HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-23-001597 Commonwealth of Official Use Only L�f,'j� ', ' Massachusetts Permit No. BLDE-23-001597 BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy and Fee Checked [Rev.1/07] APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code (MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date:9/27/2022 City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 8A&8B ROSEMARY LN Owner or Tenant JOHNSON NANCY L TR Telephone No. Owner's Address P 0 BOX 342, HYANNIS, MA 02601 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes 0 No 0 (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters New Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Permit to close out expired permit(E21-3618)(UNIT 8-A) Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ In- ❑ No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grnd. Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local ❑ Municipal 0 Other: Connection No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water KW No.of No.of Ballasts Data Wiring: Heaters Signs No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to start: Inspection to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE:Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent.The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE:INSURANCE 0 BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: Peter Peto Licensee: Peter Peto Signature LIC.NO.: 14763 (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.: Address: 132 Wintergreen Ln, Brewster MA 026312258 Alt.Tel.No.: *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the License does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law.But my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement.I am the(check one) 0 owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent Signature Telephone No. PERMIT FEE:$50.00 Pondt No. 24,./.2.Selliali A. Oempency and Fee Checked N1/4 I BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS pas. 1/071 awe%mu -------- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK Aft work to be poribustad in aprordwee with the Moutitusehe ihastritui Code(MEC),527 OM MOO (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPFAL INFORMAjtA) Date: 5/ .2_‘./2 2— Cky or Taws oft M 714,7 0 To the hispeotor of Whys: By this applied=the uncimmplives nodes afbis op.hawks to Pubes the siseericel%rah deeented below. Leaden Oriel&Namiler) Ci? if KO Se:Wzovirle--- Owner or Tama Telephone Ne. 01111.1•11•1••••••11•1110•NMIAIOMMINIO Owner's Mina b Ws permit in audeppees itM it .Imildbi permit? Yes 0 Na qt, (Cheek Appropriate Ilen) Pewee et Masi mesigi F/T4-ti-o„ ) NSW Antimaindien No. Itztaileg Service Amps / Volts Overhead CI Undims10 NIL at/Meters $aw Benin Amps / Yells Overhead 0 Underd 0 Ns.ate Number et preikes aid Mummify Lewin ipad Naerimeeed thtetekal Wm* 19 0 Lt."- p &a5S oftAo( i--A Comdata,efohtkietrins 4?le waived by Wu hare Irma. ?kb.of lisemeed Limihmires No.arCetausp,(Paddle)Van ransinnen KVA Ne.atLandsaire Owlets 14e.of list TAB Ginesibra KVA N&at Laalnalres mese sn 1n. 0 611261101411401111 thelminand Peel mat U../ ad Jaipur,Deb , .. Na.et Recestaele Olden Ne.WS Sunken IlZAtARMe.Obelus Omicron 1 Me.altSwitebee Me.ef Gas Swans biltakatikalses Phi.'Mew Ne.efAlr Cast TOW TaoIN. efAksibre Derltes Ne.'Mane Shrum itee9=1 Ininierfroms I it'W I Alliki" No.aiDidernarbers _Spece/Area Heath* KW ra1O t, " Cl 011ic 4..,-;. Na.at Dryers UMW Appliances KW Ns ' ar Kailiekne , re&eirwaser les.er No,of Dia Owen KW Sbers Saban ,_4.4 , HP N " ' . Ne‘Hydrumenage Saebnie o.at Malan Teed A vow or OTHER: &tack addittloal dotal 1 fasimit ores rewind hy tks/*paw eirtres Estimated Value of Bectried Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Sot inspections to be nquand hi accordance with MEC Rule 10,sad upon completion.maamANCIt COvItRaGO Unkse waived by the owner,no permit Ihr the poibemimee°feinting work may imam unless the limn pinvides proefriliabdiy insurance includinecompbted operation"wave or its seintantid opinions. The undersigned certifies that=it 4, - is is twee mid has gabbed podof same to the permit issuing dike. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE A BOND 0 onto. 0 (Specik) I waft mew 0, ad 4, ,. drattheb.erreaden ere Mk qpirikadare Mae ant carplan 1 i , .1 puma h,-,06 "e-ro LW.NO» / "f / " dirP Meaner til,-.iimisrvi. .- 1. i.... IRVi4 Silaln1 1011Mte LC NO.: — toe w pnt o are Rue.T.I.Nei I41 2-i& 9/6/ SANa /I44t eanem Alt Tel Ns:,e. 14TL 574 .secrityo Public Selby"Ir Limn: Lie.No. OWNER'S INENtitANOI WAIVER: 1 am aware that the Unwise dooms haw the liability ineurance comer nonnally rerpired lotlaw. By my igen=below 1 hereby wive this requirement. 1 am the(Ael ona)l;isivamr E3 ownees anent. OwassfAspet ramatitare— Teladbene No. I MOW PEE:$ I 44,