HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOO Your Friend with a Truck Unit 4 Bld-23-003820 TOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department CERTIFICATE OF (508) 398-2231 ext.1261 OCCUPANCY PERMIT NO Bld-23-003820 ADDRESS: 24 Easy St, Yarmouthport, Ma 02675 Unit 4 ZONING DISTRICT Bldg. Type: Commercial SUBDIVISION MAP BLOCK 093.23.2 USE & OCCUPANCY-Your Friend IN,LA Truck, L l 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSPEN DATE: 2/ / 7L BUILDING OFFICI • Curren Huyser 24 Easy St Unit 3 Yarmouthport, Ma 02675 PHONE • THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE, MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUILDING INSPECTIONS APPROVALS FIRE: DATE: a -d 3 OTHER INSPECTOR L' DATE: ELECTRICAL BOARD OF HEALTH DATE: 47m DATE: G' INSPECTOR: � INSPECTOR: c c7 C PLUMBING/GAS FINAL BUILDING DATE: = 'Z J DATE: — INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: DATE NAME RECEIVED AN 04 2023 BUILDING DEPARTMENT BY: Town of Yar �.:� • Department •1146 Route 28, South Yar;`.• -': ' _a : .-;,stet. 508-398-2231 ext.1261 `r�yC Use and 4I.2 .:r�y�� pplication l MATTA fl St In accordance with the provisions o..,1)- t :: ; s State Building Code, section 105.1 Application for a certificate use and occupancy permit Name of Business \fooc e_A8 W, A"Truc, Ll-C Phone# ,50$-221-00 9 R Type of Business M o ;& CnAllo.. .1 Email Cc,rrel, P.AatiiooLe>EM«►-t Pro a Address / c to. ..- Property rtY 2 4( Ea 6 V ��' Unit# *Square Footage to be occupied! I , *attach floor plan Fee: $60 The applicant is required to obtain approval sign-offs from the following departments as checked off below: X Health Department—508-398-2231 ext. 1241 X Fire Department—Fire Prevention, 96 Old Main Street, 508-398-2212 Other CU/ Building owners Signature Applicant Signature Please note:this permit is for use and occupancy only. Any work requiring a building permit will require a licensed contractor to submit an additional application with all the required information based on the scope of the project. LIB--23--bD3&2O **Office use only** Zoning District Proposed Use Change of Use: Yes_ No 4: Allowed Use: Yes_No_•_ APD Waiver: Yes,)( No N/A /3 -_ ild g Officials Signature Date Updated 3/21 -Q.Av---vi: 6 , ., , . ..... .., ,._. ___ v , LOCUS MAP siesteen ime OP M.A.MU MOM MVO alft q UNIT --1111 7 UN/T a UT a UNIT 4 UN s "" w.., A.tr. M..r, I owlB+OF RECORD sifeances Immo n won l axe re"av" C�r..r un a.n i.., aw 1 11 II I ill II II BUILDING FLOOR PLAN BUILDING B CONDOMINIUM BU DC G FLOOR PLANS 24 EASY STREET VARMOUTH PORT.MA smio DOLLAR emusTRIAL TM1 MOT +�� ",,�`� CONDOMWUM erw.,,,u,TUa.a r,u. .,s..r,Id eu.® r..aa.an. LCCli.g 11.6“.....4 P. OM .01111...,....PL.8. t:•••••'a../=al.. an N[I-I.l •++...•••^•w MGL AND FIRE ��R iqnpj TOWN OF YARMOUTH REVIEWED FOR CODE CCMPLIANCE t ERRORS OR Or.1MISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE i� ti THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONISIBILITY OF*AS BUILT COMPLIANCE DATE /^y--2a. INSPECTOR YARMOUTH FIRE PREVENTION New Business Transmittal Project Name: Your friend with a truck Address: 24 Easy St. Units 3+4 Contact Name: Curren Huyser Phone:508-221-6898 Description of planned project or business: Moving company equipment storage yousomassear Y N NA Subiect Regulation X Building Numbers MGL Chapter 148;sec 59 X Fire Lanes 527 CMR 1; 18.2.1 X Extinguishers 527 CMR 1; 13.6,Chapter 148;sec 28 X Maintence of any equipment,system relating to 527CMR1 1.1.4,MGL 148 section 27a Fire Protection. X *Hazardous Materials Storage 527 CMR 1;60.1,20.15.4 X Emergency Plan Required 527CMR1 10.8.1 X Commercial cooking,Hood systems 527CMR1 X Commercial Cooking Hood Systems Cleaning 527CMR1 50.5.A X *Commercial Cooking Extinguishment System 527CMR1 50.4.3 X *Candles,open flames,and portable cooking 527CMR1 10.102, X Blocking electrical panel 527CMRl X Blocking exits 527CMR1 14.4.1 Extension cords shall not be used as a 527CMRl, X substitute to permanent wiring X Limit storage heights to 24 inches below 527CMR1 10.18.3 ceiling without sprinklers 18 inches with X Maintain Aisle width of 36 Inch's(3 Feet) 780CMR 1101.1 X Storage insideroutside Buildings 527 CMR 1; 10.18.1,,19.1.2,34.1.1 X The right to inspect MGL Chapter 148 Sec.4 X *Upholstery 527 CMR l;20.1.2 X *Trash Containers 527 CMR 1; 19.1.1, 1.12 X Any Hazard to the Public Chapter 148;sec 28 X *Curtains,Draperies,Blinds 527 CMR I; 12.6.2 •YFD permit required-depending on occupancy and submittal A Permit from YFD is required any time a tire protection system is shut down,altered or removed. All existing fire protection systems to be inspected and upgraded as needed. The YFD support the application,subject to applicable submissions,permits and inspections. Plan Reviewed By: Lieutenant Matthew Bearse Date: January 4, 2023 Copy for Applicant 0 Copy to Building Department Copy to Fire Prevention I Entered in Firehouse 0 Final Inspection I I TOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT JAN 2023 HEALTH DEPT. ft" PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL • To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: 214 �ck6y 6 - Li 7 3 Y 00 MP Proposed Improvement: U Se- O'.. Crap cor Rt.Ao7 (Ci&4re,47 JUO 44-qZAr4ou3 metier,cJ5 t Y s[-a'a Applicant: YQ VC <t v\c L)► A- 1 UC -L G Tel. No.: Sp$- 22 t - (-$?8 Address: CC{ 5(ti ;cI ja fU UCK& pit 6255L( Date Filed: 0 I/05/2 23 **Ufvou would like e-mail notifIcation ofsign off please provide e-mail address:Cu«ek fickAfuClecknwov;Ai c, r✓a .y •(.0 Owner Name: C v rc tA. t- v Owner Address:Co «reS �- � Owner Tel. No.: c J B-22 t- 80/8 RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: c a li DATE: L —1 2— C= PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: JAN 1 2 2023 HEALTH DEPT. ( Wkijc4 U 3 ,c1 1-1 l ' D11,•••• CI I 1 F.. rat MOM USE A , << LOCUS MAP SO1E 1'-I0271 ARCS Mr M 11000.MI SITE a LOCADD 1.1001 TIE MUM PR616T311 MSIECT(10E* 070 somafI.O* MP1.03 0 Fax Ot[A1 uror 0 WOOL W111G MOM to DOI IIpI33 3*01 I�RAL OA1Gt0 W RATE RA. MAL'0.1 UAL 1.N10 TOOT PAVE)PARKING LOT DOOM MU am' COMM Mw eoc. ZONING SUMMARY nWatt ._..n. .....11... COME WM, 0.1 RAm O6M. Mt COMilit IMOD M. � �. �NIOC 1mLZT maw 1CO IML MCI SCiMCC b 30 I �CD.QAGE 3001 I Mt UNIT 7 UNIT B UNIT 6 UNIT 4 I UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UTIT 1 Y B"O ro°'0°.—e0 9.32 S.F. 9433 S.F. 0712 SI. 955t Si. I 9551 S.F. 0421 Sf. 030f SC, 51 1r, 1/ OMER OF RECORD GG/ I � c aO ;M O MIT SOON Ill// ire' 100 201 n.n• I 1a.7f• _ 00014 eA oz300 SLAG EL-ee.! NO Wu I REFERENCES GO CEILING EL VARIES )O( I'0' I 7A' .1.01 GOOK T rA¢;120 301 TO M Sff/C4 17.4'AT EpE /D.�'w C[NIER * M11Y MnM1I a I * 1MIIel COMMOaM vUN nID Me Oa M OE CC. y I I EY n tID' n `�— BUILDING FLOOR PLAN BUILDING B CONDOMINIUM BULDNO FLOOR PLANS 0 24 EASY STREET YARMOUTH PORT, MA AMMO IOK M SAND DOLLAR INDUSTRIAL CONDOMINIUM 1 IOT CP.IIT oar NC 1110041Art 310 MOM CO 1110 MAM Ma TM MO MIS IO/.at CDCO 0 ON0 O¢Si1.0 011100arf.M1O Da 11.0 Cr ICE COMM NO Mr301020 MC 1 CWR)DINT TO KM NUNNO MOFATEET OCNCI2 DE MOUT MTN Cr rt4UC a AAWa Mean sOd.t'.IE laCOIC.IACT INI0S.MO 0MGB0M Cr DE LIM IMIDOm I DNf11g1) I o, DMT MS MIN M p ®1 a col NAA3 mamma NO DMT I m 11MnM.II 0U0a0 b•OM DE en.AS MAT. NI@NEn M CMODDMNIOO.n11 DEMO] MO KW 1e[i TON DKDCII p COMM �M—��! NO ImllAilMll 6 D[11{DISCOI OF O®S OOVISO at Tat M r CAM NZ egML •(`00,.. PM CAI 5/11-%e01. ♦�...;iI J we Noe it egnpo/IC MR 1MIad A.GYM.rAs Cl•::•• %0 MO mar 0Aa 62201♦OJN)C PIA CA aum A 0V1A.FA. 030 tom 100.1(M. DUI #21-2II rotwoun+wr Am arms TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIVED 'S APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF NON-APPLICAB i I o, ,.,„, 0-1 JAN 0 4 2023 AQUIFER PR 1 _ _ TI S B LA A •406.5. _ ::;: : ..•' BUILDING DEPARTMENT BY: Applicant: C U_C Q A -1 V 6�1 Date Filed: I / Q. y E Property location: 214 rs:31.6y SY" Un;(-S Map# Parcel# Proposed Use: MOV rn a i i n SFoxAa e. �►.1 art.._ �110U5t Qc l-�ousek05 *********************.******"i*** ******* *********** ********A*********** @ems 1. The applicant has fully complied with the Submittal Requirements of§406.5.2 ›C (Attach copy of Hazardous Materials List) 2. The proposed use meets all of the Design and Operation requirements of§406.5.7, >C . 3. The chemicals,pesticides, fuels and other potentially toxic or hazardous materials used or stored at the site,or produced by the proposed use, will be in qualities not greater than those commonly associated with normal household use, and 4. The proposed use will meet all of the objectives and water quality criteria of the bylaw. The above applicant hereby acknowledges that the Building Inspector may require the applicant to submit the matter to the Health Agent or Board of Health, and may require the applicant to demonstrate that he/she has received a favorable report from the Health Agent or Board of Health. The Determination, if made,shall apply only to the individual applicant and proposed use and shall automatically expire upon any change of use or transfer of ownership of the business. There shall be no appeal from an unfavorable Determination of any such application,nor from a failure to act, except for filing by the applicant for a Special Permit from the Board of Appeals as otherwise provided herein. Applicant Dale DETERMINATION: The Building Inspector,based upon a review of this application and information supplied by the Applicant,hereby determines that the proposed use satisfies the requirements of§406.5.1.1 and that the Applicant need not apply for a Special Permit under§406.5 C.4) t��l_ i —12 12 Building Inspector Date Health Agent ( Date Copies of this form must be sent to the following departments(as listed in§406.5.4); Water,Engineering, Fire, Health,Planning,Conservation,Board of Appeals. APDdeternonapp 1 0-99.wpd t ti i 1", VLA L TO: Commercial Applicants in the APD 1"�, FROM: Yarmouth Health Department SUBJECT: Hazardous Materials As part of the application process for a Board of Appeals hearing or Determination of Non-Applicability, please complete this form and return it with your application. For further information concerning hazardous materials regulations, contact the Health Department Office. In the conduct of your present and/or proposed business, do you store, use, generate any of the following types of products?(Check all which apply): Antifreeze, Engine&Radiator Flushes Motor Oil Hydraulic, Brake,Automatic Trans. Fluid Gasoline/Fuels Grease, Lubricants Degreaser/Cleaners Floor/Driveway Degreaser Battery Acid Rustproofing/Undercoating Vehicle Detergents Vehicle Waxes, Polishes Asphalt,Tar, Sealers Paint, Varnishes, Stains,Dyes, Thinners Wood Preservatives Dry Cleaning Solvents, Carbon Tetrachloride Floor/Furniture Strippers Other Cleaning Solvents Rock salt, Road salt Drain, Toilet, Cesspool Cleaners Refrigerants Bug&Tar Removers Photo chemicals Printing Inks&Dyes Pool Chlorine Pesticides, Insecticides,Herbicides Rodenticide, Fungicides Nitrate Fertilizer _ _ Jewelry Cleaner Leather Dyes _ PCB's Electroplating Sludges _ Others (List) Applicant Signature: ,� Date: I I Li ( 2 3 C:\My Files\Documents\Application\HEALTAPDdeter I 0-99.WPD . 'YR` TOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department BUILDING • 4 (508) 398-2231 ext.1261 �a�-�. PERMIT NO BLD-23-003820 PERMIT s 4 ,�r., .it "` ISSUE DATE 01/24/2023 JOB WEATHER CARD , APPLICANT Curren Huyser PERMIT TO AT(LOCATION) !24 EASY ST,YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 ZONING DISTRICT Bldg.Type: Commercial SUBDIVISION MAP BLOCK LOT 093.23.2 a BUILDING IS TO BE: CONST TYPE V B USE GROUP R-3 ) 1 CONTRACTOR REMARKS Use &Occupancy-Moving Company Unit 4 Your Friend with A Truck LLC LICENSE 508-221-6898 { ik AREA(SQ FT) • EST COST($) 0.00 PERMIT FEE($) 60.00 I ! a OWNER Curren Huyser BUILDING DEPT BY ADDRESS Icida,n K //,;,,'/PHONE 5082216898 THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEW OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE, MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS.THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RELEASE THE APPLICANT FROM MINIMUM INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR ALL APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON WHERE APPLICABLE SEPARATE CONSTRUCTION WORK: 1)FOUNDATIONS OR JOEI AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR FOOTINGS.2)PRIOR TO COVERING STRUCTURAL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE.WHERE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING/GAS MEMBERS(READY FOR LATH OR FINISH COVERING) A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS AND MECHANICAL 3)FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE OCCUPANCY 4) REQUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE INSTALLATIONS. REFER TO DETAILED INSPECTION SCHEDULE OCCUPIED UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM STREET BUILDING INSPECTIONS, APPROVALS / 13Cj ' ( — r vye o(� 214 t6 p6Q U L!2- /23 ',is A-- -.A 3 cies)vosos OTHER: J /- i"-' y�� } WORK SHALL NOT PROCEED PERMIT WILL BECOME NULL AND VOID IF INPSECTIONS INDICATED ON THIS CARD UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS CONSTRUCTION WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN SIX CAN BE ARRANGED FOR BY TELEPHONE APPROVED THE VARIOUS MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AS NOTED OR WRITTEN NOTIFICATION. STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION AR(lVF MBI/7 YARMOUTH96 OLD MAIN STREET DEPARTMENT SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 PH.: 508-398-2212 /FAX: 508-760-4861 FIRE AND SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT � ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: Q y 4-s V,J ; 4� 4- LI C n YARMOUTH PORT n SOUTH YARMOUTH n WEST YARMOUTH NAME: Yitin- o C ; 1g .9- l U CX. Li OWNER H MANAGER Li TENANT OTHER(explain): DATE: - a -a3 TIME: / Y5 PHONE: NAME: C ur'r`4 (J PHONE: d 02 a / 6 (Y G ,2 OWNERS MAILING ADDRESS: An inspection of the above captioned property was conducted by the undersigned during which the following fire or safety deficiencies (D) or violations (v) were observed and noted for correction: A) 0 SiirAY`' tsiiAtd Q. 41. 4 co i'Ii j You are hereby ordered to abate or correct the deficiencies or violations within days. Failure to do so may result in civil an /or criminal complaints being filed. Signed: 1-4i cAlli......_A___ Title: L / 1--,„ >e Copy Received By: Original-Owner/Tenant Yellow Copy-Fire Department FBP 99-1