HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDS-23-002379 "�"" _4 TOWN OF YARMOUTH ,Z: . ,1,`tt s � BUILDING DEPARTMENT C3~"' n �1CZ.,a 1146 Route 28, South 'Yarmouth, MA 02664 S08-398-2231_.c t,.1,261 A._. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION OCT 3 1 2022 I Date l° 22 Penmtt-Nzs -. , — A. s lica t Instructions 1) Applic.nt shall complete both sides of application. 2) One ap i lication form is required for each type of sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit number. 3) Applic. t shall attach a separate 8 1/2"x 11"sheet including two diagrams: A) De•ign, dimension and colors of the proposed sign(s) B) Fre-standing Signs: Indicate location of the proposed sign(s) with setbacks from property lines that are at lea•t 6 feet.Attached signs:must show running footage of portion of building frontage occupied by business. Location/ ' ddress for proposed sign(s) t 3 W+kka W , y.brisc>. -3o c*t �-\ 0 Z 3 Assessor's Map Lot Zoning District: B 1 B2 B3 Res Hist.Dist Name of B siness for proposed sign(s) -Dun r. Si)r > W; , Name(s)o Business owner(s) )(-\c iYIN +i tx't_5) ,(\c Mailing A I dress of Business owner(s) 90 1 1 C A , x\ s �\ O Z,b- c ' ,( isnizaCitiai L\kai6e) Business • ner(s)Phone:Business ,\ Home Name of B ilding Owner(s) 3 r-�� \e zA-.Mr Phone vB 3 6 - (A 31 Sign Build, .:�5 av NT,' SignMaterials C v aAS€ Sign Build. Address \-' w h:)r-cs Vt C , `L Phone (L caA ) �01 2 — 9 l vcO S.` wo. �V,v . , \t zyaL )v1 Internal Li: t External Light Freestandi . Si a s Size of pro I I sed Freestanding Sign: Attached 4n(s) 2 ‘. l' Size of proposed Attached Sign: 1 , Temporary Signs) Size of proposed Temporary Sign Dates of proposed Temporary Sign: I Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application .44 O !..I li II All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sign Inspector I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sign construction and installation. I further agree that this sign will not be altered,added to or changed in ant way unless a new permit has been issued. Sign Permits are not valid until the Building Commissioner iss es Use and Occupancy Permits(where applicable). Signature of Applicant: a h Date l I ig/;'� Property Owner Authorization: I hereby authorize the applicant to act on my behalf in all matters related to this sign application. (signature) 33X4 W 1 ' Date This Permit Replaces# Approved by: Date fr With the following conditions: I I have read and understood the conditions of this Sign Permit listed above: II q r - .:�.�.�.: - - F ''= - „ ti ,,,,, tu;. :"- _<:'-'';� ; ; t`?fir., , -� '' " �` =tea '?:. : N\' ^sv .c .sue" s u. mco' N `= . s �� vE-1/4 -'e- > E> -- e - � F� • - F.- � N --I3 om fn " �0 - pz ssr . Tm•za d,cZ . > ,_sr m mm ,,�:it`^s�' � g : sn n p i F'` Z$ mm ki4v Z� m °' mme.}0 II 0 K v S s- T_ n 7 _-- 3 A Dr - e4 m ,s. 4r_ Z 0 gm m -smm r _aagc3 mt r - - tj /mTTN—� PO LL - i s . xO f - = 2. N ' 1AC3cmrem , 8 �i - - pim - _ a%Y.y ea. m '.m mc ;" ,ma <RS� m m - w_ --- - C) cW/m - toC n- - K. AZDi- � mcdm3 mg'^ cgO arDnDrD ` -- _ - - � --- - ---- - — : -_ r - D' m Dn Dvg Cl) m1m A mo o co C3wn � z_ �fio e.x m -- mo Xi 8m m0 4. cn 0 mD . -n�rn , :i Dmm 5 mm; - mv<m O 13 m A v Omm Oa=;;_, ZOD g..1. — D = n Z - to 0 c� l '1 m Z D z ," n 71 a _ —I -'t -a I'll m O s D to yam;.i ;:H, < - 3 i 4 fit.:.. :a .: m D ,:,, } a xy=;r . :..}. , _ems;.-.. -':. .f 9ti...:�:'. n-:�Sl'y q ;W.T,'H,.,,.,i x,-,�..a:y:,,::+iF.�s..l.:a.'<-'4;': r r a. ,. -.- : i:=`.. .i c.:... ='i.�.__-,n€;. LL suo5+g woo Pa43td lsnr ul!+aa uf, s pomuS SL9ZO VAS 6rap cq su6isea 3 .1 MOfl!m suo$v uuna(O �uo�d U©U6NS aims suD v uuf AVMHOIH S.ONIN 01O ZZOZ P Z 100 aaois (v9) BUDS g UUnQ Pa)i!d lsnr �l uf3lsJ < .._ ��_ Fallon, Rosa From: greg bilezikian <gregbilezikian@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 2:20 PM To: Fallon, Rosa Cc: Adam Dunn; Lisa Medlin Subject: 13 Willow Street Attention!:This email originates outside of the organization. Do not open attachments or click links unless you are sure this email is from a known sender and you know the content is safe. Call the sender to verify if unsure. Otherwise delete this email. Dear Rosa Fallon Adam Dunn or representative is managing the process of new signage for 13 Willow Street. Please issue the permits required to complete this project to them.. Greg 1 L9 � , TOWN OF YARMOUTH ` , "'' ,° M 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 '- -r _ ' Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 OLD DING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below&on plans, drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That APIA : Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Buildin Construction: New Building J I Addition Iterations Reroof I l Garage fiShed Shed Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: riSiding _ Shutters I I Doors ETrim UOther: 3) Signs/Billboards: II New Sin Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence 'Wall UFlagpole L I Pool UOther: Please type or print legibly: i i Address of proposed- work: iS r V i,��.`�s+1 -"'�'. , I ISf s y� , V v�-t Map/Lot# t 1 14 7 Owner(s): �-1 V`-';' � C, t�1 V IS n SG Phone#: c11 5 413 'tiiisk, All applications must be submittedp by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 9 QC:— t"�-fltM CS('1 ]ro)644146 ' & o2())(1 Year built: Email: AA a1h@c1 kit\r' dr-- b '51(/tttit. .Of referred notification method: El Phone Er Email Agent/contractor: Phone#: Mailing Address: Email Preferred notification method: J Phone El Email Description of Proposed Work: G h -}o t1c� i',l st r a IN•em / a+.tSj Signed(Owner or agent): Date: ' b/15/ � ➢ Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) ➢ If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. ➢ All new construction will be subj ect to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Date: I-I 31 a Reason for Denial: Amount L bG� t t Cash/CK#: I cl Rcvd by: I---►5. Signed: . 45 Days: : Date Signed: i 0/2 cf 2 Z a."( .eC: . 1 APPLICATION#: �'`�` ' 0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH } 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9-Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within tbrty,fIve (45) days after the filing of application, or within such Arther time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the committee shall make a determination on the application. - Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): A V\--17/N r� Applicant/Agent signature: Date: �J13 �� OCTAPPROVED 2 4 2022 I YARMOUTH € OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Application #: 21'Al 71 3/2020 TOWN OF YARMOUTH fig,: i ! 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans,drawings, photographs, &other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Appl : Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior Builcpa Construction: New Building [1 Addition Iterations I Reroof n Garage ,nShed Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: I (Siding Sh tters I1 Doors ETrim Other. 3) Signs/Billboards: _El Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Lifence IWall UFlagpole El Pool UOther: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: .S Akito1, 5k. , 1blier•o 00,- Map/Lot# ( 7I '4- Owner(s): `'J V 4' PCC.i --eaci t 1)V isk d‘ t- S.OS Phone#: ci ; 413 -49S 4 All applications must be submitted by owner oraccompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 1 v -t,M IIro)Et4146' Nktk02(0))9P Year built: Email: a A.bVv•-@ j s(\t^, aP i��nSMt/lijui. .CO/Preferred notification method: Phone Email Agent/contractor: Phone#: Mailing Address: Email: Preferred notification method: 1:1Phone El Email Description of Proposed Work: Signed(Owner or agent): Date: /0 1� ➢ Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments,also.) ➢ If application is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. ➢ All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: Approved Approved with Modifications Denied Rcvd Date: i(4 3).Z Reason for Denial: Amount LO. Cash/CK#: 1gl Signed: Rcvd by: i—,g, 45 Days: Date Signed: 1 APPLICATION#: � ti , SIGN SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: Year Built: Check one: New Sign L�J Addition/Alteration to ExistingSign COLOR CHIPS ❑ Freestanding ❑ Affixed to Building For Affixed Signs: Style of mounting fixture: "rivy ab/l ' 4 n ‘>,4 A4 Color: 64 v'Z V or I. Size of sign: X Z 9 Material: Ca „8-¢... Lettering: Style Color(s): Please note sign placement on elevation(s) and attach full-color mockup(s) of proposed -- sign(s) including artwork and colors. r For Freestanding Signs: OC T 2 4 202_2 YARMOUTH Style of signboard: 4millefelsgtt,, fit, Material: -iD 44is -2. OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Size: -SY i'X 'I C.5 (� 7 Color(s): 'wYNNt- Lettering: Style Color(s): 6,k k r&e1 Posts: Material W V i›A Color(s): ' ' c Height to crossbar(not to exceed 6'): Single-faced: Double-faced: Please note sign placement on plot plan and attach full-color mockup(s)of proposed sign(s) including artwork and colors. For All Signs: Lighted: ❑ Yes No Type/placement of lighting: Screening of Lights: Additional information: 2-Sign APPLICATION#: '16/17) TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: V`� t,��� `1t • d1�cA Dvr,c Cr- Property Address/Location: \ \`\cvJ S-tr ,N}N\a,r —1�")YV t 161 Hearing Date: 1012L Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Please provide the Assessor's Tax Map and Lot numbers 'only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: 121 ct 3 Abutter Information: ICI )1 APPROVED O C T 2 4 2022 YA RMOUI"iH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Application #: -D��"l�� 8.2018 3 • 121/ 2/' GEORGE CHRISTOPHER S Please use this signature to certify this list of properties GEORGE MARY C directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 56 ROUTE 6A, YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 13 Willow St., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map121, Lot 97 121/ 98/ / / A 4(ll `/1�`l/tia� ROUTE 6A YARMOUTHPORT LLC Andy achado, Director of Assessing C/O RON PFENNING MILL LN MGT INC g 231 WILLOW ST October 12, 2022 YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1744 121/ 97/ / I ROUTE 6A YARMOUTHPORT LLC C/O RON PFENNING MILL LN MGT 231 WILLOW ST YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675-1744 121/ 99/ / / STARKEY ALBERT W STARKEY SUSAN D �r 55 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 OCr2 ¢ 2072 YARIViOu.�.. LHW AY Q� \I5I F 15 Willow St X ., Win. 10000000/7 i - • 1 in -' in :. .,..,,,,,-- -„ a 4.1--,, ii ,,,, 4 . ' ass r; '3k''4 :. .K -.,' gyp. �.. q ..' mew n ' fit . ry �. '. � ''y m if'g r C Jc -$ r ' '', o o g il e x �F" _ i s -... o r • 14Wiibw St c, i/ '. Cy. n, t III 1� k " fe - P-INIri L L _it r� LL r. L i 9 - � $* s'? 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