HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-23-002541 . . . .. ... .. . ...... .. ONE&TWO FAMILY ONLY-BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department "al., 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 508-398-2231 ext.1261 Fax 50S-398-0836 rOir.' f' Massachusetts State Building Code,780 Cba Building Permit Application To Construe4 Repair,Renovate Or Demolish a One-or Tivo-Family Dwelling - f' I V : E- This Section For OSfdal Use On s-----, - — Building PnmitNumber: D .► '11� Date Applied: , �QR{s _ ,. i ' $' OfioW�i � ..,..._.3 SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION _ _ 1.I Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map etc Panel Numbers 33 moments scum YunaAh 1.1a B this as. -r street?yes . no � M*P Ps i 1.3 Zoning Information: 4 1.4 Property Dlmstuioas: I: Zenists District Proposed Use Lot Arse 04I nonage(#i:) 1.5 Building Setback,(ft) Front Ysrd Ride Yards Roar Yard Required Provided Required Provided !EIVED 1.6 Water=,pplyt(M.GL c.40.454) 1.7 Mood Zone Information: 1.11 Sewafs Disposal Sri Public Ili Private 0 Zone: " Cafak it' M1164644 0 Ong* epeey NO V,'282022 SECTION 2: PROPERTY r ' I '' t I I 2.1 Owner'of Record: SUILDINe DEPARTMENT Jesse&KIM &Connell WerNsnslen DC 29042 By — --- Name(print) y.Sete,ZIP 230110iStNE No,and Street Telephone Email Maas SECTION 3:DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORlts(trek all that apply) New Consbuctioa 0 Ex B �1 , • Owner-Occupied O ' Altteradon(s) D gdd ou 0 Demolition 0 1 Accessory Bldg. Number of Unks Other 0 Spicily a Brief Description of proposed W, Rohm,newt eV 3*Wow twain emery t y dear oft be uo meted kor totter coo e.be Mowed with Moto*approved door,while order seem*wed*Me e st�A Awiese Waif/. taro oo mg as AlKenw era wren.tpQsl►roi ewnew • SECTION 4$ESTIMATED ACTION COSTS, Estimated Costs:Item Official Use Only t sad Materials 1.Building 8 1. Building Perms Fee,$ tadicate bow Be is detentimar. - 818tandard City/Town Application Fee 2.Electrical S 0 Todd Project Cost;(Dent %multiplier 3.Plumbing $ 1Other lees: $ r(10.I) 4.Mecbenical tHVM S List S.Mechanical (Fine _ Cost: S 30*ppp Amount 6,Total Project F Check No, Check Amount _Ca* t a Paid in ha _ it - - Reborn Doc(-k-'k 6 ti't-' SECTIONS: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3.1 Construction Supervisor Liana(CST') CL,101957 9/27/24 Trevor Meyer tiesowNeeber lapin**Date Nerve oCCSL Bolder Lint OIL Type F 852 Main St Ho,and Street Ty)* Dacriplion 852 Main St West Dennis , MA 02670 '°A4 esut R tdc2 City/Town.Spat,VP IC Mown 'fails&Cowin _ _ W$ Wiadew sad Nina SP Solid lad Ikon*Appliasou 5087766027 tmeyer@meyerandsans.com I Insejadas Telephone Small address D DemoHdoe 5,2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor CHIC) 187252 3/19/23 Trevor Meyer MC Regien thou*alma Implodes Date /1 S Mien Name or MC Registrant ldasne eV Mienefn et /?���/ a/ e e`'!L!1L��'� • d6 rn set No and Saw 5�7766027 sddtesr wort bonne,MAosaro city/rowa,sate.ZIP Telephone Q din i ii C) ine y-ei- Ltd1 cJ/1f. ez SECTION 6:WORiarar COMPENSATION INSURANCE AJBWATTT L e.In,!zicov Workers Compensation Issuance affidavit must be completed sod submitted with thbi application. Pal$we to provide this affidavit will rack in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit, Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes Q/ No.,.,.....«O SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES TOR runaixa TM= see other sheet I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize _ __ to act on my behalf,In all mats relative to work authorized by this building permit Print owner's Name(Electronic Si tarsi SECTION 7b:OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION . Sy entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penakies of perjury that all of the inn formation , contained in this ,• , R,, is trite pad accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding, 11/3/22 Ph3at Owner's or Author Name(Electronic Sigaaahtre) Date NOTES —_._1 I. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do bislber own work,or en owner who bias en unregistered comacthr ;I (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will get have serves to the arbitration program or guaranty fund trader M.O.L,c,142A.Other important information on the IOC ProVsai can be foaatd at sown mantsav/osS Information on the Constitution Supervisor License can be found at snatinnatittffiffi _ 2. When substantial work is pl�tu Gov ide the information below, fobbed beesahentlattiea,decks or porch)) Total floor area(sq,..) 672 l gauge,Chats living aara(sq.ft) Habitable room daunt _. _ _ _ Number of fireplaces_ Number of bedrooms _ -- . _ Numberofhaffba the Number ofbodhroorhs -. *umber of darks/porches. H -_,Y ___�_ _ Type of co heating system . . w_._ ,- _ w I Type of cooling system __ 3. "Total Pmject5qu re Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Calf" §TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231. ext 1261 Fos 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.U.L. Ch.40, §54 and 780 CMR- Section 1053.1.#4. I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed workldemol Lion to be conducted at 33 Pleasant St Work Address Is to be disposed of oat the following location: Town of Yarmouth Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by MAJ.L. Ch. 111, §150A. 1W21/2 Signature of Date Permit No. uocusogn tnveiope dU:4 #oL1d:19a45144-41)W44.1F#0-LU84414 if biti6:, 4 EYER + SONS To: Town of Yarmouth From: Trevor Meyer Meyer and Sons Builders, Inc, RE 33 Pleasant Street To Whom It May Concern: 19 Jesse Connell as Owner of the above-mentioned property, hereby allow Meyer and Sons Builders Inc to act on my behalf in regard to all matters pertaining to the proposed Renovation Any questions please call 508,776.6027 Besse Connell —ooCus by' jcs ()W , 8/16/2021 -^h`; 47FF4A7 )// . /Ai( ,/(i//////1////1(11/7.7/ (2/. /6/•),-.)(1/X/(-)/1/4 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business PlOgUlatiOn 1000 Washington Street - Suite 710 Boston, Massachusetts 02118 Home Improvement Contractor registration 1 ype Corporalreri Regostrallorr 1672_52 MEYER AND SONS BUILDERS,NC Expirahon 03/10/2022 P,0 BOX 635 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02864 UpdMi Addrees end Holum Cotd A Ct 206,4 U7,I 7/77 ,•7777,/,./7/, ‘,/ 714,d e/zzyt Office el Consumer Allows&0~060/mg letion HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTSAcTOR nsaistrstoon verid for indroteust use only TYPE:Corporator) before the toverstion data. N found'Mom Or. 900001110 ENIAMOM Moe of Consumer Mote end Busoures RegUlellun 167252 ON1 /2023 1000 Weshington Street -Suite 7rd Boston„MA 02110 MEYER AND SONS BUILDERS,INC 1RFVOR J MEYER 852 MAIN s-r HE E WEST OF NNIS MA 02670 ( Not valid without signature ary WEST DENNIS,MA 02670 Undersecretary Commoofwealto fAmoofchuseIN lOvicoff of PrOlesmooal'Al:aroma e _. _ _ of Building Rfgoloftooff*,trfcl odmff19 COIIMWC:000 OUVENVO0Or ,;(41$40)Miti)i,,O,Y,f>ovooff Unrestricted fkiildIngs of soy use group which contain /ores than SS, .1 0 cubic feet(001 cubic melersf of mu:toted 101957 Egon es: D9/27/2020 space: TREVOR J MEYER 7,22 LOWER CO,UNTY'1040 rfENNISPORT M*02094 ."4.; „ t“' Failure to posse**•amount ednion of Om Mairistelousetts minelooner Mats Melding 4:ode cause for float:gluon of flitte license: Poi Information about Mrs Worse Guff fell)*7274200 of vit4$viowimist4sWeltil 1;� The Commonwealth of Massachusetts '.,` , Department of h lustrfalAccidents Office of Investigations Lafayette City Center : +,ti .' 2 Avenue de Lafayette,Roston,MA 02111-1750 ,; k =" rwww.mat...gov/dta Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers Annicant Information lease ant Name(Businett/Orpiiization/hndividualy er And Sons,Inc Address:852 Main St _ City/State/Zip:West Dennis MA 02670 phone#:60 63622922 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type et prejeet Ofeli ed): I.ill I am a employer with 3 4. 0 lam a general contractor and I 6+ employees(full and/or part-time).* have hired the subcontractors 2.❑ I am a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached street. 7.. ill Renvdeling ship and have no employees These sub-contractors have S. 0 Demolition employees and have workers working for me in any capacity. 9, []Building addition o workers'comp.insurance comp,insurance required.) 5, ® are a and its 10n Electrical repairs or Wit/OM' 3.0 I am a homeowner doing all work officers have exercised their 11.0 Plumbing repairs or additions myself. [No workers'comp. rightof exemption per AWL 12.0 Roof repairs insurance required.]t c. 152,#1(4),and we have no 13.[� employees.[No workers' Other comp.insurance required.) *Any applicant that checks box 01 must also fill out**section below showing their workers'compensation pokey t Homeownas who submit this affidavit indicating they am doing all woomt and then him outside contmetons most submit a new*Merit indicatingenet *Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state wltedher or not thence entries have employees, If the sub.contr cross have employees,they must provide their weelues'comp.policy number. I arm an employer that isproviding workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the polky and job s ite ihsformadon. Insurance Company Name:St> ive Insurt nos of America _ Policy#or Self-ins.Lie,it:WC 9083575 _ __ _ expiration Data:,10 1A23 . _ __.____. Job Site Address: 33 Pleasant st City/State/zip:S Yarmouth Ma 02034 Attach a copy of the workers' on policy declaration page(showing the policy masher and a rad.lr date). Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MC}L c, 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the fcnn of a STOP WORK ORDER ands fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to die Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certifjv under the pains and penalties of pedury that the WOrMagien provided ahoy is true and correct pgtysyeprm wrr.w Mqw signature;Trevor Meyer Oar 21122,11.0,shrAt4 ' Dater Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/Lkense# ___ _ Issuing Authority(chestiest): 10Board of Health 22 JJBailding Department 31JCitytTowa Clerk 4,0Electrical inspector dialembhis Inspector 61J0tber _ _ Contact Person: Phoire#: :iY EYERSANS Meyer and Sons<info®meyerandsons,conp Fwd: 33 Pleasant Street Barn 1 message Matt White<lieldops@meyerandsons.corm We Nov 2,2022 at 227 PM To:Trevor Meyer<tmeyeriameyerandsons.cam See below Thank you, Matthew White Meyer and Sons Builders,Inc. Begin forwarded message: From:"Sherman,Usa"<LShermanyarmouth ma us Date: November 2,2022 at 2:24:36 PM EDT To: "Sears,Tim"<tsears@yarmouth.ma.us, Cc:Matt White<fieldops@meyerandsons.cor >, "Sherman, Usa"<LSherman@yarmouth.ma.us* Subject:33 Pleasant Street Barn Hi Tim, The Yarmouth Historical Commission has reviewed the plans for the barn at 33 Pleasant Street. After several back-and-forth emails with Matt White, there is an agreement on the new plan. The YHC requested a change to the planned garage doors, which Matt White has accommodated in the revised plans. The rest of the barn plans are fine with the Commission, Matt will be reaching out to you regarding the permits needed. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for your help, Lisa Lisa Sherman Town of Yarmouth Administrator, Old King's Highway Historic District and Yarmouth Historical Commission 50S-398-2231,ext. 1292 Isherman@yarmouth.ma.us 7 IP • . , vi.i ct am , { .-± ....y.! 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