HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-23-002202 2(f ////e/62_ RECEIVED O4E & TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT OCT 2 4 2022 + Town of Yarmouth Building Department :''oF....r. _. 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 il BUILDING DEPARTMENT 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 w _ Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR t **.at,e Building Permit Application To Construct, Repair, Renovate Or Demolish a One-or Two-Family Dwelling This� Section For Official Use Only 13 Building Permit Number: (J)-3-� tiZ Date Applied: /aojo7d...faZ �ir-, ASS - \\-S'�--- Building Official(Print Name) Sign ture Date SECTION 1: SITE INFORiMATION 1.1 Property i�dds�s ���� Lre� 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers 1.1 a Is this an accepted street?yes no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided + Required Provided 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public 0 Private 0 Zone: Outside Flood Zone? — Municipal 0 On site disposal system 0 Check if yes❑ SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP` 2.1 Owner'of Record: �oei',s MalZal e. WetTYhh,s r1Il o a 670 Name(Print) City,State,ZIP G7 14n le_6(trneys 2( 76r mq,Gveci /014,2vhevi/ceyiie No.and Street Telephone Email Address • Coot , SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK2(check all that apply) New Construction 0 Existing Building 0 [Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) i Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition E/ Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units ( Other_� 0 Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work � : P,� 6 ' -V a 0.. bec(cOOwt SECTION 4: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: Official Use Only (Labor and Materials) 1. Building $.2 rol71. Building Permit Fee: $ tk()) Indicate how fee is determined: 2. Electrical $ Aar) 0 Standard City/Town Application Fee 0 Total Project Cost3(Item 6)x multiplier x 3.Plumbing $ 2. Other Fees: $ 3 C - - 1109 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ de/ List: 5.Mechanical (Fire $ . Suppression) Total All Fees:$ Check No. Check Amount: Cash ount: 6.Total Project Cost: $ �I �� ❑paid in Full 0 Outstanding Balance ue: 3(p< i \4e- C [(p7`( - . __ ' 'The Commonwealth of Massachusetts it -,► I. Department of Industrial Accidents =e= 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 " ,° 1_ Boston, MA 02114-2017 � www.mass.gov/dia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/ElectriciansfPlumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual): L✓ ,cC y)/4 iv( U ry Address: 3 i C 'V' ' 1— City/State/Zip: W' Nti.,< in(I 0„i7o Phone #: o —3 6 7 -rill Are you an employer?Check the ap box: Type of project(required): I.1I am a employer with employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. ❑New construction 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. 0 Remodeling ' any capacity.[No workers'comp. insurance required.] ...„*A9. ❑ Demolition ,,z I am a homeowner doing all work myself. [No workers'comp. insurance required.]t 4.0 I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will 10 0 Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.0 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 5.0[am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.0 Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp. insurance.t 6.❑We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per,MMGL c. 14. Other`i t�, T i~D i� 152,§1(4),and we have no employees. [No workers'comp.insurance required.] 't i S rt i Ad p - . Oc *Any applicant that checks box:1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Cb_Insurance Company Name: i )vt I i\ L f cl Al Policy g or Self-ins.Lic.#: G I I t.-7 3 Expiration Date: 99 ) /, ',.) Job Site Address: f 1 Ac V. `,v C in) City/State/Zip: f a1. •/aY 1v►G v-7-ii 0,D Z 73 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy numb and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereb ertify un e ains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: --�� Date: /IS .3 d)..D D Phone#: -rd — 3 tv '7 — .5--- -CI Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone#: . SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction ervisor License(CSL) d-7 4;.)C- ------ l:,2 2-3 i/-.) D el.-., G • /1 L`YK <'y"-) License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder vim? R S List CSL Type(see below) !t. -I -3 t t- No.and Street Type Description S`T �� '`� /� ��� 7G7 U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.ft.) ',. . c159 Restricted l&2 Family Dwelling City/Town,State,ZIP f Masonry RC Roofing Covering • WS Window and Siding _ �'� �p4)i 1 ..---CD A,A v-� SF I Solid Fuel Burning Appliances 4. _- -3`7 -Sa rv' G )Y►,,-,( cow I 1 Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition r5. Registers Ho Improvement Contractor(HIC)� n� Ayr�uJ /02 �' �718` di,a71� :2 HIC Registration Number Expiration Date . HIC Cony Nanke or HIC registrant Name No.and Stre i Email address Lc;'..-S r,cJ ; (yamn 3 d k...3vl 7 J F$ City/Town,State,Z1P Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152.§ 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. v Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes 0 No iffi- SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize j}t1 .) )>4j) M t'! t4 I\l to act on,my behalf 1n all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. /el/2-0 bie2c2-- Ptsat�Owners Name(Electronic ignature) Date • SECTION 7b: OWNER' OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this plication is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. 1 t Owner's or Authorized Age 's Name(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work, or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L. c. 142A. Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.eov/oca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.2ov/dos 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq. ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" TowN OF VAR MOUTII 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G. L. Chapter 40, Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1, Section 111/5 I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at II 0ack_ �JftCk Lam E. Mit yet(-met.t *I 01-4 "13 Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location: 4 04'mo 2)t.4fritp ,kcwS'elr 5 Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 111, Section 150A. De folt� /0 /0/1/ AO 2 Signature of Applica Date Permit No. • Commonwealth of Massachusetts irtDivision of Professional Licensure Board of Building Regulations and Standards CSFA-074205 Expires. 12/31i2022 DAVID L DADMUN 43 POND STREET WEST DENNIS MA 02670 Commissioner r, •cf , 4 'Coitstotle:Af:::Ts&BUS:11,,SS riZAiLitiALICk.1 170;117 IMPROVEWEN f CON1 OR Regibt4ation ilid ioi ltidvdt Is:.0,71y before the expiration ciato. If found return to: 11'41.1istiation Expiration OrWco of Coununor Affn!is nnd Businesz-,ficEiLf!atiorf 28716 OP'2(-1i023 rioff.irc;:t 710 t!Tri 1).'SIA DL.DiDN C:i- 1() I.91)!:.DERS L. DALinliti _ 43 POND Si UN11 7 nENNis.°.:4 02670 Not valid withoul ciionaittre Uncierticc.,nia+y • # j • TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1444, HEALTH DEPARTMENT a; PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To he completed by Applicant. Building Site Location: /7•Biet c.k )Lir k 1s e Proposed Improvement: � (mar cif �t p� roa Ht C( — ak• Applicant: iL CHO F /1/(1 12c h t'_. Tel. No.: f 7g'J -% I V,- yff Address: L 7 C /f11`&I rvi ey 15 fir€)' . 11/1 �Piirtis (��� Date Filed: /0/)(00.22 v1&76 **/fyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: /',Flit; I Zc o f tl y tt yef Leo,rt1 t-t Owner Name: /.0 if/5 r fi /zo Owner Address: lc 7 till IF I r201 ey 5 12 it‘ if::eivi/5/ r//Awner Tel. No.: /b'1-9�(7-‘q8/ ea( 7o RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. { REVIEWED BY: '` DATE: /%'& d� l PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDI IONS: rst-ULd rsc/.1/1 a — 111°. 13eCifC) v'T-h / oc=t e, -3 Li s t � / 7 13Lac k uc k 1--cu e_ Wes+ ya. W ttl a1 jvi4 o_26 73 C KITCHEN BEDROOM ,'I BEDROO HALL VP' DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM �%' PRIMARY BEDROOM rid 41 FIOPlan OCT 2 0 2022 HEALTH DEPT. Property Location: 17 BLACK DUCK LN MAP ID:49/184/// Bldg Name: State Use:1010 Vision ID:7408 _Account#7408 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:08/05/2016 17:18 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL I CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 01 /SF nch Cit Model DI roResidential Grade 03 . %verage PTO 20 Stories 1 ....(Story 0 Occupancy 1 MIXED USE 10 10 Exterior Wall 1 14 �ood Shingle Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 2 / 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 100 20 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip BAS 36 SAS FGR 12 Roof Cover 03 /Asph/FGls/Cmp UBM Interior Wall 1 05 Drywall/Sheet Interior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION Interior Fir I 12 Hardwood Adj.Base Rate: 110.68 Interior Fir 2 06 Inlaid Sht Gds 156,840 Heat Fuel 1/3 fGas Net Other Adj: 0.00 24 24 2222 22 Heat Type 04 Forced Air-Duc Replace Cost 197 AYB 1975 AC Type 01 �TPone Total Bedrooms 02 2 Bedrooms Dep Code G Total Bthrms 1 Remodel Rating 12/ J2 Total Half Baths II Remodeled 3�'= / / Total Xtra Fixtrs Dep% 15 �' Total Rooms Functional Obslnc D Bath Style 02 Average External Obsinc D Kitchen Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor Condition %Complete Overall%Cond 85 _ ' Apprais Val 133,300 '. t _ ,....s •,r , ,fig "' i Dep%Ovr D -'� ' '- ° .`r , T al=". :. Dep Ovr Comment _ W0, • Misc Imp Ovr ) fry f Misshnp Ovr Comment :* . lip ' Cost to Cure Ovr D �f: '14 „ srar+ Cost to Cure Ovr Comment ,{. ?1t i ' ', TA OB-OUTBUILDING&YA ITEMS(L)IXF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) '�' " • Code I Description ISub Sub Descr. t IL/BI Units(Unit Price` Yr IGde I Dp Rt I Cnd I%Cnd I A.r Value .„ 1'— ' o.+` r,' a . a► _ OF FPL1 FIREPLACE 1in, B 1 2,200.00 '2000 1 200 1,900 - a }- . , Hof iira , ► ,-' BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARYSECTION Code Description Living Area Gross Area Eff Area Unit Cost Undeprec. Value BAS First Floor 1,128 1,128 1,128 110.68 124,852 _, FGR Garage 0 264 106 44.44 11,733 • , PTO Patio 0 200 10 5.53 1,107 UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 864 173 22.16 19,148 ..T_tL Gross Liv/Lease Area: 1,128 2,456 1,417 156 840 Property Location:17 BLACK DUCK LN MAP ID:49/184/// Bldg Name: State Use:1010 Vision ID:7408 Account#7408 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:08/05/2016 17:18 CURRENT OWNER I TOPO. UTIL _STRTJROAD LOCATION. C/ZRRENTASSES,SMENT MALZONE LOUIS F TRS 1 Level 2 Public W er 1 Paved 2 Suburban Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value MALZONE JEANNINE I TRS 6 Se tic RESIDNTL 1010 135,200 135,200 815 67 UNCLE BARNEYS RD p 14 RES LAND 1010 96,300 96,300 YARMOUTH,MA WEST DENNIS,MA 02670 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 43/C042/// VOTE V MISC 220 VOTE DATE 10/18/2004 CHANGES ADD PP FY 16 MG PRIVATE R(BLACK DUCK LN-WY BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBEI697A ZIP CODE 2673 GIS ID: M_307252_824447 ASSOC PID# Total 231,500 231,500 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP .BR VOL/PAGE SALE DATE''q/u of_SALE PRICE VC. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTORY)' MALZONE LOUIS F TRS 29298/180 11/27/2015 U I 100 1F Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value MALZONELOUISF 28523/175 11/21/2014 U I 100 1F 2017 1010 135,2002016 1010 135,2002015 1010 114,600 BURLINGAME MICHAEL 28322/231 08/14/2014 U I 200,000 IS 2017 1010 96,3002016 1010 87,5002015 1010 87,500 FEDERAL NAT'L MORTGAGE ASSOC 28212/118 06/19/2014 U I 199,742 IL KOENEN CASSANDRA 14223/ 41 09/11/2001 Q I 175,900 00 DYER HELEN I EST OF 14223/ 38 09/11/2001 U I 0 1F Total: 231,500 Total: 222,700 Total: 202,100 EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int_ APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 133,300 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 1,900 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 0 0044/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 96,300 NOTES Special Land Value 0 WEATHERED IA ,..4.... Total Appraised Parcel Value 231,500 Valuation Method: C Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 231,500 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID , Issue Date 1}pe Description Amount Insp.Date %C mp. Dat Comp. _Comments Date Type . IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 15-002069 10/23/2014 INSL Install Insula 3,659 /� (508-778-0111)install ins 07/17/2015 RF 54 Field Review . 15-001025 09/09/2014 RI Reside 2,000 j,i° Siding-4 sqs. 01/01/2014 01/ 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 15-001026 09/09/2014 WIN Windows 1,500 2 Replacement Windows 05/21/2012 WP 07 Measur/Inf/Dr Info taken 05/03/2004 GM 02 Measur+2Visit-Info Caro 05/03/2004 GM 01 Measur+lVisit lrill&(ll t C 614 l.C, LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION B z Use Use Unit L Acre C. ST. Special Pricing S Adj # iCode Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor S.A. Disc Factor Idx Adj. Notes-Ad) Spec Use Spec Cale Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 C 10,019 SF 8.73 1.0000 4 1.0000 1.000044 1.10 1.00 9.61 96,300 Total Card Land Units: 0.23 AC Parcel Total Land Area:0.23 AC j Total Land Value: 96,300 l 7 El-ack I e{Ck L Wes+ •f1410 Oki, Nig 0,2673 � � ,. -- 1 REVIEWED FOR PUILDING AND. an-c, -tS e q?..,s s ANCE. ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO N .i_KLLIEVE THE l NS APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF"AS BUILT , dill: PI MILIMMII C'- KITCHEN I BEDROOM BEDROO I L� C HA �LN w •"v l�� __ DINING ROOM €v i S i S __INN:' LIVING ROOM , �/ , ,, ,,,if 1 PRIMARY BEDROOM / r I_1 FloPian 3 ) //-woo IL a '' • 7oG. / 'tt )0 �: t )/yi i.,./cIl S • z �• ��ws OCT 20 2022 1Z 1/ g m ; •}