HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-A044 7 Duck Pond Road° y TOWN OF YARMOUTH 4 x 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 �EEIVE Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax (508) 398-0836 APR %P,KIN,G'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE AHIYIUu l ri APPLICATION FOR OLD KING�SBIQ AY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of Building: Commercial ✓ Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building ✓rAddition ✓Alterations ✓ Reroof Garage Shed ✓Solar Panels Other. OE CK 2) Exterior Painting: ✓ Siding ✓ Shutters ✓ Doors ✓ Trim Other: 3) Signs/Billboards: New Sign Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool J Other: D66K Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: _ -7 PC c,)cr- P-D .1J D RVA b '(AA0J t> o n i Pr. R'i Map/Lot # 114 • 17-6 Owner(s): t< eM it Cv t1- T 1 _ Phone #: ). C ? . 2 (1 (KL-10 All applications mLlst be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 101 VAt_wzy ROAD BLuL 13 f—".. PA 19 I Z Z Year built: 19 7a Email: kc.o t—+ i "r m bzk K er ti) +l G o M Preferred notification method: Phone V Email Agent/contractor: 0AV t L-) S V VA>t Phone* 7€° I - S a 4 . 1 is 11 Mailing Address: 3' 17'I F—fz9J Pc iJ i II 66r) Email: ae,.,.j tel 5 L V rj k- (Zc,� e-44 'sc: n . i'`-1 i; Preferred notification method: Phone ✓ Email Description of Proposed Work: IZEM-.JE. i}E ExtSrttlo� PocF sT-1J'-T%;R-E X AMJN PPLACiL WITT-4 H "14e" k",LA130 C-APB" I;ZOc F Amb -r"t& C%HAO(Z %5 tuT1Nzrb r5 imPr-Lolm— -Ft[. sro,-F�-r GLCvA,iie3 tN 1?A,RrticvLAR, AS WC- r, A5 ALL tCLV—VAT1,oNS AND AVT)/ iM.vt�tF`i ,THE VIC-4qVi- Tt;, (315TrGR 5u i'r 'T1i1Z. 6e Z,'T1' S NC-iGpS 'T1 'r, R", Gir = Lt. tiJct.4 �� M,�►MrAjOt C( 'TT-E_ JG�tS}'iN�r w t.,:� g s u-ir-M - �r b c� ,� p �t rw "irl �� �� k Tl-t w � � � � t c; N f'{ Signed (Owner or agent): Date: -4, 1 Z . 3 T'A34 it�S Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a p r ' is required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) If application is approved, approval is subf ct to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site for framing & final inspections. Rcvd Date: `"jG►j Amount Lli 0f VD Cash/CK#: (e'5 Rcvd by: L151 45 Days Date Signed: Approved Reason for Denial; Signed: Approved with Modifications Denied APPLICATION #: �/� ✓ r� GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: FOUNDATION: Material: axi s r j -I�G C � ti r_ TE _ Exposure (Not to exceed 18" )! CHIMNEY: Material/Color: 1'ZED 13216Z_- is M ATc_1A GUTTERS: Material/Color: k� 1'11 Ti- I�xIsriIv eA ROOF: Material: ASPijALT M'ri,Pitch (7/12 min) Ira 17- Height to Ridge: 'It `-9k1 Color: bi-ACK Ali �13£LC•� SIDING: Material/Style: Front: C:LAPO AROS/ Sides/Rear: 5 oIt'RC,L1~S COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: LE%T TACtk FZ O ECG - I V � Sides/Rear: NAIV PAL L.-I to i TE C F-PA K TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: 1x 4 1x5 (Circle one.) Material: AZEK Color: W01 T__ DOORS: Qty: 3 Material: VINYL- CA -Al) Color: i,Q H 1 rG. M NTM f_xAST 1N�Ct s E� 61SL0-,.J f--1 Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): Am>eRsw3 .4cc 1jtQcA9b FP_e�Mc-H bcc p'<� STORM DOORS: Qty: 1 Material: Color: FP-o,t r Et-CVAT1oI4 GARAGE DOORS: Qty: MatT Sr.6C-L Style: 146A fA4LAlor: Wyk CGTTACrE RiSb WINDOWS: Qtvlside:: Front: � Left: 5 Right: 2 Rear: Color: �,d H i Tom. C 1 '�' Manufacturer/Series: . AtgbEeS Et� Dr G A of Material: Q %N'i L CLAP) S i DES F1 REAR L,,1i4 7C,%AS 4 -,c S"-R-iZS C-LfWA,TlGt�S Grilles (Required): Pattern (6/6, 2/1, etc.) Grille Type: True Divide Lite: Snap -In: Between Glass: V Permanently Applied: Exterior Interior �p`C-6b AR , Tom. CED STORM WINDOWS: Qty: l A Material: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: Style: Paneled Louvered SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size I5'-1"X t�`'"4" n1Ewl DECK: Size: 23'-9 &W-i'Decking Mat'I: A'2-IK L-*cSxisi.04 Railing Mat'I: to L9Jr Style: 14 FEW C44A.414 i<j WALLS/FENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: Mat'I: Color: FRb Is T bow Color: j<i5I0At.L CHA1Z(PA -- Color: W_' t cc,, Color: Cr PA H%3.r TERS Color: WOiT-F_ BLAC1.1 tic -190 Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: � RECEIVE LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: N A Material: Location(s): Additional information: Color: Color: APR 13 2023 YARMOUTH 2-General qy� APPLICATION #: %3— ) \4 lY X x eA HC ® Benjamin Moore, HC i T D Corti Residence 7 Duck Pond Road Yarmouth Port MA HC m Benjamin Moore HC RECEIVED APR 13 2023 YAHMOUI n x 4 HC m Benjamin Moore- HC a3-Nil ` .OVYA4S TOWN OF YARMOUTH p y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 r' Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 45-DAY TIMEFRAME RECEIVED WAIVER I�PR 1 3 2923 fAHIVIUU i r Application #: OLD K1NG'S HIGHWAY � � - �� Project Address: 7 00 c.lc tic rl b K.cA,D 4„ARi,�c Q TM Fc,& T' KA Application Received Date: L41/ 3(a-3 45 Day Decision Deadline: INVe, the undersigned owner, contractor, or agent, do hereby waive the 45-day timeframe for a determination on our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption by the Old King's Highway Historic District Committee for the following project: Date: .4 .12,•23 Signed: Owner Owner �— Contract o 1 en bAVi SiY/-LK TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: 1<E1,1 KAP-10 CCKT1 Property Address/Location: 7 0U L.Ic PC: 4 C> READ -1AP, "A0V i tl PL,iZ r t%jlA Hearing Date: 5. 8.2 :3 Notices must be sent to the applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) whose property directly abuts or is across the street from the applicant. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Note: Instructions for obtaining the abutters Maio and Lot numbers can be found on the Old King's Highway Department page on the Town website: www.yarmouth.ma.us Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: Abutter Information: RECEIVED APR 13 20?3 rHNIVIUU I r, OLD K]Nr,'.q Wlf-�WIAIAV 4 2--`l ii�t i3c� 2-7 Application #: &^i q 8.2018 3 2 CL N N M N 'a 7 4 ,-rLn 4C GORDON LANE w p ' c co o r � M N •--4 rl ix- w W n w w co fV N rl w r., M vi W co M m til ,--i RA N 1 O 1';± IN ��--- N rein ri rE sip LM rl r-I 8 RECEIVED APR .132023 (AHIVIOU 7 1 h April 12, 2023 ECEIVED APR 1 3 202? YARMOUTF. To Old King's Highway Historic District Committee: Our neighbors, Karyn and Kenneth Corti, wish to renovate their house at 7 Duck Pond Road in Yarmouth Port. I understand that no variances or other exceptions to the Town of Yarmouth zoning ordinance will be required. I have received project plans for the proposed renovation and have no objections to the proposed work. I approve and support their plan to renovate their house. I look forward to completion of their project and feel that it will be in keeping with the neighborhood. Respectfully Yours, Janice Bernard 8 Duck Pond Road Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 93_ ALM Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Attention: Old King's Highway Historic District Committee Reference: Karyn E. and Kenneth J. Corti 7 Duck Pond Road Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Subject: Application for Certificate of Appropriateness To Old King's Highway Historic District Committee: April 11, 2023 EC61VE6- APR Z 3 2023 YARmoufr, I/we authorize David Suvak to act as our agent on our behalf to submit the application for Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and to attend the hearing to present the COA application for the above -referenced property. Respectfully Yours, Kenneth J. Corti 909 Valley Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 93 d .!74, AZT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corti Residence 7 Duck Pond Road Yarmouth Port MA RECEIVED APR 13 2023 Jar-, 7 a '37-I'vNy Corti Residence 7 puck Pond Road Yarmouth Port MA APR 1 3 2023 YAhtvjuu I n 3 Mi*- As ow : T. low" MA a 14 k wqh .' so or rl w �. W�& .L LL. .., 'li 1 NO A L 19 I i Ago RECEIVED APR 13 2023 HriIVIUU 1 i, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Corti Residence 7 Duck Pond Road Yarmouth Port MA 8 � .7) - f' i.4 Cope Hatteras Series Model: York 3 OV 3 Square Glass Factory Stained Western Red Cedar Cape Hatteras Model: Trodi;G,,I uare ' shed Blo:k Y ,.`v Cape Cad Series Model. Butler 3 OV 3 Arched Glass Factory Unfinished White ram` ,01 ,goo ��\ F4 7 i0N5- Cape May CUSTOM SERIES 1"PblyrryrwraCor� ' Y' VN�OMS PvC ow1�y RECEI 1 _ f Y1 h!vIUU i r OLD KING'S HIGHWAY The Cape May Custom models offer the finest traditional carriage door styles. Cape May models are made using only Versatex PVC (with polystyrene insulation); so there is no wood to rot or steel to rust. Its unique construction combines the advantages of weather proof, bright white Versatex PVC with traditional wood construction. Cape May custom doors are built on a 1" Versatex PVC frame whose cavities are filled with 1" of advanced polystyrene insulation and backed with thick flat sheet; all models have a flat Versatex PVC interior side. The framing is overlayed with 1 /4" thick Versatex panels that can be flat or v-grooved or optional raised panels can be applied over the top. Craftsmen then apply ''/z" Versatex PVC stiles and rails. Cape May custom models are 2-1 /4" thick, insulated to R-8 using polystyrene, and are available up to 10' wide. Cape Cod CUSTOM/TRADITIONAL SERIES L'/." Vo'WW PVC 9.'o " Versosm PVC 0rwkiy The Cape Cod Custom models offer an attractive price for a true carriage door look, with the edge detail customers love about traditional wood doors without the maintenance. Cape Cod doors are 100% bright white Versatex PVC. They are built on a 1-1 /4" Versatex PVC sheet that can be flat or v-grooved. Optional raised panels can be applied over the sheet. Craftsmen apply'/s" thick overlays over the top of the sheet. All models have a flat Versatex PVC interior side. Cape Cod models are 1-3/4" thick, insulated to R-4 (solid Versatex PVC), and are available up to 10' wide. 5pewV Fleur de Lis 66 Bean Door knockers Clavos MEN Cape Hatteras CUSTOM SERIES L;to(rr The Cope Hatteras Custom models combine superior insulation with finely crafted carriage door styles. The result is a unique blend of interesting designs that keep the garage warm. Cape Hatteras doors are faced tisrrkk, with 1 " thick bright white Pvcamssr rrv.�a. Versatex PVC on 2" thick PVC k,tor white steel base sections filled with polystyrene. The flush, white steel base sections can be upgraded to polyurethane. The steel sections are overlayed with '/a" thick Versatex PVC panels and'/z" stile/ rail overlays. All Cape Hatteras models have a flush, wood grained white interior side. Cape Hatteras models are 2-3/4" -- thick, insulated to R-12 using polystyrene, with o 4ional 0- polyurethane, and are available up to 20' wide. Carriage House Models' Cambria Sherborn . Norfolk Cumberland 44 FI:� ,�eV- ! F ST Huntingdon Bellingham i� 3 Lincoln Raised Panel Models` (ING'S HIGHWA FFFF CameronV Medway WOO r� � I FII !`r Clarion Adams Franklin Jefferson Semi-Custom/Traditional Models' Fr-[-- r r I Allegheny Washington Bradford i FfiFn F:--- Susquehanna Chester Bucks Fulton` Bedford ` Raised panel model Trifold ModelsIiiiKillill Crossbuck Models 66T_ York Hopedale Concord Newton Westwood Wellesley Brookline Dedham Millis it 2! I < E Arlington Lancaster Needham Many more designs are available to Nalick provide you a complete custom door, unique to every project. I " Venal. FYC PVC vaarea k G " Mrntr Rrp.lkr,r Tersr 4"• Yuvs►.: ftiC #acrW i HI-SIUfUU f r, The Cape May Custom models offer the finest traditional carriage door styles. Cape May models are made using only Versatex PVC (with polystyrene insulation); so there is no wood to rot or steel to rust. Its unique construction combines the advantages of weather proof, bright white Versatex PVC with traditional wood construction. Cape May custom doors are built on a 1 " Versatex PVC frame whose cavities are filled with 1 " of advanced polystyrene insulation and backed with I/a" thick flat sheet; all models have a flat Versatex PVC interior side. The framing is overlayed with 114" thick Versatex panels that can be flat or v-grooved or optional raised panels can be applied over the top, Craftsmen then apply '/z" Versatex PVC stiles and rails. Cape May custom models are 2-1 /4" thick, insulated to R-8 using polystyrene, and are available up to 10' wide. Cape Cod CUSTOM/TRADITIONAL SERIES I rh' Vorww PVC 5h. ai Versatex PVC Owv lary The Cape Cod Custom models offer an attractive price for a true carriage door look, with the edge detail customers love about traditional wood doors without the maintenance. Cape Cod doors are 100% bright white Versatex PVC. They are built on a 1-1 /4" Versatex PVC sheet that can be flat or v-grooved. Optional raised panels can be applied over the sheet. Craftsmen apply'/z" thick overlays over the top of the sheet. All models have a Plot Versatex PVC interior side. Cape Cod models are 1-3/4" thick, insulated to R-4 (solid Versatex PVC), and are available up to 10' wide. Spear✓ ' Fleur de Lis a =, "W# 6 6 Bean poor knockers 10 Go* Clavos V $port Square Gloss ry Unfinished While Panel designs can add depth and character, creating a rich and unique design for your carriage house door. 000 ON Fla[ Flat✓ Herringbone Windows provide much more than natural light. They allow you to further customize your garage door. Length Options Short (Shown cis 2 over 2 SO) Glass Options • Clear • Seedy • Obscure Medium J (Shown as 3 over 3 SO) • Tempered • Rain Glass • Safety Long [Shown as 4 over 4 SQJ • low E • Frosted • And more! V-Groove Raised 3" to 4" V-Groove or Custom Raised All of the above are available in insulated or other specialty glass. True divided glass is standard for single pane D513, insulated, and most specialty glass. Simulated divided glass, with muntins on exterior side of glass, is standard for tempered and some specialty glass. Interior muntins are available for simulated divided styles. Styles' Square (SQ) F7-- Long Solid SO F,&,�111111111. �,wi I Long 3 Lite SO loan 1011+a Long 3 over 3 SO Long Plain SO Long 4 Lite SO Long 4 over 4 SO `Clipped (CL) slyies ore also avoilable. IA&1 Long 2 Lite SO 10111111111111111 OM M Long 2 over 2 SO Long Prairie SO Long 2 over 2 CL example Arched (AR) Long Solid AR 111MI MW Long Plain AR II Long 3 Lite AR Long 4 Lite AR Long 3 over 3 AR Long 4 over 4 AR Long 2 Lite AR Long 2 over 2 AR Long Proirie AR �0 ' 4 uougias rir White V Black Newburyport Blue Western Red Cedar Sapele Essex Green Lennox Ton Stain colors cannot be customized. Any solid color is available. Speak with your factory representative. you to customize your new Cape Series door. Everite uses advanced finishes by Aquasurtech, a leading supplier of finishes for the vinyl window industry for over 25 years. Aquasurech coatings use advanced low IR ("iridescent radiation") pigments that reflect the sun's rays to create color and prevent internal heat build. Everite can apply a factory stain, or any solid color paint, including black, to make your new door look like stained or painted wood. Best of all, the door will not rot, or fade, and may never need to be refinished. Finally, maintenance free wood has arrived. Color Details Cape Series stain colors and popular solid colors shown here. Everite craftsmen designed the stain colors to mimic our most popular woods. Stain colors cannot be customized. Solid colors can be customized to any color using standard color palates from leading manufacturers. Prior to fabrication, Everite will send the color applied to a Versatex PVC sample for your approval. Warranty Details Cape Series models do not need to be painted and can be left white. Unfinished Cape Series models carry a 3 year factory limited warranty. Factory finished models carry a 5 year limited warranty. If doors are painted in the field, paint color with LRV ("Light Reflective Value") greater than 45 MUST be used to maintain the factory warranty. This product can be stained in the factory only, Lansing Standing Seam Metal Roofing A I "Ole 'v 3� Lansing Building Products specializes in providing exterior building materials to the professional contractor. Proudly delivering the brands homeowners want and contractors insist on, with an unmatched level -of service since 1955. L A N S I N G BUILDING PRODUC www.lansingbp.com L A N S I N G B U f L D I N G PRODUCTS Inventory We stock a full inventory of metal roofing colors and accessories, along with tools you need to complete your project, available for rent and/or purchase. Service Our truck will roll out, cut, and drop panels at your jobsite so there's no crating or long lead times. Profiles REGEIVOo APR 14 2023 f AHMOUTh CIN HIGHWAY Training We can provide you with hands-on training at your jobsite. We also hold regular product installation demonstrations; check your local branch for details. Estimating A Lansing sales representative can visit yourjobsite and address any questions before your job begins. 1-112"Snap Lack 14 1-112" Mechanical 1" Nail Flange y�r 16" or 20" 16" or 20" 16" or 20" 1" Mechanical 17" or 20" Available in Galvalume steel, aluminum, copper and as special order. Stock Colors (Drexel Metals) Slate Iron Black Colonial Forest Hartford Medium Gray Ore Red Green Green Bronze Antique Bronze OX Additional Low Gloss Colors (Drexel Metals) - 1?r'. .. Cityscape Drexlume Nantucket Inkwell Traditional Maroon Autumn Pine Midnight Chestnut Aspen classic Gray +ice Black Red Green Brown Bronze Bronze Due to printing limitations, colors may vary from printed swatches. _ Please refer to an in -person sample to assure color accuracy. We recommend synthetic underlayment andhigh temperature ice dam ?? p�� �[.� protection for installation under our metal roofing. 5 % -- 3" ' ► L A N S I N G Ask your local branch for details. StnniiinvConrn 1LTarn1 r7nnir�i� ANDERSEN" W f NO O W 5 & DO O A 5 RECEIVED APR 14 2023 YARMOUTh OLD KING'S HIGHWAY TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG FULL -FRAME WINDOWS Id Tobles c^ Sizes ... 78-81 Soecit casions 79-83 S,zes .. 84 Grate Po' e-cs ....... ....... ................. 85 Wmdo%v De•ci,s - _ 85-M Joining Jetolls ....,.. .-, 86 \orroi re Corversior, <..................... 87 Cob; �aiion des gns . _.-_.-..,..,. 1.8 Pro6ucl Perhorrr�-ce - --. --- 197 CUSTOM SIZING in `!a" (3) increments TILT -WASH DOUBLE -HUNG FULL -FRAME WINDOWS RFCFVV D FEATURES FRAME Q -of e-cew c-. 'es 51Crr Ce'he's- Q sa.._ ore CC C Ie .. C'e• ^ 5"EC E cc-< c_ _ C C c: < © A'cCc•y-opp ee ' c e , -y c. c cec ,e'_.. _ _ ce5 'e c_ .. . e -e o_ e v -e_ ____ © A, ex-r-6ea ' e a v y c'-c 'e, :3'0 C'Cv CC- c .. .;'E[' `e 5_c .700 n5. •-eo.'e•' ,e---e'<_ _xC's e s de cs- c_s _ -o,e i eosy +c �Ie sesh .. .:CS Los.+on- Ij i 13-1 � I „r q,.e o cci : 'Ock�e ba'o^Geis sC"ems'ILI Ea_'2 -a Co._ "e-, G c5s-'e -'o,cea -y G to arCe• srce5 c'o, 7e s-r o­ e cc e cce'c'c� cc e e _ u, , oe A--�e,se,- s_cc _-,. s © Wec' e-5.- : _ .-C _ c,c, ces o e Cv- e'" c-e" v,ec:',e--'es 5•c,, se, i ."e -""'O cc 'c 5 c- e-c CSEC _ --e -ecc cc-c,es5es oc A, r^E ..seo 5 ce -ens _5 eo -'yce ec. e.,.. rse'-s. i Ahlv►UU I hr EXTERIOR & INTERI EXTERIOR COLORS *100*W-".re (-crvcs Scrdtore Te.' vc- 1 -ores' B cck �•;rLa Geer SASH VJc_- .,_5 5'5 -0,e ' eosy'V Q Wcad sCs--e-oe-' c'e ',ec-ed -a,-•r% c 5vc'e,-'em e-' c-ese'vo' ,e fc• e'c __ aces c'e 5'ec C -e _o..,. "o• ie] .arce wear creo '-er Ors o e o'so ovodobfe ©A pc�yes,e•-s•o:; zed ccot ry tr o F'exec,or ii :sn s e'e�'-osro' c:Oy opc,'ec 'c Pere"c'e e' E::er:ar 5_'TCCeS icl -0. �^_^ C!C'eCt,or c^d c ±,o_s r s o Jos- c'e a ce, of I cc ' o' o =c'^ se-cro-'e-cr co^s•,�C, c- '5 cE c-o O�, GLASS O:r aod:' a^ YC ' Ea5 5'eE Coc< soece's olcc. r. e c 05s 50cce,5 we ^cw ova 0-- E o 're Bocce, a blEra .. �e c'' CC © C fCcr.e CLO c ---e C.­. ce5 g.n-e<_s c-c c...,..,'y pL1-re•rc o-ce cn5 rc ,:oe- c css e^ Ce eo o c o e' 0 C5Z c• c-s c e c,o cc Co _-r=,. Ace se- e'- H- ce .e c .cc^ arc V _et_ Polterned Gluss pot-e -ec goss cc- c-s ore o.c cc e jee 2`c'-oe -.5'e5 See,_. __ ___„ INTERIOR OPTIONS HARDWARE B cck I Go d DLv Stone White W- OPTIONAL HARDWARE;e; ESTATE' r �4. B" s ec `r o Ec e=sed B,crze — - -s. essec c<e C , _ccec B'c ze °c sheo C--c^-e Satin Nickel CONTEMPORARY A-•:7.=_ �-oss ;Block �' ... Distressed Nickel TRADITIONAL A- c_ 5'-essec d o-ze D s-'e5seo \ cae Go c D-s• Oil Rubbed Bronze ='-ed C--cr-e Sac \ cke' S'o-e W- 'e HARDWARE FINISHES v . 0 - A'-, a e B,cCK B'C55 j'CSs so 1rec B,or>e C6rc-e i i D s"essee R,C-Ze Nickel -e Wh:'e 76 -= ANDERSEN" WATCH :-, _, vv'ndows.com/ccas-c' Pe,formance Grade IPG) Upgrades s _ _ _ _ _.: c Ez -C�; :e DO _. . E _ _ _ _ _ ,or Jes ce or—o:Ce -o' .:1- c ce`,­Ce "'O" o- a'r)O_.. O eo5e , _ dersenwindows-corn „5e C' — 72 829; c o 3 ` -e V, Cn-lov yo-- _ s_cO= 0,0 c� y ,ASH OPTIONS _l III l_I III II 1 - I NS ACCESSORIES I an fRAME STORM/INSECT SCREEN ExtensionJan6s COMBINATION UNIT' 7 y J O _ CC_ Pine Stool A uew _ aa, .s Ds ca e ecoy co. -•e spoo ..o'cc e f 6i 'o- se ,0 a 1O5 / j'.33; Ono 6 .' ("67 o, se _'ec-s .,c 07 i'8') WO=csv.--2 - (57) c-o 2 -. )64, cos ng w 0­ s HARDWARE Window Opening Control Device t A -ece)sea ae•, ce s ove cc e c c y c.po ec ucs- w e „ es5' � ;�2; .vie" •-e w -OOw s .. cze-eo A%-- cc e ^ w,-`e s'o-e c oc. A"_ c- c . e o O ae. �e c' _ ., sc 0v3 co e V e c cola r.. o c o'-- 2G -o 32 i c-Cl0'C 7C'-g -.o GLASS Andersen' Art Glass Dss c e s c, : . _. - _ ce i3 'o'—Ole.. .. 0 t S. 0r.der5enwiPO0w5,COm/ar;gl055 CIU APR 1 4 M3 rAhIVIUU I f, KINGS HIGHWAY INSECT SCREENS Insect Screen Frames Co,tvenl�onal Insect Screen: GRILLES EXTERIOR TRIM -aes C -e n,ev _- _ e ice = Z,ec- 3__ C:_ _ aea ay _o -_•ess = _ _ Sec yo_ a - _ z C.. _ .. _ s _ ___ - _: _ _ c_ _.. —c -_. Z 'e �.. �_ � -_�_ -'��- ., � -�.� ___ .: ., _i-_ .. __ _., .•�-,.�>2'-tom _. -__. __ _r _ ANDERSEN- rr NCHWOOD-R' IGED INSWING 10 DOORS Sizes '52-153 154 ...... 155 156-157 -- 158 ................ .. i 81 ...... I .._. 197 CUSTOM SIZING ip " (3) incr5monts ERENCHWOODc' HINGED INSWING PATIO DOORS FEATURES FRAME ne\ ce _ --, es _ QA PANEL ve1'.ue,s 0,C ;1'.:1. ob'C Os (7p, (--s i ov; r;, ,"e, p.'.C.L' f, + • sl, eci ,v;.;.•a ...f:...., .. _ � _J C.rClf.•a7F pe'a'M .,'(,so, HARDWARE OPTIONS <. - — a I ANVERS' YUMA' NEWBURY' ALBANY _ e Distressed Nickel _ Gold Dust Satin Nickel _ =,,,e - 01 Rubbed Bronze e a -cc s-e HARDWARE FINISHES ... a .. Mortise -and -Tenon Joints e v GLASS © ess s ee a o__ _ _ .. ... . . .. .. .. =e _pace 0 _ ce =L -� '-ee :crK V CH L S_ A C- 3-0 s_ c feed ce'2 Cceo s EXTERIOR & INTERIOR OPTIONS EXTERIOR COLORS INTERIOR OPTIONS Pl,,e Map e .. . -. `.e'Ic;cre Foes G+ee•' APR f 4 2023 OLD �tlNGly u r r� 'HIGF�W� COVINGTON" ENCINO` WHITMORE' TRIBECA' A-- a._ ... Distressed Bronze Antique Bross Cc Bright Brass :___c -,c _ _ as z 2,--Ce ze i_cce _-c-Ze White FSB'' HARDWARE & FINISHES _ ccc A -cc A �^ '. 76 C2 (tr':FC^.^. T'-- - _ c _. ...-.. _ , _ .. .. ... 5 TC (tA ct`e er. -�e5 FCR nc•d>.:; .. - .- -150 ANDERSEN " WINDOWS & DOORS RECF�_ E APR 14 2023 Blinds -Between -the -Glass 3'C: ObB yv., 6Cb8 6 �6 HARDWARE Hinges A;i Mutti-Point Locking System _ .2,_ ACCESSORIES '. FRAME Inferior Extension Jambs >> ��l's =7 e'a Exterior Extension Jambs e 1 [33 [l j E, 1C 0 _ .. .. Threshold 00 Romped Sill Insert ee-•s C: ec a'. L7Ca r ;- ea, cC:s ee e =ca = Sill Support A _ s_JCc" sce_-, ec ., -roe 'e s I C 0 e - so es_=_ram_ A:c cc e o cc r MMIVIVU I h HARDWARE Exterior Keyed Lack 1 Hondle Extension , ) .e a-s e ece Strike Plate Extensions Construction Lock _s aomor A e sec e t.•,, s' _. . . I Pone! Stop .•e^ Ain ^�- a _-es GLASS Andersen' Art Glass +cl e-Y c c. : N.,, s see , V a" Gec'.0- s-cr'' .. aide: serw'-Edows.co-,n/a'±gross INSECT SCREENS I Gliding Insect Screen A % :) Double -Insect Screen Track Z.ij - 701:?i Hinged Insect Screens Arr.- i GRILLES EXTERIOR TRIM A, A-, se- -o., e .. SIDELIGHTS 8f TRANSOMS lee -1 �3 `-I ,Si R 00; 1 N T X $10 MILLWORK SOLUTIONS " - . ". ,......4 .,.. �_ L Product uataiQQ�7,-vsr] m 7 intexmillwork,Com i RF- ic IVF[ How to Order s AhjvlUU I r, OLD KINGS HIGHWAY i Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Select a Newel Post Wrap Select a Style & Size for Select a Structural Post Size & Style Newel Cap + Base Trim ❑ INTEX Structural Post Mount ❑ NEWEL5-EX Enjectiore Molded Cap 6 Base _ o ❑ Wood Mount Hardware fits 4 x 4 Or Structural Post Mount --'--'--'_ ❑ IMPC5 ❑ IMTR5 N EWE L5 [ elru[ar PVC Caps S Bases ❑❑ Concrete Mount Hardware Fits 4x4OfSItUCiurCliPost MOun[ ' ❑ Pressure Treated 4x4 ❑ NEWEL6.5 ❑ INCFLAT ❑ NCPYRAMID ❑ Pressure Treated 6x6 Fits 4 a 4, 6 x 6, or Structural Post Mount f-- - - - - ❑ ❑ 'NRTR NCHARS For Upgraded Cap Styles See Page 34 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Select a Rail Profile Select a Rail Height Select Desired Gate[s) and or Upgrades (if Any) ❑ RS60 Liberty Rail ❑ 35" Rail Heig'r.t ❑ si-me Cates ~— -- E ❑ Doub!e Gates —� ❑ Decoratve Pa,-eis RS60275 R55035C rinitom Rail ❑ Rad;us Rai: 36" ❑ RS40 Hampton Rail �� t ❑ Glass Balusters ` ❑ Glass Panels ❑ 42" Rail He ght R;4c3so Rs4 B�uom aa. ❑ 3-Line Rail' ❑ RS70 Providen l - ❑ Mahogany Top Cap" � T,, r - - ❑ ''Lighted Newel,Caps ❑ Louver Infillx RS70 Bottom Rai'. ' - ❑ RS35 Dartmouth Rail i - - - - ❑ Horizontal'3alusters' ' Roil Upgrades, Including oiiabilrty BY r-r----�ti Rai! Line, Start an Page 18 RS35400 RS35350 Bottom Ra'l ntexmiI[work.com 10 An Economical Rail Solution with APR J 4 2023 Performance Superior to Composite Railing oidK, HMour-h Unique Hampton Rail Features Standard Kits Ship With Solid 1 1/4" Square -Edge Baluster Mahogany Cap Upgrade Available For Both Hampton Profiles! R.•� Rail Assembly dig Our reusaule rail assembly jig is designed specifically to help reduce installation times and labor cost. The Assembly Jig makes it easier to align, center and space balusters Longer, Code Compliant Spans Meets commerual requirements of International Building Code (IBC) and international Residential Code 0RC) for level spans up to 10 feet and stair spans up to 8 feet. 1-t i..i 1w, Popular Upgrades for Hampton Rail: 1 ..�,�All" i II� o Mahcgany op Cap Ceara;-+,e Panels aI OFF" `" - l_ ._ s ._:�E... ... �'f - +� 1111lIff Eil..11ll Radius Rah 3-tine Rail Details For All Avaaable Ra:i Upgrades Start On Page IS r ice►, t --m-.. ai 11 intexMillwork.con --d JIY2 M " Beverage Friendly Top Hampton Flat is our most popular profile in a beverage-fnendly detail. This profile is available as our standard Cel{ular PVC flat profile or a Mahogany fl Price Range: Installation: i HM(vl0U'rh I RS40 Hampton Kits � 6' Length S' Length 1 Q' Length 12' Length 36" Height 42" Height Stair Application 3Y2 - 016 1 GET AN INSTANT QUOTE! ,jw+nrj.intexmillwork.com Traditional Rail Style Our Peaked Hampton profile brings an adder touch of historic detail with its rounded design. This profile is available as our standard Cellular PVC peaked profile or a Mahogany peaked profile upgrade. Price Range: Installatien: I I1111f--]1111III_I_-1_ 55 coriROMinrce E1� Intertek CCPR-0155 31 intexmittworkcc Extruded &Fabricated Newel Wraps with Lids &Bases GET AN INSTANT QUOTE! www.intexmif�work. cn m lMPC5 works with t NEWEL5-EX & NEWEL5 NEWEL5-EX with IMPC5 & IMTR5 NCFLAT5 works with NEWEL5-EX & NEWEL5 NCFLAT'6.5 works with NEWEL6.5 NCPYRAM1D5 works with NEWEL5-EX & NEWEL5 NCPYRAMID6.5 works with NEWEL6.5 NEWEL5 with NCFLAT & NBTR5 +� �VED APR 14 2023 DL1) urHhrvrUU f r-, NCHAR5 works with NEWEL5-EX & NEWEL5 NCHAR6.5 works with NEWEL6.5 NEWEL6.5 with NCPYRAMID & WM75 a�,-ft4V IMTR5 works with NBTR5-EX works with NBTR5 works with NEWEL5-EX & NEWELS 4 NEWEL5-EX only NEWEL5 only NBTR6.5 works with NEWE16,5 only I Our Most Affordable Column Wrap! Knocked Down Easy Wrap Sample Display as 4 Flat Pieces Knocked Down Easy Wraps Our Most Affordable Columr. Wrap! 100% Cellular PVC Available Widths: 4'/z", 5" 61/2", 7". 8'/2" & 9" Available Heights: 9E C8" And 1,120" Available in Celuka Ot Free Foam Arrives As 4 Nat Pieces For Quick & Easy lrstal3.ation - No Fasteners Required! Cap And Base sold Separately Goes Not Require Pa+n[, But Can Be Painteo 4IvAr A Light Reflective Value (LRV) Of 55 Or Greater APR 14 2023 [ �"A�MOtJT�, 1�n�n n ....... tip: Knocked Down Easy Wrap Sample Display Folly Assembted 1NTEX's Easy Wrap Post Wrap options are economical and easy to install. Save money in product and labor cost by using these innovative post wrap systems! GET AN INSTANT QUOTE! www intexrnillwark,cam k # MADE IN USA I Assembled Easy Wraps 2 1- wem • Fastest Column Installation Available! • 100% Cellular PVC • Available Widths: 41/2", 5", 61/2"1 7", 8 '/z", & 9" • Available Heights: 96",108", & 120" • Includes 2 Trim Rings • Arrives 3 Sides Assembled for Quick & Easy Snap -Together Installtion! • Does Not Require Paint, But Can Be Painted with a Light Reflective Value (LRV) of 55 or Greater . GET AN INSTANT QUOTE! www.intexmillwork.com RECEIVED APR 1 4 2023 OLD KINGS HIGHWAY exmiltwoik.com 48 All the Architectural Charm of a Traditional RFC - Wooden Pergola, at Our Lowest Cost! APR 1 4 2023 The Classic Kit is an economical pergola system designed for small backyard projects. The Classic Kit gives you a quick off -the -shelf solution for your freestanding or attached to structure pergola project. One Rafter Size One Beam Size Standard Sizes only (8ft, 10ft, 12ft & 14ft Post Centers) Lightweight Design Economically Priced Clear Spans Up TO 14' X 14' Modest Rafter And Beam Profile Four Standard Tait Designs Classic Pergola Tail Styles PT1 PT2 i PT3 PT4 . GET AN INSTANT QUOTE! www.intexmdlwark cam /Mir 11 I• �. - � s R r 'T k _ i- tea-• :• :�i�^ _ .� ' YWr I nrs ' _ yrTransceJ :.. ISLAND MIST AVAILABLE IN GROOVED'ANA SQUARE EDGE BOARDS _ �- - _ -. - - - «� rv.b�i -I '� - { r .,".. _ - �. �♦ i. lei' � .. - -