HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMMONWEALTH OF MASS REDEI !/ ED • LOCI r ;52 CHARLES D. BAKER Commonwealth of Massachuseit A UILGING DL('A � RI D A. PALLESCHI GOVERNOR -UNUERSECAiARY OF CONSUMER Division of Occupational Licensure AFFAIRS AND BUSINESS REGULATIOI KARYN E. POLITO Office of Public Safety and Inspections LAYLA R. D'EMILIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR COMMISSIONER,DIVISION OF Architectural Access Board PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE MIKE KENNEALY 1000 Washington St., Suite 710 Boston MA 02118 WILLIAM JOYCE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT V: 617-727-0660 www.rnass.gov/aab Fax: 617-979-5459 ARCHITECTURAL ACCESS BOARD TO: HEARTH 'N KETTLE PROP LTD Docket Number C 21 068 ATTN: LOU MASSI, Catania Hospitality 141 FALMOUTH RD HYANNIS, MA 02601 RE: Hearth & Kettle Plaza 1196-1198 Route 28 Yarmouth, MA 02664 DATE: 10/19/2022 Enclosed please find a copy of the following material regarding the complaint against the above location: ❑ First Notice ❑ Stipulated Order ❑ Second Notice ❑ Letter of Meeting Notice of Hearing I-I Application for Variance ❑Correspondence ® Decision of the Board : Complaint Resolution Please review all enclosed documents carefully. cc: Local Building Inspector Independent Living Center Local Commission on Disability Complainant a � s;,: �� . ,:� ,4 T .,,,,-".„ r1 CHARLES D. BAKER Commonwealth of Massachusetts EDWARD A. PALLESCHI GOVERNOR UNDERSECRETARY OF CONSUMER Division of Occupational Licensure AFFAIRS AND BUSINESS REGULATION KARYN E. POLITO Office of Public Safety and Inspections LAYLA R. D'EMILIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR COMMISSIONER,DIVISION OF Architectural Access Board OCCUPATIONAL LICENSURE MIKE KENNEALY 1000 Washington St., Suite 710 Boston MA 02118 WILLIAM JOYCE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMenT V: 617-727-0660 www.mass.gov/aab Fax: 617-979-5459 ARCHITECTURAL ACCESS BOARD HEARTH 'N KETTLE LTD Docket NumberC21 068 LOU MASSI, Catania Hospitality 141 FALMOUTH RD HYANNIS, MA 02601 RE: Hearth & Kettle Plaza, 1196-1198 Route 28, Yarmouth, MA 8/16/2021 a complaint was filed with this office regarding the above premises. After reviewing all the information, the Board finds that the complaint has been resolved due to the following action: On April 1, 2022 and March 29, 2022, Lou Massi, Director of Operations with Catania Hospitality Group, sent photos and an e-mail that verified that the accessible parking spaces and a shared access aisle were relined. A van accessible space and eight foot wide access aisle were added to the parking lot. An accessible sign and a van accessible sign were installed at the head of the accessible parking spaces. The violations of 521 CMR Section 23 cited in the first notice have been corrected. The complaint is closed. Any person aggrieved by the above decision may request an adjudicatory hearing before the Board within 30 days of receipt of this decision by filing the attached request for adjudicatory hearing form. If after 30 days, a request for an adjudicatory hearing is not received, the above decision becomes a final order and the appeal process is through Superior Court. Date: October 19, 2022 ARCHITECTURAL ACCESS BOARD —D,,,,,, 4,,,,,,,,,;de,f (777/-) Chairperson cc: Complainant Local Building Inspector Independent Living Center Commission on Disability CHARLES D. BAKER EDWARD A. PALLESCHI GOVERNOR UNDERSECRETARY OF *IS CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND yam_ BUSINESS REGULATION KARYN E. POLITO Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAYLA R. D'EMILIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR COMMISSIONER,DIVISION OF Division of Professional Licensure PROFESSIONALLICENSURE MIKE KENNEALY Office of Public Safety and Inspections SECRETARYM F AND Architectural Access Board ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1000 Washington St., Suite 710 • Boston • MA • 02118 V: 617-727-0660 • www.mass.gov/aab • Fax: 617-979-5459 Docket Number: (Staff Use Only) REQUEST FOR ADJUDICATORY HEARING RE: (Name and address of building as appearing on application for variance) I, , do hereby request that the Architectural Access Board conduct an informal Adjudicatory Hearing in accordance with the provisions of 801 CMR Rule 1.02 et. seq. as I am aggrieved by the decision of the Board with respect to Section(s) of the Rules and Regulations of the Architectural Access Board, 521 CMR. I understand that I may request such a hearing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice of Action. Date: Signature PLEASE PRINT: Name Address City/Town State Zip Code E-mail Telephone PLEASE NOTE: This form must be received by the Board within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice of Action.