HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOO Reinhart Pating Unit 7 Bld-23-004661 TOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department CERTIFICATE OF (508) 398-2231 ext.1261 OCCUPANCY PERMIT NO Bld-23-004661 ADDRESS: 24 Easy Street, Yarmouthport, Ma 02675 ZONING DISTRICT Bldg. Type: Commercial SUBDIVISION MAP BLOCK 093.23.2 USE & OCCUPANY-Reinhart Painting Unit 7 DRY STORAGE ONLY-NOT TO EXCEED APR - IVER CERTIFICATE OF INSPEC ON Lz/l DATE: j BUILDING OFFICIA . Nate Reinhart PHONE • THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET ALLEY OR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNDER THE BUILDING CODE, MUST BE APPROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BUILDING INSPECTIONS APPROVALS FIRE: DATE: 3/2 ),,a 3 OTHER INSPECTOR DATE: ELECTRICAL BOARD OF HEALTH DATE: 57Z 0 . 3 DATE: 3 —Z 2- 2-3 INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: C.„,/. QC-6 5G :� PLUMBING/GAS FINAL BUILDING DATE: "C // ) /' DATE: S INSPECTOR: INSPECTOR: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: DATE NAME RECEIVE Town of YarnYarnryhiliiiNiqg Department R E, C IE I V E D JAIL ut 8, South Yar, ti'ri �. � • ,x., �tel. 508-398-2231e . L�: 2023 '� ^. "'� 1+ ppllCatlOn BUDDING DEPARTMENT Use and BUI NG DEPARTMENT i C.A\ ijy By �� v C MATTACht CSF,1�__�7,,��> In accordance with the provisions o rsLOs State Building Code, section 105.1 Application for a certificca use and occupancy permit Name of Business Reinhart Painting Phone # 508-367-411 Type of Business House Painting Email nate@reinhartpaint.com Property Address 24 Easy Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Unit # 5,6 (7) *Square Footage to be occupied 3000 *attach floor plan Fee: $60 The applicant is required to obtain approval sign-offs from the following departments as checked off below: X Health Department— 508-398-2231 ext. 1241 X Fire Department— Fire Prevention, 96 Old Main Street, 508-398-2212 lot,O-a?3--(4LO(0( Other Building owners Signature Applicant Signature Please note: this permit is for use and occupancy only. Any work requiring a building permit will require a licensed contractor to submit an additional application with all the required information based on the scope of the project. **Office use only** Zoning District Proposed Use '2 Change of Use: Yes No �� Allowed Use: Yes.A No APD Waiver: Yes No N/A B it ing Officials Signature Date Updated 3/21 0' 1 v/� S rret 6/4064, Goater . . . . . . '#% • . 3. • • • • -• -.• ., I\61/4\\44......Zefk 1 IDDB � BUILDING USE CODE REVIEW At ENTIRE BUR DING IS CURRENTLY DESIGN,EU USE GROUP Stu,ANU IS ) 7 4 CONSIDER CONS tHHE'AL E91.WEN FIRHE E PAR AND AREA S F-4R CONSILIMITADERED WITHIN THE'BALDING COUE NO FIRE SIGHT A`D A ARE / r .yy REQUIRED W MN HE BUILDING At THIS TIME 1 IS CINDERS 7 OW t HA,EAC)1 UNIT UPON SALE OR r HAMSF ER W ILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT AND CODE REVIEW l'OR THE INTENDED USE AND THE:OWNER WILL EL REQUIRED TO INANE CODE N B.. MODE IF OUT SIDE UAW MB S OF THE DESIGNATION OF S-tIF-'- FUR REarn sr USE 4 4, ,,, CODE REVIEW 11.14.22 LOCUS MAP SCALE I'-10006 ASSESSORS MAP 93 PARCEL 23.2 91E IS LOCATED WARN 111E AQUIFER PROTECTION DISTRICT(ZONE II) VERTCAL DATUM:NAI.89 �:PACE 91PPED EACH owA. PIX 9 CURNE HORIZONTAL DATUM:MA STALE PLANE �TO ME1R RfSPEGTNE owns. NADB]U.S SURVEY FOOT COMMON AREA PAVED PARKING LOT 011.01 AAA mm ZONING SUMMARY DI ID MN.MEND, 83 BUSINESS5SIO2 Nampa J J 1 REQUIRED: OVE40,000 R OVERHEADft p�236 AFWIFM OIERIFID NEW. MIN.LOT FRONTAGE SF. ODOR 00011 WDR DOER DDOR DOA MN.FRONT SETBACK 30' I I MIN.SOE SET1A0( IV MIN.REAR SETBACK XS MIX BULIMICSUILOIND°H0ONr 55' • UM 6 Q UNIT 4 li UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 SMACK m BMW LINE w 19lO1k S.F. 9421 S.F. 920±S.F. r 2BS7t S.F. I g EEiiiigg OWNER OF RECORD m1' ¢.. IRV ., ISO' Rio �. SAID EAT WESTERN ROCK LEG UN SOU HIEA A ROAD.WHIT B _ I94' IM.5 m.t' its I 19A9' SOUTH DENNISIS.MA 02980 ,� REFERENCES SLAB EL-55.4 I D®BOA 34852 P.00+105 MUMS fL.VARIES 7.0' 7'O' I 7.0' 7.' REAR OMR 2N PALE 3,PS 305 PG 76,6YMIK 17.4'AT EAVE D e I * Fe 974 P9 49 19.4'94 CENTER 1` BA1199A BO *I4N1 CONDOMINIUM SITE PLAN m BE FLED HERMITH 7. M.a COMMA AREA PO 8 DOM RpoR BUILDING FLOOR PLAN BUILDING B CONDOMINIUM BUILDING FLOOR PLANS 24 EASY STREET YARMOUTH PORT, MA SAND DOLLAR INDUSTRIAL CONDOMINIUM I HEREBY CFRTEY THAT TIE PROPERTY UNS 000 1 Cal MS PLAN ARE THE LIMES DAIS NOY 1,Roza CP/01.EOSINS OWNERSHIPS5.MO THE LINES OF THE SME[IS APO WATS 9109N ATE s.s.1110' I CERTIFY TAT MS RAN FULLY AND ACWRATELV OEPILTS THE UYWT THOSE OF PUEILK A PRIVATE STREETS LOCATOR.AIR NUMBERS,AND OMENSIONO OF THE Mrs NUMBERED 1 THROUGH 7 I DERE,MAT MS PLAN HAS BEEN A RNEWAYS ALREADY ESTABLISHED,AND THAT ®1FCT N6D9TE,N BOLDING TIV M THE SITE.AS BUILT. PREPARED N CONFORMANCE WTI ME RULES O REF.LGUI 0O WARM W S.ARE O AND REODUTONS CF THE REOSTER Cf DEEDS. ,,F.-T.,. O'NEEF.C I FOR NEW RAYS.ARE SNOW. REF.CAI SO-B,Y.P.I. _ -4541 fa M aDJi--9M mw•.an 44f f1 j9ff/19f,Mt. englms DATE OAEEL A M.A.P.LS. DAT' QUAIL A.MAUL P.L.S. lend DATE DWEL A OANA P1S 93.Wain rent(RE.C'.IJ T MA 073 DCE #21-241 45 A0900 x o 01 WOO nu wS11085l ow TOWN OF YARMOUTH G° CEOd( D ct HEALTH DEPARTMENT FEB 2 1 2023 ce-:;; '8 PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHUT DEPT. r�E To be completed by Applicant: c ) Building Site Location: r`f L�,S 4 rnJ t� l� ��� r I 0 2 G 7S— un;-/- S 6,7 Proposed Improvement: poL; Applicant: A to Tel. No.: ,c0a7 ?6 7- /// Address: Aryl t 6S e Date Filed: **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Ale fee. 4,a r /a-N•/_,9 , L D^'l Owner Name: Re i i L i l Aide ee, 4 a C Owner Address: L{ Qk i'i 6+01 S Lane Owner Tel.No.: $- 36 7- ,IA1 M,2` -l-h 6(4- "q/ Da.h 7� RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed)— Note:Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: CC,7-01, � C uU�-�-i , DATE: Z Z 1- Z3 PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: 5-to t- ,5e- v 4- --o c or- h 4" L 4'o( 15 1 ±0 e )cc eec' 10 54 //0 el s Gv+_fp Gvl-- a parr O f h , ,r�l e ny A Str:�-G"5"� 0 T O)ci C �,^ � �ZG�r'c.IO US, I Cer 5 e. , (.fir` IL; f ,e c/5o /1 dr- t-O 2�cc eecA 2D 5-4-//e.f?s A PO 7 , MGL AND FIRE ypRM01/ TOWN OF YARMOUTH A I REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ;;,�, ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF"AS BUILT"COMPLIANCE. V DATE: 3_4--2���//// I.,,of —p INSPECTOR YARMOUTH FIRE PREVENTION New Business Transmittal Project Name: Pamet Holdings LLC Address: 24 Easy St Unit 5,6,7 Contact Name: Nate Reinhart Phone: 508-367-4111 Description of planned project or business: Reinhart Painting company LY it. N NA Subject Regulation I X Building Numbers MGL Chapter 148;sec 59 X Fire Lanes 527 CMR 1; 18.2.1 X Extinguishers 527 CMR 1; 13.6,Chapter 148;sec 28 X Maintence of any equipment,system relating to 527CMR1 1.1.4,MGL 148 section 27a Fire Protection. X *Hazardous Materials Storage 527 CMR 1;60.1,20.15.4 X Emergency Plan Required 527CMR1 10.8.1 X Commercial cooking,Hood systems 527CMR1 X Commercial Cooking Hood Systems Cleaning 527CMR1 50.5.4 X *Commercial Cooking Extinguishment System 527CMR1 50.4.3 X *Candles,open flames,and portable cooking 527CMR1 10.10.2, X Blocking electrical panel 527CMR1 X Blocking exits 527CMR1 14.4.1 Extension cords shall not be used as a 527CMR1, X substitute to permanent wiring X Limit storage heights to 24 inches below 527CMR1 10.18.3 ceiling without sprinklers 18 inches with X Maintain Aisle width of 36 Inch's(3 Feet) 780CMR 1101.1 X Storage inside/outside Buildings 527 CMR 1; 10.18.1,,19.1.2,34.1.1 X The right to inspect MGL Chapter 148 Sec.4 X *Upholstery 527 CMR 1;20.1.2 X *Trash Containers 527 CMR 1; 19.1.1, 1.12 X Any Hazard to the Public Chapter 148;sec 28 X *Curtains,Draperies,Blinds 527 CMR 1; 12.6.2 *YFD permit required-depending on occupancy and submittal Regulations based on NFPA 1 (2021 edition)with mass amendments adopted 12/09/22 A Permit from YFD is required any time a fire protection system is shut down,altered or removed. All existing fire protection systems to be inspected and upgraded as needed. R E C E I V E The YFD support the application,subject to applicable submissions,permits and inspe i tions. MAR 09 2023 Plan Reviewed By: Lieutenant Matthew Bearse Date: March 9, 2)2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT By _ Copy for Applicant = Copy to Building Department II Copy to Fire 'revention Entered in Firehouse 71 Final Inspection TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT o� Y4k APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF NON-APPLICABILITY , � AQUIFER PROTECTION BYLAW §406.5.1.1 ° �C L:MED p I FEB 21 1023 Applicant/Business Name: bei L(t 14. '7 1..-73 Date: .? ( / 71-liALTH DEPT. Property Owner: / 1 n Proper rylocation: � ` y S'tr eel YA 1^‘o,-,11)(1)4 Unit# II1Map&Lot# Proposed Use: ph,n4 ► 15 ty 34 rci S( 1. Has applicant has fully complied with the Submittal Requirements of§406.5.2 ? (Attach copy of Hazardous Materials List) 2. Does the proposed use meet all of the Design and Operation requirements of§406.5.7, 3. Are the chemicals, pesticides, fuels and other potentially toxic or hazardous materials used or stored at the site, or produced by the proposed use, in qualities not greater than those commonly associated with normal household use, 4. Does the proposed use meet all of the objectives and water quality criteria of the bylaw: The above applicant hereby acknowledges that the Building Inspector may require the applicant to submit the matter to the Health Agent or Board of Health, and may require the applicant to demonstrate that he/she has received a favorable report from the Health Agent cr Board of Health. The Determination, if made,shall apply only to the individual applicant and proposed use and shall automatically expire upon any change of use or transfer of ownership of the business. There shall be no appeal from an unfavorable Determination of any such application, nor from a failure to act, except for filing by the applicant for a Special Permit from the Board of Appeals as otherwise provided herein. / / ) Applicant Date • /We_ 6. n iic r� Print Name DETERMINATION. P. • : Iding Inspector, based upon a review of this application and information sup'lied by th- • 01•cant, -reby determines that the proposed use satisfies the requirements of§406.5.1.I and e Ap:•. need •ot apply for a Special Permit under §406.5 4/1K 3 2 3 C/a E '2- -2/-23 Build' : or Date Health Agent mate Form must be filed with the Town Clerk and copies of this form must be sent to the following departments(as listed in §406.5.4); Water, Engineering, Fire, Health, Planning,Consenation, Board of Appeals. Aquifer Protection District Waiver 05,08 (t 1 �� J�:C-fin sC U(/< f I G kr-16- n cj ,t� t�PS- 10 6-�/lo. r- r TO: Commercial Applicants in the APD z FROM: Yarmouth Health Department SUBJECT: Hazardous Materials As part of the application process fora Board of Appeals hearing or Determination of Non-Applicability, please complete this form and return it with your application. For further information concerning hazardous materials regulations, contact the Health Department Office. In the conduct of your present and/or proposed business, do you store, use, generate any of the following types of products? Please check all which apply and list quantities. Antifreeze, Engine & Radiator Flushes Motor Oil Hydraulic, Brake, Automatic Trans. Fluid Gasoline/Fuels Grease, Lubricants Degreaser/Cleaners Floor/Driveway Degreaser Battery Acid Rustproofing/Undercoating Vehicle Detergents Vehicle Waxes, Polishes Asphalt, Tar, Sealers Paint, Varnishes, Stains, Dyes, Thinners X Wood Preservatives 1-r:>-S 161 ,ey Dry Cleaning Solvents, Carbon Tetrachloride Floor/Furniture Strippers Other Cleaning Solvents _ Rock salt, Road salt Drain, Toilet, Cesspool Cleaners _ Refrigerants Bug& Tar Removers Photo chemicals Printing Inks & Dyes Pool Chlorine Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides _ Rodenticide, Fungicides Nitrate Fertilizer Jewelry Cleaner Leather Dyes PCB=s Electroplating Sludges Others (List) Applicant Signature: Date: / / /)3 HEAL TAPDDETER 10-99 :oF :f44 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 44--- �,,c HEALTH DEPARTMENT �\.•4 ...4:5 4r,,00`4' PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: V n 1 tS -- —6;- f Building Site Location: .24-1 � y Sh P E' �I r •4/pt PA ,�� �,,��! S Proposed Improvement: (,hc al e9(64/11.et[/ 1Or fa il-; i4 (pe"104n� Applicant: P6ivt(-4 Hot);,1) /._ i I-t • P'iiiitts;1 Pa•,if;.1 j Tel. No.: SO3" I6-7- Li It LA �R Address: Lf�i > 4/1 S L r .ioi � )'D,,-� t 1 A 4 601 6 7 5_ Date Filed: 3/0/2 **If you would like e-mail notification of sign off,please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: J A 1 e A\ Apt 1 i cci o f Owner Address: / Owner Tel. No.: 1 / / / RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) - Note:Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: Q /?Q E., LDATE: 3 -22- 2 UC 9L1 3 PLEASE NOTE C MMENTS/CONDITIONS: XL C I'1�'7_4rofu� d�'1�. lia-��'l. S7tir-e in, UT Do he G 1 /6 5 .,�-,l`/ -rl 5 e-ti r•-f-1't C,e - 73<--f s , d , SCANNED o�r'YAR TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT ,i 4o APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF NON-APPLICABILITY t c c4es �.,y� AQUIFER PROTECTION BYLAW §406.5.1,1. Applicant: k:(-2Lk-Li f )4, - '11 n,.5 Date Filed: d f°?( / (Jn►ts-�—�—�7 Property location: G- �C'S7` SI Map# 93 Parcel# 23•a Proposed Use: (.`7C.' 4 CakiP ?'c> Cl' i'1 ********************************************************* *************** ** 1. The applicant has fully complied with the Submittal Requirements of§406.5.2 (Attach copy of Hazardous Materials List) 2. The proposed use meets all of the Design and Operation requirements of§406.5.7, . 3. The chemicals, pesticides, fuels and other potentially toxic or hazardous materials used or stored at the site,or produced by the proposed use, will be in qualities not greater than those commonly associated with normal household use, and 4. The proposed use will meet all of the objectives and water quality criteria of the bylaw. The above applicant hereby acknowledges that the Building Inspector may require the applicant to submit the matter to the Health Agent or Board of Health, and may require the applicant to demonstrate that he/she has received a favorable report from the Health Agent or Board of Health. The Determination, if made, shall apply only to the individual applicant and proposed use and shall automatically expire upon any change of use or transfer of ownership of the business. There shall be no appeal from an unfavorable Determination of any such application, nor from a failure to act, except for filing by the applicant for a Special Permit from the Board of Appeals as otherwise provided herein. C i� yr7/ 3 PP .A licant Da DETERMINATION: The Building Inspector, based upon a review of this application and information supplied by the Applicant, hereby determines that the proposed use satisfies the requirements of§406.5.1.1 and that the Applicant need not apply for a Special Permit under §406.5 crQc ` c it n, 3-Z 2--?0Z3 Building Inspector Date Health Agent Da e Copies of this form must be sent to the following departments(as listed in §406.5.4); Water, Engineering, Fire, Health, Planning, Conservation, Board of Appeals. h4. rC(O !Y\ 1--e r 15 G H 'pI ( cs s APDdeternonapp I 0-99.wpd SCANNED 1014114414S' 4 '"S TO: Commercial Applicants in the APD � .� .,' FROM: Yarmouth Health Department -� SUBJECT: Hazardous Materials As part of the application process for a Board of Appeals hearing or Determination of Non-Applicability, please complete this form and return it with your application. For further information concerning hazardous materials regulations, contact the Health Department Office. In the conduct of your present and/or proposed business, do you store, use, generate any of the following types of products?(Check all which apply): Antifreeze, Engine& Radiator Flushes Motor Oil Hydraulic, Brake, Automatic Trans. Fluid Gasoline/Fuels Grease, Lubricants Degreaser/Cleaners Floor/Driveway Degreaser Battery Acid Rustproofing/Undercoating Vehicle Detergents Vehicle Waxes, Polishes Asphalt, Tar, Sealers Paint, Varnishes, Stains, Dyes, Thinners / Wood Preservatives ' of r 1-0 1IP el Dry Cleaning Solvents, Carbon Tetrachloride Floor/Furniture Strippers Other Cleaning Solvents Rock salt, Road salt Drain, Toilet, Cesspool Cleaners Refrigerants Bug &Tar Removers Photo chemicals Printing Inks&Dyes Pool Chlorine Pesticides, Insecticides, Herbicides Rodenticide, Fungicides Nitrate Fertilizer Jewelry Cleaner Leather Dyes PCB's Electroplating Sludges Others (List) Applicant Signature: 7:11,4. 1 Date: .3/ "), -,.)/2..? C:\Mv Files\Documents\Application\HEALTAPDdeter I 0-99.WPD Ca Z 5 7 _ ,i Z- 0 1 N Q 1, < f\f\ N Q D i '_.. ► \J\ &_,C.) '-1 I, j ' 1, -1,6 v) N Z. - z 4 U - cam .