HomeMy WebLinkAboutblds-23-005555 oYq TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MLA 02664 508-395 2 Fe Gt. E D APR 05 2023 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION By I� T -Date J 3 Permit No. Applicant Instructions 8Ib5-03—UOSSS" 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application form is required for each type of sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit number. 3) Applicant shall attach a separate 8 '/z"x 11" sheet including two diagrams: A) Design, dimension and colors of the proposed sign(s) B) Freestanding Signs: Indicate location of the proposed sign(s) with setbacks from property lines that are at least 6 feet. Attached signs:must show running footage of portion of building frontage occupied by business. Location/Address for proposed signs) as ��Vl, J� Jv` �� ` z4'Gik' ‘,W Assessor's Map Lot Zoning District: B 1 B2 B3 Res Hist.Dist Name of Business for proposed sign(s) -ec . GyY`�L? ►7 Name(s)of Business owner(s) Pnc \L \- 3 � Mailing Address of Business owner(s) 3 B Z S Ak✓ ,u ' — .- e �� ` I (C3 Business Owner(s)Phone: Business ' -GO'r-'4e---)C Home Name of Building Owner(s) U" Ry. t\ L_ Phone Sign Builder\ Sk (C) —5N Sign Materials 1A-'f' Sign Builder Address Cl) `GO r `7-)R 50 Phone SC-b. '3 l Internal Light External Light Elk•SA Freestanding Sign(s) 4 I( y a Size of proposed Freestanding Sign: 1 C ) " 1)14 L -\ o Coup Y\.v\�5 6AS-I t7' Attached Sign(s) it • Size of proposed Attached Sign: Temporary Sign(s) Size of proposed Temporary Sign Dates of proposed Temporary Sign: Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sign Inspector I hereby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sign construction and installation. I further agree that this sign will not be altered,added to or changed in any way unless a new permit has been issued. Sign Permits are not valid until the Building Commissioner issues Use and Occupancy Permits(where applicable). Signature of Applicant: Date 1-14' .2 3 Property Owner Authorization: I hereby autriz ant to act on my behalf in all matters related to this sign application. (signature) Date (01:3 This Permit Replaces # Approved by: / Date L` ,I U— \ -3 With the following conditions: I have read and understood the conditions of this Sign Permit listed above: _ • S2-EXISTING/PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK 1.Remove existing Dennis East panels. 2.Install new FedEx panels. f • for - ' • r 4?- , R Fed Ground ' ,,. , • . •. ., • • APE COD it. , ^e • .2k DISTRIBUTION C _te.2 ENqr teennis East ENGLANp I • ERNAT-IONAL INC. trosx �CENTER i&-74.-- 't - 1UtdBINGHE t • ATIN WWIHVAD ; a • r' ' • +. • ENGLA alliiii AUMtlIMNADISTp Ri g tiNn mic f • , ILA. - • .. s rT1Y . PROPOSED SIGNAGE EXISTING SIGNAGE SCALE: NTS These drawings are not for construction purposes.The information contained herein is Intended to express design intent only.This original design is the sole property of Blair Image Elements.It cannot be reproduced,copied or exhibited,in whole or in part,without first obtaining written consent from Blair Image Elements. Issue Date.02/22/23 Drawn By EeD Date:a Blair Image Elements b a i r FedExFecEc STORE# REV DATE DESCRIPTION S2— EXISTING/PROPOSED 02/22/23 5107KisslAvenue 225 Whites Path 0 o2i22iz3 INITIAL RELEASE Doc#: AD-FEDEX-103232-230222-0 Altoona,PA 16601 South Yarmouth.MA 02664 N/A _ Blair Project#: 103232 P: (814)949.8287 — Page 7 Blair Sales Order#: 78344 blairimage.com IMAGE ELEMENTS S3-EXISTING/PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK 1.Remove existing wall sign only. i O�ILv iii v , De! f 3 ram,. .' _. , - _;tMY" • �, e. 4+ ,3 PROPOSED SIGNAGE EXISTING SIGNAGE SCALE: NTS These drawings are not for construction purposes.The Information contained herein is intended to express design intent only.This original design isr the sole property of Blair Image Elements.It cannot be reproduced.copied or exhibited,in whole or in part,without first obtaining written consent from Blair Image Elements. Issue Dote.02/22/23 Drawn By EBD S3- EXISTING/ PROPOSED Date: Blair Image Elements b I air Fed Ex STORE# REV DATE DESCRIPTION Date: 02/22/23 5107 Kissell Avenue FeilIK225 Whites Path N/A o 0222i23 INITIAL RELEASE Doc#: AD-FEDEX-103232-230222-0 Altoona,PA 16601 south Yarmouth,MA 02664 _ Blair Project#: 103232 P: (814)949.8287 _ Page 9 Blair Sales Order#: 78344 blairimage.com IMAGE ELEMENTS' EXTERIOR SIGNAGE SITE PLAN rM .,,..<. .,.. SIGN ID DESCRIPTION QTY GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC HIGHWAY Si E120G WALL SIGN 1 52 REMOVE ONLY N/A S3 D411G GROUND SIGN 1 WHITES PATH is rt t1 , ' r NI \ ', a • s r 4%.."11°1411h ' , \\11)11): .\ '' ' ' ' r•..a A. 31 0, \I\ -... ♦ ! 44. a al!' These drawings are not for construction purposes.The information contained herein is intended to express design intent only.This original design is the sole property of Blair Image Elements.It cannot be reproduced,copied or exhibited,in whole or in part,without first obtaining written consent from Blair Image Elements. Issue Dora C2/22/23 Drown By EBD EXTERIOR SIGNAGE Rev:0 Blair!ma e Elements g Fed Ex STORE It xcv DATE DESCRIPTION Date: 02/22/23 5107 Kissell Avenue air FeCEIC 225 whites Path o ozrzzfza INITIAL RELEASE Doc#: EX-103232-230222-0 Altoona,PA 16601 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 N/A _ PLAN Blair Project ect#:#: 103232 P: (814)949.8287 Page 3 Blair Sales Order#: 78344 blairimage.com IMAGE ELEMENTS'