HomeMy WebLinkAboutBldsm-23-004899 • RECE , VE SHEET METAL PERMIT f.� � MAR 0 3 2023 r I g'` Commonwealth of Massachusetts Town of Yarmouth Building Department BUI %I � r(� BY _ : Ill alr N Date: ,1 A723 Permit#: (,� ,�1'� a3-bpy�q R Estimate Job Cost: $ 3 i Oub Permit Fee: $ Plans Submitted: YES/ NO Plans Reviewed: YES/ NO Business License # Application License# 61 — Business Information Property Owner/Job Location Information Name: (I.i'PI" J 1?- Name: ncs --A Street: I 44-o044fl Street: 109- cog r 2- City/Town: to.i0-0, 5-1z_ City/Town: S y, o,�r�},CIA b2teieLir Telephone: 4501 -5 —0.44- ' Telephone: 5b -574-,2350 Photo I.D. required/ Copy of Photo I.D. attached: OYES/ NO Staff Initial: 1-1 / M-1 , unrestricted license 1-2 / M-2 restricted to dwellings 3 stories or less and commercial up to 10,000 sq. ft./ 2 stories or less Residential: 1-2 family Multi-family Condo/Townhouses Other Commercial: Office Retail Industrial Educational Institutional Other Square Footage: under 10,000 sq. ft. over 10,000 sq. ft. Number of stories: Sheet metal work to be completed: New work Renovation: HVAC: Metal Watershed Roofing: Kitchen Exhaust System Metal Chimney/Vents:_Air Balancing: Provide detailed description of work to be done: PpLAt-c -1)AwVrG€ci) ki--uzeaJ Avc) Ekoti14JsT 4 , INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability insurance policy or its equivalent which meets the requirements of M.G.L. Ch. 112 Yes 'I No If you have checked Yes, indyte the type of coverage by checking the appropriate box below: A liability insurance policy Other type of indemnity Bond OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 112 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Check One Only Owner Agent Signature of Owner or Owner's Agent By checking here ,I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted(or entered)regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all sheet metal work and installation performed under the permit issued for this application will be in compliance with all pertinent provision of the Massachusetts Building Code and Chapter 112 of the General Laws. Inspections shall be called for prior to insulation installation. Duct inspection required prior to insulation installation: Yes No Date: Comments: Date: Comments: Typ /of license: f I -e By: ✓ Master Title: Master-Restricted '1` Si ature of Licensee '1` City/Town: Journeyperson Permit#: Journeyperson-Restricted License Number: 3112 Fee: _____, Check at www.mass.gov/dpl IT Inspector Signature of Permit 1` of Permit Approval FOR QUESTIONS, CALL THE Sates & Service REGION 23 PHONE. (919) 573-1522 EMAIL. Info8ventilationdirect.com EXH UST FAN NFORMATION - JOB#5741201 FAN MOTOR DISCHARGE WEIGHT UNIT TAG OTT FAN UNIT MODEL # MANUFACTURER CFM ESP RPM ENCL HP BHP PHASE VOLT FLA VELOCITY (LBS) SONES NO 1 t VXD180 VENTILATION DIRECT 2700 0.500 951 ODP,PREMIUM 1.000 0.6130 3 208 3.8 624 FPM 172 11 FAN OPTIONS FAN UNIT TAG QTY DESCRIPTION NO 1 WALLMOUNT 27.5 SQ, X 2' t SHIP LOOSE DISCONNECT FOR REMOTE MOUNT I WALL MOUNT CONSTRUCTION 18/20 (D60 ISOLATORS), 70LB MOTOR MAX FOR WALL MOUNTING 1 1 VAV PACKAGE W/ MANUAL CONTROL (VFD INCLUDED) 1 VFD FACTORY MOUNTED AND WIRED IN EXHAUST FAN 1 VFD MOUNTING BRACKET FOR DU/DR 180 - 200 1 EXHAUST FAN HEAT BAFFLE 1 2 YEAR PARTS WARRANTY FAN ACCE SORIES FAN EXHAUST SUPPLY UNIT TAG NO GREASE GRAVITY WALL SIDE GRAVITY MOTORIZED WALL CUP DAMPER MOUNT DISCHARGE DAMPER DAMPER MOUNT 1 YES JOB 908 Bistro 0 .VentiIQtionDirect LOCATION VAREHAM, MA, atiDATE 11/21/2022 JOB # 5741201 mler.®x DWG # 1 DRAWN BY tcordes REV. SCALE 3/8' = 1'-0' in p d I N 73i :-� nI', u I I If) +' . co co (') O A f Q N MN W o O W N L Q N, v, 3nl Z M 0 N 7-1 \�\1MU�1�v1��1 Q F.: ° s A A > U Amm, F i "Ig fU Ll j O 4 W , J V O N 3 N g c 3 51 . N ¢ O w w Z l� N 3= S ~U 2 ?J U U LT.U a v m U a �3 N /---N--7 .-2 Q 'ZOI z FJ , , /W `�K•~r `.„ 8 .: W W T3 3 QN N / /�- U m.Z WF PLOW / 7 i z� �) �!• 3 ti a X CO NI J 3 iiii) Ili 41 Li 2 5NO Zq O . iglig D I- ii ' I o w �oZQa --oz X Zq W Q x riY 5 „.. a az ' v�EaF;¢cY) P4� S�k!_ oo U zoQ�-Ib - w) C Ir 4& p A ��� i s;Ga = J3o JJ C Z O N Q F NQ 510... ¢ NZ - Zw .- Z 4 Hg v OU> WIWa 1. � O�ox¢ L � F Pgi F iI=TpT �E 7ZJQfCLJUZfma , > £ a Jd� �>RCaCqw2Yiii; R W C Q=oalloa,1, w�gx 1nW3,o>zzc,> ww o i 14,410 > � QI .IIUL3IgI I 11111111 I a 0 0A z=N m woy tiWo x v ti 4000 1 o W J r„.„......".a4" .".... / ( 01) m r ' v COMMON EALTH OF 1 . S ACHUSETT DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL L CENSUR BOARC� OF E SHEET ME7'At,. WORKERS F ISSUES THE FOLLOWINGLICENSE � ' MASTER .UNRFSTRICTFD tu � �- a ZACHARY D DIEDE z 0 ' 7) 72 LEWIS POINT RD ,. Lu BUZZARDS BAY, MA O2325614 z tu 0 lz,...,, ,„ ,.... , 4 .. , , Oknera 3182 07/28/2024 ‘,,254511 � '' - LICENSE NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE SERIAL NUMBER