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Date: March 28, 2023 Map:37 Lot: 147.2
Applicant: Sunbird Annex
Location: 226 Route 28 Zone: B-2
Persons Present:
Kathy Williams Wagner Quintanilha
Lt. Matt Bearse Luke White
Nate Whetten
Mark Grylls
Nalin Mistry
Project Summary
Construct swimming pool, modify existing parking layout and entrance driveway.
leBuilding: Modification of the parking lot that does not fully comply with all applicable sub sections of sections 301 requires
a special permit per section 301.2. Parking spaces to dimensionally comply with section 301.4.2. (10'x20')Additional in lot
trees required per section 301.4.6. Lighting plan not provided to indicate compliance with section 301.4.10. Construction
shall comply with all applicable sections of 780 CMR and 521 CMR. In addition to 780 CMR, pool barrier to comply with
MGL. Ch. 140 § 206. Pool location will require a variance from the ZBA per Zoning Bylaw section 203.5.
'C Jommunity Development and Planning:
1. Pool-Water Slides/Stone Structure: Proposed pool located in the front next to Route 28 is not ideal. Applicant has
indicated this was done due to the need to locate the new septic system further into the property.
2. Landscaping: Landscape Plan should clearly depict the existing buffer trees/plantings to remain and the proposed
plantings. There appears to be a symbol for a plant not included in the legend. All plantings to be native to the south
coast of MA, Cape cod &the Islands. Applicant indicated plantings on top of new septic system will be in planters.
a. Buffer Trees (min. 3" caliper): Existing front buffer trees should remain, add additional buffer trees along Route
28 and add tree in the front buffer on the east side of the driveway.
3. Parking: The new 18 space lot is only about 54' wide, not sufficient for perpendicular parking and does not meet
bylaw. Applicant confirmed that vehicles can drive over or park on top of the septic system.
4. Pedestrian Access: Identify clear pedestrian routes from parking (including handicap parking) to front building and
General: There are no grades, drainage, or water services shown on the plans. Septic is shown as a very light box
with no labels.
• A work limit line of silt fence or a similar erosion control method is required along the 35-foot buffer line, as the
area behind it is a NO disturb zone.
• No new pavement can be proposed within the 50' buffer without 2:1 mitigation plantings
• Greater than 1 acre of disturbance is present on this property and therefore will require a Stormwater
Management Permit Application
Design Review: The project requires design review which is being scheduled.
1. General:
4 a. What is the status of Sheet C2.1.1 (dated 3/20/22) as approved by the Health
Department related to proposed drainage? Has it been installed? It is not reflected on
Sheet 3 on the current submission.
2. Drainage:
a. Total proposed disturbance (including portions of the site currently under construction) is
greater than 1 acre. Stormwater Management Site Plan (SMSP) is required.
i. As part of that submission, refer to the following comments on initial review:
1. Provide drainage calculations for the proposed stormwater infiltration
systems demonstrating that the capacity of the proposed leaching
chambers is sufficient for the proposed flows.
2. Provide operations and maintenance plan including existing and
proposed drainage systems and pool discharge.
3. It is unclear which drainage is existing or scheduled to be replaced. Any
existing drainage must be cleaned, inspected and repaired as needed. If
existing drainage doesn't have adequate sumps, it should be replaced
with a 4' sump.
4. Show the proposed leaching chamber layout, depth, piping connections
and structural details for all components of the systems.
5. Detail illustrates the pool & patio drainage from 226 Route 28 connecting
to the mechanical room below 216 Route 28. Where does this
stormwater/ pool discharge end up?
6. Drainage areas are not covering the rear of the buildings.
7. Clarify where roof run off discharges to.
3. Site improvements:
a. Provide pavement profile detail for new paving areas.
b. Provide limits of new parking areas.
c. Provide emergency vehicle turning radius for site.
Fire: 527 CMR 1 Ch 18 for access, specifics but not limited to, sweep path analysis,, must be
stamped analysis, Dead ends more than 150' needs turn around for trucks, Marked fire lanes may be
needed for rear building. Two way traffic from both curb cuts to be included in analysis.
Health: Close all permits associated with septic improvements.
Water: Please contact the Water Department with any questions or changes to existing services.
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