HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertified Plot Plan oc.107A . 5-9— A 191 if( ' IPEGE1lEO (-6-18-Or) ,QOF iv:u A s o.31 Ac ,i/ '— (,)/. s. ; LOT 196 ••;' =--- -- 118. 58' n. ' ‘.. - - ; ":"' :. ... . . ..* - '-':- -1 1 — Z iQ.3'+ :_ :•s. : ; : , LOT 197 \ 7. • 13,444 ± S.F. 1 i '�' • " ' - (0.31 ± AC.) TONG '±--�o � • _ FOUND. r 112• c Z -: e• LOT 198 ~ c, '---- T.F.=34 ' • } ' ;� , `_ _ ' : \ 52.1'+ �1 +I ........." • • • i - + HIGH POINT ELEV= 30.5' .`/ - - .CAPTAIN - LOTHROP ROAD . . •Poo f$ ,013 I • .: NOTE:TOP OF FOUNDATION IS 3.5' AHOVEy .t • • ••'THE HIGH POINT OF THE ROAD. . JOB ii 00-69 `: 'CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN . PREPARED FOR : :LOCATION : ASES MAP 78 PAR 9 ••# n 2 ?;168—CAPTAIN NICKERSON ROAD REEF REALTY • (ov tco-twO : SOUTH,YARMOUTH 4 4ev+rr3N i SCALE . - 40' . . 1 - mil ' REFERENCE : LOT 197 PLAN BOOK 192 PAGE 1' . 1 =*,�9� ,pI{Iy • I HEREBY CERTIFY,THAT THE STRUCTURE • I JUN 1 3 2001 o ,,� SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SHOWN HEREON. 1�Jo.36859 0 ---------..-' akun4 DEMAREST-MCLELLAN ENGINEERING ! . 414,0„..02. 1 . _ s0 24 SCHOOL STREET P.O. BOX 463 WEST DENNIS. MA. 02670-0463 JUNE 12. 2001 A, IV (508) 398-7710 DATE P•.^ a.�T.NAL LAND Sqk YOR • • PrGirize.D to G IS 3iatta .. . .: PovYf -.o K. c MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN 22-07411 I -:LOCATION:168 CAPTAIN NICKERSON ROAD ", ,-V E u BOSTON CITY,STATE:SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA SURVEY, INC. 1 APPLICANT:CURLEY&CASEY FEB 2$2 d P.O.BOX 290220 CERTIFIED TO. CHARLESTOWN.MA 02129 DATE:08.22-2022 - T(617)242-1313;F(817)242-1818 WWW.BOSTONSURVEYINC.COM q m am' 118.58' _•v\ LOT 196 Z O g m 1 STORY F CO 0 z ) I o r- n �, -oo I j; r— 88.58' CAPTAIN BESSE ROAD L iCNEDym ., APR 9 d 2023 HEALTH DEPT. SCALE:1a=30' FLOOD DETERMINATION REFERENCES AmsdingroFedaalErneWcyManaBmlrnlAg"Cymays,toe DEED REF:34681/312 - -- majorimpinvonevo on thisP'openyfiltinanareadeaignatedas PLAN REF:192/129 �,�E,Pok OFIM ZONE:X COMMUNITY PANEL No.25001C0587J �i� GEORGE � EFFECTIVE DATE:0 711 612 01 4 NOTE:To show en accurate scale this plan must beprinted v C. N} ou le,od',ta jutpm.f7S^a 14°) ( COLLINS 1 tau.1)rt» The perouuenc a rucorrea are approximately looted on the ground as shown. They either conformed to the setback re9)oem®ts / of the local zoning ordinances in effect at the time of construction,or can cxumpt firma violaow ant xenon under /�es Oar, r MOLL Title VL,Chapter 40A,Suction 7,and that are no mcroaehments of major improvoumae across properly linen except as /-- shown cod noted hereon. _— This is out a boundary or title insurance survey.This plan should not be used for construction,recording purposes or vcrifiatlw George C.Collins,PLS of property lines. • 'nag/Wad:d Jo prnogs mid fru tanms aoalmsw apq m dmplmoq v Jou sr s+qt voacq peon p®rump Mon=ou an Isy pm'L oomcS'VD*DIdsoLl'[I'A at1'L TOW vor>_1n.1mooJo a lI aqi Is Pa[ ur saoorgrpm swum ivof�N p.m& w.. . .(- . ary saaoa+wr loammsdogi 10U9[ILO:311:10 3A11O33A3 t'L8S03100SZ'ON 13NVd AIINI1WWO3 X:3NOZ se pairarsap sae!7 uI IIQJ AW daC sw uo sluaaslnundmi lofsw iq3'sdsorrioaUBVIa:IZ18sufjy&mai:mg reopoim8oryroxy IdOLLVNINDE TLIIQ 00071 ►dldVV �h� Existing Dwelling T.a.F.= CELLAR WALL Ex. Invert Elev.=47 SYSTEM PROFILE Not to Scale *NOTE: ALL PIPES ARE TO BE 4" SCHEDULE 40 P.V.C. 3 HOLE H-20 DIST. BOX D—Box cover shall be within 6" of finished grade Existing Grade =49't y S = 0.02' ---_-------------------- - - --- Septic tank covers must be within 6" of finished grade S=0.01'/FT. PROPOSED u 34' 1,500 GAL. H-10 P=46.85' SEPTIC TANK )p=4 P=47.61' P=47.02' 6" OF 3/4"-11/2" STONE 6" OF 3/4"-11/2" STONE Finished grade over sy3tem=2% slope away Existing Grade = 49't One chamber cover shall be within 6" of finished grade END _0111 3/4"—1 %" Double —Washed Stone H —10 LEACHING CHAMBERS 8' ;. O 0 0 3. .. a.s SAS LAYOUT PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE i2' mi"•� One chamber cover shall be 36" moA within 6" of finished yr de C3 C3 C3 0 C3 c 3=C3 C3 C3 00 3/4'-1 " Double -Washed Stone H-10 LEACHING CHAMBERS CROSS—SECTION 2 3 4 5 Q 7 I 11. 12. 13. 14. CONSTRUCTION NOTES Min. 2"-1/8"-1/2" Double -Washed Stone or yeo--fewtile fNter 'Inth ou of SAS Min. Facility Elev. Contractor is responsible for Digsafe notification and protection of all underground utilities, site features and pipes. The septic tank and distribution box shall be set level on 6" of 3/4"- 11 /2" stone. Backfill should be clean sand or gravel with no stones over 3" in size. This system is subject to inspection during installation by Geo-Cape Environmental Consultants. The contractor shall install this system in accordance with Title 5 of the Massachusetts Environmental Code and local Board of Health Rules and Regulations. If, during installation the contractor encounters any soil conditions or site conditions that are different from those shown on the soil log or in the design, the installer shall halt installation and immediately notify Geo-Cape Environmental Consultants. No vehicle or heavy machinery shall drive over the septic system unless noted as H-20 septic components. All piping shall be 4" diameter SCH 40 PVC unless otherwise specified. No wells are located within 150' of proposed SAS. Provide 1 1,500-gal H-10 Septic Tank, 1 DB-3 H-20 D-box and 3 H-10 500-gal concrete chambers by Wiggin Precast or equal. Existing cesspools shall be pumped and removed. The designer is not responsible for undocumented septic components. ALL OUTLET PIPES FROM THE DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL BE 12• -- SET LEVEL FOR AT LEAST 2 FT. CONCRETE COVER I 1 - 5' OUILET — IQIOCKOUTS Is ouneT I 12' INLET s. -Q-B. _ PLAN -SECTION CROSS SECTION 3 HOLE H-20 DISTRIBUTION BOX NOT TO SCALE Double —Washed Stone or geo—textile filter cloth TOD of SAS=47.10t' Invert Elev.=46.30' 24" Bottom of Leach Facility Elev.=44.3 5' Min. (7t' PROVIDED) Bottom of Test Hole Elev.=37.35' D`N EX15�1N� B i A 4 l O o SAS LAYOUT Scale: 1 "=20' CORNERBOARDS TO CORNER COMPONENTS A-1 = 16'-9" B-1 = 55'-1 1 " A-2 = 20'-7" B-2 = 45'-9" A-3 = 33'-4" B-3 = 34'-8" A-4 = 66'-10" B-4 = 18'-9" PERK TEST & SOIL. EVALUATIONI DATE OF TEST HOLE: MARCH 15, 2023 Performed By. MIKE LEARY, T.L.H. EXCAVATION. Witness: PHILLIP RENAUD, HEALTH INSPECTOR Percolation Rate: < 2 MPI IN C1 PERK TEST DEPTH: 36"-54" BEGIN SOAK: 02:55pm END SOAK: 3:10pm TIME 9"-6": 2.5 MIN. USE <2 MPI FOR DESIGN Y a 54 The septic components shall be marked with magnetic marking tape for convenient re -location. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 24 hour notice to the Designer and Board of Health for as -built inspection of the system prior to backfilling. Test Hole No. 1 DEPTH SOILS ELEV. 49.08 7 LOAMY SAND 10YR4 2 48.42 Bw LOAMY SAND 4" 10YR5 6 46.25 C1 MEDIUM SAND 81" 2.5Y7 4 42.33 C2 COARSE SAND 0% GRAVE 2.5Y6/4 120" 39.08 Test Hole No. 2 DEPTH SOILS ELEV. 48.85 LOAMY SAND 10YR4 2 48.35 Bw LOAMY SAND " 10YR5 6 46.35 C1 MEDIUM SAND " 2.5Y7 4 a4.43 C2 COARSE SAND 0% GRAVE 138"1 2.5Y6/4 37.35 NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIR ����HOF q s PREPARED BY: A Perfect Environment PLC G y dba PREPARED FOR G Geo—Cape Environmental Consultants MICHAEL CURLEY A N 100 Independence Drive, Suite 7-623 Hyannis, MA 02601 AT Tel: 774-238-1813 Email: operfectenvironment®gmail.com SCALE: 1"=20' DRAWN BY: TWH DATE: 17 MARCH 2O23 — #168 CAPTAIN NICKERSON ROAD �,� �i�S�E MfTAt�� DATUM: ASSUMED FILENAME: 168CAPTNICKERSON SHEET 2 OF 2 YARMOUTH, MA