HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Commissioner Decision 03.14.23 BLDS-23-004992TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 Office of the Building Commissioner Shrim Inc 553 Route 28 West Yarmouth, MA 02673 RE: 553 Route 28 — sign applications BLDS-23-004991, BLDS-23-004992 Dear Mr. Patel, March 14, 2023 I have reviewed your applications dated March 9, 2023, for the signs on the end of buildings. The size of proposed signs exceeds what is allowed by section 303.5.5.2 of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. 303.5.5.2 Singly Occupied or Co -branded Business Location. Two (2) single face signs per establishment may be attached to opposite or perpendicular walls of a building. The height of attached signs will not exceed two (2) feet. The length will not exceed one-third (113) ofthe length ofthe wall ofthe building to which the sign is affixed. In no instance is the square footage to exceed sixty (60) square feet per sign. It is the determination of the Building Department that the entire area shown in the picture for application BLDS-23- 004992 meets the criteria of a sign as defined in the Zoning Bylaw. Sign Any physical symbol which is intended or designed to identify, advertise, or promote a product, service, business, or the name, ownership identity or control ofapremises. This shall include all physical symbols which in any way relate to the business or activity conducted or sought on the premises, and which are visible to or are intended or likely to attract the attention ofpersons who are not on the premises where the business or activity is conducted or sought I regret to inform you that your applications have been denied for the above reasons. You may seek relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals as allowed by MGL Ch 40a §7 & § 15. You also have the right to appeal this decision with the Zoning Board of Appeals within 30 days of this letter. Very Truly, Tim Sears CBO Deputy Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth TOWN OF YAR MOUTII BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1 146 Route 28, South Yarniouth, VIA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 SIGN Date MAR 0 9 2023 BiJ1L I S1V KfN- ION Permit No. 5-Z Z Applicant Instructions BY. — 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application form is required for each type of sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit number. 3) Applicant shall attach a separate 8 ''/2"x I I" sheet including two diagrams: A) Design, dimension and colors of the proposed sign(s) B) Freestanding Signs: Indicate location of the proposed sign(s) with setbacks from property lines that are at least 6 feet. Attached signs: must show running footage of portion of building frontage occupied by business. Location / Address for proposed sign(s) _5-5-3 lWnvfC., R8. (x) •,/4r+matiA, A44- 0247 Assessor's Map -Lot -Zoning District: B 1 B2 133 Res Hist.Dist Name of Business for proposed sign(s) 1 M IJC Name(s) of Business owner(s)_ H RIS H CF'ArEQ, 4--- -I�AMWI ' .4 Mailing Address of Business owner(s) /4 n r- e j K-/ -62671 Business Owner(s) Phone: Business - 775:- 5400 Home -2 17-$19- SO 7 Name of Building Owner(s) A M& As A p YE, Phone Sign Builder I Z) , Sign Materials Sign Builder Address ���D . Phone Internal Light�A . External Light ' n Freestanding Sign(s) Size of proposed Freestanding Sign: Attached Sin(s) r Size of proposed Attached Sign: �� • rJ x 17.1 t Ha fJ WrE.R IO R R tp eJ Temporary Sign(s) Size of proposed Temporary Sign Dates of proposed Temporary Sip: Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application I