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23-A035 REV 39 Wild Rose Terrace Approved
-y"ARM _fU t a P LlWpq r •IERK 0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH _ x 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 R*■CF1VF Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 APR OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE �AHNIUU I tt APPLICATION FOR (INGS HIGHWAY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended, for proposed work as described below & on plans, drawings, photographs, & other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S), ELEVATIONS, PHOTOS, & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apo I : Indicate type of Building: Commercial Residential 1) Exterior BuildingConstruction: New Building 11 Addition Iterations Reroof DGarage Shed Solar Panels Other: 2) Exterior Painting: IISiding Shutters 0 Doors ❑Trim Lother: 3) Signs/Billboards: 0 New Si n Change to Existing Sign 4) Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall OFlagpole El IIOther: Please type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 39 Wildrose Ter Map/Lot # 119 : 26 Owner(s): Ellen Latour Phone #: (413) 478-4668 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 39 Wildrose Ter Yarmouth MA 02664 Year built: Email: sane50991 @yahoo.com Preferred notification method: 0 Phone Email Agenticontractor: Sunrun Installation Services inc./ Stephen Kelly Phone#: 978 793-7881 Mailing Address: 695 Myles Standish Blvd. Taunton, MA 02780 Email: eastmapermits@sunrun.com Preferred notification method: Phone�Email Description of Proposed Work: Installation of a PV solar array consisting of 11 black on black solar panels to the rear roof plane of the residence, not visible from the public way. Signed (Owner or agent): Date: 94/19/2023 ➢ Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is require+*om the Building Department. (Check other depa D If application is approved, approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, which( ➢ All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH. OKH-approved plans MUST be available on -site Rcvd Date: Amount Cash/CK #: Rcvd by: _ 45 Days: Date Signed: Approved Approved with Modifications Reason for Denial: Signed: n 'AROVE date shay be later. _ aming & 4al rispeC(ions. Y.A&MWW i H 1 APPLICATION #: ; 3-M Au;5- �y ° Yva TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at eyj e 'fib , Map/Lot CIA# Approval Date:o�dz (2-nZs I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop -work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. I have read and understand the above statements. Date: 2 �� �� Signed APPROVERigned APR 2 4 2023 YARMOU T h KING'S HIGH H 1OKH COMM ITTEE1Apphcation Form5L51a1ement of Understanding 2015 docx '4� �;,, 4�<, e (Ow r/Contractor/Ag t) (Chairman, Old King's Highway Committee) Updated 1212015 GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET Project Address: 39 Wildrose Ter FOUNDATION: Material: Exposure (Not to exceed 18"): CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS: Material/Color: ROOF: Material: Composite Shingle Pitch (7/12 min) 25 deg Height to Ridge: 20 Color: Dk Brn SIDING: Material/Style: Front: Color: Front: TRIM: All windows & doors to be trimmed with: Material: DOORS: Qty: Material: Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: MatT WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front: Left: Manufacturer/Series: Sides/Rear: SideslRear: 1x4 1x5 (Circleone.) Color: Color. - Color: Style: Color: Right: Rear: Color: Material: Grilles (Required . Pattern (616, 2/1, etc.) Grille Type: True Divided Lite: Snap -In: I- Between Glass: Permanently Applied: =Exterior =Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: MatT Style: Paneled Louvered Color: COLOR CHIPS RECEIVED APR 19 2023 YARNIOU'l rt APPROVED SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size Color: APR 2 4 2023 DECK: Size: Decking MatTColor: Oi_D K1NG'S �ARMOUTH H1�W Railing MatT Style: Color: WALLSIFENCES* (Max 6' height): Height: MatT Style: Color: (Show running footage & location on plot plan.) 'Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: _ Location(s): Material: Color: Color: Additional information: Please find included with this submittal a copy of the specifications for the solar panels. Color is Black on Black and they have a matte finish 2-General � APPLICATION #: � - / i /�o3r e-0-1 °Yo TOWN OF YARMOUTH y 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE WAIVER OF 45-DAY DETERMINATION The applicant/applicant's agent understands and agrees that due to the current declared National and State public health emergencies the determination of our Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness/Demolition/Exemption may not be made within 45 days of the filing of such application. The applicant agrees to extend the time frame within which a determination is to be made as required by the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Act. SECTION 9 -Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations "As soon as convenient after such public hearing; but in any event within forty-five (45) days after the _filing of application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the Committee shall make a determination on the application. " Applicant understands that the review of this application will be scheduled as soon as the situation allows. Applicant/Agent Name (please print): Stephen Kelly Applicant/Agent signature: _ ,s ( RECEI1f EIS MAR 2 0 2023 YAHIVIUUI h Application 4 3/2020 Date: 03/16/2023 APPROVED APR 2 4 2023 ni n,Y gA40 17h a3-P-e�vl TOWN OF YARMOUTH EIVF—D (L© KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE MAR 21 2023 YARIVIOUTh ABUTTERS' LIST Applicant's (Owner) Name: 15I )-eh L a +,> Jr Property Address/Location: 3q WIN 1205,e Te v ra Hearing Date: U h oid 3 Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way) who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant Please provide the Assessor's Tax Man and Lot numbers only. The OKH Office will send out notices using the addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list Note. Instructions for obtaining the abutters Map and Lot numbers can be found on the Old Ki,ng's Highway Department page on the Town website www varmouth.ma.us Applicant Information: Abutter Information: APPROVED APR 2 4 2023 YARMOUTH Map Number Lot Number a.s 1 a77 151(o� ll� a8 1s1�1 151-7� _ V7 Application #. 3 - AL , 35- r -V 8 2018 3 1191 291 1 1 KURTOWICZ PETER L KURTOWICZ MAUREEN T 3 BUTTERCUP LN SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664-1105 1191 281 1 1 GUARINO CHARLES P JR HILL ELIZABETH 53 BRIDGE ST NEWTON, MA 02458 1191 271 1 1 WHITE REX E WHITE CHRISTINE ANN 17 BUTTERCUP LN SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664-1105 1191 261 1 ! LATOUR ELLEN A LATOUR SARAH A & ZACHARY J 88 YEOMAN AVE WESTFIELD , MA 01085 1191 251 ! 1 OKEEFE JOSEPH W CAMPBELL WENDY S 35 WILD ROSE TERRACE SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 1191 391 1 1 DA SILVA LARISSA BELLAS 20 AZALEA LN, YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1191 451 1 1 MAXWELL GLENN C/O WALLACE JENNIFER L TR 21 AZALEA LN SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 1191 30.2.1! 1 1 WILLIAMS CRAIG P O BOX 837 SOUTH YARMOUTH , MA 02664 Please use this signature to certify this list of properties directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: 39 Wild Rose Terr., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 119, Lot 25 Andy Ma ado, Director of Assessing March 27, 2023 APPROVE j APR 2 4 2023 YARMOu"I-h RECEIVED MAR 2 7 2023 rz` <a3..,A0-�— �0cv 0 a Qa m (f) d Q7 co Ln In 0) Ch .4 W4 r-I rn rn 4d, 0 4 -9 7 6 co N Y.. a � q E C xd� ECOVED MAR 2 1 , ,1 APPROVED APR 2 4 2023 (ARMC)U-FH Y C l9 3 AV �tl REC IVED APR 1 9 2M YAhIlvluu I tr SHEET INDEX LEGEND SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL NOTES PAGES DESCRIPTION SE SERVICE ENTRANCE M MAIN PANEL ® SU—EL LC IV LOAD CENTER 6UNRUN METER PM PV PRODUCTIONMETEn INV INVERTER(S) 0 AC DISCONNECT(S) DC DISCONNEC7(8) CB 10 COMBINER BOX r, INTERIOR EQUIPMENT L_ J SHOWN AS DASHED ® CHIMNEY ATTIC VENT -_ FLUSH ATTIC VENT c PVC PIPE VENT e METAL PIPE VENT g T-VENT SATELLITE DISH ® FIRE SETBACKS HARDSCAPE —•PL— PROPERTY LINE SOLAR MDDLI FS SCALE'NTS sNR MOUNT �SNR MOUNT 68KIRT • SYSTEM SIZE: 4290W OC, 38DYW AC .MODULES' 71 -INVERTERS: (1) RIILA SOLAR: SE38DDHIJSSN . RACKING RL UNIVERSAL. SPEEDSEAL TRACKON COMP, SEE DETAIL 8NR-DC40436 ' ADD NEW 1,,A MAIN BREAKER TO MAIN -PANEL • ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH MA9TH ED. CMR 78a 20151RCABCAEBC ( y' WSNICIPA CDOE. Wp ALL MANUFACTURERS'USTINGS AND INSTALLATION • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH NEC 2023. • ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUNDING WILL COMPLY PATH NEC M23. -PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ISUNGRDUNDED. NO CONDUCTORS ARE SDI.IDLY GROUNDED IN THE INVERTER. SYSTEM COMPLIES NTH 690.35. • MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1701. • INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741. ' RACKING CONFORMS TOANO IS LISTED UNDER UL 2703, • SNAPNRACK RACKING SYSTEMS, IN COMBINATION VIITII TYPE I, OR TYPE II MODULES, ARE CLASSA FIRE RATED. • RAPID SHUTDOWN REQUIREMENTS MET WHEN INVERTERS AND ALL CONDUCTORS ARE WITHIN ARRAY BOUNDARIES PER NEC 690.12(1). • CONSTRUCTICN FOREMAN TO PLACE CONDUIT RUN PER 690.31pT •ARRAY DC CONDUCTORS ARE SIZED FOR DEBATED CURRENT. • 12.14 AMPS MODULE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT. • 18.07 AMPS CERATED SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (8908 SA) ItBB0.8 (B)). • PV INSTALLATION COMPLIES WITH THE NEC 2G23 ARTICLE 6911-12(By(2). CONTROLLED CONDUCTORS LOCATED INSIDE THE ARRAY BOUNDARY ARE UMTTED TO 80 VOLTS v4NHIN 30 SECOND OF A RAPID SHUTDOWN INITIATION PV-i.0 COVERsHEET PV-2.0 SITE PLAN PV-3.0 LAYOUT PV4.0 ELECTRICAL PV_S.O S;GNAGE ABBREVIATIONS sunrun " °n°11u°-`"�`�'`"'�""• ra•n rsanpsrgx a.+Rert VICINITY MAP P1 Pl6rWG aolovopl.ns sysTe. Johnny A. Kehe) - Reaeat*n Are 34 W - R�98f0 a, - '�sEnxce Aneuon CUSTOMER RESIDENCE ELLEN LATOUR 39 WILDROSE TERRACE, YARMOUTH. MA, 02864 TEL. (413) 47&4668 APN: YARM-MI IDZ00029 vue ` wrc xo1 ro a... x mcanw p�c�irvm PRO.IEDTNOMBER: 223R-039LATO rem DESIGNER: {41515004MM.' CHRISTNW EsTAREs REY NAME DATE COMMENTS SHEET COVER SHEET REV: Al 4112Q023 r PAGEPV_1 Q ppl APPROVED APR 2 4 2023 YARMOU h (ING'S HIGHW RECEIVED APR 19 2.023 YAHIVIUU'I h SITE PLAN - SCALE +If18• 111. ® � 4 s \ R R s \ R \ R d d / / sunrun r k160120 R / \ CUSTOMER RESIDENCE_ Q' ELLEN LATOl1R 39 NALDROSE TERRACE, 4 YARMOUTH, MA, 02664 \ TEL (413)47&4565 APN APIJ. YARA4W011&000D28 PROJECT NUMBER: R \ a 223R-038LATO DESIGNER' 1115Y •� CHRI8TL4N ESTARES R SHEET SITE PLAN REV. Al 4112rzo23 PAGE PV 2-a rvvu_��r_+a+r A P P R D APR 2 4 2023 YAFiMOu I h OLD K1NG'S HIGHWAY ROOF INFO FRAMINGINFO Name Type Height Type AR-01 COMP SHINGLE -RLU 1-Stary 2x8 RAFTERS 01 -AR-01 - SCALE: 11P a 1'-0" WSIDled4/17/2023 A27M:301' PITCH: 25' I J-r SEE SITE PLAN FOR NORTH ARROW RECEIVED APR 19 2023 Y Ahfv]UU i rl ATTACHMENT INFORMATION M. DehE Max Landscape Max Landscape Aaax Partm: Max PartraN ConA uregan Span Sparing OC SPadhg Overhang OC SPadnOverhang 9 RLUNNERSAL,SPEEDSEALTRACKON 4, 9' 1' 10" 3'-2" 1'-7 STAGGERED COMP. SEE DETAIL SNR_DCM43G sunrun #110110 CUSTOMER RESIDENCE' ELLEN LATOUR 39 WILDROSE TERRACE, INSTALLERS SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY YARMOUTH, MA 026" POTENTIAL STRUCTURAL ISSUES OBSERVED TEL (4131 47&466a PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WlINSTALLATION. ApN, YARM4MII0400026 'IFARRAY(EXCLUDING SNIRT) IS WITHIN IT PROJECT NUMBER: BOUNDARY REGION OF ANY ROOF PLANE 223R-039LATO EDGES)ExCEPT VALLEYS). THEN ATTACHMENTS NEED TO BE ADDED AND DESIGNER: h15169M=s OVERHANG REDUCED WITHIN THE 12" BOUNDARY REGION ONLY AS FOLLOWS: CHRISTWN ESTARES "ALLOWABLE ATTACHMENT SPACING SHEET INDICATED ON PLANSTO BE REDUCED BY 60%. LAYOUT "ALLOWABLE OVENHANG INDICATED ON PLANS TO BE 115TH OFALLOWABLE REV: Al V1N1023 ATTACHMENT SPACING INDICATED ON PLANS. PAGE PV-S.O APPROVED APR 2 4 2023 YARMOU'i h d � - lv >s- r2 RECEIVED APR 19 2023 r AhMOU V, 120R40 VAC S{NGLE PHAbE SERVICE i; NOTE: TOTAL PV BACKFEED = 20A OMETER EVERSOURCE 2371196 USED FOR INTERCONNECTION UTILITY CALCULATIONS GRID E%ISTINO 1a0A MAIN BREAKER DISCONNECT WITH 125A MAIN \1 1 ENCLOSURE U.N. (N)LOCKABLE BLADE TYPE (N) MA SMART FUSEO AC UTILITY SOLAREDGE TECHNOLOGIES: DISCONNECT REVENUE SE3600H41SSN i NEW 1DOA MAIN METER 3800 WATT INVERTER nlNcrpN Bwt PV MODULES BREAKER 3 � EauvuENT O TRINASOL4R: TSM-390DE09C.07 °�'�• _ �--� DULES ' d+�l (OPTIM2ERS WIREDIN `Y EXISTING 125A 20A Fuses (1)BERfES OF IT 1) OPTIMIZERS MAIN PANEL SQUARE D 240V METER SOCKET LOAD RATED DC DISCONNECT FACILITY D221NRB 100A CONTINUOUS WITH AFCI, RAPID SHUTDONN SOW7EDGE POWER OPTIMIZERS LOADS 3R, 30A 120R4(rVAC MIUTY61DEOTOtItl1fT COMPLIANT CaN cm TO TIP LN65 S440 owes ONE AT TOP UO AT WITOhf) sunrun 0180120 MODULE CHARACTERISTICS 8400 PTIMIZER CHARACTERISTICe: CUSTOMER RESIDENCE: TRINA SOLAR: TSM3900E09C.07. 390 W MIN INPUT VOLTAGE: 8 VDC ELLEN LATOUR OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE: 40.8 V MAX INPUT VOLTAGE: b0 VDC 36 WILOROSE TERRACE, 39 WILD OSTH, T RRAC MAXPOWER VOLTACE: 33.8 V MAX INPUT IBC: 14.5 ADC 026641 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT: 12.14 A MAX OUTPUT CURRENT: ISADC TEL. (413) 4794NO AP14 YARMOXII19000026 9)9TEM CHARACTERISTICS-INVERTERI PRQIECT NUMBER' SYSTEM SIZE. 4290 W SYSTEM OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE: 11 V 223R4139LATO SYSTEM OPERATING VIXSAGE_ 3:0 V DESIGNER: 1415) S�M.a3 MAX ALLOWABLE DC VOLTAGE: 4BO V CHRISTIAN ESTARES SYSTEM OPERATING CURRENT: 11 79 A SYSTEM SNORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15 A SHEET ELECTRICAL REV: Al 4l1212023 PAGE PV-4.0 TMw_�w�•0.1i CONDUIT SCHEauLE Arr"U i CONDUIT CONDUCTOR NEUTRAL GROUND 1 NONE {2)10 AWC3 PV IMRE NONE {1j 10 AWG BARE COPPER 2 341' EMT OR EOUN. 12) 70 AWK3 THHNIftMM-2 NONE S1} 10 AWG THHNrtFMM-2 3 3M' EMT OR EQUIV. )2) 10 A41G 7H1iN/fFfM3-2 11 } 10 AWG THHN7{T75N7�2 (1 } BAWD THHNIfHVNJ-2 RI 'T'411QA APR 2 4 2023 YARMUu + n � ODD KING'S HIGHWAY &WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON LLNEANo LOAD SIDES MAY EIE ENERC12E➢ N THE OPEN PoM jON LA9ELLO TION INVENTER(S). WVDC DLSOONTIECT(S), AC DOMBIN ER PANEL OF AFIR ICABIEI- PER QOOE(S): NEC 2W3. m 13(B). TR 20'l}. 706.15(C) &WARNING DUAL POWER SUPPLY SOURCES: UTILITY GRID AND PV soLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM LABEL LOCATION'. UTILRV SERVICE METER AND MAIN 6ERVICE PANEL PER CDDE(S)NEC M21 70R3D9) &WARNING POLA6i 30LHCJE QUIP V T COx1ECipnl DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE LABEL LOCATION N2lMOENT TO W BREMER AND EW OCPD OF APPLICABLE) - PER COOEfSI', NEC 2050.- 10511IBN2) & WARNING THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES- TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES EXCLUDING MAIN BUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUBBAR LABEL LOCATION' PV LOAD CENTER IIFAPPUCA NY " AND APANEL "NIT UR IIIES 'THE SUM OF BREAKERS RULE•. PER CODE(S). NEC 2O21 TIY 1T(BK3) PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT LABEL LCCLTION'. 1,C gSOONNEOT181, PHOTOJOLTA)C SYSTEM POINT OF INTEROONNECTnLY- PER CODE(B): NEC MS: 6B0.51. CEO = SM54 DRIVEL) APR 19 2023 YAll iVIOU I h /INIP'•IL• LJI^LJ 7 PHOTOVOLTAIC DC DISCONNECT MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE: .7 LABELLCCATION INVERTER)6), DC DISOONNECTISI PER COOS(S)' NEC 2 �D?fOI LABEL LOCATION: INTERIORAND FxTFRIOR DC CONDUIT EVERY 10 Ff. AT EACH TURN, ABOVE AND BELOW PENETRATIONS, ON EVERY JBIPULL BOX CWRAIN INO 0C CIRCUWS- PER CODF{SI' NEC?OZa', 59031(UN2) LABEL LOCATION'. INSTALLED WTNIN 3 a RAFM SHUT DOWA( SVyjMIS.CN PER COOE ML NEC 20Z5, AJ0.MD)M. IFc61 SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN a TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SYHTCH TO THE "OFF• POSITION TO SHUT DOWN Pv SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK RAZARD;N THE ARRAY, LABEL LOCATION, ON OR NO MORE THAT I M ( FT) FROM THE SERVICE UISCONNECTING MEANS TO WNICH THE PV SYSTEMS ARE CONNECTED. PER =OF($)' NEC iO3S.660.12IU) NOTES AND $MuFTCATION3. • SIGNS AND IABELS SWLLL MEET TINE REQUIREMENTS CFTHE NEC 2 AWTICLE 11031(8), UNLESS SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS PRE REDO WED BY SECTION SK OR IF REQUEBTEOBYTHE LOcALP . • SIGNS AND LABELS SHALL ADEOUATELYVWRN OF HAZARDS USING EFFECTNE MOR03, COLIXiS hN0 sY]uBDLS. • LABELS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXEDTO THE EQUIPMENTOR PARING METHOCAND SMALL NOT BE RAND MITTEN. • LABEL SHALL RE OF SUFFICIENT OURABIUTYTO WNHSTAND THE ENIARONNENT IWVOLVED. • SIGNS ANDLABELSSW LCOMPLY MTTH ANS12535 a2pt t, PRODUCT SAFELY SKINS ANOlABF45, UNLESS OTHERVRSE SPECIFIED. • DO NOT CATER EXISTING L4WUFACTLRER LABELS - CAUTION, MULTIPLE SOURCES OF POWER SOLAR PANELS ON ROOF INVERTER (EXT) PV PRODUCTION METER MAIN PANEL (INT) C DISCONNECT SERVICE ENTRANCE 39 WILDROSE TERRACE, YARMOUTH, MA, 02664 PERCO (Sj NECM33: 705.10M A PPROVED APR 2 4 2021, 'r'AHIvtuu 1 rL I 9LID KIN f;'C 1-i!^U,AI t ECOV ED APR 19 Z0r-' t AMMUU 1 r'...,... This updated design shows the solar panel array reduced by 1 panel and moved to the roof plane on the rear of the home. I this configuration the solar panel will not be visible from the public way. Solar panels are black on black with a matte finish. r 6 . Front of home from the public way Wildrose terrace. APPROVED APB 2 4 2023 i YARivIUU 1 r, OLD KINA'.q Wff--L1tA'nv Mono Multi Solutions i VEertex S BACKSHEET MONOCRYSTALLINE MODULE 405W MAXIMUM POWER OUTPUT RMFIV "D APR 1 9 ?0?,3 r AHIVIIJU f r, P ODUCT, TSM-DE09C.o7 OLD KINGS HIGHWAY _ P fl UCT RANGES 390-405W 0"+5w 21,10/o POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY High value JAPIE D ) • More productivity from same roof size. >�p� • Outstanding visual appearance. `� 42023 • Leading 210mm cell technology. LIN fh Small in size, big on power OLDS HfGHWgY ! s • Small format module allow greater energy generation in limited space. • Up to 405W, 21.1% module efficiency with high density interconnect technology. • Multi-busbar technology for better light trapping effect, lower series resistance and improved current. • Reduce installation cost with higher power bin and efficiency, • Boost performance in warm weather with lower temperature coefficient (-0.34%) and operating temperature. 00 Universal solution for residential and CAI rooftops • Designed for compatibility with existing mainstream optimizers, inverters and mounting systems. • Perfect size and low weight makes handling and transportation easier and more cost-effective. • Diverse installation solutions for flexibility in system deployment High Reliability • 25 year product warranty. • 25 year performance warranty with lowest degradation. • Minimized micro -cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology. • Pnsured PID resistance through cell process and module material control. • Mechanical performance up to +6000 Pa and-4000 Pa negative load ! Trina Solar's Backsheet Performance Warranty 1fl6�a 98.0w. ■ Trinastandard 3 90°Po v 84.6% rears 5 IO 15 20 25 Comprehensive Products and System Certificates 0 r -- IEE61215/1EC6173OPEC51701/IEC62716/UL61730 C@w 1509001. Quality Management System Ulm ISO14001: EnvironmentaiManagement System 15014064: Greenhouse Gases Emissions Verification iSO4S001: Occupational Heaithand Safety Management System Tinasolar YertexSIBIACKSHEET MONOCRYSTALLINE MODULE APR 1 9 202? I lihlvluU 1 [1 DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE(mm) OLD KINGS HIGHWAY J 30 1096 Front View 115 Silicon5ealant tfWminate 33 A -A 1096 Balk VieW ❑S 511i[on Sealant Laminate a Frame 154 B-B ELECTRICAL DATA (STC} PeakPOwet Wa1T5-Pa:,(%Vp)' 390 3B5 no 395 40D 405 Power Tolerance-Pux (W) 0 - -5 Maximum PawerVoltage+Vr IV) 33.4 93.6 33.8 34.0 34.2 34A Maximum PowerCurrent-1w,(A) 11.30 11.46 11.54 11,62 11.70 11.77 Open Orcuit Voltage-Vrx(V) 40.4 40.6 4D.8 41.0 41.2 41.4 Short Circuit Cufrent-Isc(A) 12.00 12.07 12.14 12.21 12.28 12.34 Module EBkiet"4On 19.8 20.0 20.3 20.5 20.8 21.1 SIC_-ttyanf?1G3ow1m2,��H TEyrp[ia Ne2�'C, Nt Mass xNl.S, .N%[Uirq [dwacr.S3'h Electrical characteristics with different power bin (reference to 10% Irtadlanre ratio) Total Equivalent power-PMnx(Wp) 407 412 417 423 428 433 Maximum Power Voltage-V-(V) 33A 33.6 33.8 34.0 34.2 34-4 Maximum Power Curtent-IwJA) 12.19 12.26 12.34 12.44 1251 12.59 Open Circuit VGITage-Vor(V) 4D.4 40.6 40.0 41.0 41,2 41.4 ShortOrsuit Currenhlsr(A) 12,92 13.00 13.08 13.20 1125 1336 rvadiance ratio (rear/f ent) 10% P-80axeuy.m'sw. ELECTRICAL DATA (NOCT) Maximum Power-PMnx(Wp) 266 290 294 298 302 305 Maximum Power Voltage-V-(V) 31A 31.6 31-8 31.9 32.1 32A Maximum PowerCurrenblw (A) 9.12 9.18 9.24 9.32 9.3a 9.42 Open Circuit Voltage-Voc(V) 39.0 38.2 38.4 38.6 38.B 38.9 Short Circuit Cunent•tsc(A) 9.67 9.73 9.78 9.84 9.90 9.94 NOCT:4radarxeas BaoN'1m[.Nnhm[Tempcanre20'CMHd50ee41m+s. . CAUTION:RFAD SAFETY AND INSTALLATION I Tr2022inasolar VersiDnnumber.,TSM_NA_2022 As reserved 14.0 12.D 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6,0 � sa 4,0 3.0 zo 1-0 450 400 350 300 250 a 200 3' 0 a 150 100 50 MECHANICAL DATA I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE(400 W) OOOW/m' s00W/m' �400WIW 2Dow/m' 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vohage(V) P-V CURVES OF PV MODULE(40OW) 1000W/m' 80Dw/m' 600W/n' 400W/m' 0 30 20 90 40 50 Voltage(V) So far Cells Monocrystalline Noofcells 120cells Module Dimensions 1754.1096.30mm(69.06x43.15x 1.18 inches) Weight 21Akg(46-31b) Glass 3.2 mm(0.13 inches},nio trarR i,mmr-"war5ungiMrera- Encapsulantmaterial EVA/POE Backaleet Transparent backsheet Frame 30mrn 1l 18 inches) Anodized Aluminium Alloy J-Box IP68rated Cables Photoyahaic TechrmlogyCable 4.Omm' (D.D06 incheS'), Portrait: 3501280mm(13.78/11.02 inches) Landscape: N 1100 mm/P 1100 mm 143.31143.31 inches) Connector MC4 EV021 T54• 'rleasenitr[o reniorvlmraslw.rta spaciMdcorxiactar. TEMPERATURE RATINGS MAXIMUMRATINGS NOCT4ra�r�.r�iGa�.�rg cex r�,xe,an.es 43°C(t2°Q Operational Temperature-40-85"17 Temperature CoerfichmtafPw-0.34%f-C Maximum System Voltage 15OOVDC(iEQ Temperature Co,11kip tof Voc-0.25%rC 1500V DC(UL) Tempetature Coefficient oflsc 0.04%1'C Max Series Fuse Rating 25A WARRANTY PACKAGING CONFIGUREATION 25 year Product Workmanship Warranty Modules per box: 36 pieces 25 year Power Warranty Modules per 49 container. 828 Pieces 2%first yeardegradation 0.55%Annual Power Attenuation h'taaumfero�5�r[wFREUSINAFQ-EROr614 VIf I, ED NSTRUCTIONSBEsuSpeclficatlonsinbjecttochangewithaut notice. I) I h www.trinasolar.com