HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 UPS Annual Report by Roux200 Summit Drive, Suite 500 ■ Burlington, Massachusetts 01803 ■ +1.781.569.4000 ■ www.rouxinc.com
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0762.0480M004.100.LR October 28, 2022
Mr. Carl Lawson, Jr. Town of Yarmouth Health Office 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664
Re: 2021 Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License Annual Report UPS West Yarmouth 131 Ansel Hallet Road, Yarmouth, MA 02673
Dear Mr. Lawson:
On behalf of United Parcel Service (UPS), Roux Associates, Inc. (Roux) is submitting this Annual Report for the UPS facility located at 131 Ansel Hallet Road in West Yarmouth, Massachusetts (the Facility). This report provides a summary of activities associated with the Facility’s industrial wash water system and its disposal of toxic or hazardous materials during the reporting period. This report has also been prepared in response to the reporting requirements set forth in the Facility’s Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License and covers the period between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2021.
Based on information provided by UPS and as a result of complications arising from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as higher-than-usual employee turnover, pressure testing of the wash water holding tanks and piping system was not performed in 2021. Further, test results for all circuits, monitors, probes, alarms, traps, and systems have not been certified by a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.). UPS has been made aware of these issues of non-compliance and has made efforts to avoid similar non-compliance issues for the 2022 reporting year. Specifically, compliance with the Yarmouth Board of Health requirements have been escalated at a corporate level to better manage and ensure proper testing, inspections, and monitoring are performed. Additionally, UPS has retained an environmental consultant, Roux, to assist with regulatory compliance.
Industrial Wash Water Holding Tanks and Piping System
The Facility includes floor drains that capture fluids, principally vehicle wash water that drains on to the interior floor of the facility. The fluid captured in the floor drains flows by gravity and is pumped to two 5,000-gallon wash-water double-walled holding tanks located inside the Facility. The double-walled tanks are situated within lined rubber membrane concrete vaults. Various monitors, probes, and alarms are located throughout the wash-water system to control pumps and prevent overflows.
Fluids stored in the wash-water tanks are removed on an as-needed basis for off-Site disposal by a licensed waste hauler (typically annually). The operation and maintenance protocols also include annual tightness testing of the storage tanks, piping and inspection of the floor drain trenches, traps and associated mechanical systems. To Roux’s knowledge, and based upon information provided by UPS, the tightness testing was not performed in 2021.
During this reporting period, UPS conducted routine (i.e., monthly) inspections of its wash water holding tanks and piping system. The routine inspections include testing the system’s monitoring console, tank fill manhole, interstitial/vault sensors, vault sumps, floor drains, oil/water separator, control console, well motors, tank gauge manholes, and vent pipes. Based on the findings of the routine inspections, the inspected systems were observed to be properly functioning. Documentation of these routine inspections is provided as Attachment 1.
As previously noted, certification of the pressure testing of the lines and wash tanks by a licensed P.E. was not performed during this reporting year.
Mr. Carl Lawson October 28, 2022
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Trap Maintenance
Traps associated with the holding tank system were visually inspected by UPS and/or contracted personnel on a routine basis (i.e., monthly) during the reporting period. Trap maintenance is performed
on an as-needed basis based on observations from the routine inspections. The following table provides a summary of trap and associated system maintenance performed during this reporting period.
System Maintenance Log
Date Maintenance Description Quantity
01/27/2021 Floor Drain Sediment Removal 207 gallons
05/03/2021 Oil/water Separator (OWS) Sludge Removal 130 gallons
07/27/2021 OWS Sludge Removal 648 gallons
10/26/2021 Floor Drain Sediment Removal 293 gallons
The sediment and sludge removed from the floor drain and OWS was disposed of as non-hazardous waste The associated documentation is provided as Attachment 2.
As previously noted, a visual inspection of all trench drain channels by a licensed P.E. was not performed during this reporting year.
Reportable Spills
According to UPS, there have been no reportable spills or leaks (i.e., greater than one gallon) of toxic
or hazardous materials at the Facility during the reporting period.
Hazardous Waste Management
Damaged materials, or individual packages containing regulated materials typically up to five gallons, were shipped off-site for disposal during this reporting period. The following table provides a summary
of the waste shipment from the Facility during the reporting year. The associated hazardous waste manifest is provided as Attachment 3.
Hazardous Waste Removal Log
Month Waste Description Quantity Receiving Facility
April 2021 Damaged Materials Waste 94 pounds Veolia Technical Solutions, Flanders, NJ
In addition to the above, based on information provided by UPS and as summarized in the following table,
vehicle wash water was pumped from the Facility’s holding tank system on two occasions in 2021. The associated wash water removal documentation is provided as Attachment 4.1 Based on the available
documentation, the wash water was received at the Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Facility.
Wash Water Removal Log
Date Quantity
08/21/2021 7,619 gallons
10/28/2021 4,000 gallons
1 The October 28, 2021, wash water tank pump-out was noted on the November and December 2021 monthly inspection logs. However, UPS has been unable to verify the accuracy of this note and has not been able to find supporting documentation that water was removed.
Mr. Carl Lawson
October 28, 2022
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ROUX │ 0762.0480M004.100.LR
If you have any questions regarding this Annual Report, please do not hesitate to contact the
undersigned at 781-569-4000.
Kyle Varela, EIT
Project Engineer
William Hansen, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Nancy Nevins, LSP
Principal Geologist/Office Manager
Attachments: 1: Monthly Inspection Documentation
2: System Maintenance Documentation
3: Hazardous Waste Removal Documentation
4: Wash Water Pump Out Receipt
cc: Fernando Martinez, UPS (email)
Taniya Brandon, UPS (email)
2021 Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License Annual Report UPS West Yarmouth 131 Ansel Hallet Road, Yarmouth, MA
0762.0480M004.100.AT-CV ROUX
1. Monthly Inspection Documentation
2. System Maintenance Documentation
3. Hazardous Waste Removal Documentation
4. Wash Water Pump Out Invoices
2021 Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License Annual Report UPS West Yarmouth 131 Ansel Hallet Road, Yarmouth, MA
0762.0480M004.100.AT-CV ROUX
Monthly Inspection Documentation
2021 Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License Annual Report UPS West Yarmouth 131 Ansel Hallet Road, Yarmouth, MA
0762.0480M004.100.AT-CV ROUX
System Maintenance Documentation
Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest
For transportation and disposal of non-hazardous waste only. Use two copies of this form. Copy 1 is filled at the generator location. Copy 2 is given to the transporter.
Generator Information
Name:United Parcel Service Inc.
Address:131 Ansell Hallett Rd., West Yarmouth, MA, 02673-2500
Description of Waste 1: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
x Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 01/27/21
Containers:Number:5 Type:Total Qty:207 Unit (wt/vol):gallons
Description of Waste 2: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 01/27/21
Containers:Number:Type:Total Qty:Unit (wt/vol):
Description of Waste 3: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 01/27/21
Containers:Number:Type:Total Qty:Unit (wt/vol):
Generator Statement: The wastes listed under this consignment are not hazardous, as defined in regulations promulgated by the state of MA, and that the type wastes and
quantity(s) indicated are accurate.
Print Name:Mike Gminder Signature:Date:01/27/21
Transporter Information
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material
Company Name: Northstar EnvironmentalAuthorized Company Representative: Tracy Miller
Address: 417 North Blythe Street, Gallatin TN 37066Phone: 615-451-4867
Transporter Statement: I acknowledge receipt of the above listed waste and will transport and dispose of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Print Name:Iman Green Signature:Date:01/27/21
Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest
For transportation and disposal of non-hazardous waste only. Use two copies of this form. Copy 1 is filled at the generator location. Copy 2 is given to the transporter.
Generator Information
Name:United Parcel Service Inc.
Address:131 Ansell Hallett Rd., West Yarmouth, MA, 02673-2500
Description of Waste 1: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment x Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 05/03/21
Containers:Number:1 Type:Total Qty:130 Unit (wt/vol):gallons
Description of Waste 2: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 05/03/21
Containers:Number:Type:Total Qty:Unit (wt/vol):
Description of Waste 3: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 05/03/21
Containers:Number:Type:Total Qty:Unit (wt/vol):
Generator Statement: The wastes listed under this consignment are not hazardous, as defined in regulations promulgated by the state of MA, and that the type wastes and
quantity(s) indicated are accurate.
Print Name:Mike Bonanno Signature:Date:05/03/21
Transporter Information
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material
Company Name: Northstar EnvironmentalAuthorized Company Representative: Tracy Miller
Address: 417 North Blythe Street, Gallatin TN 37066Phone: 615-451-4867
Transporter Statement: I acknowledge receipt of the above listed waste and will transport and dispose of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Print Name:Iman Green Signature:Date:05/03/21
Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest
For transportation and disposal of non-hazardous waste only. Use two copies of this form. Copy 1 is filled at the generator location. Copy 2 is given to the transporter.
Generator Information
Name:United Parcel Service Inc.
Address:131 Ansell Hallett Rd., West Yarmouth, MA, 02673-2500
Description of Waste 1: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment x Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 07/27/21
Containers:Number:5 Type:Total Qty:648 Unit (wt/vol):gallons
Description of Waste 2: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 07/27/21
Containers:Number:Type:Total Qty:Unit (wt/vol):
Description of Waste 3: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 07/27/21
Containers:Number:Type:Total Qty:Unit (wt/vol):
Generator Statement: The wastes listed under this consignment are not hazardous, as defined in regulations promulgated by the state of MA, and that the type wastes and
quantity(s) indicated are accurate.
Print Name:Vivian Signature:Date:07/27/21
Transporter Information
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material
Company Name: Northstar EnvironmentalAuthorized Company Representative: Tracy Miller
Address: 417 North Blythe Street, Gallatin TN 37066Phone: 615-451-4867
Transporter Statement: I acknowledge receipt of the above listed waste and will transport and dispose of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Print Name:Iman Green Signature:Date:07/27/21
Non-Hazardous Waste Manifest
For transportation and disposal of non-hazardous waste only. Use two copies of this form. Copy 1 is filled at the generator location. Copy 2 is given to the transporter.
Generator Information
Name:United Parcel Service Inc.
Address:131 Ansell Hallett Rd., West Yarmouth, MA, 02673-2500
Description of Waste 1: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment x Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 10/26/21
Containers:Number:0 Type:Total Qty:0 Unit (wt/vol):gallons
Description of Waste 2: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment x Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 10/26/21
Containers:Number:0 Type:Total Qty:0 Unit (wt/vol):gallons
Description of Waste 3: (Check one only. For Multiple wastes use addional description sections below)
x Interior Floor Drain Sediment Oil/Water Separator Sludge Clarifier
Car Wash Drain Sediment Septic/Holding Tank Solids Other ______________________________
Date of Most Recent Waste Characterization Profile: 10/26/21
Containers:Number:5 Type:Total Qty:293 Unit (wt/vol):gallons
Generator Statement: The wastes listed under this consignment are not hazardous, as defined in regulations promulgated by the state of MA, and that the type wastes andquantity(s) indicated are accurate.
Print Name:Alex henault Signature:Date:10/26/21
Transporter Information
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Material
Company Name: Northstar EnvironmentalAuthorized Company Representative: Tracy MillerAddress: 417 North Blythe Street, Gallatin TN 37066Phone: 615-451-4867
Transporter Statement: I acknowledge receipt of the above listed waste and will transport and dispose of in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Print Name:Iman Green Signature:Date:10/26/21
2021 Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License Annual Report UPS West Yarmouth 131 Ansel Hallet Road, Yarmouth, MA
0762.0480M004.100.AT-CV ROUX
Hazardous Waste Removal Documentation
2021 Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials License Annual Report UPS West Yarmouth 131 Ansel Hallet Road, Yarmouth, MA
0762.0480M004.100.AT-CV ROUX
Wash Water Pump Out Invoices