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BLDE-22-000830 PLANS
y I • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CODES: CONSTRUCTION NOTES: THIS PROJECT COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING: CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(IBC)W/780 CMR ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE(IRC)W/780 CMR 2018 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) ALL SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT 2018 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE(IPC) POSSIBLE AND SHALL BE PAINTED A COLOR SIMILAR TO THE SURFACE UPON WHICH THEY ARE 2018 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE(IFGC) MOUNTED. 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE(IECC) 2015 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE (IEBC)W/780 CMR MODULES SHALL BE TESTED , LISTED AND INDENTIFIED WITH FIRE CLASSIFICATION IN 2018 INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE(ISPSC) ACCORDANCE WITH UL 2703. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS ARE REQUIRED PER 2020 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) SECTION R314 AND 315 TO BE VERIFIED AND INSPECTED BY INSPECTOR IN THE FIELD. AS ADOPTED BY TOWN OF YARMOUTH DIG ALERT(811)TO BE CONTACTED AND COMPLIANCE WITH EXCAVATION SAFETY PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION TAKING PLACE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM GROUND WILL BE TIED INTO EXISTING GROUND AT MAIN SERVICE FROM DC DISCONNECT/INVERTER AS PER 2020 NEC SEC 250.166(A). VICINITY MAP: SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPMENT WILL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF ART.690 OF THE 2020 NEC SYSTEM GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR FOR PV SYSTEM TO BE SIZED TO MEET THE w6Narcy Way.West ' REQUIREMENTS OF 2020 NEC CLIENT: umauhMAoz673 / THE EXISTING MAIN SERVICE PANEL WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH A GROUND ROD OR UFER JOAN GAUNTLETT 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 k, AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH '4'tidy SOLAREDGE OPTIMIZERS ARE LISTED TO IEC 62109-1 (CLASS II SAFETY)AND UL 1741 STANDARDS UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN ds` MA) INSTALL CREW TO VERIFY ROOF STRUCTURE PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. EMT CONDUIT Hoc„ ",, ATTACHED TO THE ROOF USING CONDUIT MOUNT. e s,,, SYSTEM: 46,4 SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW `i�Ody b. 05' POLLNE SIZE(AC):SDE TAP 5.000 kW @ 240V • /O�e .°iMODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M OPTIMIZERS:P401 — -1V INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[S11] Q *L" I'6.J, REVISIONS: Gr:..giz 4- NO: DESCRIPTION DATE SITE LOCATION TABLE OF CONTENTS: PV-1 SITE LOCATION - PV-2 SITE PLAN • -qP\ PV-2A ROOF PLAN WITH MODULES LAYOUT �WJDQN f PV-2B STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS �(�§ QME. PV-3 MOUNTING DETAILS \l,\ Mcb�3203 L free m PV-4 THREE LINE DIAGRAM GO �'l, 0Q�� c o a e v c a OeT - FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC PV-5 CONDUCTOR CALCULATIONS 0411 AL it, 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 PV-6 EQUIPMENT&SERVICE LIST 1• Tel:(800)385-1075 PV-7 LABELS 04-AUG-2021 MATTHEW MARKHAM i PV-7A SITE PLACARD /�/�/ PV-8 OPTIMIZER CHART %��f "� PV-9& 10 SAFETY PLAN - CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR SITE LOCATION JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-1 ti E ZZ- ooO g36 Engineering Alliance Inc www.eng-alliance.com 04 August 2021 UNIRAC 1411 Broadway Blvd.NE Albuquerque,NM 87102 REFERENCE: JOAN GAUNTLETT:6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Solar Array Installation To Whom It May Concern: Per your request,we have reviewed the existing structure at the above referenced site.The purpose of our review was to determine the adequacy of the existing structure to support the proposed installation of solar panels on the roof as shown on the panel layout plan. Based upon our review,we conclude that the existing structure is adequate to support the proposed solar panel installation. Design Parameter Code:International Building Code 2015(IBC 2015) Risk Category:II Design wind speed:140 MPH Wind exposure category:B Ground snow load:30 PSF Seismic design category:B Existing Roof Structure Existing Roof Structure:2X8 RAFTER @ 16"O.C.,2X6 RAFTER @ 24"O.C. Roofing material:ROOF/DECK MEMBRANE Connection to Roof Mounting connection: (1)5/16 in lag screw w/min.2.5 in embedment into framing at max.48 in o.c.along rows Conclusions Based upon our review,we conclude that the existing structure is adequate to support the proposed solar panel installation.In the area of the solar array,other live loads will not be present or will be greatly reduced (2015 IBC,Section 1607.12.5).The glass surface of the solar panels allows for a lower slope factor per ASCE 7, resulting in reduced design snow load on the panels.The gravity loads and;thus,the stresses of the structural elements, in the area of the solar array are either decreased or increased by no more than 5%.Therefore,the requirements of Section 403.3 of the 2015 IEBC are met and the structure is permitted to remain unaltered. 4603 April Meadow Way, Sugar ..d_j.x. 79 Ph. 832 757 3112 Engineering Alliance Inc www.eng-alliance.corn The solar array will be flush-mounted(not more than 3 in above the roof surface)and parallel to the roof surface.Thus,we conclude that any additional wind loading on the structure related to the addition of the proposed solar array is negligible. The attached calculations verify the capacity of the connections of the solar array to the existing roof against Wind (uplift), the governing load case. Regarding seismic loads,we conclude that any additional forces will be small.As per Section 1613.1,Exception-1 of the 2015 IBC,detached one-and two-family dwellings with Seismic Design Category A,B or C or located where the mapped short-period spectral response acceleration,Ss, is less than 0.4 g are exempted from seismic load.Thus the existing lateral force resisting system is permitted to remain unaltered. Limitations Installation of the solar panels must be performed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.All work performed must be in accordance with accepted industry-wide methods and applicable safety standards. The contractor must notify Engineering Alliance Inc. should any damage,deterioration or discrepancies between the as-built condition of the structure and the condition described in this letter be found. Connections to existing roof framing must be staggered, except at array ends, so as not to overload any existing structural member.The use of solar panel support span tables provided by others are allowed only where the building type, site conditions, site- specific design parameters,and solar panel configuration match the description of the span tables.The design of the solar panel racking (mounts, rails, etc.) and electrical engineering is the responsibility of others. Waterproofing around the roof penetrations is the responsibility of others.Engineering Alliance Inc.assumes no responsibility for improper installation of the solar array. Engineering Alliance Inc. OF 44s, / aii L L ff g41, p�1G�1GaD :c),53263 addam Ahmad P.E.,P.Eng. Principal and Lead Structural Engineer 04 AUG 2021 Engineering Alliance Inc. 4603 Avg Meadow Wag, Sugar 1.dr'd TX 77479 Ph 822 757 ;31_12 1®iii Project: JOAN GAUNTLETT MIMMilimal Location: 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Designer: MIM Date: 04 August 2021 Engineering Alliance Inc Calculations per ASCE 7-10 International Building Code 2015(IBC 2015) ROOF DEAD LOAD (D): Design material Increase due Material weight Material weight(psf} to pitch (psf) ROOF/DECK MEMBRANE 2.06 1.03 2 1/2" Plywood 1.0 1.03 1 Framing 3 3 Insulation 0.5 0.5 1/2"Gypsum CIg. 2.1 1.03 2 M,E&Misc 2 2 Total Dead Load 10.7 PV Array Dead Load 2.5 1.03 2.4 ROOF LIVE LOAD (Lr): Existing Design Roof Live Load [psf] 20 ASCE 7-10,Table 4-1 Roof Live Load With PV Array[psf] 0 2015 IBC,Section 1607.12.5 SEISMIC LOAD, (E): Risk category: II Table 1.5-1 Seismic Design Category: B Table 11.6-2 Ip: 1 Table 1.5-2 Site Class: D Rp: 1.5 Table 13.6-1 Ss: 0.146 Si: 0.053 ap: 1 Table 13.6-1 z: 1 ft h: 1 ft z/h: 1 Fa: 1.6 Table 11.4-1 F,,: 2.4 Table 11.4-2 SMS: 0.234 Eqs.11.4-1 SMi: 0.127 Eqs.11.4-2 SDS: 0.156 Eqs.11.4-3 SDl: 0.085 Eqs. 11.4-4 Project: JOAN GAUNTLETT Location: 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Designer: MIM Date: 04 August 2021 Engineering Alliance Inc SITE-SPECIFIC WIND PARAMETERS: Basic Wind Speed [mph]: 140 Exposure Category: B Sec.26.7.3 Risk Category: II Table 1.5-1 Height of Roof,h [ft]: 30 (Approximate) Roof Slope[°]: 14 Site Elevation [ft]: 16 Comp/Cladding Location: Gable/Hip Roofs,7°<0<_27° FIGURE 30.4-2B Enclosure Classification: Enclosed Buildings Zone 1 GCp: 0.9 (enter largest abs.value) Zone 2 GCp: 1.7 (enter largest abs.value) Zone 3 GCp: 2.6 (enter largest abs.value) a: 7 Table 26.9-1 zg[ft] 1200 Table 26.9-1 Kh: 0.70 Table 30.3-1 KZt: 1 Equation 26.8-1 Kd: 0.85 Table 26.6-1 Velocity Pressure,qh[psf]: 29.88 Equation 30.3-1 GC,, 0 Table 26.11-1 PRESSURES: p = gh((GCp)-(GCpi)) (Ib/ft2) Equation 30.9-1 Zone 1 : 26.9 psf(1.0 W) Zone 2 : 50.8 psf(1.0 W) Zone 3 : 77.7 psf(1.0 W) (a=3 ft) i Project: JOAN GAUNTLETT Location: 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Designer: MIM Date: 04 August 2021 Engineering Alliance Inc COMPARE WIND &SEISMIC LOADS FOR CONNECTION (1 Sq. Ft. Section) Wind Load, W: Wind pressure,p: 16.1 psf(Zone 1:0.6 W from wind pressure calculation) Height,h: 1 ft Width,w: 1 ft Fperp: 16.1 lb(Uplift) Seismic Load, E: 0.7* FP,min: 0.078 lb 0.7* Fp,max: 0.419 lb 0.7* Fp,vert: 0.052 lb 0.7* Fp,long: 0.209 lb 0.7*FP,perp: 0.101 lb(uplift) Wind(uplift)Controls Connection Design CHECK INCREASE IN OVERALL SEISMIC LOADS SEISMIC: Seismic Design Category: B As per Section 1613.1, Exception-1 of the 2015 IBC,Seismic load is Exempted. Project: JOAN GAUNTLETT Location: 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Designer: MIM Date: 04 August 2021 Engineering Alliance Inc Lag Screw Connection Tributary Length(in): 40.87 Max Tributary Width(in): 48 Capacity: Lag Screw Size[in]: 5/16 Cd: 1.6 NDS Table 2.3.2 Embedment)[in]: 2.5 Grade: SPF(G=0.42) Capacity[lbs/in]: 205 NDS Table 12.2A Number of Screws in tension: 1 Prying Coefficient: 1.4 Total Capacity[Ibs]: 586 Demand: Pressure Max Max.Trib. Max.Trib, ; Max.Uplift Zone (0.6 Wind) Tributary Length Area2 Force Uplift s) (psf) Width(ft) (ft) (ft2) Zone 1: 13.7 4.0 3.4 13.6 187 Zone 2: 28.1 4.0 3.4 13.6 383 Zone 3 : 44.2 4.0 1.7 6.8 301 Total Tension Force(lbs): 383 Demand<Capacity: 65.3%,OK Notes 1. Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the beginning of the tapered tip of the lag screw. Embedment in sheathing or other material is not effective.The length of the tapered tip is not part of the embedment length. 2.'Max.Trib Area'is the product of the'Max.Tributary Width'(along the rails)and 1/2 the panel width/height (perpendicular to the rails). Project: JOAN GAUNTLETT t Location: 6 NANCY WAY, YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Designer: MIM Date: 04 August 2021 Engineering Alliance Inc SNOW LOAD (S): Existing yid Solar Panel Array Roof Slope[x:12]: 3.0 3.0 Roof Slope[°]: 14 14 Snow Ground Load,pg[psf]: 30 30 ASCE 7-10,Section 7.2 Surface Roughness Category: B B ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure of Roof: Fully Exposed Fully Exposed ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure Factor,Ce: 0.9 0.9 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Thermal Factor,Ct: 1.1 1.1 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-3 Risk Category: II II ASCE 7-10,Table 1.5-1 Importance Factor, Is: 1 1 ASCE 7-10,Table 1.5-2 Flat Roof Snow Load,pf[psf]: 21 21 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.3-1 Minimum Roof Snow Load,pm[psf]: 20 20 ASCE 7-10,Section 7.3.4 Unobstructed Slippery Surface? NO YES ASCE 7-10,Section 7.4 Slope Factor Figure: Figure 7-2b Figure 7-2b ASCE 7-10,Section 7.4 Roof Slope Factor,Cs: 1.00 0.93 ASCE 7-10, Figure 7-2 Sloped Roof Snow Load,ps[psf]: 21 19 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.4-1 Design Snow Load,S[psf]: 21 20 Summary of Loads Existing With PV Array D[psf] 11 13 Lr[psf] 20 0 S[psf] 21 20 Maximum Gravity Loads: Existing With PV Array (D+Lr)/Cd [psf] 25 15 ASCE 7-10,Section 2.4.1 (D+S)/Cd[psf] 27 29 ASCE 7-10,Section 2.4.1 (Cd=Load Duration Factor=0.9 for D,1.15 for S,and 1.25 for Lr) Maximum Gravity Load [psf]: 27 29 Ratio Proposed Loading to Current Loading: 105% OK The gravity loads and;thus,the stresses of the structural elements,in the area of the solar array are either decreased or increased by no more than 5%.Therefore,the requirements of Section 403.3 of the 2015 IEBC are met and the structure is permitted to remain unaltered. POLE MOUNTED / UTILITY / TRANSFORMER / / / / °� / R. B1 '� / 1/E-'-4 Gan am : / 1�o COM / �*�eGpsV p���'�' / j 0 / ,,AL ' -1, / / i. OVER HEAD UTILITY LINE ` 04-AUG-2021 ROOF AREA:1636 SQ FT co / CLIENT: JOAN GAUNTLETT / 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 / AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH DETACHED UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN / MA) / STRUCTURE / FENCE SYSTEM: / FENCE/GATE SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V / � POI:LINE SIDE TAP / II MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: 414 LR4-6OHPB-350M / (E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL OPTIMIZERS:P401 / (N) 19 LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM(SII) / (E) UTILITY METER „ / ROOF LINE / (N)JUNCTION BOX ` REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE ANN / (N)ACCESSIBLE AND LOCKABLE AC DISCONNECT SQUARE D D222NRB • (N)SMART PRODUCTION METER �,`!l� II \ (N)SOLAREDGE SE5000H-USRGM[SII] `411 *eft ft INVERTER WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN m� �\ X12:3„ '` / m�'��iig , / / \ NEW LOAD BREAK, LOCKABLE, ACCESSIBLE,WITH VISIBLE /4,..... FOREVER OPEN AC DISCONNECT TO BE FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC INSTALLED WITHIN 10' AND PROPERTY LINE O 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA LINE OF SIGHT OF AND ON02780 THE SAME WALL AS EXISTING Tel:(800)385-1075 m MATTHEW MARKHAM UTILITY METER CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; NCY , BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE I^r Vq y 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR �l LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN N SITE PLAN 1136 MR Ili SCALE: 0.003287 SITE PLAN JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-2 r i LEGEND: OBSTRUCTION 0 PIPE VENT 0 MODULES - — - CONDUIT (N) 19 LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M um UTILITY METER r____,,,,,,,z7vo ACACDISCONNECT / A[g ,, MSP MAIN SERVICE AH G°QMvl PANEL L' ElciEZ2C3* (�p�u�p. 4JB JUNCTION � BOX \�0.4 •Ve C y,.p4'* O INV INVERTER j 0 4 L PM SMART 04-AUG-2021 ROOF AREA:1636 SQ FT PRODUCTION METER 1 CLIENT: JOAN GAUNTLETT 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN eiMA) ii, SYSTEM: SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V POI:LINE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M 4//ii OPTIMIZERS:P401 O INVERTER:SESOOOH-USRGM[SI1) Ac REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE PM 04 (N)SOLAREDGE SE5000H-USRGM [SI1] ift -... ... ,,... r, INVERTER iiiii, 1 Ire dict, Ii� FOREVER FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 Tel:(800)385-1075 MATTHEW MARKHAM OA/kms CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-A1;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR ��� LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN ROOF PLAN1-J1) NOTES: 1136 MR 1 1. EMT CONDUIT ATTACHED TO THE ROOF USING CONDUIT MOUNTS `�' SCALE: 0.015078 \ 2. ATTACHED CLAMPS AT 25% FROM THE EDGE AND 50% FROM THE CENTER OF THE MODULES ROOF PLAN WITH MODULES LAYOUT 3. JUNCTION BOX IS MOUNTED TO THE RAIL. JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 MS PV-2A K K 1 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS: TOTAL ROOF AREA: 1636 SQ FT ARRAY COVERAGE: 20.96% SYSTEM DISTRIBUTED WEIGHT: 2.31 LBS UNIRAC: SFM INFINITY MICRORAIL POINT-LOAD: 19.05 LBS ROOF AREA STATEMENT CLIENT: JOAN GAUNTLETT ROOF MODULE QUANTITY ROOF PITCH ARRAY PITCH AZIMUTH ROOF AREA ARRAY AREA 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 12 14° 14° 194° 332 SQ FT 216.6 SQ FT UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN MA) 2 4 35° 35° 194° 259 SQ FT 72.2 SQ FT 3 3 40° 40° 284° 190 SQ FT 54.15 SQ FT SYSTEM: SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V POI:LINE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M OPTIMIZERS:P401 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SI1] REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE OF greieo orn amm � FREEDOM FOREVER KOREVER (,0 .=11 MASSACHUSETTS LLC C�If1D�L 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA HaEZ2C� 02780 C Tel:(800)385-1075 \ \*��aOlt\p���� MATTHEW MARKHAM 04-AUG-2021 CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-2B LEGEND Module (Roof Zones) 11 1 1 , , 1 i 1 . 1 , 1 1 I Zone 1 T = — -, — Zone 2 ® Zone 3 cam....7.....417., .....,,,.� •— ..-.,.>r...�....a.J_.■,14.1 , i t 1 I 1 , t 1 1 1 . 1 , 1111 i 1 1 1 , t _ $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SFM Components — '— 0 SFM Microrail 2" _ =I SFM Splice 6.5" EO9 SFM Attachedf._ _ — _ i Splice 8" 0 SFM Trim Attachment SFPv'1 Trim Only Clip .Y. . —.� .. I Full Trim Sections ,� CLIENT: azuSIM CUt Trim Section �� o p D e� � �\ JOAN GAUNTLETT ��DDQ � ` 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 cC;) &HE o p \v7 AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH c���L UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN PARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLAN MAX ATTACHMENT SPAN - 4' , 4��EMCD3 /c� ! MA) STAGGERED ����� :>,/ Scale: NTS - — SYSTEM: � wJG� SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW ''4 l SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V POI:LINE SIDE TAP 04-AUG-2021 MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M 6'u's OPTIMIZERS:P401 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SI1] REVISION SFM MICRORAIL . / /////////////// /, NO: DESCRIPTION DATE Vi /////// SFM TRIMRAIL SFM MICRORAIL LONGISOLAR. 4//// :::a LONGISOLAR: / LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HP6-350M j/////, s SF SLIER AND LR4-60HPB-350M ////////////1. FLASHING gill.W.M11111111110 � TRIM;; iiu CHIL OF �'— ROOF/DEK MEMBRANEMB 1IOUNIRAC SLIDRSFLASHINGT LAG BOLT OR STRUCTU SCREW �� //// //// // 2X6 RAFTER @ 24"O.C. '1411111111111 WITH 2-1/NST AND T C (`,,,���pp % j� EMBE BUILDING STRUCTURE WASHER E O R E V E 0. BUILDING STRUCTURE FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 0,////i1M"00`///'0� ROOF ATTACHMENT AND TFUMRAIL 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 FLASHING Tel:(800)385-1075 5/16"STAINLESS STEEL LAG MATTHEW MARKHAM BOLT OR STRUCTURAL SCREW WITH 2-1/2"MIN.EMBEDMENT AND FLAT WASHER i e,, -0- CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-A1;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN SOLAR PV ARRAY SECTION VIEW I ATTACHMENT DETAIL 1136 MR Scale: NTS Scale: NTS MOUNTING DETAILS JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-3 I t LEGEND Module (Roof Zones) L I Zone 1 = Zone 2 = Zone 3 I : r I ,, , I a I r r : v I : I s I , r , t € I I I I i i 1 I I 1 i = i I I 1 1 I t I I I „ I I 1 I ' 1 I ! I I a I I 1 I I I I SFM Components i € I I tI f 1 1L I I ) I I I I I 1 I I I 1 0 SFM Microrail 2" t ! I ! I I I 1 SFM Splice 6.5" I I I I 1 I d I I 103 sFM Attached I r.�. , ....1111.,_^....a 1 I I I 1 1 ( i.= i I Splice E" I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i1 I I I I : I I i I I I 0 SFI'ai Trim i I I I I 1 I I I I 1 l I l I I i I i I I I I Attachment SFM Trim Univ Clip .�Ou0Ga I I Full Trim Sections ° /� ��I7 CLIENT. Cut Trim Section ��®� �nD�DSL N � JOAN GAUNTLETT I °`H �° 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 CML AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4) H0.6020Z UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN SPAN 4' �� MAXATTACHMENT � �'� PARTIAL ROFRAMING PLAN �. w�u ��ti _ STAGGERED �\&����I Scale:IT0F S r� SYSTEM: - i `�1 /// TTT SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V 04-AUG-2021 POI:LINE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M OPTIMIZERS:P401 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM(SI1] 0,I+; Si, REVISIONS: SFM MICRORAIL // ///////////� NO: DESCRIPTION DATE //// SFM TRIMRAIL ' //////// LONGI SOLAR: SFM MICRORAIL ...--'� / LR4-60HPB-350M LONGISOLAR: LONGI SOLAR:LR4-60HPB-350M //////I ii-- LR4-60HP8-350M //////////////'. FLASHING ■.r TRIMRAIL ROOFM SUDER D -'• / ////// ♦ UNIRAC SLIDERS I■■■■�� LSI ROOF DECK/ 111111111i 'I _ ROOF/DECK MEMBRANE llMIIM ///// ROOF/DECK MEMBRANE . MEMBRANE SFM TRIMRAIL ///// / / /////// ►iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i:=iiiii viiiiiiiiiii_ ii�:i1 FLASHING UNIRAC SLIDERS //// 5/16"STAINLESS STEEL LAG FLASHING /Ae BOLT OR STRUCTURAL SCREW ,� i t //// WITH 2-1/2"MIN.EMBEDMENT 5/16"STAINLESS STEEL '�I r e e Cal //// 2X8 RAFTER(4)16'O.C. _ AND FLAT WASHER LAG BOLT OR `:._+ v O R E J E R VII ////// // '41141111111111111 STRUCTURAL 2-1/2"LMIN.SCREW FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC �\,� �/,/ / EMBEDMENT AND FLAT 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA /////,/' WASHER // i , SFM SLIDER AND TRIM RAIL BUILDING STRUCTURE 02738 /// o',49 BUILDING STRUCTURE Tel:(800)385-1075 0/ 1,,.0' ROOF ATTACHMENT FLASHING MATTHEW MARKHAM 5/16"STAINLESS STEEL LAG %`� BOLT OR STRUCTURAL SCREW iliLT/'V, I WITH 2-1/2"MIN.EMBEDMENT AND FLAT WASHER CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN SOLAR PV ARRAY SECTION VIEW I ATTACHMENT DETAIL 1136 MR Scale: NTS I Scale: NTS MOUNTING DETAILS JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-3(2) I t • BACKFEED FUSE SIZING MAX.CONTINUOUS OUTPUT 21A @ 240V ��LZN OFM4s 21.00 X 1.25 = 26AMPS 30A FUSES OK °� METHODE c4, o4. MANIRAGUHA S c ELECTRICAL N NO.53873 ACOA. ISTEg• k� FSS/ONAL C) Exp:6/30/2022 CLIENT: JOAN GAUNTLETT 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN MA) (E)125A RATED — (E)UTILITY METER SYSTEM: MAIN SERVICE PANEL 1PH,120/240V 60Hz SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW I SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V STRING-1 (E) POI:LINE SIDE TAP ,O 0 MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: 10 LONGI SOLAR: NEW LOAD BREAK, LOCKABLE, MAIN A/2P U BREAKER LR4-60HPB-350M ACCESSIBLE,WITH VISIBLE (END FED) LR4-60HPB-350M OPTIMIZERS:P401 OPEN AC DISCONNECT TO BE INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SII] _ INSTALLED WITHIN 10' AND LAREDGE P401 POWEROPTIMZERS LINE OF SIGHT OF AND ON 2-#,o AWG, THE SAME WALL AS EXISTING REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE r_ � �___�/Eli 1 PV WIRE UTILITY METER m •—^-�— I (N)SOLAREDGE 1 '� • � f" SE5000H-USRGM(SI,] • V INVERTER • (N)LINESIDE TAP VIA UL \kCL LISTED CONNECTOR STRING-2 (N)MILBANK U5929-XL-INS SINGLE • 9 LONGI SOLAR:LR4-6OHPB-350M PHASE NEMA 3R 600V/100A FORM 2S (N)60A RATED �1� SMART PRODUCTION METER AC DISCONNECT •• I " SQUARED D222NRB �\ 2-30 AMP FUSES • 7-5 •'1' TO UTILITY ED JUNCTION N — _` o — —_-- _-----_ / \ FEEDRGROUND b p °fb • —RAPID T G b r SHUTDOWN4. ' 1� F— R �7C ---�1 t — 4-#10 AWG,THWN-2 `�� free -#8 EGC,THWN-2 SWITCH L 6f W epi IRAN31. _ IN 3/4"ORS w �r E Ow R E V E R aciii _ '— LARGER EMT CONDUIT — 3-#10 AWG,THWN-2 3-#6 AWG,THWN-2 FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC L I_I 1-#8 EGC,THWN-2 1-#8 EGC,THWN-2 • 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA IN 3/4"OR LARGER EMT CONDUIT IN 3/4"OR LARGER EMT CONDUIT 02780 SOLAREDGE P401— = Tel:(800)385-1075 POWER OPTIMIZERS 2-#10AWG,PV WIRE MATTHEW MARKHAM 1-#6 AWG IN FREE AIR OR #8 AWG MUST BE IN EMT CONDUIT CONNECT TO EXISTING UFER CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN NOTE: 1136 MR CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT THREE LINE DIAGRAM TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-4 • • \1H OF MASs9 4." METHODE yGN MANIRAGUHA U ELECTRICAL N NO.53873 C FSS/oNALtNs*� Exp:6/30/2022 CONDUCTOR AMPACITY DE-RATE CALCULATION CLIENT: JOAN GAUNTLETT CONDUCTOR AWG WIRE NEC FACTORS NEC FACTORS CONDUCTOR NEC FACTORS 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 EQUIPMENT WIRE LOCATION TABLE 690.8(A)(1) TABLE AMPACITY TABLE AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH QTY. SIZE &(B)(1) 310.15(B)(2)(a) @90C ADJ. 310.15(B)(3)(a) UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN AC INVERTER TO AC DISCONNECT EXTERIOR WALL 3 10 1.25 1 40 1 AC AC DISCONNECT TO PRODUCTION METER EXTERIOR WALL 3 10 1.25 1 40 1 SYSTEM: 19 AC PRODUCTION METER TO AC DISCONNECT EXTERIOR WALL 3 10 1.25 1 40 1 SYSTEM SIZE(AC): 03k@240kW 5. SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kWW @ 240V AC AC DISCONNECT TO POI EXTERIOR WALL 3 6 1.25 1 40 1 POI:UNE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M OPTIMIZERS:P401 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SI1] REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE Trzedem .... FOREVER FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 Tel:(800)385-1075 MATTHEW MARKHAM CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-A1;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR CONDUCTOR CALCULATIONS JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 MS PV-5 1 v A • t'�cPVSH OF MASs9 � METHODE yi, a MANIRAGUHA S ELECTRICAL 0 NO.53873 A �PO �I �-' "r• '---i-ad''''' „, .. .... � x 6/30/2022 �°.' Exp: — :' , . �`"� z mss' ,fir.. +„:pr '+ _ : t 2 <J 3M -� '°moi Y L ,.r ,,„ ., 1 �._' 'yam a 1 , *,... , ,,,,,..i, (I,j JC , , ' 4 , „ , ..,. \ r,,, N -,, t. t r. y 3` 1..'S'd i • -1r ;"}f to M ,pi a.5 e{ 0, . .s' * ! f . CLIENT: d t `�Ta4 g a t A 02673 . 4. t v.\I, 1 c rd5 yy NOF YARMOUTH � lilf � � UTILITY.EVERSOURCE ENERG STERN JOAN GAUNTLETT 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,M AHJ TOW I fi c :?,,,,!,.,(.::,.„10., t MAS . g i �• _ —��� -- ihte.4ttrt' — { , i �. �� SYSTEM: s - - ----Z.4,1":„":.,:..? '4:0- SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW c. 000 k @ 40V { 14111 „L':...... ��,_.' t + 'S '.,' n �� #; POS LINE S DE TAP 5 u ii L� � i' f � � W 2 g I ut c. !:'1574, " e MODULES 19:0(5( LONGI SOLAR ( I ” i l t p °tZ �} OPTIMIZERS:P 01 • y �— 1 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[Sill + "" 1 '' HSI 3 �,li 1 1 %' ! R, ' , -'-` 4A•5.!7:1 :1 ....n `? 1 3i .. I�”' u, REVISIONS: .r' ` "`• 6 . I ? t .{—# " } NO. ------ DESCRIPTION DATE a 1 ;p h ¢ j + .71t44 ., 1 . ak 1.1;t1;0 ,�, M�j I n.,_fl. _ t ; . _ tet7 t :;,...;,,,,.....2.-__ r i y 41/ e. E I i~' i y�..�. °. fib ;: a• • 7 {.yy ;r. , R . , , ! F I�J Ik C'.`. ,y,�i"°�-' a`, • • j. a& ,"1 Ft�t x.---. ••r+' I :, z liti I y g n r +4} ,..: r fl iia 1 .'v FOREVER , kk ., x y . **-7'*':' r 3= „,. . , ,,....1,,„,.,,-,,,..1,„;,„:„.:-.4 ...,„,,,-,,,` ,� , ,sat t ” i ° ' .T Iv ". .. . .1,'•.:-'• r .1; ,•:-.'".::::.,7•11 u t4,•:-Z.4:"'77''a h ra ` :.^•.:: 9 '''''''';'''1';'‘'''' "k tip '+F "''r P t • a*" 1=+ t> It y ( FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS 1.,_LC _ #ss ! 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTONMA � i �yr�� cn•y..-2 • rr?,-. ( .. � ' �' ' ,. Tel: 800 385-1075 opt + E ,1,,,....1....* t ,/,19 o .....;•,----11111.0.....- 141, ear:_•' .,,_ '<, '�x MATTHEW MARKHAM rfttlt .- CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-A1;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662,MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR EXISTING SERVICE PANEL JOB NO: D2!2ATE:21 DESIGNED BY: E F090304 810AJS SHPV-5BET: M , BREAKER SIZES: SERVICE LIST: NONE ����TH OFM4ss90 . METHODE yGu, o MANIRAGUHA S c) ELECTRICAL w NO.53873 4,- A�O/. /STE' , %/ONALEN' Exp:6/30/2022 MATERIAL LIST: QTY. PART PART# DESCRIPTION 19 MODULES 114-350 LONGI SOLAR:LR4-60HPB-350M 19 OPTIMIZERS 130-401 P401 SOLAREDGE POWER OPTIMIZER-FRAME MOUNTED MODULE ADD-ON 1 JUNCTION BOX 480-276 600VDC NEMA 3R UL LISTED JUNCTION BOX 2 CONNECTORS 240-300 STAUBLI/MULTI-CONTACT MC4 CONNECTORS(FEMALE) 2 CONNECTORS 240-301 STAUBLI/MULTI-CONTACT MC4 CONNECTORS(MALE) 1 INVERTER 120-503 SE5000H-USRGM[SI1)240V INVERTER UL1741 SA CERTIFIED INTEGRATED ARC FAULT PROTECTION AND RAPID SHUTDOWN 1 AC DISCONNECT 323-065 60A RATED 240VAC NEMA 3R UL LISTED CLIENT: 1 FUSES 330-030 30A FUSE 1 PH 240VAC 6JOAN CY WAY, TT YARMOUTH,NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 1 FUSE REDUCER 330-530 60A-30A FUSE REDUCER AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 PRODUCTION METER 333-011 EATON B-LINE 011 METER SOCKET 125A 4 JAW 1 PH NEMA 3R FORM 2S TOP FEED UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN 35 ROOF ATTACHMENT 1 261-602 UNIRAC:SFM INFINITY MICRORAIL MA) 12 SFM TRIM 1 241-253 FLASHKIT SFM TRIM COMP DARK 31 SFM SLIDER 1 261-603 FLASHKIT SFM SLIDER COMP DARK SYSTEM: 9 BONDING CLAMP 1 221-100 SFM N/S BONDING CLAMP SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW 4 BONDING CLAMP 1 241-404 SFM TRIM BONDING CLAMP SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V 17 MOUNT ASSEMBLY 1 241-405 MLPE MOUNT ASSY POI:LINE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: 10 SFM SPLICE 1 261-604 SFM SPLICE LR4-60HPB-350M 3 SFM ATTACHED SPLICE 1 211-101 SFM ATTACHED SPLICE 8 INCH OPTIMIZERS:P401 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SI1] 14 TRIMRAIL 1 261-606 SFM TRIMRAIL UNIV CLIP W/HDW 4 TRIM SPLICE 1 261-605 SFM TRIM SPLICE DRK 7 TRIMRAIL 1 211-115 SFM TRIMRAIL UNIV DRK REVISIONS: 16 GROUND LUG 1 260-585 ILSCO GROUND LUG No: DESCRIPTION DATE 16 TRIM END CAPS 1 221-200 UNIRAC SFM TRIM END CAPS 3 SFM TRIM 2 241-253 FLASHKIT SFM TRIM COMP DARK 7 SFM SLIDER 2 261-603 FLASHKIT SFM SLIDER COMP DARK 2 BONDING CLAMP 2 221-100 SFM N/S BONDING CLAMP 11 BONDING CLAMP 2 241-404 SFM TRIM BONDING CLAMP 4 MOUNT ASSEMBLY 2 241-405 MLPE MOUNT ASSY 2 SFM SPLICE 2 261-604 SFM SPLICE 1 SFM ATTACHED SPLICE 2 211-101 SFM ATTACHED SPLICE 8 INCH 3 TRIMRAIL 2 261-606 SFM TRIMRAIL UNIV CLIP W/HDW 1 TRIM SPLICE 2 261-605 SFM TRIM SPLICE DRK 2 TRIMRAIL 2 211-115 SFM TRIMRAIL UNIV DRK 3 GROUND LUG 2 260-585 ILSCO GROUND LUG 3 TRIM END CAPS 2 TRIM END CAPS 2 UNIRAC SFM TRIM END CAPS A F O R EVE R FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 Tel:(800)385-1075 MATTHEW MARKHAM CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR EQUIPMENT&SERVICE LIST JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-6 s F • i_i .t pl I 4 o - © 5(9)- i1/NrGNOTES: '` *Tj_ , - c - ;v - r' M SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED 1. NEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND IRC SECTION R324 ��SHOFMASs • 690.13(6) .- WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON. o. 9�y G 2. ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: METHODE N -- __ 1,.. MANIRAGUHA F l a ;© 1. ,:® ,r D ._ 1 f 1.- A. UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR v ELECTRICAL N MACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING. NO.53873 I R D �_,O TURN RAPID B. RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINE NEC 690.15(B)&NEC 690.33(D)(2) SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO WORK. 1)°�FSEG\���4- A WARNING A THE "OFF" POSITION TO E�. C. AERIAL FONT. sioNq�EN ° PA EL C. 3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED IN SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED.SIGNAGE CANNOT BE Exp:6/30/2022 SINGLE 120-VOLT SUPPLY i HAND-WRITTEN. DO NOT CONNECT 1 AND REDUCE SHOCK U 3. SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUITS HAZARD IN THE ARRAY WITH POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS. NEC 710.15(C)&692.9(C) IFC 605.11.3.1(1)&690.56(C) AWARNING DUAL POWER SOURCE A CAUTION SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CIRCUIT IS BACKFED NEC 705.12(D)&NEC 690.59 _ NEC 705.12(D)&NEC 690.59 I r--€1 fi 1 i1 I " 1 iO)L 1 l/,N it), A WARNING L WARNING OWARNING POWER SOURCE OUTPUT - AAppROPRIATE PPE REQUIRED � .- TURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC CONNECTION.DO NOT -.Fw ° u�!t+7._ 0�1�� N '?,'C',I I AC DISCONNECT PRIOR TO RELOCATE THIS °°VAC°"°°•"�•°WHEN COVER'•^° ` --C RESTRICTED 690.13(6) OVERCURRENT DEVICE. "-.""T""'°""""°"`"•°°"�"�"°"' WORKING INSIDE PANEL s _ .-_. - .. a�__ ,-_.., LoC. .NA.°......,,,,„.„o,.,ee v . V �� , NEC. . CLIENT: NEC 705.12(C)&NEC 690.59 NEC 706.15(C)AND NEC 110.16 '1 f i© C� ; I I JOAN GAUNTLETT NEC 110.27(C)&OSHA 1910.145(F)(7) f (` iY rr / 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 1 © 1 ® ® 1 V^` AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 Y _ UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN A WARNING * D MA) 1. ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD ► o -__ NEC 690.53 TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND ► < /ACC;F"t IDT gieCiO �, '► ��%l II, LOADWARNING SYSTEMSYSTEM:SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED NEC 690.13(B) A IN THE OPEN POSITION - . _w...a .-.=m_ ..->..m, . ._..�,,...., _ .�,.,.....,.- SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V Ic�Atohl(orloJLli/ cc l01 _c,o ,1-;i1',c it ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD POI:LINE SIDE TAP 706.15(C)(4)&690.13(B) MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: jj` TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND A t` - I 21 40V 1 LRT-60HP8S:P4 WARNING ( ly�l LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED OPTIMIZERS:P401 Q. J� �I,� ml 11iJ?x+(,�( �1-� a1.'3'elzi'- IN THE OPEN POSITION INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SII] I.1 THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOLAR MODULES MULTIPLE SOURCES: F NEC 690.54 ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES SUPPLY NOT IN POWER 706.15(C)(4)&690.13(B) NO: DESCRIPTION DATE AMY REVISIONS' SHA LNOTOF EXCE - AWARNING DUAL POWER SOURCE NEC 705.12(6)(3)(3) SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM T , A WARNING _ - ► INVERTER NEC 705.12(D)&NEC 690.59 � A WARNING �dn .�..... � D. - - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD A DC JIB ___ TERMINALS ON THE LINE AND THE DISCONNECTION OF THE ��^�' ''..N T- LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED GROUNDED CONDUCTOR(S) , __- .C_ 1717/1! .C?t�'>�__R_.G WI -T IN THE OPEN POSITION MAY RESULT IN OVERVOLTAGE706.15(C)(4)&690.13(B) ON THE EQUIPMENT EVERY 10'ON CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES NEC 690.31(0)(2) NEC 690.31(E) I I g IMA)L�rl�V c J�o rr otu. A WARNING `' 'c c a cs EVERY 10'ON CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES ITURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC , FOREVER FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC NEC 690.31(D)(2) AC DISCONNECT PRIOR TO 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA WORKING INSIDE PANEL02780 Tel:(800)385-1075 NEC 110.27(C)&OSHA 1910.145(F)(7) MATTHEW MARKHAM ARRAY - -► CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-A1;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR LABELS NEC 690.31(G)(3)&(4) JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-7 • • A sNIFIOFMgss9y c METHODE � MANIRAGUHA o � ELECTRICAL 0 NO.53873 ASO / ��� eSSiONAlENOi� Exp:6/30/2022 CAUTION: MULTIPLE SOURCES OF POWER LOCATED AS SHOWN. DANGEROUS VOLTAGE MAY BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES 19 PV MODULE CLIENT: JOAN GCAUNTLETT 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 MAIN SERVICE PANEL AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH UTILITY METER ,� 11Mr UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN MA) 111 ©dam JUNCTION BOX AC DISCONNECT ' SYSTEM: SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW SMART PRODUCTION METER POI:SYSTEM LINE SIDESIZE(AC)TAP:5.000 kW @ 240V 0 • MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: afttiaq LR4-60HPB-350M , INVERTER: :5401 INVERTER EQUIPPED INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SII] WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE NANCY WAY 6X8"TYP-NEC 705.10 reedom .. F ORVERE FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 Tel:(800)385-1075 MATTHEW MARKHAM NOTES: 1. NEC ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND IRC SECTION R324 MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON. CONTRACTOR LICENSE: 2. ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; A. UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR MACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING. BUSINESS CONTRACTORONSEI LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR B. RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINE WORK. LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN C. AERIAL FONT. 1136 MR 3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED IN THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED.SIGNAGE CANNOT BE HAND-WRITTEN. SITE PLACARD 4. SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS. JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-7A • • 1 -10 11 -20 21 -30 31 -40 41 -50 51 -60 SOLAREDGE OPTIMIZER CHART 1 2 *///////////////////// CLIENT: JOAN GAUNTLETT 6 NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4 UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN MA) SYSTEM: 5 ft SYSTEM SIZE(DC): . x 350=6.650 kW SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V ft ,0" POI:LINE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M ftft OPTIMIZERS:5401 INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM[SI1] 6 ftftftft REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE •ft • 7 ftft 8 F EVE E R 9 FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 Tel:(800)385-1075 NANCY WAY MATTHEW MARKHAM 10 CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR OPTIMIZER CHART JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 MS PV-8 SAFETY PLAN MARK UP KEY INSTRUCTIONS: 1. USE SYMBOLS IN KEY TO MARK UP THIS SHEET. OP PERMANENT ANCHOR 2. SAFETY PLAN MUST BE MARKED BEFORE JOB STARTS AS PART OF THE PRE-PLAN 3. DOCUMENT ALL ADDITIONAL HAZARDS ON THIS PAGE OT TEMPORARY ANCHOR &MAKE NOTES ON THE JHA SHEET IL INSTALLER LADDER IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NEAREST HOSPITAL OR OCCUPATIONAL/INDUSTRIAL CLINIC B JUNCTION / COMBINER BOX NAME: S STUB—OUT ADDRESS: SKYLIGHT SAFETY COACH CONTACT INFORMATION 1///1/1/1///111///////////////////////1 NO LADDER ACCESS (STEEP JOANGAUNTLETT NAME: GRADE OR GROUND LEVEL CL6NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA02673 AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH ADDRESS: OBSTRUCTIONS) UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN MA) SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW ALL EMPLOYEES ON SITE SHALL BE MADE AWARE OF THE RESTRICTED ACCESS SAFETY PLAN AND SIGN INDICATING THAT THEY ARE SYSTEM: AWARE OF THE HAZARDS ON-SITE AND THE PLAN FOR SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V WORKING SAFELY. ftft ftft CONDUIT POI:LINE SIDE TAP MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: LR4-60HPB-350M •ftab OPTIMIZERS:P401 NAME SIGNATURE GAS SHUT OFF INVERTER:SE5000H-USRGM(SI1] www • WATER SHUT OFF REVISIONS: NO: DESCRIPTION DATE Cipi SERVICE DROP O POWER LINES Irreedorn ._. F O R E V E R FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA 02780 NANCY WAY Tel:(800)385-1075 MATTHEW MARKHAM DATE: TIME: CONTRACTOR LICENSE: HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE 902-EL-Al;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR LICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN 1136 MR SAFETY PLAN JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-9 JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Crew leader to fill out all sections below, hold a pre job safety meeting with all personnel, and upload this completed document and the Safety Plan to Site Capture Ladder Access • Crew leader responsible for communication with the client: Heat Related Illness Prevention NOTE ADDITIONAL HAZARDS NOT ADDRESSED ABOVE • Ladders must be inspected before each use. • Employees shall have access to potable drinking water that is (add as many as necessary by using additional sheets) • Extension ladders must be set up on a firm and level surface at • Client and public is excluded from work area by barricades(N/A, fresh, pure,and suitably cool.The water shall be located as a 4-to-1 rise to run angle(or 75 degrees)and the top must be Yes, No): close as practicable to the areas where employees are working. Define the Hazard: Method/steps to prevent incident: secured to the structure.Extension style ladders placed on Water shall be supplied in sufficient quantity at the beginning of uneven,loose or slippery surfaces must additionally have the Training and Pre-Job Safety Briefing the work shift to provide at least one quart per employee per base firmly anchored or lashed so the base will not slip out. • All employees onsite shall be made aware of the specific hazards hour for drinking for the entire shift.Employees may begin the • Extension ladders must be used with walk-through devices or of this project and review this HJA during a pre-job briefing,and shift with smaller quantities of water if they identify the location the ladder must extend 36"above the stepping off point. their signature indicates awareness of site conditions and the and have effective means for replenishment during the shift to Define the Hazard: Method/steps to prevent incident: • A-frame ladders must only be climbed with the ladder spreader plan to eliminate any hazards identified prior to and during the allow employees to drink on quart or more per hour.The bars locked in the open position;A-frame ladders shall not be project. frequent drinking of water shall be encouraged. climbed while in the closed position(ex,closed and used while • Shade shall be present when temperature exceeds 80 degrees leaned against a structure). • Crew leader(name/title): Fahrenheit.When the outdoor temperature in the work exceeds Define the Hazard: Method/steps to prevent incident: • Additional notes: 80 degrees Fahrenheit,employees shall have and maintain one • Crew member(name/title): or more areas with shade at all times. Mobile Equipment • New employees must be acclimatized.New employees will be • Only Qualified operators will operate equipment;operators must • Crew member(name/title): monitored by their Crew Leader(site supervisor)for the first two maintain a certification on their person for the equipment being (2)weeks of employment or longer when necessary. Define the Hazard: Method/steps to prevent incident: operated. • Crew member(name/title): • Employees will be allowed and encouraged to implement • Type(s)of mobile equipment(Type/Make/Model): scheduled breaks during each shift.Employees must take • Crew member(name/title): cool-down breaks in the shade any time they feel the need to do • Qualified operator(s): so to protect them from overheating.Supervisors are • Crew member(name/title): REQUIRED to allow employees any break period they need Material Handling and Storage during high heat conditions. CLIENT: Materials will be staged/stored in a waythat does notpresent a Airborne Contaminants: 6OAN CYWAY,YA TT • g Cool Vests are encouraged for all employees at all times during NANCY WAY,YARMOUTH,MA 02673 hazard to client, personnel or public. Materials stored on the • Asbestos-containing(Transite)piping(ACP)-Do not disturb periods of high heat. AHJ:TOWN OF YARMOUTH roof will be physically protect from failing or sliding off. (move,drill,cut fracture,etc.) • Identify the location of the closet Occupational/Industrial Clinic UTILITY:EVERSOURCE ENERGY(EASTERN MA) • Asbestos-containing thermal insulation(ACI)and or Hospital in case a crew member becomes ill. Fall Protection Asbestos-containing duct wrapping(ACW)-do not disturb, no • A site-specific plan for fall prevention and protection is required attic or crawlspace access is allowed if work to be performed What is the specific plan to provide and replenish sufficient water for SYSTEM: prior to starting work and must remain onsite at all times until could cause exposure to personnel,client or public. all employees on site? SYSTEM SIZE(DC):19 x 350=6.650 kW work is complete;a fall rescue plan must be outlined and • If offsite replenish is necessary,where will you go to replenish SYSTEM SIZE(AC):5.000 kW @ 240V POI:LINE SIDE TAP discussed among the crew prior to work start. • If yes, list specific tasks and protection in place: water(location/address): MODULES:19 x LONGI SOLAR: • First-person-Up(FPU)must install their anchor and connect LR4-60HPB-350M before any other task, including installing other anchors.The • Who will replenish the drinking water(name): NVER IOPTIMIZERS:NVERTER:SE5005000H-USRGM[SI1] Last-Person-Down(LPD)must be the only person on a roof uninstalling fall protection. • FPCP(name and title): Restroom facilities REVISIONS: • Employees shall have access to restroom facilities with NO. DESCRIPTION DATE • FPU and LPD(name and title): hand-washing stations. Use of onsite restroom is at the client's discretion(location is annotated below). If client does not give Electrical Safety permission,location of suitable restroom facilities with • The Electrical Qualified Person(EQP)is required onsite to hand-washing stations offsite will be provided.The onsite perform electrical work. supervisor will identify location and make arrangements to • All electrical work will be performed with equipment in an ensure all employees have access at any point. electrically safe condition(de-energized)unless approval has • Restroom facilities will be(circle one): Onsite-Offsite been granted prior to work. Weather and Environment • If Offsite,add location name and address: • Service drops and overhead electrical hazards will be indentified • The site supervisor shall forecast the weather conditions at the and protected from contact,as neccessary. job site, prior to crew arrival,in order to mitigate any hazards Incident Reporting Procedure • EQP(name and tile): associated with inclement weather(heat,cold,wind, rain,etc.) • Contact your Site Supervisor �. r • The site supervisor will utilized a portable wind meter Name: ' Ir V [ +1 -' F OREVER Public Protection (anemometer)to verify actual onsite wind conditions,by checking FREEDOM FOREVER MASSACHUSETTS LLC • The safety of the Client and Public must be maintained at all at the ground and on any elevated work surface(ex, rooftop) Phone: 135 ROBERT TREAT PAINE DR.,TAUTON,MA times. prior to work start,at midday and prior to solar panel staging on a 02780 • The Client and the Public shall be prevented from entering the roof. • Contact your Manager Tel:(800)385-1075 work zone through the use of barriers and/or signage,as • Elevated work involving the moving or maneuvering of solar Name: MATTHEW MARKHAM required. panels shall cease at 25mph(sustained wind)until wind �p� • Company,Client and Public property shall be protected from subsides. Phone: ,f0- arc-, falling objects. • Forecasted weather maximum temp(degrees f): Supervisor CONTRACTOR LICENSE:Su Site Contact • Pets(including dogs)shall be secured by their owners prior to • yourp HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR 198080; work start. Name: BUSINESS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE • The Client should not leave pets,family members,or others in 902-EL-A1;CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISORLICENSE CS-111662;MASTER ELECTRICIAN charge or care of Employees,Contractors,or Temporary Phone: 1136 MR Workers. With:Your full name, phone number,office location, brief description SAFETY PLAN of what happen and when. JOB NO: DATE: DESIGNED BY: SHEET: F090304 8/2/2021 AJS PV-10 a 11 rili)16 .; 1 1 -,iir LR4-6OHPB 34 °3 1 f 11!33-)JAnMill, tyil"-Tlif-Otit 1l Alr'lirT- i T,--- I.T fxi-51111' 33rd',- :.(Z Cell Orientation:120 (6x20) Operational Temperature:-40C«+85C Junction Box:iP6S,threediodes Power Output Tolerance:0'"+SVJ : I �- _ OutputCable'4mrrr,300mm in length, Voc and tsc Tolerance:+3`56 _ {f" .• A1imm�11 i i feng[hcan becustomized Maximum System Voltage:DC106W(IEUUL) "'*� � '-- --_�.- c' ' fppUgl a Glass:Sngleglass Maximum Series FuseRating:20A c �.1! '' _) s £;, 1 _ L1 3.2mm coated tempered glass Nominal Operating Cell Temperature:45±2 C 11: -r;'LiI)f�� � ®.-1 `. w_ _,i►4 Itn` ;� L ( � _ - �Y A_� Frame:Anodized aluminum ahoyframe Safety Class:Class 1�11N111AR18tlpgl', 1� U ' ! OIiiI �� I Weight:195xg Are iRating:LLtype1or2 •� ISE.'i r-'.'.9! t j f'�"' # .R 0 0 i I u•u.: eh) i' Toler m Dimension.1755x1038x35mm rI J II1l•�111111�IM �I 1ill1011Wi111MIIMINI, I 9=2 Packaging:30pcsper pallet 1111111111110111IMBIMMI01,.. ,«.,,.�.�; 180pcs per 217GP I _.. 1 i' 780pcsper40'HC I :1-1,0 1 41 41-4441�i 4 44--#tt 7+ _ -:r.,l 1,, :x161 -r,: a.< , Model Number 1.R4-60HPB-345M LR4-60HPB-350fv1 LR4-60HPB-355M LR4-60HPB-360M LR4-60HP8-365M Testing Condition SIC NOCT STC NOCT SIC NOCT SIC NOCT SIC : NOCT //,,.. Maximum Power(Pmax/W) 345 255.6 350 259.3 355 263.0 360 266.7 365 270.4 91 s1mnl 1tif lrr-lt�f1, tai 1yt 1(-liht :lee 'et ,�y�a�} Open Circu t Voltage(Voc/V) 40.2 37.5 40.4 37.7 40.6 37.9 40.8 38-1 41.0 ' 38.3 r, r/tOil r,t1a1 ty(1'a NI `-;el .-irloGsl _f.59 is hlr`i)aII _'��,1� s,_{ ._ 11„ '"0 ®�5 ,Q rY' 1, 1 t , Short Circu t Current(Ise/A) 11.06 8.92 11.16 8.99 11.25 9.06 11.33 9.13 11.41 9.20 :' ,. Voltage at Maximum Power(Vmp/V) 34.2 31.6 334.4 31.8 34.6 32.0 34.8 32.1 35.0 32.3 - -� 25 year Power p Ur6oTa! 'Afarran y Annual Current at Maximum Power(Imp/A) 10.09 8.09 10.18 8.16 10.27 8.23 10.35 8.30 10.43 8.36 V2•lue fmn)LON o.tie r Attenuation 91.2% C T Oi_Solar s Lnn ar tvnrrant 0'56° . . Module Efficiency(%) 18.9 19.2 195 19.8 20.0 Standar Moa eJe . .r31t,;._.y..._, STC(Standard Testing Conditions):Irradiance 10001N/rn,Cell Temperature 25 C,Spectra at AM1.5 87.7% near " �-- wer warrant `�' '` -___. NOCT(Nominal Operating Cel Temperature).Irradiance 800W/m-,Ambient Temperature 20 C,Spectra at AM1.5,Wind at lm/S 84.5% Y 80.7% filiP17 -111['7 i 1 Ti( R I=&4c , atviC-IiliFl 1tFili e(:11W4I Temperature Coefficient of Isc +0.057%/C Front Side Maximum Static Loading 5400Pa 1 5 10 15 20 25 Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.286%/C Rear Side Maximum Static Loading 2400Pa Complete System and Product Certifications Positive power tolerance(0-+5W)guaranteed Temperature Coefficient of Pmax 0.3705/C Hailstone Test 25mm Hailstone at the speed of 23m/s IEC 61215,1EC61730,12161730 High module conversion efficiency(up to 20%) _ � ISO 9001:2008:ISO Quality Management System r' _.,_�.-.______�..,. -_ ISO 14001:2004:ISO Environment Management System Slower power degradation enabled by low LID Mono PERC technology:first year<2%, 1 fir,�f C 1141/- T562941:Guideline for module design qualification and type approval 0.55%year 2-25 Current-Voltage Curve(LR4-60HP8-360M) Power-Voltage Curve(LR4-60HPB-360M) Current-Voltage Curve(LR4-60HPB-360M) OHSAS 18001:2307 Occupational Health and Safety Solid PID resistance ensured by solar cell process optimization and careful module BOM u - ax n« =u c 12 -col e e.n'C selection 10 a'r' -kaemi e.a ,d ,�tiM ,nnx; -eeeAn 1 �✓ 10 „„;�l nn -183.8 a awMm� moot, wrunr.,�. iov S P' CE o Reduced resistive loss with lower operating current a 2 - a�" e f 6 -r I,1 ,.tuti ` 4 e,cenveiwww,'- •Specif.cat,ons subject to technical changes and tests.LONG,Scar Higher energy yield with lower operating temperature -m r -a'c reserves the rept of interpretation a -c,-,1,�-.-sa-c d 1x " 4- �ne.,,rm.-«..ver,. Gu,Ic e-us c 1JC ...)--) Reduced hot spot risk with optimized electrical design and lower operating current 2 - 2- ttodee[,,�-x -Ce 188,3871,C , r 00 10 20 35 40 0 0 10 20 30 <0 00 10 20 30 40 voltage t'P Voltage M Vo¢age M L,1 LI Room 801,Tower 3,Lu iazui Financial Plaza,No.826 Century Avenue,Pudong Shanghai,200120,China I t, J tt['+ (.-.0 - Room 601,Tower 3,Lujiazui Financial Plaza,No.826 Century Avenue,Pudong Shanghai,200120,China s•,� Tel:.86-21-80162606 1-mai,:modwe@longi-silicon.com Facebuok:www.facebook.com/LONGi Solar u w Tel:+86-21.80162606 E-mall:module@longi-silicon.com FaceLoek.www.facebook.com/LONGi Solar Note:Due to continuous technical innovation,R&D and improvement,technical data above mentioned maybe of modification accordingly.LONGi have the sole right to make such Note:Due to contnuous technical innovation,R&D and improvement,technical data above mentioned may be of modification accordingly.LONGi have the sole right to make such ., modification at anytime without further notice;Demanding party shall request for the latest datasheet for such as contract need,and make it a consisting and binding part of modification at anytime without further notice,Demanding party shall request for the latest datasheet for such as contract need,and make it a consisting and binding part of i lawful documentation duly signed by both parties. lawful documentation duly signed by both parties. 20200106-Draft 20200106-Draft I t • • Si n le Phase Inverter Wit HD-Wave Technology for North America "" SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ Sincile Phase Inverter 2 SE7600H-US / SE100U t -- - SE11400H-US Si _y„ ngle SE3800H-US SE5000H-US SE6000H-US SE7600H-US SE10000H-US_ SE11400H-US OUTPUT vv it h I-I D-Wave 1'e c h n o I o Rated AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA 3300 @ 208V 5000 @ 208V 10000 @ 208V 3800 @ 240V 6000 @ 240V 11400©240V Maximum AC Power Output 3000 3300 @ 208V 5000 5000 @ 208V 7600 10000 10000 @ 208V VA for North America 9 AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max. I 1 ✓ 1 1 Vac SE3000H-US / SE3800H-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US / (211-240-264) ilimmillill AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max. ✓ ✓ ✓ Vac !' � SE7600H-US / SE10000H-US / SE11400H-US 7 " (183-208-229) l �^ . AC frequency(Nominal) 59.3-60-60.51'1 Hz (� ag ) I m Maximum Continuous Output 12.5 16 21 25 32 42 47.5 A x, CurrentCurrent @240V as C` Maximum Continuous Output aolar,T(sl: ...111)-:,.: -,M1t rr,4»°i f, 16 24 48.5 A @ ,f208V GFDI Threshold 1 A z Utility Monitoring,Islanding 0 solar, r ..-IID.,,,, O i Protection,Country Configurable Yes Thresholds INPUT O o){ Maximum DC Power @240V 4650 5900 7750 9300 11800 15500 17650 W I Maximum DC Power©208V - 5100 - 7750 - - 15500 W O 1 Transformer-less,Ungrounded Yes Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc ••• • • • • • i Nominal DC Input Voltage 360 400 Vdc Maximum Input Current @240W, 8.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 20 27 30.5 Adc O ©, 0 V Maximum Input Current @208W' - 9 13.5 - - 27 Adc „„ ». Max.Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc 0 C.)!. Reverse-Polarity Protection Yes o0 4 iiiihJ-- - Ground Pawl Isolation Detection Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ 240V % 98.5 @ 208V ,0 0 0 1 Nighttime Power Consumption <2.5 W 411,-� r' � _ ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supported Communication Interfaces RS485,Ethernet,ZigBee(optionap,Cellular(optional) Revenue Grade Data,ANSI C12.20 Optionalo) Rapid Shutdown-NEC 2014 and Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect Optimized installation with HD-Wave technology 2017690.12 STANDARD COMPLIANCE Safety UL1741,UL1741 SA,UL16998,CSA C22.2,Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L.M-07 / Specifically designed to work with I Extremely small Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547,Rule 21,Rule 14(HI) power optimizers Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B / Record-breaking efficiency 1 Built-in module-level monitoring INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size/AWG 3/4'minimum/14-6 AWG 3/4'minimum/14-4 AWG Range / Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings 1 Outdoor and indoor installation DC Input Conduit Size/a of Strings/ 3/4'minimum/1-2 strings J 14-6 AWG 3/4'minimum/1-3 strings/14-6 AWG AWG Range / Integrated arc faultprotection and rapid shutdown forOptional: imensions with Safety Switch 17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 /450 x 370 x 174 21.3 x 14.6 x 7.3/540 x 370 x 185 n/ 9 P I Revenuegrade data,ANSI ClC12.20 (HxWxD) mm NEC 2014 and 2017, per article 690.11 and 690.12 Class 0.5 (0.5%accuracy) Weight with Safety Switch 22/10 25.1/11.4 26.2/11.9 38.8/17.6 Ib/kg Noise <25 <50 dBA / UL1741 SA certified,for CPUC Rule 21 grid Cooling Natural Convection compliance Operating Temperature Range -40 to+140/-25 to+60t41(-40'F/-40'C option)t5 'F/'C Protection Rating NEMA 4X(Inverter with Safety Switch) r'For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support r,A higher current source may be used;the inverter will limit its input current to the values Cased SOI ,Revenue grade Inverter P/N:SExxxxH-US000NNC2 solaredge.com �. Q_,Q �' "For power de-rainyintcrrnatonrefer to h psJlwww olaedgecoMsites/defaut/filesse-temperature-derating-noe-napdf �, e.-40 vers,on P/N SExxxxH-US000NNU4 C SolarEdge Technologies,Inc AS rights reserved.SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo,OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies,Inc All Ro H S other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.Date:12/2018/V01/ENG NAM.Subject to change without notice. I Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 Powe r OIDt m e ze r P37oP401 . ® Optimizer model P320 (for3high- (for higher P400 (for high P405 P485 P505 power (for 72& (for high- (for high- (for higher For North America (typical module (for 60-cell power 60 and 72- 96-cell power 60 voltage voltage current compatibility) modules) 60-cell and 72 cell cell` modules) ; modules) modules) modules) modules) modules) P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 modules) INPUT Rated Input DC Power- 320 340 370 400 405 485 SOS W Absolute Max mum Input Voltage 48 60 80 60 125,2, 83" Vdc fi (Vec at lowest oerature) j l71:3 MPP Operating Range 8-48 8-63 8-80 8-60 12.5-105 125-83 Vdc �f, T ( d 1 ^fax r m Snort Circuit Current 11 10' 11.75 11 14 Adc of "1:i (Iso Jar/.9!0 tP.sO Maximum Efficiency 99.5 % Weighted Efficiency 98.8 98.6 % Overvoltage Category II ..... es r .;.. - , . c t OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) is Maximum Output Current 15 Adc f. € �, Maximum Output Voltage 60 85 Vdc PIl IV 1 E1 )I OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF) f Ir I Safety Output Voltage per Power 1±0.1 Vdc T. p p Optimizer STANDARD COMPLIANCE f EMC FCC Part15 Class B,IEC61000-6-2,IEC61000-6-3 / Safety IEC62109-1(class II safety),UL1741 1111111111111111111. Material UL94 V-0,UV Resistant „ ,... N Ro'HS Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS M Maximum Allowed System 1000 Vdc Voltage 7:3 Compatible inverters All SolarEdge Single Phase and Three Phase inverters Dmensons1W'xLxH) 129a1S3a27.5/S1a6a1.1 129 x 153 x1291153x295 129x159x49.5/5.1x6.3s1.9 1291162x59/ mm /511x 6x1.31.3 /5.1x6xi.16 5.1x6.4x2.3 /in Weight(including cables) 630/1.4 750/1.7 655/1,5 845/1.9 1064/2.3 gr/lb InputConnector MC4rs, Single or dual MC4ill MC4.,T, Input Wire Length 016/0.52 m/ft Output Wire Type/Connector Double Insulated/MC4 Output Wire Length 0.9/2.95 1.2/3.9 m/ft Operating Temperature Rangel'I -40-+85/-40-+185 'C/'F Protection Rating IP68/NEMA6P Relative'riurnci y 0-100 % PV power optimization at the module-level (1)Rated power of the module at STC will not exceed the optimize, Rated Input DC Power`.Modules v/th up to+5%power tolerance are allowed (2)NEC 2017 requires max input voltage be not more than 80V / Specificallydesigned to work with SolarEdge / Fast installation with a single bolt (3)For other connector types please contact SolarEdge 9 9 g (4)For coal version for parallel connection of two modules use P485-4NMUMRM In the case of an cad number of PV modules in ore string,installing one P485 dual version power optimizer connected inverters to one PV module.When connecting a single module seal the unused input connectors with the supplied pair 01 seals / Next generation maintenance with module- (5)For ambient temperature above+85"C/+185"F power de-rating is applied.Refer to Power Optimizers Temperature De-Rating Technical Note for mole details. / Up to 25% more energy level monitoring PV System Design Using Single PhaseThree Phase for Three Phase for Single phase / Superior efficiency (99.5%) / Meets NEC requirements for arc fault a SolarEdge Invertert61�) HD-Wave g P 208V grid 277/480V grid P320,P340,P370, protection (AFCI) and Photovoltaic Rapid Minimum string Length P400,P401 8 10 18 / Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, Shutdown System (PVRSS) (Power Opt mizers) P405,P485,P505 6 8 14 from manufacturing tolerance to partial Maxmum string Length(Power Optimizers) 25 25 SO"' shading / Module-level voltage shutdown for installer 5700(6000 with Maximum Power per String SE7600-US-SE-11403- 5250 6000'`" 12750'i0i W and firefighter safety US) / Flexible system design for maximum space Parallel Strings of Different Lengtns or Orientations Yes utilization (6)For ceta!lee m ng s zing information refer to http//wvnv solaredge com/s tes/de`auitl les/e'rrg_sizing_naps (/)Its not allowed to trio P405/P485/P5OS wan P32C/P3 40/P3/0/P400/P401 in one string (8)A string with more man 30 optimizers does not meet NEC iopid shutdown rcquircrrents.safety voltage will be above tie 30V regvlrerreot (9)For 208V grid::t is allowed to ms;all up to 7,200W per string when tf)e maximum power d tference between each rang is 1,000W (10)For 277/480V grid:it is allowed to install up to 15,000W per string when the maximum power difference between each slings 7,600W solar 0 c� g C SolarEdge Technologies Ltd.All rights reserved SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo,OPTIMIZED SOLAREDGE are trademarks or reg stered trademarks of SolarEdge iechnologiet,Inc. CC� uS Ro H S so la red g e.com �+ AC other trademarks mentioned hero n are trademarks of their respective owners Date 07/2020 v02/ENG NAM Subjectto change without notice. Intertek . . , N ,, A5U INFINITY ® Y� Ullxit ^ O BETTER SOLAR STARTS HERE DESIGN GUIDELINES BETTER SOLAR STARTS HERE Take your business to the next level with SFM INFINITY, UNIRAC's rail-less PV mounting system for flush While you will see advantages simply from switching to SFM INFINITY, the following guidelines will help you mount installations on comp shingle and tile roofs. An advanced 3rd generation product platform in use to maximize its benefits. by top solar contractors nationwide, SFM INFINITY optimizes your operations on and off the roof, with approximately 40% less labor, 30% logistics savings, and 20% fewer roof attachments than traditional solar racking. Plus, 87% of homeowners prefer SFM INFINITY'S aesthetics. DEFAULT TO LANDSCAPE z;1.,1a11;7,ii ? When possible.design in landscape orientation in order to fit more modules on t. ;' [ the not and minimize roof attachments. SRA / so '' 1 ' 1l. 't!i V`'"r, r k MIX MODULE ORIENTATIONS r fi.f ��t6=T_ �` i �t'f' 1 = SFM INFINITY is easily configured in mixed array shapes and module orientations to maximize array 7 �``��� density and to avoid vent pipes and other obstacles.Because mounting locations are not constrained by rails,SFM INFINITY has unmatched flexibility to enhance your projects. UNIVERSAL COMPONENTS CONSULT THE QUICK TIPS VIDEOS ......•,...,t,„,....,,,,,,,..,...,,,,t,, ,a3 Fi 32 — Li. f Eil 1 is ULL 2 Visit UNIRAC's mobile-friendly library of short,topic-specific videos which answer common questions , , rl>v and demonstrate how simple it is to install SFM INFINITY, Quick Tips Videos:https://unirac.com/SFM-Infinity/ INSTALL TRIMRMLROOF ATTACHMENTS - to 4 :6PUNIRAE '°► DESIGN IN U—BUILDER ` t, -- � ,f ; ,' +�,` , Layout your arrays in U-Builder,UNIRAC's free solar design software,to optimize SFM INFINITY'S I ; ®` capabilities,including mixing module orientations and niinimizing roof attachments.Quickly create layouts on Google or Bing Maps and generate project documents. SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE EASY INSTALLATION HOMEOWNER PREFERRED - U-Builder:https://design.unirac.com/ Enhance your business with two installs per day Pro-assembled components,20%fewer roof attachments, More than 4 out of 5 homeowners prefer SFM INFINITY'S and 30%less cost. and level array in seconds with post height adjustment. aesthetics over a leading rail brand. 11 WC) op o o �o o o o aC _ TS' o � (vi)1tiI.t�. tF f ii � i rA . 4-4-4.014-4,11. 4FAs ri �►y N<mo!F illl ti0 t'6ttt i .-iyy41 > ,. >. t+ f4P. �EIf_edti � - ti . tl� 1,j4 '4'014901'F � 1i1 :. ciui � . tt if:ii �. ii.op Report No. 102393982LAX-002 Page 2 of 107 Issued: 11-Apr-2016 Report No. 102393982LAX-002 Page 3 of 107 Issued: 11-Apr-2016 Unirac, Inc Revised:20-Mar-2019 Unirac, Inc Revised:20-Mar-2019 2.0 Product Description 2.0 Product Description Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail-Installed Using Unirac Installation Guide, Model Similarity NA Product Fuse Rating: 30A Rev PUB2019MAR01 with Annex North Row Extension Installation Guide Rev PUB2019FEB20 Brand name Unirac Module Orientation: Portrait or Landscape The product covered by this report is the Sun Frame Micro Rail roof mounted Photovoltaic Maximum Module Size: 17.98 ft2 Rack Mounting System.This system is designed to provide bonding and grounding to UL2703 Design Load Rating: 33 PSF Downward, 33 PSF Upward, 10 PSF Down-Slope photovoltaic modules.The mounting system employs anodized or mill finish aluminum brackets Tested Loads-50 psf/2400Pa Downward, 50psf/2400Pa Uplift, 15psf/720Pa Down Slope that are roof mounted using the slider,outlined in section 4 of this report.There are no rails Trina TSM-255PD05.08 and Sunpower SPR-E20-327 used for Mechanical Loading within this product,whereas the 3" Micro Rail, Floating Splice,and 9"Attached Splice electrically bond the modules together forming the path to ground. Increased size ML test: Maximum Module Size: 22.3 ft2 The Micro Rails are installed onto the module frame by using a stainless steel bolt anodized UL2703 Design Load Rating: 113 PSF Downward, 50 PSF Upward,30 PSF Down-Slope with black oxide with a stainless type 300 bonding pin,torqued to 20 ft-lbs, retaining the LG355S2W-A5 used for Mechanical Loading test. modules to the bracket.The bonding pin of the Micro Rail when bolted and torqued, penetrate Mounting configuration: Four mountings on each long side of panel with the longest span of Description the anodized coating of the photovoltaic module frame to contact the metal,creating a bonded 24" connection from module to module. UL2703 Design Load Rating:46.9 PSF Downward,40 PSF Upward, 10 PSF Down-Slope Ratings LG395N2W-A5, LG360S2W-A5 and LG355S2W-A5 used for used for Mechanical Loading The grounding of the entire system is intended to be in accordance with the latest edition of the test. National Electrical Code, including NEC 250: Grounding and Bonding,and NEC 690: Solar Mounting configuration: Six mountings for two modules used with the maximum span of Photovoltaic Systems.Any local electrical codes must be adhered in addition to the 74.5" national electrical codes.The Grounding Lug is secured to the photovoltaic module,torqued in accordance with the installation manual provided in this document. Fire Class Resistance Rating: -Class A for Steep Slope Applications when using Type 1 Modules. Can be installed at any Other optional grounding includes the use of the Enphase UL2703 certified grounding system, interstitial gap. Installations must include Trim Rail. which requires a minimum of 2 micro-inverters mounted to the same rail, and using the same -Class A for Steep Slope Applications when using Type 2 Modules. Can be installed at any engage cable. interstitial gap. Installations must include Trim Rail. Models Unirac SFM -Class A Fire Rated for Low Slope applications with Type 1 or 2 listed photovoltaic modules. This system was evaluated with a 5"gap between the bottom of the module and the roof's surface See section 7.0 illustraction# 1 and 1a for a complete list of PV modules evaluated with these racking systems Other Ratings NA ED 16.3.15(20-Apr-17)Mandatory ED 16.3.15(20-Apr-17)Mandatory • Interte Address:IntertekCla3933 NY US �tertek Address:IntertekCla3933 NY US 11 K Cortland NY 13045 Cortland NY 13045 Total Quality.Assured. Telephone: 607-758-6516 Total Quality.Assured. Telephone: 607-758-6516 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com o SE3000A-US/SE3800A-US/SE5000A-US/SE6000A-US/SE7600A-US/SE10000A-US/ SE11400A-US/SE3000H-US/SE3800H-US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/SE7600H-US/ Subject: ETL Evaluation of SolarEdge Products to NEC 2017 Rapid Shutdown Requirements SE10000H-US/SE11400H-US when the following label is labeled on the side of the inverter: To,whom it may concern This letter represents the testing results of the below listed products to the requirements contained in the following standards: . PHOTOVOLTAIC RAPID National Electric Code,2017,Section 690.12 requirement for rapid shutdown. SHUTDOWN SYSTEM UL 1741, UL 1741 CRD for rapid shutdown The evaluation was done on the PV Rapid Shutdown System(PVRSS),and covers installations consisting Inverter part number may be followed by a suffix of optimizers and inverters with part numbers listed below. The testing done has verified that controlled conductors are limited to: • 3-ph Inverters: o SE9KUS/SE1OKUS/SE14.4KUS/SE2OKUS/SE3OKUS/SE33.3KUS/SE43.2KUS/ • Not more than 30 volts and 240 voltamperes within 30 seconds of rapid shutdown initiation SE66.6KUS/SE100KUS;when the following label is labeled on the side of the inverter: outside the array. I • Not more than 80 volts and 240 voltamperes within 30 seconds of rapid shutdown initiation I i'= _ inside the array. The rapid shutdown initiation is performed by either disconnecting the AC feed to the inverter,or—if PHOTOVOLTAIC RAPID the inverter DC Safety switch is readily accessible—by turning off the DC Safety switch. SHUTDOWN SYSTEM Applicable products: Inverter part number may be followed by a suffix • Power optimizers: o PB followed by 001 to 350;followed by AOB or TFI. If there are any questions regarding the results contained in this report,or any of the other services OP followed by 001 to 500;followed by LV, MV, IV or EV. offered by Intertek, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. P followed by 001 to 850. SP followed by 001 to 350. *When optimizers are connected to 2 or more modules in series,the max input voltage may exceed 80V. Following the implementation of the NEC 2017 rapid shutdown value of 80V max inside of the array at the beginning of 2019, modules exceeding this combined input max voltage will be required to use optimizers with parallel inputs. • 1-ph Inverters: This information is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is providedpursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. This information is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and isprovidedpursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. 9 9 Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement.Intertek assumes no liability to any party, Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement.Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement,for any loss,expense,or damage occasioned by the use of this information. other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement,for any loss,expense,or damage occasioned by the use of this information. Any observations and results in this report are relevant only to the sample evaluated. Only the Client is authorized to copy and Any observations and results in this report are relevant only to the sample evaluated. Only the Client is authorized to copy and distribute this information and only then in its entirety. distribute this information and only then in its entirety. ©2018 Intertek ©2018 Intertek Version:8-September-2016 Page 1 of 3 GFT-OP-10a Version:8-September-2016 Page 2 of 3 GFT-OP-10a / ` CSA ` ep '°, CSA ,, S , GroupGroup I, 1 ® Certificate: 70131735 Master Contract: 266909 tIII erti c ate of 1II o l c Project: 70185553 Date Issued: 2018-10-08 Certificate: 70131735 Master Contract: 266909(266909) The grounding of the system is intended to comply with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code,to include NEC 250&690. Local codes compliance is required,in addition to national codes.All Project: 70185553 Date Issued: 2018-10-08 grounding/bonding connections are to be torqued in accordance with the Installation Manual and the settings used during the certification testing for the current edition of the project report. Issued to: Unirac 1411 Broadway NE The system may employ optimizers/micro-inverters and used for grounding when installed per installation Albuquerque,New Mexico 87102 instructions. USA Attention: Klaus Nicolaedis Mechanical ratings: t Downward Design Load(1b/ft2) 113.4 1 Upward Design Load(1b/ft2) 50.4 The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown Down-Slope Load(lb/ft2) 14.7 with adjacent indicators 'C' and US for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US'for US only or without either indicator for Canada only. Conditions of acceptability: Installation is subject to acceptance of the local inspection authorities having jurisdiction.The certification of these products relates only to the methods of installation,bonding,and grounding as outlined in the Installation Manual for each product. Unirac Large Array a). Issued by: M 1:cha eL H aif' Michael HoffnagleULA is a ground mount system using the SolarMount(SM)platform for the bonding and grounding of PV C US modules.ULA aluminum components merge with SM rails and installer-supplied steel pipe. The SM rail system is secured to the horizontal Pipe using the Rail Bracket components. The Rear and Front cap secures the horizontal Pipe to the vertical Pipe.The Front cap is also used to secure the Cross brace.A i Slider is attached to the vertical Pipe to secure the Cross brace.The SM rails,caps,slider,rail brackets, i PRODUCTS and cross braces materials are 6105-T5 aluminum extrusion.Fasteners materials are 304 stainless steel. CLASS -C531302-POWER SUPPLIES-PHOTOVOLTAICS--PV Racking Horizontal and vertical pipe materials meet the minimum requirements of ASTM A53 for galvanized steel 1 CLASS -C531382-POWER SUPPLIES-PHOTOVOLTAICS-PV Racking and clamping systems-Certified to pipe in 2"and 3"diameter. US Standards The mechanical load ratings from the SM test data will be applied to the ULA model. Models: SM SOLARMOUNT Flush-to-Roof is an extruded aluminum rail PV racking system that is installed parallel to the roof in landscape or portrait orientations. Fire Testing is not applicable due to being a ground mount system. ULA Unirac Large Array is a ground mount system using the SolarMount(SM)platform for the bonding and grounding of PV modules. APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS SOLARMOUNT UL 2703-1st Edition - Mounting Systems,Mounting Devices,Clamping/Retention Devices,and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels. The system listed is designed to provide bonding/grounding,and mechanical stability for photovoltaic modules. LTR AE-001-2012 - List of Technical Requirements for Photovoltaic Module and Panel racking Systems The system is secured to the roof with the L-Foot components through the roofing material to building structure. Modules are secured to the racking system with stainless steel or aluminum mid clamps and Aluminum end MARKINGS clamps.The modules arc bonded to the racking system with the stainless steel bonding mid clamps with piercing 1 points.The system is grounded with 10 AWG copper wire to bonding/grounding lugs. Fire ratings of Class A The manufacturer is required to apply the following markings: with Type 1,2,3,or 10 for steep slope.Tested at 5"interstitial gap which allows installation at any stand-off • Products shall be marked with the markings specified by the particular product standard. height. • Products certified for Canada shall have all Caution and Warning markings in both English and French. :11::11:411i111:1*il'r:' DOD 507 Rev.2016-02-18 Pare 1 DQD 507__R e v2016-02-18 Pane 2 Intertek AUTHORIZATION TO MARK Total Quality.Assured. This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Unirac, Inc Manufacturer: Cixi Emeka Aluminum Co. Ltd 1411 Broadway Blvd NE No. 688 ChaoSheng Road Address: Address: Cixi City Albuquerque, NM 87102 Zhejiang Province 315311 Country: USA Country: China Klaus Nicolaedis Jia Liu Contact: Tom Young Contact: Robin Luo 505-462-2190 +86-15267030962 Phone: 505-843-1418 Phone: +86-13621785753 FAX: NA FAX: NA klaus.nicolaedis@unirac.com Email: toddg@unirac.com Email: jia.liu@cxymj.com buwan.luo@cxymj.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer • Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA U.S.A. Control Number: 5003705 Authorized by: for Dean Davidson, Certificati anager SCM C US LISTV Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client.Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement.Intertek assumes no liability to any party,other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement,for any loss,expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark.Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety.Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark.Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material,product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek.Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement,they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Standard(s): Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat- Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels [UL 2703: 2015 Ed.1} Photovoltaic Mounting System, Sun Frame Microrail - Installed Using Unirac Installation Guide, Rev Product: PUB2019MAR01 with Annex North Row Extension Installation Guide Rev PUB2019FEB20 Brand Name: Unirac Models: Unirac SFM ATM for Report 102393982LAX-002 Page 1 of 1 ATM Issued: 9-Apr-2019 ED 16.3.15(20-Apr-17)Mandatory • JI structu ra I Attachment shall be staggered where ground snow load exceeds 10 PSF. ENGINEERS July 1,2020 Testing: Values were based on UTR-299 testing provided by Unirac. Unirac Components and Cladding Roof Zones: 1411 Broadway Blvd. NE The Components and Cladding Roof Zones shall be determined based on ASCE 7-05,ASCE 7-10&7-16 Component and Albuquerque, NM 87102 Cladding design. Notes: 1) U-builder Online tool analysis is only for Unirac SFM Sunframe Microrail system only and do not Attn.: Unirac-Engineering Department include roof capacity check. Re: Engineering Certification for the Unirac Sunframe Microrail,SFM Infinity U-builder Software 2) Risk Category II per ASCE 7-16. 3)Topographic factor,kzt is 1.0. PZSE, Inc.-Structural Engineers has reviewed the Unirac's Sunframe Microrail, proprietary mounting system constructed 4)Array Edge Factor YE= 1.5 from modular parts which is intended for rooftop installation of solar photovoltaic(PV) panels; and has reviewed the U- 5)Average parapet height is 0.0 ft. builder Online tool.This U-Builder software includes analysis for the 2" Microrail,8"Attached Splice,6"splice, and front 6)Wind speeds are LRFD values. trimrail. All information,data and analysis contained within are based on,and comply with the following codes and 7)Attachment spacing(s)apply to a seismic design category E or less. typical specifications: Design Responsibility: 1. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures,ASCE/SEI 7-05,ASCE/SEI 7-10,ASCE/SEI 7-16 The U-Builder design software is intended to be used under the responsible charge of a registered design professional 2. Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR 9th Edition. where required by the authority having jurisdiction. In all cases,this U-builder software should be used under the 3. 2006-2018 International Building Code, by International Code Council, Inc.w/Provisions from SEAOC PV-2 2017. direction of a design professional with sufficient structural engineering knowledge and experience to be able to: 4. 2006-2018 International Residential Code, by International Code Council, Inc.w/Provisions from SEAOC PV-2 • Evaluate whether the U-Builder Software is applicable to the project,and 2017. • 5. AC428,Acceptance Criteria for Modular Framing Systems Used to Support Photovoltaic(PV) Panels, November Understand and determine the appropriate values for all input parameters of the U-Builder software. 1, 2012 by ICC-ES. This letter certifies that the Unirac SFM Sunframe Microrail,when installed according to the U-Builder engineering Following are typical specifications to meet the above code requirements: report and the manufacture specifications, is in compliance with the above codes and loading criteria. Design Criteria: Ground Snow Load=0-100(psf) This certification excludes evaluation of the following components: Basic Wind Speed=90-180(mph) 1) The structure to support the loads imposed on the building by the array;including, but not limited to:strength Roof Mean Height=0-30(ft) and deflection of structural framing members,fastening and/or strength of roofing materials,and/or the effects Roof Pitch=0-45 (degrees) of snow accumulation on the structure. Exposure Category=B,C&D 2) The attachment of the SFM 2" Microrail or 8"Attached Splice to the existing structure. Attachment Spacing: Per U-builder Engineering report. 3) The capacity of the solar module frame to resist the loads. Cantilever: Maximum cantilever length is L/3,where"L" is the span noted in the U-Builder online This requires additional knowledge of the building and is outside the scope of the certification of this racking system. tool. Clearance: 2"to 10"clear from top of roof to top of PV panel. If you have any questions on the above,do not hesitate to call. Tolerance(s): 1.0"tolerance for any specified dimension in this report is allowed for installation. Prepared by: Installation Orientation: See SFM Installation Guide. PZSE, Inc.—Structural Engineers � ;H cFA4A Landscape-PV Panel long dimension is parallel to ridge/eave line of roof and the PV Roseville,CA ' o�� PAUL K. tiN # ZACHER m panel is mounted on the long side. 8 STRUCTURAL cl Portrait-PV Panel short dimension is parallel to ridge/eave line of roof and the PV panel . No.50190 is mounted on the short side. Ao O6` � SSioNALet0 1478 Stone Point Drive,Suite 190, Roseville, CA 95661 - 916.961.3960 916.961.3965 www.pzse.com j I,_. f'