addressed. There is requirement for a monitoring report for the vegetation management and rain garden in the fall so this should be addressed in that report. Thanks Kelly Grant Co n se rv ati o n Ad m i n i st roto r Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext 1288 lSIa nt@_Va rm o uth. m a. ul - IMG_3096.jp9 2of4 3/L3/2023,8:23 PM Re: 36 Mayflower Terrace - silt sock is in, grass has been planted - !Mc_3097.jpg -lMG_3098.jp9 3of4 3 /L3 /2023,8:23 PM Re: 36 Mayflower Terrace - silt sock is in, grass has been planted - Attachments: IMG_3096jpg 146 KB IMG_3097.;pg 147 KB IMG_30e8 jpe 150 KB 4of4 3/L3/2023,8:23 PM EXISTING DOCK REMAINS PER DEP LEGEND EXISTING DOCK REMAINS PER DEP O —MHw___MEAN HIGH WATER \GERI APPROVAL LIGENSE 5120 (1586)A x INTERIM APPROVAL LICENSE ©6120 (1 996) EXTEND VEGETATED MLW MEAN LOW WATER BD Yo Bare TI DK AD 7,EXTEND VEGETATED: LINE AFTER DOCK IS »EXISTING DOCK AND #N ;RX —2 ELEVATION CONTOURC\[rage 2 pO BUFFER TO PROPERTY STEPS TO BE REMOVED !\%Ss 7 A S \LP NN 2p N LINE AFTER DOCK |—..—PROPERTY LINE Vv xX D >7 20 i \ |Co %,Zr OQ X \REMOVED WEEEEEEE LIMIT OF WORK/ACCESS —& & KR 4%\%— —SHELLFISH SURVEY GRID N/F PROPOSED /RAIN $NF x \\¥®SHELLFISH FOUND IN GRID PAUL AND LOIS BERG CARDEN #2|RX \&PROPOSED 5 40 MAYFLOWER TERRACE $5,PROPOSED|\10'%20"FLOAT ¢® KEY MAP SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02660 7 on RNG.135'%20"RAMP \2 55°OFFSET SURVEY NOTES:TNOSCALE ASSESSORS MAP 110,PARCEL 33 Eh STEPS PROPOSED 2x8’A FROM So : >5 TORAGE \BENCH S 23\,,ADJACENT §RECORD OWNER:SHERYL S.LOCKE be h \<_TorONORTH FLOAT 36 MAYFLOWER TERRACE,SOUTH Si 3 gg >)//ASST SSIRS "MAP 110,PARCEL 34xSUBJECTTOCOASTAL8M2°;4,0 Zz 7 -/STORM FLOWAGE (LSCSF)CONC yy da Ng (a)a Pi Ny 7 TEPS Cwml rr kf DEED BK.31200 PG.52Né-\Tag 4 PROPOSED /RAIN|_2 x PLAN BK.79,PG.101;LOT 66 EXIST.DWELL.PROPOSED ACCESS Nx \JZROPOSED Ma +GARDE 2 v “X AX AND LIMIT OF WORK 4x20"PIER No #N YY PROPERTY LIES WITHIN RESIDENTIAL ZONE R40. i E ~]O \\\PROPERTY LINES DEPICTED HEREON ARE BASED ON A FIELD % Pr \Z 4,PROPOSED SURVEY BY DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING IN MARCH,2019 AND \~~MANAGE VAS ES A \[B -a TN ’5 COMPILED FROM PLANS ON RECORD RECORDED IN THE Ww a EEN Z i 5 \10 x20 FLOAT BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS. wy 4'—6"VIEW \\3 AMP \75 PARCEL APPEARS TO LIE WITHIN FLOOD ZONE AE (EL.9’ HIEGHT 3 NAVD 88)PER FIRM PANEL #583 OF 875,COMMUNITY MAP \\og = V/OFFSET NUMBER E501 CoB relive DATE JULY 16,2014 AS OLSE y NU,9 EXISTING Sy hid LY X %PR POS 2 N FROM SHOWN ON THE FEMA ON-LINE DATA BASE. LSEN SUSAN APERS,REP)=%\ >iY c/0 LO ESSHERYL S &,DWELLING.en Bg Re \i TO \BENC /v.BP ADJACENT WETLAND RESOURCES SHOWN WERE FIELD IDENTIFIED BY BRAD HALL ND 4238/ALABAMA AVE SOUTH XN x ec \<\\Ve Tx “i “7 To ORTH FLOAT DATUM FOR ALL ELEVATIONS =NAVD 88 No ST WOUIS PARK,MN _5 12.5004 SF -N \A Rx 7 \TN ,MEAN HIGH WATER =1.9"NAVD 88 rs ASSESZORS MAP 110,PARCEL , 4 X %\\\\Cr »MEAN LOW WATER =—0.3 NAVD 88 ¢;\\\\\¥NTA RN \/a XX SOURCE;DIRECT MEASUREMENT WITH HOBO U20L X i wey #2 \\\\a \SM NS ho N\Po a WATER LEVEL LOGGER BY SHOREFRONT CONSULTINGORPROPOSEDRAIN4%\\\ GARE SUREEC].TR EHRS IN TART /3 \8 0 0 THE PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN AN NHESP BOUNDARY AND IS /GARDEN #1 ke «\\\STORM FLOWAGE (LSCSF)CONC\AY NS”53 &THEREFORE NOT SUBJET TO MESA REVIEW LY \\\EPS gn!Z \Si :X,\AfST,J RQ S COASTALBANKAT 3 Be 4 i N /\Pa 5 Eo 9 yo CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 7 ;AS g S \PROPOSED ACCESS ~/)\‘1.ELEVATIONS REFER TO NAVD 88.CONTACT DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING FOR ADDITIONAL 1 3 N/F X :&/PAUL BUCKLEY ANS Ng Re 2.CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL BE VIA THE ACCESS ROUTE SHOWN ON THE PLAN )7 32 MAYFLOWER TERRACE,wr %\5%AND DIRECTLY OVER THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. Co /SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 rs,a :%E \ $&/ASSESSORS MAP 110,PARCEL 35 N %\3.THE WORK ACTIVITY SHALL OCCUPY A MINIMUM AREA TO ACCOMPLISH THE &EN DEED BK.31074 PG.199 #%Pe ; $2 AN x MANAGE INVASIVES INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED WORK.EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS HANDLING SHALLHf\2 N <r 14.3’+SAN 3 bY BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WORK PROTOCOL SUBMITTED WITH THE NOTICE OF #4 ~~exer.oneLL 75 oa >RN AND EXISTING ™N INTENT,THE RESULTING ORDER OF CONDITIONS AND AS DIRECTED BY THE YARMOUTH /<a 1 4 BN N \4'—6"VIEW \CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES. /BENCHMARK:USE CONCRETE LEE NS LW A 2, HIEGHT N 4.THE DOCK INSTALLATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED FROM A WORKING BARGE AS NL NN|soup aT ELEY.16.5 tof \RE nN Cs Nes MUCH AS PRACTICAL.THE REMAINDER OF WORK SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY HAND. ZL ry \S 50;5 xX OX 4.1 3 AT NO TIME SHALL THE WORKING BARGE COME IN CONTACT WITH THE MARSH. \al Ry hY A xX 'EXISTING \3 bd Of,RNS Phe \5.A WORK LIMIT SHALL BE STAKED AND MAINTAINED TO INSURE MINIMAL ACTIVITY IN =a.x 07 kK “>Ta \THE THE EXISTING MARSH WITH MINIMAL ACTIVITY OCCURRING BEYOND THE WORK DWELLING |&No LPs,IN)EN %LIMIT.MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE STORED ON THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY \PN A NA Nr a NT Pg DURING TIMES OF HIGH TIDE AND WHEN NOT IN USE.WORKING BARGE TO BE NG Se 2 Ny ~X TOF =12.9 hy \&&“oN Mo ANCHORED TO AVOID BOTTOMING OUT DURING PERIODS OF LOW TIDE. Be Ne \\7 N >PT a / Kk +a \re 5 10T 66 N ANY &A aA =<oo 6.PILES SHALL BE DRIVEN BUTT END FIRST TO THE DEPTHS SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN. ME Xs Ee LAO £\\IF DESIGN EMBEDMENT CAN NOT BE REACHED,SHOREFRONT CONSULTING SHALL BE 7 ~~ \Z:“a ~~~~—~r—//Cn A /(SR A 52 [Yes |S \ .CONTACTED BEFORE PROCEEDING.PILES CAN BE INITIALLY JETTED TO SET,BUT THEN SHALL BE MECHANICALLY DRIVEN FROM THE WORKING BARGE.EACH BENT BEYOND SITE PLAN DOCK PLAN VIEW DETAIL MHW SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE BOTTOM WITH A HELICAL OR MANTA STYLEDIEFLANeo5=2 ANCHOR FOR PROTECTION OF ICE UPLIFT. 10 0 2 40 a]Ee———10 7.ALL AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETURNED TO THEIR on o RELOCATE PILES AS NECESSARY PRE—CONSTRUCTION CONDITION.ALL WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED BY SHOREFRONT al 0 AVENE ROE CONSULTING AND RECEIVE APPROVAL BEFORE REMOVING EQUIPMENT FROM THE SITE. PROPOSED 2'x8'STORAGE BENCH 5Na 8.THE ACCESS ROUTE AND WORK SITE SHALL BE CLEANED AND RESTORED TO o ©RESEMBLE THE PRE—CONSTRUCTION CONTOURS AND CONDITIONS. oN PROPOSED 4'x20'PIER 20’X\’Ter ae °9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS ISSUED FOR 5 x.; ©a THE PROJECT BY THE YARMOUTH CONSERVATION COMMISSION PRIOR TO THE START PROPOSED 12°RAMP W/GRATING a OF ANY WORK. a O &10.ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL,UNLESS OTHERWISE DOCK PLAN VIEW .APPROVED BY OWNER OR SHOREFRONT CONSULTING.ml 2x6”RAILING CAP 5 25 5 10 20 11.THE EXISTING DOCK SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. / 4"x4”POST BOLTED 2x6”RAILING =Ee—py 2 TE cae (ve)Fer)1=10 NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE USED BY ANY 2"x4”RAILINGS (TYP)|4 [ol BEACH PARTY WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF »»—Y _—_—nmn—— ) 2x12”STRINGERS i 2x4"RAILING Lise ==a Te LANE UNCER GLENN (ET FON)SHOREFRONT CONSULTING AND RECESSED DECKING (&ae (TYP)LAWN ~hu————PIER,RAMP AND FLOAT EXTEND 48':BEYOND MW a DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING,INC. -tl zl ©rm PROPOSED 12”DIAM.x 30° W/3/4"SPACING 5/8"THROUGH 2"x6"DECKING W/%’TOP OF COASTAL BANK (DEP FIGURE #4)N\=|a LONG GREENHEART PILES;TOP BOLT (TYP)SPACING;OVERLAP 1”(TYP)|=GTTOM.OF i OF PILE =12°NAVD (2 TOTAL) Z 3/4”THROUGH—BOLTS ——HEE PROPOSED 12°RAMP ra clef HR RELOCATE PILES TO SIDE OF (TYP)2"x12"STRINGERS :WITH GRATING 2 PROPOSED 2'x8’diel NEEDED TO AVOID AJ BB 4 : aT Ne °|(TYP)Es ae |STORAGE BENCH —6/29/21 [Correct Ex.Grade and lower dock by 1.3 feet ::=]—3"x10"YOKE;(2)TYP. J :]0 Sula TIOn —pg ee fy =4/17/20 |Raise dock &ramp for 5°clearance,correct marsh location 3x10”YOKE;1 3”THROUGH FEMA FLOOD EL.=9"—%= :;PROPOSED 10’3/12/20 [turn off aeridl,make plan more readable,add note for buffer °|3"x8"oh (2)TYP.H 5 iE One)i EX.GRADE Jn 5 =[X_20"FLOAT 1/20/20|Move float out 4 feet,lengthen dock and ramp to match ;BRACING,(TYP) Se ;Se : ’ 3 oo :5'|PUBLIC ACCESS T=gt ag 12/11/19}Add 2 rain gardens and fire pit to site plan,rebuild deck[a 3%"THROUGH BOLT WITH 3"x8"CROSS 5'MARSH GLEARANCE ie ee a a TF 1 f ~<{EW=19°wo.|owe REVISION |ey DOCK WASHERS (TYP)BRACING,(TYP)0 =Te A ete erect te 8-10"GREENHEART PILE (INSTALL =8-10"GREENHEART =ama 3 38 :PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED §S¢-129FTBUTTENDDOWN,TYP)on OR FIBERGLASS REVISED GRADE FC T&F MUW==33 SAE AS SHOWN °;a L Il x ee =/;=o "PEARSON"FIBERGLASS PILES PILES is 5 7 1 PIER,RAMP,AND FLOAT jm aga L »INSTALL SCREW ANCHOR AT LN TT EX.|GRADE NPUT ADDITIONAL FLOTATION |ORAWN BY MCB 7 =ON THIS END Te : : ec x __N EACH BENT BEYOND MHW TO SHERYL LOCKE [em 0 PREVENT ICE UPLIFT ¢5 :SRE PROPOSED 8"—10"DIAM.x 16’|Y v,v,WER OF he X : ;y : LOCKE.DWG DOCK SECTION A—A ELEVATION DETAIL 18.7 -spe, L360MAYFLOWER TERRACESOUTH YARMOUTH,WAL__LOCKEDWC) DOCK SECTION B—B ELEVATION DETAIL LONG OREENHEART PLES 2 TOTAL ©\pr IO DAM x 28|Se pl DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING 00 <LONG GREENHEART PILES (2 TOTAL)IS A \¥%Civil : : 1 5 0 1 2 4 s EXISTING DOCK CAN BE LOWERED FROM OJALA Jk No 46502 939 MAIN STREET 18.9 f 2 4aMN8.7°TO 7.4'(BY 1.3")TO MAINTAIN 5'|No 40sw |oo 9/3 YARMOUTHPORT,MA 02675 1"=2' <a 7d0+00 SECTION A—A ELEVATION DETAIL 5 sume 1+ONT CONSULTING 5 25 5 10 20 i i—290 CENTER STREET | 1"=10"7)DENNIS PORT,MA.02639 A : :(1%; (508)280-8046BeNCPreytf21_WWW.SHOREFRONTCONSULTING.COM DCE #18-438 DCE #18—-438 NOTES 1.DATUM IS NAVDSS 2.THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED WORK ONLY AND NOT TO BE USED FOR LOT LINE STAKING OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. 3.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233)AND VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND &OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. EXIST.DWELL. EXISTING DWELLINGO\TOF =12.9 AN ON LOT 66ZN12,500+SF COASTAL BANK A \LOOQZONE LINE \ EXIST.DWELL. BENCHMARK:USE CONCRETE BOUND AT ELEV.16.3" Scale:1"=20’a01020304050 FEET DATE DANIEL A.OJALA,P.E.,P.L.S. Eg A1i5quD1) ~~8 & 8 So LU]Knob C) Route 6 OL 8 Whites Path 3 a RO in 5089\\ 5»A (5783 BN s S S 5 R Clay,7 [FnIS~.ZCaSlayLOY LOCUS MAP SCALE 1"=2000'+ ASSESSORS MAP 110 PARCEL 34 PIER AS-BUILT PLAN #36 MAYFLOWER TER. SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA PREPARED FOR SHERYL LOCKE DATE:7-21-2022 off 508-362-4541 fax 508-362-9880 downcape.com © down cape engineering,inc. civil engineerslandsurveyors939MoinStreet(Rte 6A) YARMOUTHPORT MA 02675 LOCKE.DWG i