Date: March 28, 2023 Map:37 Lot: 147.1
Applicant: SYNH LLC - Sunbird Motel
Location: 216 Route 28, West Yarmouth Zone: B-2
Persons Present:
Kathy Williams Wagner Quintanilha
Lt Matt Bearse Luke White
Nate Whetten
Mark Grylls
Nalin Mistry
Project Summary
Construct a sport court, modify the parking layout, and add canopy at the building entrance.
titti Building: Sports court would be considered an ancillary use to the existing hotel. Lot coverage calcs provided. Lighting at
court will likely require full shielding, difficult to determine without an accurate lighting plan. It must be noted that per
section 301.4.10, all lighting shall be directed onsite only with no undue glare affecting adjoining properties. Please be
sure that all lighting on site that is added or replaced faces the ground and is shielded to prevent light trespass and undue
glare to adjoining properties and ways. There are no additional parking spaces shown, just relocation. SP per 301.2
required for modification without full compliance with applicable sections of 301. Additional trees in the parking lot are
noted, however the lot does not fully comply with section 301.4.6 regarding in lot trees. This is likely difficult due to the
amount of underground structures in the lot. Canopy to be constructed per 780 CMR MA State Building Code.
, ommunity Development and Planning:
1. Hours of Use & Lighting: To be respectful of the noise associated with the proposed sports court so close to
residential abutters, the hours of use should be limited, and no night-time play should be allowed. Consider locking
when outside hours of use.
2. Landscaping: Landscape Plan should clearly depict the existing buffer trees/plantings to remain and the proposed
plantings. The plans are difficult to read and pictures of plants are not legible. All plantings to be native to the south
coast of Massachusetts, cape cod and the islands.
a. Buffer Trees (min. 3" caliper): There are a number of trees/plantings in front of the building that should remain
(particularly the three trees). Provide front buffer tree on west side of entrance, in addition to shrubs. Supplement
buffer trees around sports court as needed to fully screen from residential abutters. Additional buffer trees (not
shrubs) should be included along the western property line in general as there are only small shrubs now.
b. In-Lot Trees (min. 3" caliper): The latest plan of the reorganization of the parking decreases the size of the new
parking lot island significantly. Recommend increasing the island size and providing additional plantings.
3. Fencing: New 6' PVC fencing is proposed along the western property line. The limits of the fencing needs to be
clearly reflected on the plans and connect with the fence in the rear.
4. Canopy: Ensure canopy posts do not block sidewalk access to Route 28 and the post foundations don't conflict with
the piping for the new septic system. Roof drainage should go to underground drainage.
5. General: There are no grades, drainage, or water services shown on the plans. Ensure pedestrian route from
handicap spaces into the building.
Conservation: Not present.
Design Review: As noted in the December 6, 2022 SPR Comments, the project needs to go through Design Review.
Design Review is being scheduled, but did not occur prior to SPR.
_ Engineering:
1. Drainage:
a. Once patio drainage and pool discharge is received on 216 in the mechanical room,
where does it go? Where is the drainage to receive this flow?
b. Drawing 3 Site Drainage Plan indicates that the proposed court adds stormwater flow to
Area 5. Additionally, the new roof at the entrance area will contribute stormwater. Add
1 stormwater infiltration leaching chambers within Area 5, with calculations that support the
leaching chamber design. Alternatively, demonstrate with calculations that the existing
catch basins can handle the increased stormwater flow and provide appropriate leaching.
c. Drainage areas are not covering the rear of the buildings.
d. Clarify where roof run off discharges to.
2. Site improvements:
a. Where are the limits of new pavement? Will it include the new island areas with
b. Provide pavement profile detail for new paving areas.
c. Provide emergency vehicle turning radius for site.
. `l Fire: 527 CMR 1 Ch 18 for Fire Department access, not limited to but specifically,, sweep path analysis
for ladder truck. plan must be stamped by engineer,,150' access to any portion to building., access beyond canopy must be more than 20'.,curb cuts Dead ends more
than 150' need turnaround for apparatus.
Health: Any open permits regarding septic should be closed prior to start of construction.
Dr) Water: Please contact Water Dept. if you plan on making any changes to existing services.
Read & Received by Applicant(s)