1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664
508-398-2231 ext '1261 Fax 508-398-0836
Office of the Building Commissioner
Elena S Rangelova
45 Setucket Rd
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 March 17, 2023
RE: 45 Setucket Rd—commercial use D3 special trade contractor's yard
This letter constitutes a formal zoning enforcement order under MGL Ch. 40A.
Dear Ms. Rangelova,
It has come to the attention of the Building Department that this property is being used for a landscaping business. This
property is located in a residential zone, and commercial uses are not allowed without relief from the Zoning Board of
Appeals. This is a violation of Section 202 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw;
202.1 Application. No building or structure shall be erected and no premises shall be used, except as set forth in the Use
Regulations Schedule, or in other sections of this bylaw. If a use is not specifically allowed, by right or special permit, it shall
be considered to be not allowed unless an appeal is taken under section 102.2.3 and it is shown beyond a reasonable doubt to
be of similar nature and at least no more noxious nor detrimental to the welfare of the neighborhood than a specifically
allowed use.
Failure to comply with the provisions of the zoning bylaw may result in penalties as prescribed.
101.3 Penalties.Any person violating any of the provisions of this bylaw shall be fined not more than three hundred
dollars ($300.00)for each offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
You are hereby ordered to abate and or correct said violations or seek relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals as allowed
by MGL Ch. 40a §7 & §15.You are required to respond within 7 days of receiving this letter. You also have the right to
appeal this decision with the Zoning Board of Appeals within 30 days of this letter.
Question regarding this matter may be directed to this department.
Very Truly,
Tim Sears CBO
Deputy Building Commissioner
Town of Yarmouth
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45 Setucket Rd
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
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c e _. .__...___ _... March 17,2023
Yarmouth Port,MA 02675
RE: 45 Setucket Rd—commercial use D3 special trade contractor's yard
This letter constitutes a formal zoning enforcement order under MGL Ch. 40A.
Dear Ms. Rangelova,
It has come to the attention of the Building Department that this property is being used for a landscaping business. This
property is located in a residential zone, and commercial uses are
dlawthout relief from the Zoning Board of
Appeals. This is a violation of Section 202 of the Town of YarmouthZoning By
.. ., ..,, ..*,.,,,.t„Yo shall be erected and no premises shall be used, except as set forth.►n the